OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, yes please share the soup recipe!
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good afternoon ladies,

    I've jumped right back on the wagon. Planned my meals for today last night.

    Took my sister to grocery store this morning, came home to prep dinner. Having crock Pot balsamic pot roast, sauteed Brussels sprouts, corn and chocolate banana souffle all are skinnytaste recipes.

    Tired today, body is still recouping from Friday and Saturday, will take me a few days of rest to feel like me again. Sorry again I'll get to personals sooner or later, need to rest for a while.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Happy Monday, ladies!
    Just got in from a long hike in the local area; it was so foggy with heavy rain imminent, so I really "booted it" along! Being outside always recharges my batteries and I enjoy the hiking through natural landscapes. Friends are suggesting that we join them in some canoeing and that would be a blast as well, so hopefully it happens at some point! There are a number of smaller lakes on the island here and people are generally pretty active with outdoor stuff. That said, as the wetter days of winter are approaching, it is at times tempting to stay inside. The conversations about baked squash and soups made me hungry, so I added some eggs to lunch to stave off and satiate my appetite. We included some baked yams with our grilled pork loin at dinner last night, which was a great combination of flavors. While I prefer not to categorize my foods as "bad" or "good", there are times when I know I've succumbed to the "mouth hungry" moments. Yesterday it was apple pie a'la'mode. Still a work in progress here!
    Hugs to you all,
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Butternut squash soup- Cindy version
    1 tablespoon real butter- no shuddering...
    All veggies and apple are rough chopped
    1large celery stalk
    1/2 large onion
    3 large carrots
    1 med white potato
    3 small apples- peeled
    butternut squash- i buy the stuff that is cut up in the produce section.
    I keep dumping veggies in as the butter melts- toss every to coat
    1 quart chicken stock
    1/2 nutmeg
    1/2 teaspoon or so of cumin.
    Simmer until very tender- then I let it cool, used the immersion blender and it made 7 cups.
    I like my soup a little thicker.

    It's so good- no added salt is needed due to celery and I didn't add garlic as I wanted the subtle flavors to come through.
    If you make it enjoy!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    Cindy, I've copied that down. Sounds yummy. So very glad you are making time for YOU - highlights, Lucinda time, etc. are even more important than usual right now. Hugs.

    Karla, do you have the permanent crown yet? Some revelation about your dad and brother! My dad's brother and sister did not speak for decades. No one knows why. and they have both passed, so it remains a mystery.

    Patti, I know you'll find plenty to do -- and I will gladly drive up anytime to meet you and Paula, then could do some Christmas shopping on my way back.

    Paula, great family costumers for the party. I laughed out loud at Mateo as Willie Nelson and Luis as Waldo. You looked darling too.

    Bert, your church has to treasure you. Hope someone else steps up - you've done plenty and will continue to do so, just not running the dinner.

    MaryLynn, we're all works in progress - would we have it any other way?

    Suzi, do you have any work trips coming up? Like you, I'm looking forward to NBA season.

    Survived doc first thing. She reduced my Synthroid dose but I insisted on staying the cytomel we added last time. I have several friends who have felt more human after adding it too. It wasn't as bad a visit as in the past but still not fun. I do hope to get a second opinion after the first of the year - just too much going on the next couple of months to contemplate adding that to the mix!

    As for retail therapy, there really wasn't much. Went to Bed, Bath & Beyond and got a couple more of my favorite bathmats, then went to Target, where my checkout experience was a MESS (not the cashier's fault). By the time I'd been standing at checkout for half an hour after wandering the store, I was in serious pain so came home, put things away & have been trying to rest my foot/ankle and back. And to relax. The first part of that is to check in with all of you. You were all with me at the doc this morning and for once I did not cry after and can now ignore that stress for three more months.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited October 2016
    Janet, so glad things were better at the doc! Rest and take care of yourself after that shopping trip!

    Cindy, it's great to see you stick up for your well deserved dose of "me" time! You do so much for others along with all the job stress and home stress - you need an occasional break from the world. Thanks for the soup recipe, too!

    MaryLynn, we went hiking this morning, too. And, believe it or not, are going canoeing/kayaking tomorrow! We're really having a good time on this trip with some relatives and their friends. Lots of gabbing around the campfire and we could not have asked for better weather! Beautiful sunny skies with warm temps during the day and cool, campfire worthy evenings.

    Paula, if I haven't already told you, it's so good to have you back with us! Hope you're rested up and feeling better soon.

    Patti, sorry, but no costume ideas here. I've never been particularly good at it. My favorite costume is an old orange Tshirt that says "this IS my costume".

