OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    edited October 2016
    Guess I'll finish my post here, for some reason it stopped with Bert, I tried editing and it still didn't work, hopefully I won't come back to all my edits on here.

    Cyndi, family is well, mom is eh but Patti gave me some good advice the other day. What number book you on? Have sales increased any?

    Be back later for TT's need to eat and exercise. Have to step it up yace a couple of gatherings to go to Friday and Saturday. Wish me luck.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, what a mess with the dentist! We've all been there. Glad you'll be on your way to see your dad soon.

    Paula, I remeember seeing Adilynn's resemblance to Mateo even when she was tiny

    Bert, hope the pool painting goes smoothly.

    Cindy, hooray for writing time!

    Taking my friend to Claudia Sanders' Dinner House tonight. It's where (before it got rebuilt after a fire) the KFC recipe was perfected. Yep, Claudia was Mrs. Colonel Sanders. So I will almostr certainly stray off plan (they serve chicken but not KFC). Down-home food and my foodie friend wanted something
    Kentucky" so ... And a former colleague is in town next week and wants to have dinner. Oh, the cost & calories! But ... will make best choices I can.

    TT1 - OK so far but struggling mentally. Put 17 straight good days together for the first time in more than a year, so that's something. But fighting the urge to eat everything in sight, including stuff not in the house.

    TT2: Tape measure????? That's hilarious! Um, NEVER. Was measured publicly in grade school and with my mom standing there when I got measured for bridesmaid's dress at my brother's wedding and it was so awful that I go only by what fits - even gave up $25 per paycheck because I refused to let my employer measure my waist and make conclusions about my health from it. And never will -- just not helpful to me.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Janet- you made me smile with the TT2- we've all been there and share your feelings.
    Paula- I've published book 5, book 6 is written and I hope to publish early next year and book 7 is 11K words in- long way to go but maybe I'll get two out in 2017. Only time will tell.
    Need to run but needed a group fix.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sorry, just a short stop. Have been enjoying time with my nephew. We went to Mom's for dinner and stayed until after 10pm. Then came home and talked until midnight. I had dentist Appojntment, then grocery shopping for mom, lunch, chores around her house and catching up on our shows. Followed all that with TRX and now going to relax and watch our date night shows. Edd is not back from Memphis yet but I expect him soon. Nephew is chilling tonight and going to spend time sky ping with his gf in Houston. Tomorrow he is going to visit some relatives on his mom's side for the evening. He will be going with us to the cabin this weekend then heading out. I am really enjoying reconnecting with him. He is a very unique and intelligent person.

    Karla, so glad you are going to see your days. What a bummer about the appointment mix up

    Cindy, love hearing such good reports on the hypnosis

    Paula, whew, you got a work out yesterday. Congrats are your awesome loss with your start back on WW

    Janet, you are already making best choices by choosing to spend time with your friends. Food just happens to be involved. I know you will do fine because you will be so caught up in the chatting the food will take second fiddle.

    TT: I did take my measurements about 6 weeks ago but have not been doing so well and haven't retaken them.

    Patti out
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, was your mom floored when your nephew was the surprise guest?

    Cindy I looked the hypnotist up. He has a seminars in Bowling Geeen, KY and Cinci & I may try one.

    Dinner was a blast. We went to Claudia Sanders Dinner House (yes, Mrs. Colonel). Splurged a bit and had a cup of white chicken chili and a small dinner roll. Grilled chicken tenders on a salad and a bit of blue cheese dressing. It was my highest-calorie day of the month but I avoided the fried and the mashed potatoes with milk gravy, so that's something. And I didn't blow it sky-high for total-day calories. Another dinner out next week - yikes!

    Time to kick back, then up early to clear counters before cleaned arrives.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    Did I tell you I got a nasty cold- so I'm sitting in my office blowing and coughing- I have a United Way fund raiser tonight so I am staying the course.
    week 3 of joint therapy has given me some hope- we have decided to put all talk of ending our marriage on hold until mid-January and focus on trying to reconnect. Rick knows his failings as do I and we are moving forward.
    I finally got on the scale today and wished I had before going to the seminar but at least I know where I am starting from today and that's all the I can focus on but my work pants do feel a little less snug- so I will take that too.
    Need to run- but Janet so glad you had fun and I hope you do go to a seminar I think you'd be surprised.
    Patti- so glad you are enjoying time with your nephew and I hope Edd got home safely.
    Later chickees
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I got the pool deck finished. My hips and knees aren't happy this morning! That will probably be the last time I do that as it's difficult to get down on my hands and knees for an extended amount of time; however, I'm pleased with the way it looks.

    Today is going to be a beautiful day! I'm going to work in my flower beds and hopefully take a walk. Greg, Carrie, Jillian, and Cole are traveling home for their Disney vacation this afternoon. I hope Cole is better on the plane coming home than going down.

    Well, my Cubs are not looking good for the series against the Dodgers. I'm hoping they can get a win tonight. Dodgers have won 2 out of the 3 games played.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello dear friends,

    Janet, so happy you had such a wonderful time and dinner with your friend. Your meal choices were great and I will bet the company was even better. Hard to resist the taters and milk gravy! Small victories all add up. My mother was surprised and overjoyed with seeing her grandson. It had been nearly 15 years but the reunion was splendid for them both.

