OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is looking like another gorgeous day. I'm having lunch with my retired teacher friends. It's always a good time. Then, I'm tackling my house! I really need to dust and organize. Things are getting out of hand quickly.

    My brother went to a pain management clinic. They are going to try a different type of time release pain med. I hope it works for him. I'm not sure about when the MRI will happen. Sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get anything out of him. Very frustrating.

    I got to Facetime my Chicago grandchildren on Sunday. Penny is going to be a hyena in The Lion King, Jr! I'm definitely going to see her perform. Sunday afternoon I went to watch Jillian and Cole play soccer. Both of them were in a "mood" and wouldn't acknowledge my presence. I attributed it to the games were around their nap time. Sunday evening, the phone rang and it was Jillian and Cole calling to apologize. I was proud of Greg that he had them do that. It wasn't necessary, but I'm proud of his and Carrie's parenting! They are taking a trip to Disney World this weekend/next week. I'm happy they are making memories for their children.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, it has been a long day here. I was up at 5:30am to take BIL for his oral surgery. Finally got him back home at 1pm. My sis asked me to drive across town to pick up her prescription for her pain meds. So I did only to be told I was not listed on her profile so they could not give me the prescription. Then I found out that she had pain pills to last her another couple of days and her husband can pick it up tomorrow. I was a bit on the furious side, felt like I had been taken advantage of by her. I don't mind helping out but she knows I have been mom's eyes and car driver of the past month or more. The waiting room denizens were a very strange lot. Let's just say one of the ladies told me her recipe for Bologna stew! Another lady was going around the room, person to person, with cellphone in hand forcing each one to look at the pictures of her children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and all the info about each one. I was so glad to get out of there I left my coffee cup behind. Glad to have this day done. I need to do laundry but just don't have the energy, maybe later. I have clean workout clothes for tomorrow so I am ok for now. Edd had an Arby's sandwich for me when I got home.....not sure what it was but it was nasty. The best part was the onion rings and the bun. I won't tell you what the rest was cuz I couldn't identify it. Would love a nap but I know it would only make me feel awful so I will opt for an early bedtime.

    Bert, glad your brother is in a pain clinic and pray they find the right combo to keep him pain free.

    Cindy, I understand you "turtling" as needed. You are dealing with a very stressful situation, just wish we could all be there to hold you up, hug you and lend our shoulders for whatever tears you need to shed. Hope your girls are helping you. Will be eager to hear about your hypnosis experience.

    Janet, hope you are resting up for your lunch with Rachel. Are we still on for Monday at the Brewhouse, 11:15 right? I hope Paula gets her van fixed so she can join us.

    Karla, what are you up to today?

    Need to rest my mind
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi - Been very busy so will read tonight, respond tomorrow. (My dinner with Rachel is tomorrow.)

    Last night one of my best friends called in distress (she's better today), and sleep was spotty, but I have had a very productive day here, including an unexpected call from my ex, which was rather intense (he is stuck, still depressed and whatever the opposite of resilient is. Just one of those days, but I feel honored that my friends feel they can turn to me. Tired - bedtime shortly. Hugs.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies- Tonight I'm going to start clucking like a chick- just kidding.
    But I did some poking around on the guys website and he advocates eating more low gylicemic foods- guess I need to dig out my old book- to find better choices etc.
    I'm really excited and glad I'm doing this for me.
    Janet- you have the biggest heart and people turn to you because you're the best. I'm glad others feel as we do here.
    I'm sorry the ex is struggling- it's difficult. But his reaching out is a teastment to you - he must respect your opinion.
    Need to run- I have to a PSA for the United way at the radio station early- that's always fun.
    Love to all
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I actually have a day at home! I'm looking forward to it. I'll straighten the house, shred paper (it's a mess!), and do other things I have put off! Tonight is choir practice, but that's it. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all, this week is just flying by and next week is shaping up to be more of the same. So excited to have my nephew coming on Sunday. He will be staying until Friday I think. He will have to work during the day so I won't feel bad leaving for some scheduled activities while he is working, like meeting Janet for lunch, taking mom shopping and flu shot, meeting with a lady who wants me to do some painting for her and getting some gym time in. May take him to TRX if he is interested. Edd is going to Memphis with his son to pick up a motorcycle on Monday and will be back Tuesday. Not pleased that he is going with my nephew just getting here but didn't get a vote. Will see if my nephew wants to go to the cabin Friday. He wants to see the Ark and the Creation museum in KY on the weekend. Today I need to hit the grocery, do laundry and clean the RV so my nephew has some privacy.

