OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Home from the cath lab and have my patient fed and back in bed for his 2nd nap since we got home. I'm doing laundry, mixed up some trail mix, doing some supper prep and just sat down to watch some of the Thunder's pre-season game. Yay! Basketball season is just around the corner!! This year, in addition to our OU women's season tickets, we also share in a pair of Thunder season tickets.

    Dave's angio went well and doc will decide whether he needs more stents or not once he compares last year's pix to this year's. we're keeping our fingers crossed - this is the first time Dave's come out of the cath lab withOUT the doc immediately telling us he needs more stents.

    Patti thanks for your thoughts on my "analysis". At this point I'm wondering if I don't just need a swift kick in the pants. Maybe it's just time to put on my big girl panties and get on with it??? Ok enough pants analogies. Sounds like you've got a bunch of work ahead of you for the yaya weekend. I'm sure it will be worth your efforts and everyone will have a ball.

    Karla - glad you and Glenn liked the SW Stew. Have fun with Miss Izzy-bug!

    Cindy - I'm really curious to hear what you think about the hypnosis and hoping for a wonderful outcome. You need some stress relief, my dear.

    Bert - love that! I think I need to adopt "suck it up Buttercup" to my situation!

    Janet - where are you? All OK? Are you an organization machine?

    MaryLynn - I hope you're outdoors having a beautiful adventure. I once ran almost right into a bear on a trail at Big Bend while tryin to get a picture of a bird. There were signs posted everywhere telling you what to do if you encountered a bear or a mountain lion and it was exact opposite from one to the other. In the moment I panicked and couldn't remember which was which. Luckily Dave, who was just slightly ahead of me, looked back from the next switchback and saw what was going on. He very calmly and quietly told me what to do and on we went. The bear couldn't have cared less about me - he was busy rooting through the leaves looking for other food.

    Time to switch the laundry. I'll chat with y'all later.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Here's another recipe that I just added to the family cookbook. It's one I got in the departmental newsletter at work a couple weeks ago and tried this week. It's definitely a keeper!

    One Pot Cheesy Taco Rice


    1 - 1 1/2 lbs very lean ground beef
    1 yellow onion, diced
    1 tbsp. olive oil
    1 1/2 cups uncooked instant brown rice
    1 tsp cumin
    1/2 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp garlic powder
    1/2 tsp chili powder
    2 cups chicken broth
    1 (14 oz) jar salsa
    2 cans corn
    1 can black beans - drained and rinsed
    1 cup diced fresh tomatoes
    2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
    1 avocado, peeled and diced
    1 green onion, chopped


    Cook ground beef and onions in large skillet.

    Move beef and onions to one side of pan and drizzle olive oil on the empty side. Add the uncooked rice and toss around to briefly toast it.

    Stir in the spices, chicken broth, salsa, corn and black beans. Bring to a boil, reduce hear to low, cover and cook for 18 minutes or until rice is tender and liquid has been mostly absorbed.

    Stir in 1 cup of cheese until melted.

    Use remaining cheese, tomato, avocado and onion to garnish when serving.

    Number Of Servings: 8

    Preparation Time: 30 minutes


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Suzi- Glenn said to tell you he loved that SW stew again today for his lunch. This new recipe sounds very interesting too. Prayers for good news on the heart cath.

    Patti- I know you will have a great time with your YaYa's this weekend. Doing the scrapbook stuff too will be exciting too. I'm not sure you will like longer hair after having it so short for so long, but your hairdresser is a true gem.

    Janet is busy with service people at her home. Her housekeeper and carpenter in the garage.

    Izzy and I have a casual fun day planned for tomorrow . I need to have my toes done so we will work that in. She loves to shop and I need to pay on my grandkid layaway too. But a lazy morning we will have and maybe make some pancakes with strawberries.

    Prayers to people in the path of this strong hurricane!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Getting my stuff together for the weekend. I love these women with all my heart. They make me laugh, they make me cry, they make me think and they are always there for me no matter what. I remember being so worried that we would lose touch when I retired but we spend more time together than we did when we worked together. We have been through the best and the worst together and I pray that it never changes.
    Stripe removed and style chosen. Going for a chin length layered bob. Eventually may go a bit longer and then get a perm. One of the hairdressers just had her hair permed in the style I want so I have the perfect model for mine. I have had every style in the book over the years from short to long and straight to curly at every length. Just like changing things up.

    Karla, thanks for letting us know Janet is ok but busy.

    Suzi, praying that no stents are needed this time. You are such a good nurse. Sounds like you are enjoying getting your recipes together. Thanks for sharing.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi, all -- MIA has been due, quite simply, to overload. Have read all and my heart rises at all the good things going on for each of us (Cindy, that includes your resolve and the hypnotist).