    Cindy, warmed my heart to hear of your progress in therapy and that you seem to be heading in a direction that might save your relationship. I will continue to pray for that outcome. I know you love his so! Hope the stupid cold is short lived.

    Bert, glad your hard work was successful on making your deck more beautiful, sorry it took a toll on your body. Enjoy your sunshine and flowerbed day.

    I am really enjoying this time with my nephew. He will go to the cabin with us for the weekend and then his 6 month trip will come to an end. He has one more friend to visit in Indy and he will then go to Houston to stay with his gf until she completes her residency in Feb. she is becoming a cardio thoracic PA. Then they plan to return to northern CA, land that they love! I am meeting with a lady this afternoon to give her an estimate for some interior painting. Hoping she wants a lot done and will accept my prices, which are way cheaper than any professional painter. I do excellent work and this may lead to some referrals. If not I think I am going to apply for a job at Hobby Lobby or Michaels. Need some pocket change for the little extras in life that I cannot justify coming out of the house funds, lol. Edd has been doing mystery shopping and I may look into that also.

    Need to get moving
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hello. Predited rain (needed) freed up the painters for a couple of days so they're here, working on the shelves. The owner of the paintng company was amazed at the quality of the workmanship, and he's not easily impressed. Glad to get the painting done so quickly after the months-delayed construction. Super guys.

    Cleaner here as well.

    Cindy, glad Rick is starting to get some insight and is willing to work on your marriage. Great news about the pants too, but please don't overdo between work and the fundraiser.

    Bert, that hands & knees stuff is hard on a person. No more.

    Patti, I know the surprise put a smile on your mom's face. Maybe you and Edd can bike out to visit them after they get settled.

    Haven't eaten yet but WILL make it a good day. You all do the same, please!
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Cyndi, I hope your cold is short lived.
    Bert, glad you got the deck finished, may be rough on you now but it must feel good knowing it's done.
    Patti, so glad you are enjoying your time with your nephew. Have fun at the cabin this weekend.
    Janet, awesome you are getting the painting done sooner than expected.

    Not feeling well today, not MS related it's TOM related, at the point where he shows up when he wants. Being a women is not for the weak. Blew it foodwise yesterday, already used my points for today too, dang TOM!

    Chat with you later,
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! We had storms yesterday, and it's still raining this morning. Takes a toll on my joints at times. Greg, Carrie, and the kids are home from their Disney Trip. Carrie is coming this morning to pick up their dog. Then I'll work on Power Point for church and also head for the gym.

    Patti: Good luck with your painting adventure. I might have to look into doing something else as well. St. Mary's doesn't pay as well as I thought they would. I need spending money as well.

    Janet: You're so lucky to be getting things done with your house: painting, construction, etc.

    Paula: Today is a new day, and yesterday is history! We all blow it foodwise at some point.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. So nice to have such a wholesome chatty board!

    I am over at my dad's and to my surprise my baby brother Kevin got here yesterday too. I mentioned to him about the Lufe enhanced deed and protecting the house and he got ugly there with me. I shut him down quickly with me being the executure, not him as it would have been if my mother survived. Geez. He is interviewing for two jobs here, so we will see what becomes of that. He calmed down after that and we had a good visit when my brother Keith arrived and I baked us a homemade Chicken pot pie.

    Paula- I love your honesty and devotion to yourself. We all struggle with be consistent everyday, and it isn't really realistic, is it?

    Cindy - So very glad to hear that Rick and you are allowing it to rest over the holidays. Some men don't understand women having outside interests.

    Janet- Thank you for your undying support, as always.

    Bert- You are sure a force in whatever you do! School teacher support, church, and us!!

    Patti- Your nephew sounds like a real gem. I know you all will enjoy the cabin this weekend.

    I'm going out and visiting my girlfriend Sharon for awhile. I have to print some documents and try and get that done too. My dad's puppies sure are cute! Eight pit bull.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    My dad and his puppies,, per your request Miss Janet!!
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I woke up at 4am this morning and I'm already struggling to keep my eyes open. I see a nap in the near future. I babysat my crear nephew today, he's 9 months old and becoming very active, not use to it anymore lol.

    Bert, we had storms last night and more rain today. My body is feeling it as well, not my joints as much as just achy.