    Janet, I only hope your friends give back to you as much as you give to them. You are a wonderful listener and great friend. I pray hearing from your ex didn't mess with your head. I always have time for you if you need a sounding board or just an ear. YOU MATTER, never doubt that.

    Cindy, cluck on my friend. You amaze me with all your talents. Hope you are finding time for your book. Mom was talking about her early years when she was married to her first husband and I kept seeing it as a Lucinda Race story. It has all the elements. I wish I wrote as well as you so I could tell her story. It is quite a fascinating story from the mid to late 40s about a 16 year old running off to marry a young man just returned from the war who is emotionally damaged from his life and his experiences in the war. Maybe some day I will give it a go. Good luck tonight.

    Bert, enjoy your day at home and your choir practice. I was so impressed with your grandkids calling with the apology. Great parenting and grand parenting going on.

    Mar Lynn, hope you and Myron are well and enjoying your corner of paradise.

    Karla, things ok with you? Bet Glenn is really loving having a football wife. I was so glad when Edd became a football husband. I know my mom and dad really got into football and now she has lost interest except to follow the scores. Her eyesight just makes it too hard to keep up. She can now read with the magnifying glass without the light. Baby steps but for her they are giant leaps. Just wish she hadn't waited so long to tell me when her vision started to fail.

    Time for the gym.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all.

    Cindy- Great to see you and sounding upbeat.

    Janet- You are a joy and very supportive to so many . But Patti is correct, you are important and need to lean on others too. Like her, I am always here!!

    Patti- Please think about doing like I am. Get one of those inexpensive blank journals and write down all those stories about your mother! They are priceless and I bet Susie would love to read it. You know men and motorcycles!!

    I've been busy working and doing things with family. Christmas will be here before you know it! Have many thing bought and ideas in the making.

    Better run.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Sorry for the absence! Could not get logged in recently, but now have caught up. We have a series of big storms happening, so that could interfere with electricity again soon. Take care!
    Love you all!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Girls-
    I am a fat burning machine and I'm stoking it up with low glycemic foods-
    It was a great experience other than the supplement push- which I didn't purchase. It wasn't required but of course and extra revenue stream for them. I would suggest giving it a try if you have any interest. Now that I've paid the $50 I can return any time for reinforcements and many people there are successful losers and continue to return which will free for all subsequent visits.
    I need to go shopping and stock up on some better choices.
    I have a craft fair tonight from 5-9 and tomorrow 10-1 so hopefully will sell some books.
    The sadness with Rick continues to slide down the slope- which I'm powerless to control. He's issues are preventing him from really being an active participant in therapy- I can't change his mind- only he can.
    I am working on book 7- as yet untitled and Emily is working on book 6.
    Patti- maybe someday we could collaborate on your mom's story- all novels are based in fact. :)
    Need to get busy as I have to leave at 4 today :) to be Lucinda.
    See you all soon and sorry for no personals but I've read all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today I'm having lunch with the office staff at my former school. I enjoy getting together with them. I'm also inheriting Greg and Carrie's yippy Pomeranian for several days while they are on their family trip to Disney World. They've been planning the trip since February. Molly tolerates the dog, but it's very High Maintenance. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Cindy, so glad your experience was positive and that you are working on your version of PM. Still feel so heart broken for your situation but know you will work on your marriage as long as he will let you. Hope he finds the inner strength to look at his issues so he can resolve them in time.

    Bert, enjoy your lunch. Time with friends is so valuable.

    I made it to all my classes this week. Taking time off sure takes its toll, even just a 2 week hiatus requires recovery time. I am so worried that they will soon be cancelling my classes. If there are not an average of 7 participants per class each month the class will be cut. TRX is safe but the circuit and Pilates/Zumba classes are right on the edge. So bummed about my Broncos poor showing last night, hope they can rally with their next game. Laundry is all done. I had all the linens from last weekend to do and have been putting it off. Next up is grocery shopping, so not my favorite thing.

