OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi - LAST bad food day. After doc, went to greaat breakfast place, had French toast & bacon, enjoyed every bite.

    Doc says he can help! He can't fix the differential in leg length this has caused so I may need a lift on my left shoes after, but hey ... anything that might help the back is good even if it seems awful to someone who used to own more than a hundred pairs of shoes. My left foot turns out more than 30 degrees past where it should be and ankle is collapsed so badly that I have a callus in the middle of my arch. The whole thing bulges and is off-center. And then there are my sad toes. Getting a CT scan very early Wednesday morning (have to be there by 6) and see him again next Monday. He has a very professional resident with him too. I was deeply impressed and think he is the foot/ankle Mr. Goodwrench I need. If there's any chance to make it materially better for the long haul, I'm in.

    DARN few trick-or-treaters this year, maybe because it's Monday. Nearly all were under ten and a few were in strollers. Just WAY adorable kids! The tiniest ones who had no clue why this strange trek was happening were a wide-eyed kick. I wore a pretty mask and a black feather boa and long gloves, thanks to Target. It was a big hit with tween girls.

    One trend that cheered my feminist heart was the fact that there were very few princesses (I am quite sick of the pervasiveness of Princess Culture and have been for years). Instead, there were more empowered, strong girls -- a couple of Reys from Star Wars, several Batgirls (one was 3 and you just wanted to scoop her up and cuddle her, she was so cute), a couple of Wonder Women and a Revolutionary War officer in breeches and a tricorn hat with a drawn-on beard - she was pricelessly proud of her power. Maybe I'm weird but it felt good to see girls dressed as characters who accomplish rather than just being pretty much ornamental. The tiny Belle (under 2 and a bit timid) carried a book along with her treat bag. I crouched at her level to put treats into her bag. Girl Power!!! Lots of boys as Batman, Spider-Man, Star Wars characters, skeletons. No horror-movie killers either! All the leftover candy (& there's a lot) goes home with my cleaner on Wednesday.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, sounds like there is hope for a better fix. Loved your description of all the costumes. Couldn't agree with you more. So heartening to see our young ladies being so empowered so early. We had no trick or treaters again this year, boo hoo. I love the littles all dressed up and having fun. Got my fix with pics on FB of all my friends, near and far, who have children. My DILs niece who is 16 months was the cutest little owl I have ever seen. They even posted a video of her dancing, just melts my heart.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Tuesday.

    TT: I do take a vitamin, but have not been monitoring my intake of veggies and fruits and some days I have been really lacking in both categories. My doctors always ask about multiviamins and so do Glenn's. There are so many nutirients that we don't always pick up in our daily foods. Some days I was weak on my water also. For my eyes I really need to keep hydrated.

    Tomorrow will be a week I have begun my tracking and exercising and I am still fully on track. I feel so good. Onward ho!

    Keyword for he DAY: Consistency. This is such an important word in our journey. We start and stop our efforts so many time. Let us start and be consistent with our efforts until the end of he year. Let us get this 5-10 pounds off. Let us make his effort count!! Aren't we tired of beating this dead horse? I was down to 189.9 in July right before my class reunion and here I am again working back down again in the upper 190's. uggghhh. How many times do I do it to myself?? Are you in that same boat with me? Can we jump ship together and get out?

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    TT- I eat fruit and veggies with each meal so I get the 5 in- I take a low dose aspirin for the blood issues and vit D- as it is always low- other than those I don't take pills. I'm not good at swallowing them- heck I can choke on the low dose aspirin.
    We got a couple of kids but I was at nails and then in the kitchen so I missed them all- tons of candy left over but hey- for me when I look at it - its got a big RED filter on it and I have NO desire to eat any. Going on 3 weeks and zero candy- I'm feeling strong and focused on making good choices for my food- I've transistioned to all whole wheat bread products, the yellow box of Barilla pasta- high in protein and no white potatoes. I've also cut down on sugar in my coffee. But I am eating 4-5 times per day. Combining protein with a whole grain cracker or fruit and greek yogurt. Funny thing is I'm full after half my normal meal so overall feeling great. I need to start moving but that will come in time too.
    Janet- so thrilled there is a fix in the works for your ankle. Can't wait to hear what the doc says next Monday.
    Patti- Happy bday to your sweet daughter
    Karla- a massage sounds heavenly
    Bert- the student teachers are lucky to have you.
    Paula- you had quite the burst of energy to get all that deep clean done.
    Suzi- when do you pick up Ellis?
    Ok- well need to return to day job but needed my girl fix...
    Until later

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning compadres, sounds like we are all working it, and don't it feel good!!!!!

