OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    I can't believe I forgot to tell you guys. I'M GETTING A PUPPY!!!!! A 14-week old rat terrier. Hoping to pick him up in about 3 weeks. Dinky's gonna be a big brother. It took me a while and some negotiating to convince Dave, but it's really happening!! One of the concessions I made was to let Dave pick the name. He will be Ellis. I'm not crazy about it, but I don't care about the name as long as I get a puppy! I still miss Laci so much and hopefully Ellis will provide a much-needed distraction.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Suzi, I have missed you while you were gone. You are my tracking role model. I have been out of the habit for far too long and really need to get back to it or I will never get this weight off. Congrats on the new puppy. I think Ellis is a fine name. I have never named a puppy before I met them. I had one of my dogs nearly a month before I found a name that fit her. I believe they have names before we get them, we just have to figure out what it is, lol. By the way her name was Sheba and she certainly was the queen in our manor.

    The wedding was odd at best, very disorganized. Held at the bride's sister's home. To sum it up her sister lives in a huge and ritzy home, even has a built in coffee/cappuccino maker with it's own filtered water supply in a kitchen that is larger than my kitchen, dining room and living room combined. Unfortunately they don't have the breeding or manners to go with their high dollar surroundings. The wedding was outside, they only had enough chairs for less than 1/2 their guests and the wedding started nearly 30 minutes late. The invitations requested everyone arrive by 5pm with the wedding to be at 5:30. The wedding party was set up on the main level porch/balcony and the guests were set up on the lower level patio. The bride did not mingle with the guests until near the end of the reception. The best part was that we knew a lot of people and had a good time catching up with them. They ran out of food before 1/2 the guests were served and had to order pizza. I took a slice to go on my way out since I was one of thos who did not have anything to eat. Oh well, we did our duty and I know the groom was happy to have us there to celebrate his day. The cutest thing was their son who is 4 came down the aisle carrying a sign that said "Daddy here comes our girls". Right behind him was his 16 month old sister and then the bride. Glad to be home and in my sweats, lol. Had a wonderful day making Christmas cards and having lunch with my girls so I think it all evened out in the end.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I so enjoy reading and being apart of such an intelligent and diverse group of ladies devoted to our health and our families as well as each other. I so look forward to reading and catching up on what is happening in each of your lives. Thank you so much for sharing! It means the world.

    Suzi - congratulation on the new addition to come. I was just thinking the other day that I too, would be getting another pup when something happens to Brutus. He will be 14 in 3 months and his seizures have gotten closer together, but daily he is in no pain, but poor dear is almost totally deaf.

    Patti- What a poor planned wedding, but that is some young people today! I know you are looking forward to your nephew's visit as well as lunch with Janet. Enjoy!

    Mary Lynn- Glenn and I share the same comfort level as you and Myron and we have only been married 11 years. Souls that were meant to be together entwine like that. What do you two do during the cold season? Outside pit fires? We don't have much of a cold season down here, but when we do we enjoy wearing the jackets and scarves. Rarely do we get to wear gloves.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, Ellis will have a great home and I bet Dinky will quickly grow to love him too -- he's not used to being and only dog.

    Patti, what an odd wedding. No words for the thoughtlessness all around.

    MaryLynn, I've seen lots of footage from the Pacific northwest and hope you are OK.

    Karla, I love gloves! Actually looking forward to wearing them (it'll come as no surprise that I have too many).

    Will be offline most of the day but wanted to say hi. See you all tomorrow, after lunch with Patti!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Dave and I did some work this morning on a boat trailer out at the lake where the sailboats live. We stopped for lunch at my world's favorite hamburger joint that has absolutely AMAZING homemade, hand-breaded onion rings. That'll take most of my bonus points for the week, but it's so worth it and I don't get it but once every 2 or 3 months at the most. Since we had lunch out, we'll just grab a sandwich or something quick at home before the basketball game tonight.