    Patti, the 17th is good for me (can't do the 19th). Would love to see you -- and eager to hear what your hair whisperer recommends.

    MaryLynn, you and Myron lead a charmed life. Please don't get eaten by a bear! Crab cakes are fun --

    Cindy, you are so strong -- what goes into your mouth is something you have more options for and your focus is admirable. Hugs. You have me thinking about hypnosis again too.

    Karla, glad the biggest part of the crown is done, and hurray for Izzy Time! Hope you can rest up more very soon after the whirlwind of the last couple of months.

    Bert, I think your presence spurs your trainee teachers to excellence. Glad Mike had his test and things went well.

    Suzi, we've all had that sort of a fall from grace on ou5 plans. My take -- part of us keeps telling ourselves subconsciously that it's Just Not Fair that other people get to eat what they want at will and we can't do that consistently. Ever. So we rebel, try to prove that because we've done well, we deserve and can handle it, and boom. It's stinking unfair -- and always will be. You tracked it all and that speaks volumes. So glad you'll get to see the Thunder live a lot this season.

    I do believe we all need to assess what weight is reasonable for each of us to achieve and maintain. Not what someone else -- including doctors -- says. We need, want and deserve to live and eat well, but unlike some we need to pick our times of indulgence and pick our battles. I'd love to weight about 120-130 forever but know I would likely never be able to reach that, let alone maintain it if I could. It's not about a NUMBER (on a scale or clothing label) but about feeling good in our skin and confident in the world -- not perfect, but OK enough with ourselves that we can think about other stuff more often.

    I have been back on the nutritional beam for five days. It's a start and temptation calls all the time but if I can resist more often and fall less deeply, ...

    Carpenter is making good progress and hopes to be done middle of next week. House got cleaned -- my cleaner has also become a friend. I've been feeling a bit maxed out because so may friends' different stories have all hit Big Stuff at the same time and I want to do my level best to be available and supportive to each one; that's very important to me. But it has taken a lot of energy from an introvert who requires downtime to recharge. Friday thrugh Sunday should help with that -- no serious obligations. Will grocery shop tomorrow or Friday so I caxn have a day or two at home and hope for quiet time. And maybe do some cooking.

    Big hugs to all -- being absent from the board NEVER means I'm not thinking of each of you (Myra, you too!) many times each day.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, totally understand radio silence when you need to step back. Would you like to meet in Florence at BJs Brewhouse for lunch on the 17th. We have one here and I have been very pleased with their food and service. They have a very eclectic menu with plenty of light choices. Just let me know or if you want to meet somewhere else I am fine with that too.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    BJ's sounds fine -- we have one here but I've never been -- what time's best for you?
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    They open at 11 so anytime after that works for me. I chose the place, you choose the time. Sounds fair to me, lol. Will be so nice to sit and chat with you again. Funny how life keeps getting in the way of us getting together more often.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I just lost my post- clicked a key and shut the browser window.
    Suzi- I'll keep Dave in my thoughts for NO STINTS- so glad his heart is going strong. I think as women with extra curves we see ourselves in a different way and are in comfortable zone. If we get to goal how will others see us, will it draw unwanted attention, will people watch us in restaurants if we choose to over indulge or whatever. Its all a head game. But recognizing it is the first part of the battle- you will overcome this perceived wall and move around it if you can climb over.
    Karla- enjoy Izzy time- these memories will last her a life time. When do you and Glenn plan on retiring?
    Patti- Where is the cabin located in Ohio? Have a great time with your ya ya's
    Janet- sometime cocooning is necessary and taking care of ones home provides us with a safe haven when the world can be tough. we're here when you are too - enjoy time with Patti.
    MaryLynn- Did you use Patti's crab cake recipe? How did they turn out?

    I myself am holding steady- having some deep thinking to do and what direction life will take me. Rick is dealing with horrible depression, anxiety and paranoia. He has lost all trust in me and we are in counseling. Despite what he has said,that he doesn't believe I would ever do anything, he can't shake the fear that I might. This fear and mistrust has been eroding the foundation of our marriage. Without trust there is no basis on which to rebuild what we have lost.
    I share this with you today as I've been struggling for over a year with this and it has really beaten me down. We are together all the time, working in the same building, and spending all off hours together so I have no idea when I would have found the time to become a cheater. And it is not who I am- I honor vows.
    So long story short- it will be determined in the next few weeks if he wants to work on this issue he has, or decide we should go our separate ways. The sad thing is- he thinks this is my fault and isn't taking responsibility for his lack of trust in me.
    It broke my heart on Tuesday when he said, I don't trust her, despite the fact as I know she wouldn't do anything.
    How do I fight something like this? I'm at a loss.
    Sorry to be such a downer so early in the morning but just needed to get it off my heart.
    Hugs to you all

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm working at church again this morning to help set up for the biannual rummage sale. I'm not a fan of rummage sales, but it does make money for the church and my good friend is in charge.

