OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Back later. Watching OU/Tex-*kitten* football. Wanted to share a pic of me and Jessi from the wedding she was in a couple weeks ago. I'm very seldom happy with pix of myself, no matter what my weight is, but really like this one. bu34rdkpmrxk.jpg
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, great pic of both of you!

    Bert, so sorry your brother is being so passive. Sometimes people with serious illness are propelled into depression -- has he been screened for it? I know several people who coped with medical challenges better with the gift of antidepressants.

    Cool and breezy here -- have some windows open even though it's a little chilly. Nothing like crisp fal air.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to a beautiful Saturday here in the deep South on the Coast. Matthew continues to pound away on the East Coast delivering wind and water. I have friends in Orlando, my niece in Tampa, a good friend in SC that I have been keeping in touch with.

    Janet- Yes, it is unbelievable that I can see and have this part behind me. I still have to deal with the dryness, but not having that glaze and blurriness coming from the left side is so very nice. I don't have to wear that shield taped to my eye anymore, thank goodness, that was really irritating my face.

    Bert- So sorry to hear of the first husband's infidelity. Wow, it is so rampant. My mother cheated on my father, time and again, and it is a very sore subject for me and deep-seated.
    I will say they were married 19 years the first time before she strayed when he was in Vietnam, they divorced for 10 years, they remarried and were together until she passed for 20 more years. My father never stopped loving her, as George Jones put it. Even now.

    I have my grocery list ready and Izzy and I are heading out. Tonight we are going over to my BFF for football and friendship. I am finally becoming the Football wife Glenn has dreamed of. lol.

    Below is a picture of Izzy with an Azalea Trail Maid at her sister Chloe's football game last night.

    Yes, I picked the purple one to match Izzy's outfit. lol

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    WOO HOO ME! We're headed out to dinner with friends and I'm rocking my new tall black boots and skinny jeans. Even after my epic 66-point sugar meltdown earlier in the week, I was down 0.2 at WI this morning. I swear y'all I'm a sho'nuff tracking convert! I have laid in a supply of quick, easy healthy snacks for myself while Dave's gone fishing next week so I won't be so tempted by other things, especially since I have several meals out scheduled for the week, too.
    More later,
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, you rock! Bet you looked great. Tracking helps - when I stop being meticulous about it, that's when I hit trouble.

    Karla, that pic is so cute. How did we guess the purple was deliberate? Love how the parasol echoes the hat. That shot's a keeper.

    Cindy, how was the indie author session at the library? You looked lovely in the pic you posted. Dang, I have atttractive friends!

    Stayed in here, watching stuff on DVR & doing laundry. Made roasted sweet potato wedges and cooked four ghost acorn squash (white exterior, white flesh -- mashed them & seasoned with Hidden Valley so it'll be like having mashed potatoes but with more fiber). Prepped strawberries to marinate in balsamic with a bit of Splenda too. Still have two butternuts and a spaghetti squash to do and plan to make more chicken soup as well.

    This article on seasonal weight patterns in several countries was a good reminder that we all need to start planning to enjoy the holidays (starting with Halloween) without going overboard.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's brisk this morning, but this is the weather I love! Jillian and Cole have soccer games this afternoon. I didn't get to see them last week as I was traveling back from NC. Dan texted yesterday and said that Dylan made the winning goal in his soccer game and "chest pumped" his friend who passed the ball. It was the last 90 seconds of the game! I'm so proud of my kids and grandkids! Both boys are so involved in their children's activities as Mike and I were when they were young. It's so wonderful to see your children grow up to become great husbands and fathers. Lindsey is trying to get pregnant. I so hope she's successful as she and Justin will make fabulous parents.

    Our church made $1,400 for the fall rummage sale. It's a lot of work, but is profitable for the church to help meet financial obligations.

    My brother's friend is supposed to come today to set up his studio so he can work from home. He definitely needs something else to think about. I keep after him to get things done as I think it is essential that he plan for the future.

    I need to get ready for church. Today one of our members will be talking about her medical internship to Cuba. She is a great young lady, and I'm looking forward to her talk. She has grown up in the church and is now a medical student. Have a great day, everyone!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited October 2016
    Well, I promised more later yesterday but didn't get back to it. We had football overlap! The OSU game overlapped our departure time for dinner out with friends and we didn't get home until late. Best news was that my new boots are really comfy - even more so than my others that I've had for several years.