    Time for nap now, I'll chat later.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Having a quiet day here. Watched my Bengals lose so done with football for this week, lol. Had a nice long chat with our friend Paula. She has rejoined WW and I invited her to stop by here some time. She got her disability in Jan and that has helped a lot. Her mother is still living with her and things are getting pretty difficult for her. I gave her my best case manager advice and hope some off it helps. My nephew won't be here until around 10pm. He was in PA at a state park and wanted to spend some time enjoying all of fall's beauty. So excited to see him. Looking forward to lunch tomorrow. Check back after that.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi ladies,

    Was chatting with Patti today on fb and realized how much I miss chatting with everyone. I joined ww again to try helping me stay on track. I do much better having to weigh in with them watching. Liking their new plan alot. Was down 8.2 pounds in first two weeks.

    Life is still hectic, but as you all know, if my life wasn't hectic it wouldn't be normal. Really looking forward to getting to know the new faces and catching up with everyone else. I might not log on every day but I'll be here.

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Was chatting with Patti today on fb and realized how much I miss chatting with everyone. I joined ww again to try helping me stay on track. I do much better having to weigh in with them watching. Liking their new plan alot. Was down 8.2 pounds in first two weeks.

    Life is still hectic, but as you all know, if my life wasn't hectic it wouldn't be normal. Really looking forward to getting to know the new faces and catching up with everyone else. I might not log on every day but I'll be here.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi Paula - Good to see you here!! I loved your recent picture on Facebook with your hair darker. Congrats on the scale victory!!

    TT: My most constant habit continues to be checking in here with you ladies and not giving up on myself. My biggest challenge continues to be being consistent with tracking and healthy choices when stress hits my life.

    I have an early dental appointment for crown work, so I will check back later.

    TT#2- my mini goal is to track every bite this week. Even though I am going to my dads for three days, no excuses!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! It's a beautiful day today. Our local Covered Bridge Festival started this past weekend and continues until this Sunday. I personally stay away from the areas, but many people come from all over the US to attend. The bridges are beautiful, but most of the areas have turned into Flea Markets and Yard Sales in outlying residential settings. I'm sure attendance will be up today as many schools are on fall break and it rained yesterday.

    Patti: I love Cracker Barrel. We wend to a local restaurant called Delish Cafe. The breakfast was definitely delicious! The wedding sounded interesting.....can't imagine the bride not mingling with her guests and running out of food.

    Janet: I'm so glad that you got to have lunch with Rachel. I enjoyed her entries and getting to know her. I love this group, too!

    Mary Lynn: Our minister and his wife took a vacation to Vancouver.

    Suzi: I'm not much of a sitter, but I find myself sitting way to much in the late afternoon. I need to focus on more daily exercising. I'm battling knee pain and my back muscles get tense, hince the sitting. I'm with you with the sleep patterns. I flop all night long.....thank you Menopause! :o)

    Paula: Welcome back! This group of ladies is amazing! I feel like I've known them all my life!

    Karla: Enjoy your time with your dad. Good luck with your crown work.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    edited October 2016
    Karla, good luck at the dentist. I hope it is a pain free procedure. Yeah I went darker with my hair, I like it alot. Little Izzy is as adorable as ever.

    TT: My most constant habit is pretracking my day. My biggest challenge is not sticking to it after dinner.

    TT#2- my mini goal will be to have plenty of free snacks on hand to help me stick to this.

    Had a rough night, woke up at 3 with horrible hip pain, took some meds at 6 and just woke up again. I'll get moving and stretch it here in a few.

    Really bummed I can't do lunch with Patti and Janet, my van isn't running the best and don't want to drive it that far. Next time for sure.

    With the holidays upon us, Halloween parties, candy, treats, then Thanksgiving, which is easier because it's only the one day but then comes the Christmas cookies, candies, parties etc. Then New Years, and superbowl. What are you planning on doing to get through the next few months unscaved?
    My plan is to keep busy and stay away from the food/sweet tables, really enjoy myself but control myself. For the main meals I am doing the fill my plate with the lowest point veggies and meats and take a tablespoon full of the things I truly want so that I don't feel deprived. Sorry I keep talking points lol. I know you ladies aren't on ww, old habits die hard.

