OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited October 2016
    Wow! What a busy day here - Y this morning for yoga and weight training; some on the run shopping with Dave afterwards; lunch with oldest daughter Jeana where I got the news she had just experienced a very early miscarriage; babysitting for my niece this evening! Whew! I'm ready for bed.

    Still worried about Jeana, but she's feeling better this evening. Poor thing cried all night last night. I wish so that I could take the heartbreak away for her.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies......It's a beautiful morning! Breakfast has been tracked. I'm heading to our great-nephew's first birthday party today. Mike has to work, so I'll rely on my GPS to find the party's location. Tonight we are attending our Community Theater's production of Rocky Horror. I'm not a fan of the show, but I know several cast members. Mike really wants to go, so I'll be the good wife and attend. It should be fun anyway.

    I've been stuck in rut with my weight. I know it's my eating habits, but I certainly wish I could at least start losing a few to boost my motivation.

    Patti: I understand how you feel. That is one reason I'm working for St. Mary's....for extra money to help with household expenses. Mike retires in February and we will lose his insurance and will need to find a supplemental coverage for Medicare. My colleague was very receptive to my ideas. I'm going to help him with the idea for next week and told him I'd be very willing to help with other things. I love the advising and supervision end of educaiton, but am so glad I'm not in the classroom anymore.

    Suzi: Sorry to hear about your daughter's miscarriage. Praying for her comfort.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    On my deck enjoying this glorious morning. I am alone here for a bit, very rare occurrence, and reveling in the beauty that is our world. So quiet and peaceful, only sound is the birds and the walnuts falling. The sun is highlighting the beautiful golds, russet and blazing oranges of the leaves that are still clinging to their branches and making the river shimmer is if it diamonds lay beneath it's surface.

    Suzi, I wept for jeanna as I read your post. The love of her family will help but hers is a pain like no other. Prayers for all of you.

    Bert, sounds like you have found a great way to stay connected to your professional life without having to teach. What I missed most when I retired from nursing was the daily interaction with my patients and families and also with the nursing staff. Now I want a job that doesn't take so much of my heart and soul with it.

    Wishing you all the peace I am feeling this morning for the rest of the weekend and beyond!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Saturday. My heart warms as I watch Audrey thoroughly enjoy and love on her American Girl doll. She absolutely adores it. She has named it Emily. The hair color of the doll matches hers almost identically. She has NOT put the doll down. So sweet.

    Suzi- My heart bleeds for your Jeanna, and for you. With strength and your family of love she will try again and have a healthy baby, I just pray for you all.

    Patti- Your words were wonderful describing your porch scene!! I love walnuts in my Greek yogurt. My nutritionist highly recommends them for their Omega 3 value. I am so stoked for 3 days of tracking and exercise I have strung together. My food choices are good and I am ensuring I am eating three meals with healthy snacks. Like you, I seem to fall into that trap of eating too little. I do not want to do that this time around. Sorry you have to return to work, but one thing about being an RN, you can make big bucks for short periods of time.

    Janet - I will be keeping my pinkie fingers crossed for your Monday appointment, in addition to what options they will have available for you. Alabama Crimson Tide has a pass week, so no Saban for us today. Glenn is at the Shipyard again this morning. Audrey and I are going to Bennie's birthday party at Planet Gymnastics.

    Bert - As the saying goes "you lose weight in the kitchen and get fit in the gym/exercise". It's all about the food. I'm sure once you return to your containers you will see some loss.

    I finished the two little doll blanket sets I made for Bennie, Izzy's BFF. I had purchased some baby flannel material last weekend with tiny footprints on it. So cute! I made two blankets with matching pillows.

    I am off, Have a great Hallow's weekend.


  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    Quick in and out, weighed in this morning and down 2 pounds Yay!!!! Making black bean soup and garlicky cheese bread and rice for dinner. Going to be meal planning for next week.

    No gatherings until Thanksgiving so tonight is movie night with Luis, planning snacks and trying to get cleaning done before hand.