    Bert - I bet watching the grands play soccer is a true joy! I can't wait for those days myself. Jeana and Chris are at long last talking about trying to get pregnant soon, so maybe I won't have too much longer to wait.

    Janet - Dang, girl! That's a bunch of squash you've got cooked up! Would you share some recipes or meal ideas, please? I like squash, but my squash cooking skills and ideas are extremely limited.

    Karla - super cute pix of Izzy-bug, as always!

    Time for laundry, coffee and paper here. Indoors, though. It's pretty chilly out this morning.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Got home a bit ago from a wonderful weekend. We laughed, we cried, we talked and we ate. We watched Central Intelligence with Kevin Hart and the Rock. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Not for the kiddos but if you need a good adult laugh fest I highly recommend this one. Finished the scrapbook I took to work on. Read all your posts. So much good news shared. Back in the swing of things tomorrow. Taking mom to the eye doc for her next injection. Then she wants to go to Chik fillet, Fresh Thyme and Aldis. Everything after the eye appointment is subject to how she is felling. Wednesday I will be taking BIL for his full mouth extraction, for real this time LOL.

    Time for some football. Check back when I can.

    Ready to resume Project Me.....who's with me?

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    I'm with you, Patti! Sounds like the weekend was just what you needed. The Rock is just so adorable. Good luck with your mom. Read that Aldi's is going organic so I'll need to go there more often.

    Bert, perhaps your brother's friend can help motivate him. I do hope his care team will evaluate him for depression. I know you loved being at the kids' games. Your boys had great role models in you and Mike -- no wonder they are such good fathers.

    Suzi, hope Dave has a great trip and brings home lots of dinners' worth. I bake or microwave the squashes or if I'm making soup I will cut it into chunks and boil in a small amount of water or broth. Then I puree and add spices, herbs, whatever I want. For a sweeter dish, cinnamon nutmeg & a touch of honey or maple syrup. For soup, I also add granny smith apples and onions when I boil it. Karla has a lovely recipe for baked squash bits which I've made and it's terrific. Sorry that's not overly helpful but ...

    Sending good thoughts for Lindsey and Jeana and their husbands -- more babies may be on the way. I keep hoping my niece Anne and her husband will start a family soon, by whatever means.

    MaryLynn, hope you've had a beautiful weekend. Weather here has turned into sheer joy -- have had windows open and lower them to cracks at night. Fall is IT for me -- joy unending!

    Have done a few things around here today and seem to be thinking more about what goes into my mouth. There's nothing awful in the house and I am cooking more. The standing can be dicey sometimes but it's worth it. And I hacve a tall stool I can use at the counter if needed.

    Finally looking at a week with few appointments. Construction continues and should end this week, so I can get painting estimate, along with recommendation on what kind of paint or stain is appropriate in a garage.

    Oh -- I will be taking you all with me to dinner on Thursday when I have dinner with Rachel from the WW 50/50 board! She's coming to town for a conference. (For those who don't know her, Rachel ran a thread on the WW boards for women over 50 with 50+ pounds to lose. That thread is where many of us met and became friends, and I credit the support from the women there -- especially her and all of you -- for what success I've had at becoming the Formerly Fat Girl for the first time in my life.) Can't wait to meet her in person!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick good morning all.

    I am so excited that you are meeting Rachel. You two have always seemed so like-minded to me. Almost as if you were sisters in another life. Your temperaments and tastes are on the same page, I know you will have a fabulous time and bet you will be making a trip to the east coast at some point to see her again.

    Need to leave and go get Mom. Hope she is up to all the errands she has planned, if not I will take her home and do the errands for her. It is 48 degrees and for her it might as well be snowing, lol. I stop by later to see what the rest of you are up to today.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good afternoon ladies!! Nice temps in the low 60's here in the morn but up to the high 80's still in afternoon. I'm back at the dealership since my tire sensors keep giving me warnings about a low tire. Ugghhh, technology.

    Yes, I am willing and ready to RESUME the PM. I actually started yesterday with the mindful eating and much increased water intake. I could tell a huge difference.