    "Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain."
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Bert, we cross posted. The covered bridge event sounds awesome. I'm sure it will be busy with the fall holiday for the kids. I'm with you on the sleeping, this menopause insomnia is no joke.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, a wonderful lunch, as always with Janet. We chatted like magpies and all too soon it was time to head off in our opposite directions. Fortunately the weather was gorgeous and I could ride with the top down. So blessed that we live close enough to get together when we can. Praying Paula can join us next time. My nephew got in about 11pm and we were up until after 1am getting caught up on his mega road trip. He left CA on Memorial Day and has been living out of his jeep, staying with friends and family and camping his way across the country. He found some really beautiful parks with awesome scenery and waterfalls in PA that I now want to visit on our next motorcycle trip. We are going to pick up a pizza and go visit mom when he gets off work. Told her I was coming and bringing a mystery guest. So she will have all day to try and "guess who is coming to dinner"

    Paula, so glad to have you back with us. Loved chatting with you yesterday and hope I gave you some good advice to help with things at home. Let me know if you have any questions or if there is anything else you need help with.

    Karla, so glad you have a nice visit planned with your dad. Any special occasion or just a good time to spend with him?

    Bert, love covered bridges, southern Ohio has so many of them. We did a Porshe run to see about 12 of them one fall. Sorry they have commercialized them. Just gums up the traffic.

    One more thing about the weird wedding. The bride's family has posts lots of pics on FB and not one of them included a single picture of anyone from the groom's family. I am insulted for them. His sisters traveled from CA and NM to be there. So rude but not totally unexpected.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hi Girls-
    I'm here- but getting a nasty head cold I think- The hypnosis has me on a great track- low glycemic and I haven't craved any junk food or sweets since Thursday night- even over the weekend I opened the freeze to get green beans, saw the klondike bars and had no desire to indulge.
    Meg is down 4 pounds already- I'm not weighing myself for a while as I want to concentrate on good food choices- I feel great- slightly empty but never starving.
    I've read all but no time to post to everyone-
    Paula- so glad you're back with us- you were missed.
    I'll be back tomorrow.
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hi again ladies,

    Patti, so glad you guys enjoyed your luncheon. I will go next time for sure.

    Cindy, hope your head cold gets better quick. Eating healthier should help it too. It's great to be back even though I'm doing a different plan. I really missed chatting with everyone.

    Long day for me, I borrowed my sisters car to run to the store but mom wanted to go so I had to get her showered, then she wanted to go eat. We went to applebees, I made good choices and tracked before I ordered. Then we went to the store, got a few things needed to keep me on plan, she was complaining that she was having some pain so I called her doctor and made an appointment. Drive home to put groceries away and off we went again. We were way early so stopped at frischs because mom wanted pumpkin pie and coffee. I got a fresh fruit bowl and water. Went to the doctor and she got cream and a diflucan and now I'm finally home. Really glad I put dinner in the crock pot early this morning
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    It's just been nonstop calls since I got home from great fun with Patti.

    Paula, I don't mind driving up your way so next time we'll pick a place very close to you! So glad you're joining us here. How are Diego and Alex?

    Karla, how did the dentist go?

    Bert, also not a crowd person but I bet the bridges are lovely this time of year.

    Cindy, wow -- great going for both you & Meg so far!

    Patti, always a joy!

    Suzi, what is this "sleep" of which you speak?

    TT: I am most consistent at having healthy stuff and not too much shouldn't-have stuff in the house, but ...

    TT2: Mini-goal is to make decent choices eating out and to track everything. I've done well so far this month but today I'm HANGRY, maybe because of the oyster crackers I had with and after lunch (tummy was flippy so needed them, but hunger has stalked me ever since).

    Just found out a good friend is here for a conference and we'll have dinner tomorroww. Yoicks - lots of eating out ... and Katrina is a foodie so I need to think of a Louisvillian type place that also won't break the bank (she ate at the fanciest foodie place in town tonight).