    Sorry so short but I have alot to do so talk with you later. Have a great weekend.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited October 2016
    Can I get a big WOOOOO HOOOOOO!?! Down 2.6 today and a WW-official return to ONEderland! Now, this time I will NOT sabotage myself. I feel confident that I won't this time since I've recognized that pattern in my prior behavior.

    Talked to Jeana a little while ago and she is feeling much better both physically and emotionally this morning. As she said to me, now they know for sure that they're fertile at least. She will talk to the doctor Monday, but expects they will be able to try again as soon as they wish. That reminds me, Karla, should you happen to see Jodi, please don't say anything to her about it. Other than telling you guys because I was so sad last night, I feel it should be Jeana's story to tell. It was so early that she didn't even have confirmation of the pregnancy yet.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, sending a hug to both Jeana and you.

    Paula & Suzi, congrats on your losses! So proud and happy for you both.

    Patti, enjoy the peaceful silence. The sound of nuts dropping is oddly restful.

    Karla, glad Audrey loved her doll - finally getting some time with her is a gift. Can't believe you let Izzy play on the swings with American Girl dolls! I know they're beautiful but pricey. You really are a wonderfully indulgent Nana!

    Errands run, football watched. Trip out got my foot/ankle & back pretty badly so have stayed careful the rest of the day. Except on eating. It was not a good day but after 28 in a row, a bad one happened. If I can keep the odds like that, ...

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! It's a bit cooler here in OKC this morning and we'll have slightly more moderate temps today. It's been summer Hot - still wearing shorts and would be eating breakfast on the porch most mornings if it weren't still dark out at that time!

    After a slow lazy morning at home, we'll have a much more active and busy afternoon. The bank's fall family fun day is today at the OKC zoo. Jessi and her roommate, Stephanie, who is a keeper in the Great EscAPE at the zoo are going with us. Jessi says it's hilarious to watch the apes recognize Steph when she's there on her day off! My niece, Elyse, and her family - including soon-to-be 2-year old Dean (who you've seen pix of) and his new baby sister, Amelia, are going with us, too.

    Dave and I will be leaving the zoo before the babies get to Trick or Treat at the Haunt the Zoo, though. We have tickets to this evening's Thunder game. So we'll tour the Great EscAPE, eat at the picnic supper and take off downtown for the game. Between zoo walking and walking too and from the arena downtown, I should have plenty of steps before the day is over.

    Janet - rest up, my friend. I hope you get some relief from your ankle problems soon.

    Karla - how much fun it must be watching those grand-girls loving in their dollies.

    Patti- enjoy your peace and solitude.

    Paula - WOO HOO YOU! Great loss this week!

    Bert - hope you had fun at Rocky Horror last night.

    I have a QOTD for today: what is your plan to cope with Halloween temptations? Do you participate in Trick or Treat?

    AOTD: yes, we do participate as do most of the houses in our neighborhood. It's a small development with large lots, so there's more walking involved for Trick or Treaters. As a result we don't get a lot like I did in my prior neighborhood. My coping strategy for tomorrow night will be to wait until tomorrow to buy one small bag of candy and either give it ALL away or have Dave stash the leftovers somewhere I don't have to see them. I'll try to resist temptation because with candy and me one piece rapidly turns into one bag! Besides I'm trying to stash points to use later in the week when we'll be in Arkansas with friends.

    Happy Sunday,
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited October 2016

    Hope this pic shows up right. I don't have the image yet.... this is a new pic of Ellis, the puppy I'm getting next week. He weighs about 5 pounds now, so still a very little guy.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon my dear friends.

    QOTD: Yes, we do participate in the holiday. We have a large neighborhood of over 210 homes with small children. Izzy will be the only grandhild coming as the others are farher away and a school night, as far as I know. Coping, well, I have my sugar free candies in the door of the fridge that are my "go-to" candies. I have a large bad, $19.95, at Walmart I picked up that have all my favorite though, that are across the front dining table that Glenn and I are TRYING to stay away from. LOL.

    Suzi- I will not breath a word to Jodi, however I have not seen her since I last seen you! We do chat on Facebook from time to time. She is busy as ever right now with Mardi Gras preparation as I spoke with Kay next door on Friday. They went to NOLA on Saturday for a day trip. You Ellis is adoarable!!!! lol. Welcome back to Onederland!!! Somehow I have managed to stay in there, but I have floated up and down the 190's foeverrrrrrrrrr.. LOL.