    Janet, can't wait to hear how your dinner with Rachel was. I know you ladies chatted the night away. So looking forward to our lunch.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, my friends,

    I hope that this Friday morning finds you well rested and ready to take on the day ahead, with all of its ups and downs. An honest answer to this common dilemma can surprise us ladies.

    We really DO need to get our "beauty sleep", as we can get so easily caught up in a whirlwind of obligations and desires that can too easily blow us way off course. I'm reminded of my Mom telling me that "some days are diamonds and others lumps of coal". With studies now pointing to a decent sleep at night as so crucial to our overall well-being - including a return to our healthiest weight - we still find ourselves demanding more of our bodies and minds, while continuing to expect positive results from personal measurements. Our fragile and finite forms are not designed for non-stop abuse of any kind and they rebel. While we usually remember to ensure that our electronic devices are re-charged regularly, it seems to me that we often neglect the valuable effects that a deep sleep provides to us freely. As we gracefully advance in years, this precious shut-eye may become more elusive than ever. I wonder how many folks in the "pre-electricity" or "pre-technology" eras struggled with BMI or body image?
    Who finds this evident in their own life today? What will you do to help yourself sleep well? Perhaps freshly laundered bed linens does it for you? Perhaps meditative reading and prayer? Perhaps forgiving ourselves (and others) for falling short of our expectations?

    We have a gift. We just need to unwrap it.

    May your unique unwrapping bring beautiful results!

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Here is one link about sleep benefits that you may find interesting too.,,20459221,00.html
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike is taking me out for breakfast this morning, and then I'm heading to church to make our lives easier when putting up the Christmas decorations in the sanctuary. Will check in later. Have a great day!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop. Finally have a Saturday in town so am able to go make cards with my friends followed by lunch. Then have a wedding at 5:30 for my DILs brother. Tomorrow my nephew will be here for a week. So happy to see him and I know we will have some long, philosophical discussions. He has to work during the day so I am free to keep all my appointments. Lunch, dentist, time with mom and meeting with a lady that wants me to do some painting for her. Invited my nephew to join me at the gym. He declined on the TRX but may come and do some weights. If not, Edd can entertain him for a bit.

    Mary Lynn, thank you for your words of wisdom and for always inspiring me with your thoughts. Luckily sleep is one of the things I do very well. It wasn't always so. Working 7pm to 7am in ICU made me quickly figure out a way to learn to fall asleep fast and stay asleep as long as I could. I still have a rare sleepless night but knowing I never have more than 1 at a time makes it easy to deal with. My heart breaks for those with insomnia, I do not function well without my precious sleep. The other thing is, I always have such fun dreams that I look forward to the entertainment my brain provides for me.

    Bert, I love breakfast out. Edd does not like breakfast food so I only get it when we travel. I always try to find a Cracker Barrel.

    Time to head out. Talk later. Happy weekend. The weather her is supposed to be beautiful just like all of you
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member

    MaryLynn, I love sleep, though it isn't always my friend these days. If I'm awake for 2+ hours during the night, which happens at least four days a week, I try to sleep in a bit. Hope your storms aren't too awful. Good luck.

    Patti, see you at 11:15 Monday -- can't wait! Glad you get nephew time, which is good for all.

    Cindy, hope the event today is fun. Having your writing and these events happening now has to be a small respite from your stress.

    Bert, glad Mike took you out to breakfast and that you finally had a Bert day. Please try to work more YOU time into your busy schedule of giving. Let us know how your brother does with the new pain meds.

    Karla, I grin each time I see that pic of Izzy with the princess.

    Suzi, what's up for your weekend?

    Myra, is the smile coming back?

    Dinner with Rachel was great fun -- we laughed and talked (chose a restaurant where I knew we could sit). Because her meetings didn't start until noon yesterday, we also went to breakfast. She's a sweetheart and it was a treat to meet one of the many reasons for my weight loss success so far.

    Trying to get things done -- lots of interruptions here. My friend who was in crisis early is feeling better. I was indeed blindsided by the call from my ex but have it pretty much in perspective and won't get sucked in to being the place he goes to dump all his whatever. Been there. Not again. This does not diminish my love for his parents.

    Gotta get away from computer now, Have a great day! Love to all.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies!

    Great to read and catch up on happenings in all of your lives; it's my favorite way to start the day! So much more to learn in life and you are such articulate, gentle and encouraging teachers. I've learned that we are truly stronger together. I've learned to be more forgiving of myself when I stumble; it's not the "end of the world". I've learned that I needed female friends like you.