    Janet- I know you and Rachel will bond right away. I was very close to her for a while but didn't have time to join her organization that seemed so very interesting. I then lost touch with her when I left the WW boards.

    Suzi- The recipe Janet refers to of mine is the Barefoot Contessa's Carmelized Butternut Squash and it is to die for. Look it up on the Food Network and it will be your favorite too. Patti has also made it and calls it the bomb. You looked wonderful in your picture lady.

    Patti- JJ and I went and enjoyed that movie at the Theatre. He loves Kevin Hart. I love the Rock, plus it was about a reunion and I was working on mine. Glad you had such a great time with such wonderful people. I doubt your mother will feel like tooling around town. My dad always wants to lay down a couple hours after he has his injections, however, your mom may be different.

    Glenn and I had such a sweet evening last night. For some reason it seems like he is falling in love with me all over again. Very endearing, he is so loving and complimentary. He called me today and told me how much he enjoyed the lunch I made him today. I believe he is just looking so forward to our life together with our upcoming retirement. As far as my retirement, I have scaled down to 2 clients and one is only one day a month, I am going to see how it goes with keeping it as is. Let Glenn retire and if it impends our travel or our time, I will let go, but I don't think 2-3 days a week with the Podiatrist, one being at home, will hurt. I like my mad money and like dealing with the ladies. But, we do have some serious trips in mind. The first one will be up to Nebraska for the family reunion in May/June 2016. Plus we already have the cruise book for April 2016. We have three other couples going with us. FUN. Followed by the Pennsylvania trip to see his father's family. 2017 will be when we do the Western American trip (Hearst mansion and Wine train, Grand Canyon) and 2018 will be Europe if there is peace there for Rome, Ireland and Spain. Hawaii is on the bucket list too. I also want to take the grandkids on a cruise, and since we have 11 grandkids it's going to be several cruises. I doubt the older teenage grandkids will go, except JJ, he will go anywhere with his Nana. LOL.

    TT: Let's resume Project ME. I say this Wedneday is my new biweekly weigh-in day. Just twice a month for me. I know that many of you do not like the scale, so no one else has to do this. You do what is GOOD for you. Any ideas for something fun for this go around?

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all -- Hope everyone's week got off to a good start. It's a stay-at-home day for me, paying bills, making a pot of soup and catching up with DVR.

    Patti, how did it go with your mom's eye today?

    Karla, you are lucky and smart to start planning your trips.

    One thing I love about this group is that everyone recognizes that the same thing doesn't work for everybody. We support and encourage each other as each of us finds our own food plan, life hacks and motivators. (The one-size-fits-all deal was one of my beefs with WW.)

    Not too many ideas but maybe each day we can post one good choice we made and one challenge we faced (win or lose). Might help us glean tips from one another. I am planning to weigh the first of each month and perhaps mdmonth too, but not until I've been back on the beam for a bit. The Number gets into my head, nearly always in a counterproductive way for me. So my yardsticks need to be less numeric -- the consistency of my ability to stay on plan, how I feel in clothes and about myself.

    Trying not to put too much pressure on myself in what has been an oddly challenging year. A year ago I was on my first go-round with the low-iodine diet, which I made into an excuse to overeat things I could hve in the absence of so many of the things I normally eat. And the "cancer" stuff was in my head. Hoping I will deal better with it next year because it was tough again in April. But no tie to think that far ahead. Just going for ten in a row.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, what wonderful,trips you have planned, no matter when you go. I highly recommend Disney for a kids cruise. They just have so much more to offer and it gives the adults some free time knowing the littles are engaged and having fun Disney style.

    Suzi, you have good reason to love that pic of you. Your hair is so adorable that way too.

    Cindy, how did the Indie event go. Need to catch up on your blog. For some reason I cannot get it to load on my iPad so need to go upstairs to my craft room where I keep the laptop. Keeping you close in my heart.

    Bert, so nice to hear about your wonderful grands and their awesome parents. You have every reason to none proud of how you raised them.

    Janet, I like your idea about posting good choices and challenges. You are so insightful so I know I will learn from from your posts.