    TT: (for Monday) Are you tired of gaining and losing the exact same pounds? What commitment can we make as a team, and to ourself privately, to lose this first pesky 5-10 pounds permanently, so we can start to work on the next decade? We have the months of November and December to get through and there will be plenty of non-challenging days as well as those that will be more challenging with family and friends. What can we plan, and set up strategies that will prepare us now? We have all faced this many times, many years and know what works, and what doesn't. What will make a difference this year? What will make us WANT to do something this year? Many of us have had some changes that may enhance us to discover new horizons. Whether it be health, family, travel, financial or just general appearance. Are you in?

    This weekend has been a real trial for my PROJECT ME resume schedule. I have tracked the good, the bad and a little bit of ugly, some awesome chocolate chip cookies, that I, the Nana, extroidinare, made. lol. They are Izzy's favorite. But, I have tracked, exercised 3 of 4 days and feel good about it all. I made it through and didn't stop tracking~~~ a victory~~

    I have to run the grandkids home. Glenn has already left to take Audrey to Mississippi for his meetup and Izzy is ready to go too. It has been another fun weekend with them.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening, just got the car unloaded and am watching Young Frankenstein, one of my all time favorites and the only "horror" movie I will watch. Not a fan of scary stuff. The party last night was so much fun. The best costumes were Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein! Turns out just about everyone shares my love of that movie and we all had fun quoting lines from it. I did so great with food, it was set up inside and upstairs, I fixed a small plate with good choices and stayed outside and away from all the goodies. Stood and walked a lot, going from group to group and enjoying a wonderful fire. Today was spent cleaning out the fridge and the cupboards of anything that might freeze.

    Suzi, Ellis is a cutie! Looks like more than 5 pounds, lol. Congrats on your return to Onederland, I am so impressed with how you have been stringing your goods and weeks together no matter what.

    Karla, sounds like another great weekend with the granddaughters.

    Paula, yah you for losing this week too.

    A little late but I wanted to answer Suzi's question. We have not gotten any trick or treaters here in a couple of years. Our house is on a corner but sits back from both roads. Most of the kids go to other neighborhoods from what I can tell. I do miss seeing all the kids and their costumes. I stopped buying the candy for "just in case". Edd and I always ended up eating it anyway and neither of us needs that, lol.

    Janet, good luck tomorrow. Praying that have something to offer that will change your world!

    See you all in the morning when I will start PM anew, tracking is the first thing I will be tackling, long overdue.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi. Frustrating day. Yeah, Halloween candy happened. I have bout over $40 worth and may run out - we get lots of adorable kids.

    My new cell phone popped BIG problems so that is occupying my evening. Waiting for a callback from Apple while I watch football. Which I've been doing since 9:30 AM. Lots of good conversations today too - fun but tiring.

    Been tough weekend for pain so very glad I see new foot/ankle specialist first thing tomorrow. Hoping there is something that might help fix it and the domino effect on my back. Please say a little prayer and I'll let you know what happens. Depending on what tests &/or procedures he recommends and their timing, I still want to get away from civilization in November.

    Back ON it with food tomorrow. May have a little candy but not as much as I have this weekend. Back to sound nutrition for me!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Suzi thank you for your words of empathy- I don't mean to dump on my dear friends but sometimes having a safe place is so important on this road.
    I'm so sorry for you and Jenna- hugs for you both. Ellis is adorable.
    Patti- I don't get many trick or treat kids either. Funny thing is- I have no desire for any candy this year and all of my favs are in the bowl. An after effect of my hypnosis I do believe.
    Janet- please let us know what the doctor says I'm sure the pain is all connected to your ankle.foot issues. Strength dear friend.
    Karla- you're the best Nana ever- :)
    Bert- I'll be you were an amazing teacher- so glad you're still involved.
    Paula- what time is dinner- it sounds great.
    Weekend was decent overall until yesterday. and I got 2k words written, plus a blog post and made a huge pot of flavorless soup- lol. I called Em's chef/boyfriend and he told me what to do to fix it and how to improve the recipe for next time. Whew- Beef veggie and barley.
    So I need to go home, reheat and add specific spices and salt. The barley took over the pot Next time 1/2 as much as called for.
    I'm feeling hungry and empty this AM which is good.
    Still on track and feeling in control.
    Need to run- see you all later
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Oh- forgot to tell you the best thing that happened.
    I had been looking for a new vacuum cleaner and decided to follow Janet's advice about the rocket- the purple version. Found one at Walmart- not marked. Scanned the bar code and it came up $50 - it was the only one. So I went to check out and it was $50
    never been opened, i guess just miss marked- so I got a great bargain- thank you Janet. :)
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies! Happy Halloween! Jillian and Cole are coming tonight. I have a special treat bag for them......Dylan and Penny will get their Halloween treats today in the mail.