    On my way back, polce & fire had the other side of I-71 at a dead stop due to an accident. The backup was 4 1/2 miles and growing, on a stretch with many miles between exits and fences running along each side of the median. It had obviously been going on for some time because a lot of people were out of their cars and there was a group of teens playing frisbee in the median. Said a silent prayer for those involved.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good early morning friends. So nice to see so many happy posts here and such honesty among us.

    First, the dentist fiasco. Once I finally got there!! On I-10 there was an auto accident, I relate with you Janet, backed up for a few miles, then I finally get on I-65 and it is backed up for a few miles due to construction, only to find out my dental appointment was WEDNESDAY!!!! What was I thinking?? I look in my appointment note and sure enough, there it is, noted for Wednesday, they couldn't take me so I just rescheduled for next Monday. They couldn't work me in because my crown wasn't even in yet. I can't get over to my Dad's soon enough for some relaxation and visit. I am leaving Wednesday midday, staying until Friday afternoon.

    Patti- So very glad Janet and you met and had such a good time. I know you magpies were chatting and laughing away!! You will be happy to know I have relaxation and fun planned with my dad, although I will be going to the courthouse to record the life enhanced deed, we plan on just hanging out. I am also going to bake him a homemade chicken pot pie. I want to visit a couple old friends too.

    Paula- I know you will adore Janet when you get to meet her. So glad you are back with what works for you. Are you able to get on the WW boards the new way? I have tried several times and not successful. I do meet on a Facebook board from my old pals still. They have had a time with the new boards too. How are Diego and Alex?

    Suzi- It is going to be in the 50's this weekend so we will need some cold weather recipes. Do you have anymore yummy man recipes for me from you family archives?

    I better go and finish typing up the last of the legal docs for dad. I am so looking forward to going over there.

    TT: How are you doing on your mini goal? Did you name one for the week?

    TT#2: When was the last time you took a tape measure to you body?

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Its Tuesday here of my short week- I got 7 pages written yesterday in the new book and feeling good about my PM-
    TT1- I'm consistent with drinking water and I no longer drink any soda of any type.
    TT2- Mini goal- to continue to do my 10 min self hypnosis and stay focused on low glycemic. I'm not worried about portion size as it seems to be taking care of itself with fresh fruits and veggies making up so much of each meal- that I do crave.
    If anyone has the slightest interest check out Michael Patrick seminars- it was very reasonable cost and may help enhance your personal plan. They will be back in town in January, which is now free for me and I am planning on going for reinforcement time.
    Karla- is the crown finished yet?
    Paula- so glad you're officially "retired" How is the family overall?
    Suzi- so happy you're getting a new fur baby. Ellis is a cute name and I'm sure he'll be a great traveler.
    Patti- those people were very rude, money doesn't buy class, obviously.
    Bert- How are the student teachers this year?
    MaryLynn- I didn't realize Vancouver was an island- how cool
    Janet- you are blessed with wonderful friends who know your true self and love you for it. Has she seen the slimmer you yet? What fun. enjoy
    Need to run but sending smiles your way
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. One more warm day, and then it's cooling off. I'm planning to stain the bottom of the pool deck as the guy I hired didn't do that. I think he ran out of paint. So, I'm off to Menards this morning to get the stain and then will attempt at getting it done before the cool weather comes.

    Patti: I'm wondering how the marriage will be as the previews are interesting. The bride needs to include her husband!

    TT#2: I haven't taken a tape measure to my body in a long time. Today might be the day. I'm so frustrated at the scale number; however, I know I'm not doing well eating healthy. Yesterday was a pretty good day except for my church ladies' group where peach pie was concerned. I need to get more focussed.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good morning ladies,

    Karla yes I get on the ww board. It's completely different now, there's not a topic thread people just post. It's called connect now, it's like everyone is so supportive ww related or not. Alex and Diego are good, getting big. Adilynn, my sons daughter is a twin of Mateo when he was younger. What a day for you yesterday, all the traffic to find out you had the wrong day lol I'm sorry it's not funny but it's something I would totally do lol

    Bert, good luck with the pool deck. I'd be calling the guy asking why it dormir get done especially if it was in the cost of it, however, look at the exercise you'll get