OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good mid morning ladies.

    Janet- I am way hooked on "This is Us" also. Plus Chicago Med. I quit watching the Chicago PD, you understand why. I love the parallel in the This Is Us show, but you are absolutely correct, it is very well written, acted, happy and sad. The actor that plays the father of the two girls is my all-time favorite. He was in Army Wives, Supernatural for a bit, and is an excellent all round man. I have even seen him on a couple talk shows.

    Patti- I am turning my bus around RIGHT NOW. My clothes are getting tight and that is my sign I have had enough fun time. I have started and stopped tracking three times the last two weeks and that is so silly of me. I have tracked this morning. Why do we fight ourselves on this? It takes so little time if we do it a couple times a day. Uggghh. We can eat tasty, healthy foods and still enjoy eating AND lose weight. Let's DO IT! I even have my exercise clothes/shoes on. Yesterday I put on my Garmin and clocked over 8K steps. Today I have my water going too.

    Paula - I do believe that flu shot triggered your reaction. My friend at work that has the Lupus got the pneumonia shot and it threw her for a loop. You are my hero!

    Suzi - Your camp site was AWESOME on Facebook. You make even a sissy like me want to be out there!! lol

    I watched a really endearing short movie this on Netflix by Max Lucado. It was the Book and The Rose. So sweet.

    I am off to check off a couple things on my list...

    TT#1 - Are you a list person? Do they help you? What is on your list today? Even if in your mind.

    TT#2 - Make contact with someone you haven't spoken or reached out to in a long time. Make their day a surprise by saying hello. It may mean the world to them.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Busy day- last night was a blood bath but I said some small but very important things for me. Didn't go over well at all- sigh, such is life.
    TT- I am SO a list person, I use them every day.
    TT2 - My friend who's hubby has ALS has been hospitalized in Boston, 2.4 hours away with pnuemonia and his feed tube isn't working properly and he has kidney stones. I reached out offer some support as she has become a turtle- understandably so-
    Karla- enjoy the day of sewing
    Patti- Minnie Mouse is always in Vogue
    Bert- Are you a vegetarian? Was it good.
    Suzi- pictures were amazing- have fun
    Janet- glad you're really focused on me- the farmers market and bling, quite a combo.
    Despite my opening comment I'm doing fine- I've decided this is out of my hands and I pray a lot for guidance and strength, this is how I know I will come out the otherside, what ever will be, stronger than today.
    Hugs to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy - Glad you stood up for yourself in small important ways. Rick is a fool for what he is doing and thinking. Once a man gets this in his head it is very difficult to get it out. I had no success with my first husband and we were married 21 years. I was single 7 years before I met and married Glenn. I'm not sure to this day if he ever realized he was wrong.

    Update: Today I am going strong. I completed the 30 Minute Burn, have tracked all day, have drank 48 ounces of water so far, and hope to do the 30 Minute do some walking on the treadmill tonight, if only 15 minutes.

    Unfortunately, I have yet to get to the sewing machine. Many phones calls, and now putting together Glenn's meatloaf.

    Thank you all for your support. I am going to STRING together all the days to Thanksgiving..yes, yes I am!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Up with the chickens and feel invigorated after one great day under my belt. I completed my tracking for yesterday this morning. Yeaaaa. Furthermore, I have already completed the 30 Minute burn this morning before 6am!! Get it done!! LOL. Stringing my days together.

    My eyes are still giving me problems. I suffered with the dryness all day yesterday. They are burning already this morning. Glenn and I discussed again last night about me filing for disability. I do everything I can with the moisture, the heated mask, the blinking exercises and I still strain. It has to be the computer work. I had so hoped after the cataract surgery it would improve. Sigh.

    Janet- How are you my dear friend? Have you gotten the throw out I made you? I think I am going to make myself one with that same Owl pattern. I saw it at the store the other day and they have a beautiful black plush fur to match it that would be lovely.

    I best be going, trying to limit my eyes.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I'm happy to report I'm down 4 pounds since I went to the hypnotist. I'm not craving sugar or any junk food and doing the visualization exercises each night. I did not buy the vitamin supplements which is where they really make money as I am eating very well balanced, whole foods. I need to get back to exercise and I will this weekend.
    Karla- thank you for your supportive words.
    I can't make Rick change his mind about anything nor am I trying I'm just standing up for me and what I feel and need. That is not unreasonable in a marriage- it must be a partnership. I feel for the last couple of years when he had his first breakdown I've carried a heavy load. His unwillingness to go to doctor prescribed therapy for over a year made things much worse until the very bad break last year. So many thoughts are screwed up in his head, due to his issues. I love him but the difficult living situation for these last years has taken its toll on me. I feel that spouses need to have enough love for the other to work hard to be the best they can be and not be cruel to the one they say they love. I do understand what his first wife went through and the things he accused her I'm sure she is only to blame for how she handled the end of the marriage. He has done the same to me. I know I've been a patient, loving and supportive wife and have not done what he says. But verbal abuse is nothing any person should live with and its all due to anxiety and depression out of control and he's resistant to do the work to really learn how to deal with it. Very sad.