    Patti: I'm hoping that my colleague will utilize my suggestions. I helped him out by giving him critical thinking activities for both grade levels. I'm anxious to see if he used them and how the students did. I miss the staff, but don't miss having to plan, deal with discipline, and keep records for all the students in the classes. Advising and Supervision in now my niche.

    Karla: I love your quote....I'm working on the losing weight.....I have a horrible sweet tooth, and that definitely is costing me.

    Paula and Suzi: Congratulations on your weight loss! Love the picture of your new puppy, Suzi.

    Janet: Thanks for the compliment. I did and do put my heart and soul into finding resources to help students be successful. I have high expectations for them and don't settle for mediocre. I'm thankful that my college students have wanted me to stay with them for future placements; however, supervisors only have students for 8 week placements. They still keep in contact, and that feels nice.

    TT: I'm definitely the candidate for gaining and losing the 5 lbs. I'm in! I would love to lose the 20 pounds I regained after my initial big weight loss. I think back of how I first lost the weight. I went to the gym 3-4 times per week and also had a personal trainer. I wish I could have a trainer again, but it isn't in the budget. However, I can go to the gym. Sometimes I'm hesitant in the gym because I'm afraid I will injure my back again and definitely don't want to get in the position of facing more surgery. So my goal is to cut out the sweets I crave and get to the gym more often!

    Have a great day, everyone! I'm doing my final grocery shopping for the church turkey dinner which is Saturday. A busy week is in store!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hello ladies,

    Busy day yesterday, I deep cleaned my living room and bedroom and Boy did they need it. I actually only got half of my bedroom done because my energy puttered out after moving and cleaning under all furniture in living room.
    I really really need to paint my living room but I really really despise painting, not to mention I suck at it lol. Would like to get it done before the holidays but really don't see that happening, could happen if I really wanted to but I really don't like to paint lol.

    Fixed breakfast, started a load of laundry and washed dishes, now relaxing on the couch. I need to finish my bedroom but it the cliché was calling my name.

    Karla, Your grandkids are precious. Looks like they all Love the zip line
    Patti, sounds like the party was a hit!
    Janet, hope you get some relief from pain soon.
    Bert, hoping the turkey dinner goes well, you sure have put a lot of time into it. You've been a busy busy girl.
    Suzi, yay on the weight loss!
    Cindy, Awesome find on the vacuum.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good Monday to you all, a mother glorious summer day for the last day of October. Today is my daughter's birthday. Her second since we became mother and daughter again. She works 12-8pm and had things to do before work today so we are planning to spend next Saturday together. Her choice of activities. She is battling her depression right now, which seems to ebb and flow, despite taking her meds. I think her son's upcoming wedding and the possibility that he and his new bride might move to Cincinnati has her in a bit of a tailspin. He has lived across the street from her since he moved out of her home. Feeling helpless here but she knows I am here for her at all times. We are developing our relationship more and more, but I know that she misses her Mom terribly right now and I cannot fill that void for her. Going to finish up my painting today and then get my grocery shopping done. Seriously out of everything here.

    Cindy, what a productive weekend you had and all focused on you. Wow, that hypnosis is doing it's thing for you. Funny how a little salt and spice can make a dish go from tasteless to flavorful. You are so lucky to have your very own resident chef!
    Oh, and by the way, never apologize for dumping....this is the best place for that. We have all taken our turns and you have been there for each and every one of us. Sorry it is your turn but happy to be of whatever help I can be.