    Suzi: Hope Dave's test comes out ok. I have horrible sugar cravings, too.

    Karla: I'm glad you enjoyed your stew. Enjoy your day with Izzy.

    Patti: I've changed my hairstyle as well. I have natural curly hair. It's a challenge at times. One side lays the way I want it, and the other side does what it wants to do! Just like people! I've had many hairstyles. I decided to grow it out for a while as I've had very short for a long time. Good luck.

    Janet: I agree with you totally; however, just like hairstyles, we aren't satisfied with the way we look. I can't seem to shake the weight I'm currently at. I'd love to shed 10 lbs, but I know I'm not following a totally healthy diet. It's difficult planning and cooking two separate meals, as Mike won't eat what I need to eat. It's always been a challenge for me. However, I just need to "suck it up Buttercup" and do just that if I truly want to be successful.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy- My heart sank and shivered and took me back in time. That is exactly what I dealt with in the late years of my first marriage. We went to counseling for a year on it. My husband's father was a cheater and he always feared I would do it. Like you, I would not, and did not. The mind and depression is a terrible thing. I would be glad to talk to you this weekend if you have any quiet time. I'm so sorry dear.

    Patti- I know you will totally be in your element. Enjoy!!

    Bert- Helping friends is a good thing.

    Izzy and I are going to the movies today to see Storks. We watched the trailers to it last night. I love her big belly laughs. So like her Nana.

    Working on legal docs for my trip to my dads next week.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! It's gonna be hairdryer weather here again today. High in low 90's and hella-windy. There's a reason they call October Oklahoma's "second storm season". Sho'nuff we've got storms predicted overnight. No tornado talk, just thunderstorms.

    Cindy (((BIG HUGS))). You come here to vent anytime you need to! Bless your heart! Trust is so essential to any type of successful relationship and is especially so for a successful marriage. If you're in counseling with him, you're doing all you can and you can take pride in that fact no matter the eventual outcome. You've been in my thoughts and on my mind over the past week or so, now I know why and you'll remain there.

    Karla - have fun with Izzy! Children's laughter is truly a joy to behold.

    Janet - I apologize for fussing at you while you were busy and needing radio silence. You continue to amaze me with all you're getting done in your home while still dealing with some health and mobility issues. You're just plain awesome! You're also exactly right about the "it's not fair" feeling. It's NOT fair, but we can't change that fact. All we can do is change our actions and work on our inner thoughts in reply to that feeling. Personally, I enjoyed nearly 40 years of being one of those people who could eat whatever I wanted and never gain weight, now I'm experiencing what it was like for literally everyone else on earth, let alone the people in my life and family. Deep down, I truly believe there are many more people in my current category than there were in my prior category. Not all who are trim and fit looking remain there without effort - most, in fact, expend a lot of effort to remain there. That all being said, you make an excellent point about making an informed decision regarding what is our personal ideal HEALHY weight and that it doesn't matter what the number on the scale or the clothing label is. The only numbers that matter are those in our medical records - blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, etc.

    Bert - you are a true treasure to your church!

    Waving to Patti, MaryLynn and Myra. I need to get my morning Dinky walk in and hop in the shower. I have a lunch date with my BFF!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, my heart is breaking for you. I know it took a lot of courage to share your troubles here. Thank you for trusting us with your heart. It sounds like Rick needs more intensive counseling in addition to your couples therapy. This is not your fault as you have given him no reason for the mistrust but I know you are feeling guilty for it none the less. I am always available if you need to talk, text or email. You have dealt with this alone far too long. I hope the counseling helps him and that you both find your way back to the trust and love your marriage was built on to begin with. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. never apologize for airing your troubles here. We are all here for each other, through good times and bad.

    Getting ready to leave for the Yaya weekend. Doubt you will hear from me until Sunday
    Loving hugs to you all for whatever you need
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Izzy and I are off for some fun. Movies, Cracker Barrel and maybe, maybe if I am brave, ToyRus. I have to drop her off at the Dance Studio at 4.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited October 2016
    Patti, hope you have a weekend after whicch your face hurts from laughing! How about 11:45, a notch ahead of lunch rush but after morning commute?

    Cindy, my heart aches for you. Like Karla, that was my struggle with Tony for several years. Men have such a difficult time with illnesses or conditions of any sort -- our culture tells then to "be strong," but mental/emotional issues do not indicate weakness. You are strong and are doing all you can. Praying for you and we're all here if you need us!