    I need to run for now but ladies I'll be back later to check in on everyone.
    Guess it was more of a confession this morning but at least you get a glimpse into why I've been distant and less than chatty at times.
    Thanks for listening.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a busy day. I have a visit, then picking up the turkeys and take them to church, shop for Halloween for grandkids, purchase more items for turkey dinner, and finally go to choir practice! Whew, I'm tired just thinking about it, but am so thankful I have time to do these things.

    The Vegan restaurant was wonderful! I intend to return. My best friend and I did some errands and shared quality time with each other. I'm so thankful for her.

    Paula: So sorry for your pain.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    Karla, Wow good for you, working out before 6am is a major accomplishment. I always say I'll work out early but sad reality is that I don't lol

    Cyndi, so sorry for everything you are going through. You are right no one deserves verbal abuse. If he is unwilling to get help and take meds for his depression there isn't much you can do. Sorry you are going through this. Yay IB3 your 4 pounds lost.

    Bert, Have yourself a great day. Make sure you make time to breath, you sure have a oír on your plate today.

    As for me, the pain is under control yay! Yesterday I blew it but not letting that stop me from starting fresh today. Woke up with a sinus headache but that will dissipate as the morning goes on.

    Not much going on for me today. Need to run to the store and get a bottled water, I've been drinking lots of water so that's a plus.

    Well off to shower and get my day started. Haba a good day everyone.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I wanted to sign back on and wish Bert a very Happy Bitthday!!! I hope your day is very special. You are an important part of our group and I treasure you!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Rainy and dreary here but that usually does not affect my mood. Circuit this AM and then I need to finish my paint job. The room turned out nice but the front door is not up to my standards. Working with red paint on a steel door, ugh. I am going to run by the hardware store and pick up a different roller to see if the second coat comes out better. I also need to paint the inside of the front door. Luckily it is a light color, so it will go better. The lady I am painting for is really nice and we have been chatting like old friends when she is there. Her son is getting married in two weeks so there is no time to waste getting this done. My right hand is killing me but not enough to stop me, lol.

    Cindy, first and foremost, yeah you on your loss. You think your hypnosis is working on many fronts. I am so proud of you for sticking up for yourself. I know you have been living with so much pain for way too long. Realizing that he has to be willing to fight his demons if you are going to help him is a huge step for you. It is obvious how much you love him but I think you are learning that you have to love yourself more. You deserve his respect and his trust. We are always here and I am so humbled that you trust us with your heart.

    Karla, good start and great effort. I think you really need to persue the disability before you damage your eyes further with the strain of having to be on the computer so much. I have been eating well but planning poorly so I am sure I am not eating enough. I was surprised at the Dr's yesterday, have not gained anything since my last WI about a month ago. So now I need to figure out a plan where I can lose. I am going to start doing the 30 minute Leslie workouts on Monday and Wednesday since I no longer go to the gym on those days. Of course, if they come up with a new class on those days I will do that. Love my gym time, it is what has kept me from going completely off the rails and back to my pre WW weight. Small victory there.

    Time to put on my workout clothes and get my workout done.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy birthday Bert, hope your day is super special just like you!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy birthday, Bert! Hope there are special surprises throughout the day.

    Cindy, standing up for yourself is so difficult and SO healthy. Proud of you and know that whatever happens, you will be OK. Can't say that of Rick, which is sad. (And you know whereof I speak.)

    Karla, hope the eye dryness backs off. No fun at all. Rest your eyes as much as you need to. I'm sure Paula can be of help about her experience filing for disability if you make that decision.

    Patti, I bet you are a perfectionist as a painter and your client is lucky to have you.

    Paula, glad the pain has backed off a bit - may it stay that way!

    Last night's dinner was good, if a bit splurge-y. Patti, thought of you because they chose Mexican and the chips were great and I had a few too many. Did the best I could with a salad topped with a really nice piece of salmon. Mexican food is SO good and SO full of carbs and calories (beans + corn + tortillas + rice + fat in so many dishes). So was over 1,000 calories for the day. So be it - I stand by 90% of my choices. The few extra chips were unwise but worth it! Ya gotta live, not just exist, as long as you can apply the brakes the next day!