    We are expecting another rain and wind lashing here on Vancouver Island later today. Walked around the property this morning - between raindrops - to check for fallen trees and pick up anything that might pose a problem with the coming remnant of a typhoon in the Pacific. While we have had candles set ready, along with flashlights, we have fortunately dodged the bullet on power outages. With so many huge trees on the island, this is a miracle for us here. Some of our summer and fall clearing and hauling were in preparation for this season of storms, so we shall see the effects of our efforts this fall/winter.

    Due to the anticipated outages, I prepared a huge turkey vegetable soup from thanksgiving leftovers, along with a large mixed veggie salad. I'm actually having some salad for brekkie! This would NEVER have happened before and I'm amazed that it is what I craved this morning. While I certainly have discovered a lurking desire for sweetness, I'm enjoying a variety of food.

    Though there are many ways you all contribute to sweeten my life, here are just a few of them:

    Loved the way the crab cakes turned out - thanks Patti!
    Loved the squash meals - thanks for the inspiration Janet!
    Loved the Project Me visualization containers (4 coffee beans so far) - thanks to you Karla! Loved getting more involved with our local church and will become members - thanks Bert!
    Loved discovering such a talented writer and getting to watch her develop - thanks Cindy!
    Loved the stories and beautiful landscapes captured by a gifted photographer - thanks Suzi!
    Loved the ready humor and positive outlook on the daily life in a young family - thanks Myra!

    Love you all,
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Sorry for the absence this week I've been oddly, unusually busy on a week I'd been looking forward to being low key. Oh well, I got the main project done that I wanted to while Dave was gone - the seasonal clothes shuffle. Also got some cleaning done in the junk room - you can actually see the floor in there again!

    With many more meals out than usual, and some not too great choices, I was up a pound this week at WW. My challenge to myself this coming week will be to switch back to smart points and track everything. I've done well with my tracking. In fact, it's become so ingrained in my subconscious that I can't go to sleep if I realize I've forgotten to write anything down - good, bad or ugly. My second challenge to myself is to be sure to get back here and to my other WW FB group daily. I have a short work trip overnight Monday and all day Tuesday to facilitate an employee planning session. My plan is to stand and wander from group to group most of the day. Standing more and sitting less are WW's behavior of the week. Some pretty startling statistics - my leader said the latest studies equate sitting to smoking as a health risk.

    More later...
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, SO proud of you for committing to tracking! We know that's been a struggle in the past but you're having great success and tracking is part of that -- YOU are the real reason though. Don't worry about that pound -- a lot of eating out can do that.

    MaryLynn, hoping that if you and Myron have a romantic, candlelit night, it won't be because the power's out. Heard there were tornado warnings in Oregon, which is highly unusual. And you are SO right -- when we stumble, it's far from the end of the world as long as we don't allow it to become the stepping stone onto a path of self-indulgence and questionable choices. Heaven knows I'm the voice of experience!

    We ARE stronger together. Without online support from women who have become dear friends, I'd still be over 200 and far less comfortable in my skin. I love you ladies a lot. We live and learn together so much better, because we can share tips and support. We're all in the same boat, rowing in the same direction, and the boat moves faster because we're a team.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    OK, so I really THOUGHT I read everything I'd missed before I posted earlier, but apparently I missed a whole page. Probably sleep deprivation, MaryLynn! Thanks for the article - I'll read it. I'm one of those frequent insomnia people. Never was an issue for me until after the hysterectomy. It's my primary menopausal symptom, so I need all the advice I can get.

    Patti - that's such great news on the improvement in your Mom's eyesight! I laughed out loud at your story of the waiting room escapades on your BIL's doctor visit. Some of the things people will tell perfect strangers in medical office waiting rooms just absolutely floors me!!

    Janet and MaryLynn - you're both so right! We need our girls!

    Thanks, Janet, for the kudos on my tracking. I am pretty proud of myself. I've tracked Smart Points today and here it is after supper and I've still got 2SP's left. Tomorrow will be a bigger challenge. Lunch out probably at my worlds favorite burger joint. Hopefully we'll get to eat at home tomorrow night before we go the the Thunder game. YAY!!!! BASKETBALL SEASON!!!!!