    Karla and Bert and anyone else I've missed , waving hello.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited October 2016
    Good Tuesday morning friends. I am feeling great this morning as both Glenn and I fell asleep early in the living room last evening watching TV, before we went to bed, lol. He awoke me leaving for work at 4am as he was leaving before his usual time. I have been up since prepping the house for my cleaning ladies. Izzy left her room a mess and I am organizing it, yet again. I have a cute idea for her American Girl dolls. I have an old trunk of my mother's I am going to use for her three, yes three, American Girl dolls and all their outfits. I am going to stand the dolls up in the back and have the clothes stacked in the front. I'm going to see if Glenn can hang a bar across the front to hang clothes. It's nice that it is was a doll trunk my mother used in her doll shop too. Memories.

    Suzi- Your weekend camping trip with relatives sounds divine. Glenn and I went to central Tennessee and although we didn't camp we did the kayaking and horseback riding. He states that was one of his favorite trips. Mardi Gras is only a few weeks away and I look forward to seeing you again!!

    Patti- One of the cutest costumes, and cheap, that my BFF Monica created one year was out of trash bags. She used the large white garbage bags and stuffed them all over herself and in big letters put WHITE TRASH on the front. It was hilarious as her dad ended up adding at the top POOR. It was a fun year.

    Janet- Yea for surviving another visit with the Endo. But, so sorry for you pain at the grocery store. I pray that the Ortho will be able to assist you with a resolution of some sort to give you a better mobility, surely with technology there will be something for you my dear friend.

    Cindy- Yummy for that recipe. Thank you.

    Mary Lynn - Canada is on our Bucket List for travel and your area is a must. We all keep plugging along on our journey.

    Paula - I, too, am enjoying your post and your family pictures on FB. Don't you run away again, you hear? lol.

    As far as my crown, no, still have the temporary. When I presented myself yesterday morning the crown did not sit correctly and they are having to send it back. They are to call me when it comes back in. Geez.

    I better return to my organizational duties. My home is so festive. Izzy and Jakob decorated with all my pumpkins, skeletons and ghosts this past weekend. We thoroughly enjoyed them. Did I tell you that when Glenn picked Jakob up on Friday he told Papa that he was so glad he was coming over, that he "deserved" to come? LOL. These grandkids bring us so much joy.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I'm going to see if my ex will re- line the trunk with some cute antique looking wallpaper. He used to do fantastic refinishing of old furniture and once did a huge trunk that was gorgeous. This turned out cute though and is special because it is my mother's.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have much to do today. Grocery shop for the Turkey Dinner, pick up Jillian so Greg and Carrie can attend Paren/Teacher Conference, meet with committee to discuss new rules and regulations for salaries. It's too cold this morning to work in the yard (41 degrees), so I'll do that tomorrow when I can stay home more.

    Janet: What is Cytomel?

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Time to head to Mom's but wanted to stop by and say hi.

    Janet, good to hear that you did not leave in tears this time. Hopefully lowering your synthroid will not make a huge difference since you are still on the cytomel. Shopping is my least favorite thing to do, even when it all got well! Hope your day is relaxing and as pain free as possible.

    Karla, love the white trash idea, thanks. I miss my grands being young. We always had such fun with them. They are all in their 20s now with one to soon be 30!

    Suzi, I love campfires especially when shares with others who love them too. The best stories seem to come out around a campfire.

    Paula, the costumes were so cute. Sorry you always have to pay such a heavy price when you enjoy yourself.

    Cindy, yeah you! Every day you seem to be taking back your power and becoming the true YOU. Thanks for the recipe, going to give it a try real soon.

    Mary Lynn, I love the fog in fall. I have taken the most stunning pictures when the leaves are changing and the mist is thick with a few rays of sunshine. I see you there!

    True confession time, I recently have been horrible with the snacks. I have been craving salty and crunchy and have given in. Told myself I was stocking up for my nephew's visit. Yeah, right! That stops now and I am going to return to my clean eating. I have a dr's appointment tomorrow and I know the scale is going to be ugly. So I am saying it here and now ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!

    Back later
    Peace out
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies,
    Morning rain showers in our part of the world, which often translates to just lying in bed and listening to the rain fall outside. Late rising means I need to get going here, so just checking in with you all. May your day be full of productive activities and balanced with personal quiet.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Checking in from the camping trip. So far today we've ridden bikes for 30 minutes, hiked about 2 1/2 miles and are going for a 10-mile paddle down the river this afternoon. Having a great time and the weather is perfect! Waving hello to all....