    Got tough news yesterday == first Tony, then his dad called to tell me the wonderful, kind, resilient Rose's cancer i back with a vengeance. They're going to add a THIRD chemo drug because without treatment she likely has just 3-6 months. If she tolerates it OK, Tony's dad is talking about traveling because that's what she wants, and he said they'd like to make it all the way here for a visit. I would love seeing them - and it would be far les awkward if Tony weren't around (that's a biggie if I were to go to Denver). Poor Tony is just a mess, but not MY mess to deal with daily. Cindy, thought of you while he was saying WAY unproductive things and not even tryint to adapt, grow up and deal with reality in a constructive way.

    OK -- need to hit Costco this afternoon, then vet to pick up Bella's meds.

    Love you all so very much!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Amazing how we have all come together and become such a wonderful support group. I would never wish weight issues on anyone but realize that without such issues we would never have met each other. I always feel your support and blessings with me.

    Janet, my heart is breaking for your sweet MIL, I knew that is how you think of her. Will pray she gets enough benefit from the new chemo that she is able to do have some quality travel time. Perhaps you will be able to meet them on the road if they cannot get all the way to you.

    Paula, glad to hear your pain is under control today. Take it easy so you can enjoy it.

    I have to go back one more time to finish painting on Monday.painting with red or any dark/bright color multiple meticulous coats are a must to make it look right. Luckily it is just a door but the drying time is just as important as the painting time. She has more work for me after the holidays. Most of it will be tedious and time consuming, very few "just walls". She seems to like my work so far. I have put in 6 hours so far and have about an hour to finish. Need to come up with a dish for the Halloween party on Saturday and then hit the grocery before we head to the cabin. Will hit the gym in the morning, shower and pack my clothes, then take mom to her Dr's appointment at 2:30 and then off we go to the cabin. This may be my last trip until New Years. Need to stay home and do some projects around here.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Patti- you crack me up with your love of painting
    Janet- I wish your dear MIL peace and has the opportunity to travel. Good for not getting sucked by into ex drama.
    I'm off-
    Hugs to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Great news on no additional gain the last 30 days!! Day 2 is going well for me, breakfast and lunch is tracked. Go me!

    Janet- Ouch for being around Tony. But, I have had to endure my ex with issues with Jason. For the love of his mother, I know you will survive, and I know you won't allow him to throw his baggage on you.

    Cindy- Your determination is shining through and four pounds is nothing to shake a stick at. You go girl!!

    Paula- Thanks for your support. I find if I do the exercise first thing I feel better for the day and it is done!! Like you, I was never getting back to it.

    Bert- Is your Garmin still working well? Mine is really acting weird! I do hope your day was nice.

    I have decided to call or apply online for disability tomorrow. I feel like I went through all the procedures with my eye hoping for full recovery but still suffering from the dryness severity, although I can see. It doesn't hurt to try.

    My sweet darling is meeting me for dinner tonight at Ruby Tuesday. I have a coupon and love their salad bar.


  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! I've been lurking and keeping up, and now I actually have a minute to post.

    Cindy and Janet - I'm so proud of both of you for standing up for yourselves.

    Cindy, I've been right there with you, in counseling and oh crap! The right words aren't coming to me. What I'm trying to say is that I went through much the same thing with both ex's - not the jealousy you have to deal with but craziness that just drags you down until you begin to think you're the one who's crazy and there's something wrong with you for wanting to just have a normal life. Just know there's nothing wrong with wanting to be happy yourself and that you can't be responsible for anyone else's happiness. I've been trying for days to find the right words to say to you and hope it helps a little just to know that someone else understands.

    Janet - I sincerely hope you're able to visit with your MIL and that she's able to do the traveling she wants to do. I'm very proud of you for not slowing Tony to drag you down. You are woman, hear you roar!

    Bert hope you've had a wonderful birthday!

    Karla - good luck with your disability claim.

    Paula - I'm glad your pain has lessened.

    Patti - you've got me thinking about painting my home office.

    A few days ago there were several of you who mentioned struggles returning to tracking. What worked for me was to just start the first few weeks writing everything I ate down on paper. I didn't even worry about points or calories, just wrote it all down. It really helped me regain the habit and now, several weeks later, it's not only ingrained, I'm using the information as feedback and no longer feel like it's a chore. I've truly accepted that this is just something I'll need to do for the rest of my life and I'm totally OK with that.

    OK, off the soapbox and off to bed my friends.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and TGIF!!!!!!!!!! Another grandkid weekend with us getting Audrey, our 10yo granddaughter, the first time since she has been back from her father's house in Texas this summer. It's been one excuse after another with her mother why we haven't gotten her. Glenn's daughter is at odds with him, we don't understand why, but since his ex moved back to town two years ago she has acted quite differently towards her dad. Her mother's husband passed away and I don't know if she thought Glenn would then leave me for her mother or what. Glenn believes she is jealous of our happiness and what we have, and her mother's sadness. She really resents me and I have never had a cross word with her. Oh well, family dynamics.