    Karla, love the picture of your dad and the pups
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    We had storms as well last night. Nothing really bad, just a lot of rain. Circuit this AM was a blast, love these women, they motivate me and make me work harder. Praying we can get our class size up so they don't cancel the class. Edd has been working on my nephew's jeep. Got an oil change yesterday, got the brakes checked, fixed the sticking ignition switch and today he is going to fix an oil leak. He also washed it yesterday. My nephew said he is pretty sure that is the first time it has been washed by anything other than rain since he has owned it. Edd said he had to wash it twice, lol. I really liked the lady I am going to paint for. She wanted me to paint one wall in her kitchen with magnetic paint and then a coat of chalkboard paint. She wants it as a display wall for all her grandkids and family pics. I told her I would research it before we proceeded. She only bought 1 quart of the magnetic paint. I advised her that it would take at least 6 coats for magnets to stick. Also felt like it would not make sense to cover the entire wall, floor to ceiling and into the corners under the cabinets. Gave her some alternatives that would keep it useful and decorative. She decided to wait on that wall. So basically talked myself out of work. Just couldn't do it and her not get the results she was looking for. Especially since her husband thinks it is a stupid idea in the first place, lol. So now I just need to paint the front door and her master bedroom. No ceilings, doors or trip so it will be a fairly quick job and I won't make a lot of money. Hopefully she will have me back to do more painting later or refer me to a friend. She did except my estimate without batting an eye so I must have really low balled it. OH well, not in it to get rich, just to earn some pocket money.

    Karla, sorry Kevin reacted the way he did but I know all too well how these things go. I am the executor for Mom's estate but she has made all her decisions, I am just there to let everyone know what she wants. No real surprises and there are no gray areas. Love the pic of your dad and the new puppies. Did he breed to sell or was this an oops?

    Paula, I am so grateful that TOM is not a part of my life. You will bounce back, drink your water to keep yourself full.

    Bert, enjoy the gym. Did you get some time in your flower beds before the rains came.

    Need to jump in the shower and try to go find some new gym shoes. I am experiencing severe cramps in my feet and legs and that is a sure sign my shoes are done for. I have a 30% off at Kohls so hope they have something that will work. I have bought the last 5 or 6 pairs from DSW because they carry the Saucony's that I love. I did try there on Saturday but they had almost none in my size and the ones they did have were not comfortable. I cannot order shoes, have to try them on because my feet are wonky!

    Enough of me for now
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Girls-
    Fundraiser was good last night and then this morning a Chamber breakfast- food wasn't that spectacular but fit in with my plan but bland- not sure if it was the cold or just the food.
    I'm Lucinda Race tomorrow and I might treat myself to sleeping in a bit- typically on my LR day I'm up regular time like a work day but with battling the cold I might just cut myself some slack.
    Karla- i love puppies..... no matter what kind- so good for your dad to have babies around, even the four legged kind.
    Patti- new shoes are critical to your exercise i hope Kohls has something perfect.
    Bert and Patti- send us rain- wells are drying up around here.
    Janet- i hope you had a great day today
    Paula- water, water, water- and you've got this.
    OK- end of my work day and I'm headed home.
    I'll be back tomorrow- hugs to all.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Karla, thanks for the pic. What sweet, tiny creatures! Hope the rest of your time in FL will br free of conflict.

    Paula, I remember the voracious hunger around TOM. Turns out I just have voracious hunger! I used to get intense dairy cravings (go figure). Also salty, cruchy cravings.

    Bert, hope you had a productive day with time to breathe. You'll have fun hearing about the Disney trip from the kids.

    Patti, from one wonky-footed person to another, happy hunting!

    Doing laundry here. Painters need to do another coat tomorrow - I'll be leaving for a morning symphony concert but will give the company owner my spare door opener.

    If I may be permitted a small whine of frustration, my endo's office called - bloodwork is in and we need yet another med change (according to blood levels, I'm hyperthyroid). But I fight to feel decent at lower doses and of course my already awful metabolism slows down even more. Sadly, I always leave her office feeling defeated and worse about myself. It doesn't help that the FIRST thing they do is make me get on a scale (you all know what a trigger that is for me at doc offices) and I know it will be way up from last time. Oh - and they somehow didn't have my appointment next Wednesday on the books so it's first thing Monday. Think I can lose 10 pounds (at least) by then?

    Thanks, as always, for listening.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Found some shoes, they made it thru TRX well. I have logged over 12K steps today and my feet hurt from wearing worn out shoes before getting to Kohls. I will glad to give them a rest after tomorrow's class, which is 30 minutes of Zumba and 30 minutes of Pilates (shoes off)

    Cindy, enjoy your Lucinda day and I truly hope you start off by sleeping in. What's the point of being Lucinda if you can't indulge yourself?

    Janet, whining is always allowed here. Wonder if you could discuss a different approach to treatment. Maybe synthesis in a lower dose but add T3, which is shorter acting. There is also a more natural approach with thyroid that is not synthetic. Most popular is Armour Thyroid that is made from desiccated pigs thyroid. This was the only thing available prior to levothyroxine. It was used pretty extensively up until the 1960s. Of course, with any treatment there are draw backs. Anyway, just thought I would give you something to research before your appointment. She may say no but it doesn't hurt to know all your options. Enjoy your concert, how I wish we lived in the same town so I could go with you.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, we added T3 last time AFTER I begged for 15 minutes. Why is getting cytomel added such a fight for so many? Am going to insist she keep me on that evne with a reduce Synthroid dose. Going to ask about Armour or whether something besides Synthroid might work better for me. And I may seek a second opinion - this is the only one of my docs who makes me feel bad about myself every time.

    Cindy, took me awhile to get my post finished so didn't see yours before I put mine up. Happy Lucinda Day!