    Suzi, any word on Dave's test? Hoping no more stents. Oklahoma - where the wind comes sweeping down the plains!

    Karla, going to movies with kids is so much fun -- looks like a cute movie. Best of luck with the B'ham eye doc in the morning.

    Bert, you are a natural-born helper. And you'll benefit your church while having friend time.

    MaryLynn, is the air crisp up there? Still getting hot & humid here but nice to know it will pass soon.

    My hair used to be very thick and wavy but the thyroid mess caused me to lose most of it, so my style options are very limited - even shorter and layered would be a problem. Could be ever so much worse though!

    Have been refraining from eating early in the day again and it really does seem to help me. Had a bigger-than-usual lunch salad with turkey and actually feel full at the moment. Am going for consistency and trying to listen to my "I hafta" side instead of the "I don't wanna" side.

    The carpenter won't be here tomorrow (surprise birthday party for his mother-in-law, who has cancer), so I am hoping to stay in bed later -- have been up, showered and dressed before 8 every day in case he needs to ask a question or use the restroom.

    Will try to check in later.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my seminar at SMWC. I don't have any student teachers for their second placement, but have to attend anyway to get paid. (sigh)

    Cindy: My heart breaks for you. You are doing all you can do. My first husband cheated. I wanted to try to make it work by attending counseling. He wanted no part of it, as his mind was made up. My point is that you can't change what someone believes unless they are willing to accept the help, not matter how painful it is. You know the truth. I am where I am today with God's help. Mike and I have been married for 32 years.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Wow! After afternoon temps in upper 80's - lower 90's all week, we woke up to 51 + cold north wind this morning. As Will Rogers once said, "If you don't like Oklahoma's weather, just wait a minute".

    I tried something new this morning. After yoga class, I did a tai chi class. Not at all what I expected. I thought it would be kinda like karate or something, but this was all very slow, coordinated movements designed to improve balance. The jury's still out on whether I'll continue going or not as I think I may get more benefit from either weight training or water aerobics which I switch off doing while Dave's in spin class after yoga. When we got home, I took Dinky for a chilly, blustery morning walk, so most of my exercise is done for today.

    Back later.....

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies - Up to Birmingham am back today. God report from the doctor. Off the antibiotic drops and weaning slowly off Pred drops, back in a month.

    Suzi- Stretching annd Yoga is so good for our bodies as we age. I simply MUST get back into some form of it. My life has been tipsy turvy since March. With this Eye thing behing me and other crisis slowly down some, I promise myself I will take care of me.

    Cindy- I am still praying and thing about you. How did the Hypnosis go? Was that today? I will be around the home all day tomorrow. Please call me anytime.

    Janet- I hope you get he down time you desire this weekend.

    We are going to the homecoming game for Chloe, our 16yo Grand daughter. We are resting now and will watch her marching band.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hi -- Have cobbled seven on-plan days together to start October.

    Karla, happy for your eye progress. What a big thing to have put to rest. Sounds like your post-op care routine is standard stuff, like mine. So relieved after all the issues that eye has given you since the shingles hit.

    Suzi, stretching is good. It's one thing I can do (generally not while standing for long). Tai chi looks fascinating and is healthy for you.

    Cindy, good luck tomorrow! Hope you sell books and make new contacts.

    Bert, hope the seminar was at least interesting. So sorry for what you endured many years ago but you and Mike found each other and put the awfulness to rest because he's a standup guy.

    Ran errands, including a decor store porch sale. Bought a giant gold wishbone to sit out at Thanksgiving. My mom had a wishbone fascination and I still have her little goldtone wishbone brooch and wear it every Thansgiving somewhere on my person. It was a really bad back pain dayfrom the get-go, so took a painkiller as soon as I got home, which didn't touch it, then a muscle relaxer, which got me pretty loopy but also let me sleep for an hour. Much better tonight -- going to have a bedtime muscle relaxer to try to prevent whatever happened in my sleep last night. I can stay home tomorrow if I choose.

    Wishing everyone a good weekend!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early to head to church for the last day of the rummage sale. It's $2.00 bag day. Whatever people can put in the bag, they can have it all for $2.00. Then, it's packing things up for a charity to pick up the leftover items not sold. It's a chilly 43 degrees this morning!

    I'm not sure what to do with my brother. He's still experiencing pain and doesn't have the motivation to get anything done that we discussed. I have to admit I'm aggravated at him as he needs to get things done for his family, so they will have a sense of direction. He's the type of guy that wants people to do things for him and is satisfied by procrastination. I'm the total opposite which causes a strain in our relationship. I'm so hoping that the MRI will get schedule to see what is causing the pain.

    Have a great day, everyone!