    Suzi- We are all such wise women that have endured and learned so much over our years. You are exactly correct in the tracking. It is an essential element of any weight loss success and is so evident that when you cease it, you eventually gain!! It is a no-brainer. It does take devotion, but once you make it a habit and stop fighting it, it is not such a big deal. I do prefer the logging electronically, as I have never tried the written form. How were the campfires?

    I am home today and will continue marking off the list I started on Wednesday. Yesterday I made two pickups. I purchased two American Girl outfits for Audrey, as I will be giving her the American Girl doll I bought for her over the summer. I now have three outfits to go with it. She will be so thrilled today when she arrives. I also picked up a packet of old newspaper clipping from a lady I worked with at the Eye Clinic, of Bear Bryant articles, the Alabama Football Coach, that I am going to make a collage for my Dad for Christmas.

    I'm watching a new British TV series on Netflix this morning that is quite interesting, called Lilies. I'm so hooked on so many shows and it helps me relax. If you haven't watched the Billy Bob Thornton's new series "Goliath" on Amazon yet, it is a MUST SEE. He will definitely receive an award for that one. I am watching it again. It also stars William Hurt. It is graphic and has much cussing, but very well acted and a dynamic story.

    I am awaiting with bated breath "The Crown" on Netflix, the story of Queen Elizabeth II.

    We haven't had any quotes in awhile, so here are a few for us to ponder:

    #1 The answer is never the answer. What's really interesting is the mystery. If you seek the mystery instead of the answer, you'll always be seeking. I've never seen anybody really find the answer -- they think they have, so they stop thinking. But the job is to seek mystery, evoke mystery, plant a garden in which strange plants grow and mysteries bloom. The need for mystery is greater than the need for an answer. - Ken Kesey (love this one)

    #2: You can always count on the United States to do the right thing, once it has exhausted the alternatives. - Winston Churchill ( I thought appropriate given our elections)

    #3 There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others, they will live for you. – Paramahansa Yogananda

    #4 I think if I’ve learned anything about friendship, it’s to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don’t walk away, don’t be distracted, don’t be too busy or tired, don’t take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff. – Jon Katz

    Well, I enjoyed searching and reading these quotes and I hope you all enjoy them too. I am off to do my exercise and start my day at home.

    Be good to yourself and others.


    Peace be with you.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a beautiful sunny day today. Yesterday was chilly and cloudy; mother nature saying giving a heads up of what's to come later. Today I'm heading to my former school as one of my co-workers asked me to help him with instructing his students the way I used to teach. It's funny, but when we taught together, he did his own thing. It's nice to be asked for help. Tonight is our church's "Hallowing Good Time" party.

    Karla: So far my Garmin is working. I'm sure it will be soon time to replace the battery in it.

    Janet: Hope the 3rd round of chemo helps your MIL.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone! I had a great day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and welcome to the weekend. I have a busy day and will be radio silent until Sunday. Had terrible dreams that focused on my Mom and her declining mental state. Not sure what triggered this because at 86 she sharp as a tack with no signs of mental decline. Especially weird because I rarely have bad dreams, mine are usually fun and I always wish I would stay asleep a bit longer to continue the story, lol. Just received a letter from Anthem that their rates are going up by $125 per month. I am praying and hoping against hope that I will be given some other options this year. My benefits are part of Edd's retirement package and they are offered until I am Medicare eligible. If I opt out for another plan like Obamacare (doubt it will be any cheaper) then I am off the retirement plan for good. I am so angry about this. I am definitely going to have to go to work part time now.

    Suzi, I like your idea of just writing it down for a bit to get back in the habit. You are full of good advice today, thanks. Your success is a good indicator that it is a plan that works.

    Karla, thanks for the quotes this morning and congrats on starting your third day of exercise. I bet Audrey has really missed you guys, the doll with her outfits will be a huge hit for sure.

    Cindy, hope you are busy being Lucinda and continuing to take care of you above all others.

    Bert, what a compliment to have been asked for your help from a fellow teacher. You must have left a huge impression!

    Janet, I know you will not be loving the weather this weekend but I sure will, lol. Soon you will have your beloved cold full time and I will be the one cursing the weather.

    Mary Lynn, always miss your special brand of wisdom when you are not here. Hope you are doing fun stuff with your sweet Myron.

    Time to suit up and get this day rolling
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I did the 2 Mile Leslie Sansone Sculpt Your Arm DVD this morning for a change. It was a challenge, but I cooled right down. I am feeling empowered with them.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello, all - Not much to report. Been a rather long week and I am fine but tired. Niece Julie sent ultrasound pic of the baby - she already has hair and won't be born until March! (Julie had a full head of hair at birth.) Going to do a few things out-of-house early tomorrow, then hoping for quiet for most of the rest of the weekend, and for my teams to win.

    Monday morning I meet the new-to-me foot & ankle surgeon, so wish me luck!