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    A busy today and tonight is another meeting for Rick and me. I think I know the direction we're headed but only time will tell for sure.
    Janet- glad you knew we were with you- strength in numbers.
    Karla- Izzy will be thrilled with the truck and memories when she's a mom someday
    Suzi- keep burning those calories.
    MaryLynn- everyone enjoys a lazy start some days- did you see my blog post this week. My backyard was enjoying the water last weekend.
    Patti- I always smile when i think of you trudging through the stores to shop I know how much you enjoy it. :)
    Bert- I used to help cook meals at the church- but just zero time anymore. So glad you are doing this it means so much to others.
    Need to run but feeling good with my food plan- I'll get back to exercising too.
    Off and running-
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Tired, quick hello. Did the retail therapy today and bought a pretty bracelet that was made right across the river in New Albany, IN. Also hit the needlepoint store (didn't need to - I have plenty of projects waiting - but wanted to). Found a new-to-e farmers' market and got some great stuff, including something I've never seen before -- "green" red onions. They look just like standard ones but the root ends are red.

    Been really hungry today and still have calories left for something, perhaps an apple. Having dinner out tomorrow, so will eat extra lightly during the day. Now have 25 days on plan and hope I have lost at least 5.

    Watching world series but may not make it to the end of the game. Am recording "This Is Us," which I just love - my weekly cry show.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- Good for you for treating yourself and for the 25 days on plan! You rock. I have acid reflux really bad tonight as I forgot my meds this morning and maybe two mornings. I love the This Is Us show also. About time we had a show of this caliber ..

    Tomorrow is a me day and I am sooooo looking forward to it. My home is spotless from my cleaning ladies today and that always makes me feel good. I have sewing projects for tomorrow. Doll blankets and pillows and two throws. Fun times.

    Patti- We can turn this bus around. You have confessed and tomorrow you get the number. Let's both get back to our omelets, water and tracking!! We know it works.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Final check in for the day. Mom and I made a carrot cake, had subway for lunch and got her shopping and chores done. Her eyesight is getting better. She can now see facial features, including her own and she ain't too happy about that, lol. I have my Dr appointment tomorrow, followed by my painting job. Mom's appointment is friday, just her semi annual blood pressure check like me. We will be going to the cabin after her appointment. I think I will be low key on the costume. Wearing my Minnie Mouse sweatshirt and headband. Just not into it this year for some reason. I will save the "poor white trash" idea for another time. We will be outside a lot for this party, so just want to be warm, comfortable and able to move around easily. I may need to paint on Thursday between my exercise classes too.

    Janet, wonder if the onion tastes any different. Glad you found some bling. 25 days is the bomb. You are my idol, but I have told you that before. Now I just need to follow your example. I did well today, so that is a start.

    Karla, enjoy your me day and getting your sewing machine humming. And yes, we can and will do this. Just gotta get our groove back.

    I am getting very sleepy......
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited October 2016
    Wishing you all a great day. Just had to stop by and share something that made me chuckle more than once this week. Michael Buble' is on Kelly this week and she told him that he needs to name his first daughter Creme. Hope that made you all smile.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm having lunch today at a new Vegetarian restaurant with my best friend. I love spending time with her.

    Patti: I'm with you. I have had horrible snacking cravings.....I'm going to return to my 21 Day Fix with the color coded containers. It helps me visualize what I am to eat and the portions I am to eat. I'm not happy with my scale numbers. I'm so happy your mom is getting better.

    Janet: I flipped back and forth between the World Series and This Is Us. Last night was a horrible night for my Cubbies. I'm so hoping they will win tonight.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Been in bed past two days, not feeling the best. Last night was a horrible night of pain. It's under control now but was not fun last night for sure. Poor Luís was rubbing my legs retumba to get them to stop I finally managed to sleep so that's a positive.

    Got my flu shot so not sure if that is what caused all off this. Guessing it's part of it because it activates your immune system blah blah blah.

    On a positive note I haven't allowed it to deter me from staying on plan. May not make the dinner I had planned for today because it's a bit time consuming but I'm determined to stay on plan. Going to weigh in this Saturday, I've missed the past two for one reason or other. Gotta face the scale.

    Well I'm going to rest, it amazes me how pain one day can drain you the next day.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Paula, please do rest. MS can really take a toll and I am so thankful that you got disability and don't have to push yourself to work, even with people you like.

    Patti, I laughed at "Creme Buble." Just downloaded his new album and hope to listen today. Your mom's vision improvements are thrilling - when's her next appointment?

    Karla, sewing time may be just what you need.

    Bert, enjoy your lunch! I'm ravenous today and hope to curtail myself at dinner tonight. But ...

    Suzi, Cindy, MaryLynn - hi!

    Watched last night's "This Is Us" and was sobbing at the end. This is an ugly-cry show, but only because it is so beautifully written, acted & shot. So many perfect moments in each hour. I'm way hooked. My houseclener also got me into the Dick Wolf "Chicago" shows - fun brain candy.

    Was ravenous this morning so had yogurt, blackberries and a tablespoon of steel cut oats stirred in. And I'm still hungry.