    Great news here. A month ago mom could not read a single line on the eye chart. Today she was able to read down to line 5. She could not read the end letters on line 4 and 5 but that is still a massive improvement. The Dr was so impressed and happy with the improvement. After looking in her eye he said he could see a huge change. We will continue monthly injections as long as he thinks she needs them. She had some GI issues last night after dinner so was exhausted before we even went to the appointment. I did her shopping and we watched a few of our recorded shows. Will be anxious to see how her vision is tomorrow. Last time she had very obvious changes on the day after her injection. I will be going over tomorrow for a while to finish up our shows. Will keep chic filet for another day.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, that's incredible!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Well, my Cubbies lost in a nail-biter game! Hopefully they will win the next game.

    Janet: Rachel is a wonderful person. I'm so glad you get to meet her in person. It would be so much fun to meet everyone in person.

    Patti: So glad to hear your mom is doing better.

    Karla: I'm in awe of your trip plans.

    TT: I definitely need to return to Project Me. I do so much to please others and find myself not taking care of me. I did take a long walk yesterday which felt really good. I'm planning on walking again at some point today. As far as weighing, I weigh everyday as it helps me keep in check. I'm not happy with the scale at this point, but I know I'm not eating right either. Hopefully, I'll be more successful this week.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Tuesday. I am at home today with legal documents I want to complete for my father, as well as for Glenn and I. I also have work for the Podiatry office to complete, plus I am going to set up my sewing area in my office at the extra desk. I seem to keep my second laptop setup at my back dining area, in my bay window, so I might as well setup my sewing area back in my office. It is time to start sewing my Christmas items!!

    TT: I am proud to report I have tracked again. Like Janet, I believe this is the Core to being fully aware of you eating habits, amounts, nutrients, calories, intakes, etc. We fool ourselves into thinking we are on program or controlling our eating, but really, unless we are counting in some form, points , nutrients or calories, we can't be certain, can we? I also think the measuring tapes works also, as well as the way clothing fits, or not fit. Whatever works for each of us. The mirror is another way of measureing. My mother was so funny. She used to say she knew she needed to get back on track when she didn't like the way she looked in the glass she walked up to the doors in Winn Dixie. LOL. So, since we all seem to be in agreement to resume on PM. Let's use the next few weeks to do what we can do before the holiday get us. Remember, Thanksgiving is just ONE DAY. Christmas is just ONE DAY. We can do this.

    Bert I hear you on doing for other and not taking time for you. That is what I finally had to do to get my eye fixed. Cancelling that Disney trip really hurt as far as Izzy was concerned, but I knew my eye was in danger of getting worst if I did not. Now I am getting my body under control. I have drank a full glass of water every morning the last three days and that is a new habit I am forming again. Water helps my eye too. You are a sweet woman Bert. Care for yourself as you care for others.

    Cindy- Did you have the hypnosis?

    Patti- How miraculous for your mother. My father swears by those injections.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Slow start to my day here, nice to sleep in with such good news in my head. Only plans for today is to go to mom's and TRX tonight. So excited that my nephew is coming for a visit next week. He is the older brother of the one that passed away a few years ago. Haven't seen him since the funeral. He is a free spirit and has been traveling for the past 6 months, from Oakland to Conneticut and about every state in between. He is an IT guy that does everything by computer. Super smart but a bit of a lost and angry soul at times, actually a modern day hippy. We are going to make a surprise visit to mom one day. He and his family lived here until he was about 10 I think, so he has nobody other than us to visit. He will hit some historical sites that put this town on the map, mostly related to the Wright Brothers.

    Karla, I know you are going to enjoy getting your sewing machine humming again.

    Bert, we all need to get our "love of self" back. We have to remember how important we are to ourselves as well as to others. Enjoy your walk.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Sorry I've been MIA- I've been a turtle lately- The event went well from the networking opportunity but I didn't make any sales. But I found out about a big book fair in Albany area- so that's good.
    Nothing new otherwise- thank you for the support and prayers. It is much appreciated.
    The hypnotists is tomorrow night and I'm looking forward to it -
    Janet- when do you see Rachel?
    Karla- so happy that you and Glenn have such a strong bond - enjoy sewing.
    Suzi- beautiful picture.
    Bert- thank you for your support. I do have strong faith and it will sustain me in the weeks ahead as I have to make some difficult decisions.
    Need to run but you are all with me every day.
    Until next time