    Janet, anxiously awaiting what you learn from the new ortho. Sorry you have to endure so much pain just living your life. Big hugs and prayers.

    Paula, wish I could get in the habit of pre planning and prepping like you do. I just need to pull it together.

    Bert, i wish there was a way I could have stayed in medicine in an advisory roll but nothing like that is out there in this town. It will interesting to hear the feedback from your recent venture.

    Better start working on my list
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Patti, I'm good at planning and prepping it's the sticking to part that I struggle with. I go through recipes weekly and decide what I want to have mainly for dinners. I wing it for breakfast and lunch. My biggest issue is night time eating so I've been trying to eat light during the day to save myself at night. Today being an off day because I had a 10 point breakfast but must admit it was very filling.

    Pretty sure my cleaning I saved for today usar getting done lol. Can't seem to muster up energy. Have dinner in the crockpot. Making homemade Chicken Rice soup. Yum!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies and Happy Halloween!!! Quiet here for the moment as I await Glenn and Jason's family arrival. Bennie and her family are coming too. I picked up Chick Fil A as I didn't know if anyone would have eaten or not. I love their side salads there.

    I feel soooo in control. Tracked for six days straight now and exercice five of those!! Yesaaa.
    I wont' kid you though, I have been hungry too Cindy!!

    I did myself a treat today and went for my massage, plus, I scheduled me a Muirad facila for Friday!!!

    Patti- Happy Birthday to you sweet Susie. I know you and her will have a great Saturday together, no matter what you do.

    Cindy- I don't like using salt in my meals, but it does make a HUGE difference, all chefs use it I have fount.

    Paula - Congrats again on your loss this past Saturday girl.

    I finally remembered what WW calls the daily guidelines we use to work on. The GHG's!! For the life of me I could not remember. Group Healthy Guidelines.

    TT Topic for tomorrow:: Do you monitor your veggies, fruits, water? Do you take a daily vitamin? these are recommendations of WW that we used to check off either on their logs or online.

    Bert - I'm glad you responded to my TT for today. I can feel my body changing already. The last two days I have done the 1 mile sculpt the arms dvd. It's just enough to boost my metabolism. I feel more energetic. There have been studies that these short bursts of exercise are more effective than long hours at the gym. Maybe they are on to something. I have noticed I am getting more neuralgia in my face since I started exercising. Plus my reflux is worst. Not sure if it is related or what.

    I think I hear Glenn.

    Until tomorrow..


    PS ( I hear from Janet.. she will post when she can..

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Finished my painting job, she was very pleased with the job and the price and will have more work for me after the holidays. I told her if she hadn't wanted the front door red i would have been done a lot quicker. But she loved the final product and I have to brag, so did I. Sometimes extra effort is worth it. Wish I could do more painting jobs to earn my pocket money but am now hoping to hear from Michaels or HomeGoods.

    Paula, I hear ya on the follow through with planning. I used to save all my points for my night time eating but finally eprealized the reason I was hungry at night was because I ate so little during the day. Once I started eating a good breakfast I had a much better handle on night time snacking. I now know that late night eating is about something other than hunger.

    Karla, you are on a roll and not the dinner kind, lol.

    TT (for tomorrow in case I forget): I keep track of my water, no matter how off track I am I always make sure to drink at least 68-80 ounces per day. I am a huge veggie eater, not so much with fruit and I think that is because I am not a lover of sweets, but I do try to get my 5 servings a day. I stopped taking a multivit about 6 months ago, I have never been a big proponent of them, mostly because I eat a large variety of foods, exercise regularly and honestly am never sick the last time I had the flu was 2003 and cannot even recall the last cold I've had but it was before then. I do take condition specific vitamins: biotin for hair and nails, fish oil for heart and joints, eye caps for early macular degeneration, and magnesium for muscle cramps. I take prescription potassium because my levels are low from my blood pressure meds. So that is 8 pills and I think that is plenty for me, lol.

    Patti out