    Day 1 of tracking is in the books and now on to day 2. Right now my plan is to focus on tracking it all. I count myself fortunate that I never stopped the activity portion, it kept me from gaining any more than I did. Not setting any weight goals or timelines, that has always been my downfall. I like the word consistency as our focus. I refuse to think about how many times I have gained and lost these pounds. I am focusing on the now and only the now. I will not look back because I am not going that way!

    Cindy, you are sounding more positive and like the Cindy we first met. I love that you have the sugar monster under wraps and are feeling full with less food.

    Karla, good job on a full week doing your plan, I know how empowering it feels to be the master of our plans. Keep up the good work.

    Off to mom's shortly for our weekly chat-a-thon, shopping, mini chores and program catch up. Have a big salad with chicken planned for dinner after TRX. We have a friend stopping by tomorrow sometime and spending the night, so will need to do some cleaning before then. Wish he could stay longer, hoping he will be here for dinner but will have to wait and see. Planning Italian beef in the crockpot just in case.

    See ya later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited November 2016
    TT: I always take multivitamin with minerals and have to take an additional 1,000 mg of Vitamin D twice a day. Luckily I have never had an issue with full hydration - I have water and other calorie-free liquids all day. Have been spotty on my fruits and veggies for the last several days but it's a new month and new resolve has returned after a three-day Big Lapse. Am going to bag up all the Halloween leftovers for cleaner to take tomorrow -- today none oof it looks good to me, so that's something. I let my nerves about doc psych me out. But I did lose 5 pound in October anyway, though I had to get, on average, below 800 calories a day to do it.

    I'm determined to keep the scale movig downward and am focusing on protein, veggies & fruits and getting plenty of fiber. Hoping there'll be fewer restaurant meals this month. If I do have surgery, it will likely mean lots of time at home for a few weeks and I will cook ahead and stock the freezer.

    Suzi, Ellis can jump into my lap anytime!

    Patti, enjoy your Mom Day.

    Cindy, I'm so happy for your post-hypnosis focus. You rock because you ARE a rock star. Cpngrats on the new vacuum. Mine is orange and it works really well. Hope you like yours - for $50, how can you go wrong? It's like the time I took my niece Anne shopping and we found a pair of jeans that fit her perfectly but had no price tag. Somehow a call to deterine the price came up with $1.79, or $1.97 with tax. We still laugh about that bargain.

    Karla, loved Izzy's costume -- so pretty. Did Angelique do her makeup freehand (she seems like the kind of person who could do that perfectly) or were those temp tattoos or stencils?

    Paula, did the grandkids have fun? How did Adi react to the weirdness of Halloween?

    Bert, are you crazed with prep for the turkey dinner? I have a frozen turkey breast that I should cook soon, then cut up and freeze for dinners and/or sandwiches. Though it looks like I might be here for Thanksgiving so could do it then.

    MaryLynn, what is November usually like up there?

    My fun thing for the day = was looking through the Vermont Country Store catalogue last night and they have the same set of four china angels we had when I was a kid. They're white and hold tiny candles - each angel has a letter: N, O, E & L. Mom always put them out with love and at least once a day Daddy would rearrange them to spell LEON. That really bugged Mom but thrilled me, so I became Dad's confederate. One got broken and they got pitched. IT was a sad day for Dad and me. So I am going to order a set and in MY house they will always spell LEON.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Ladies -
    I thought I would share an email I received- this is what I am working on every day.

    I want to set the record straight when it comes to willpower and
    weight loss.

    I want to get right to the point. If you struggle losing weight,
    and willpower is one of the things you believe holding you back,
    then I have good news for you.

    (Please keep reading)

    Let me make this extremely simple. You do not need willpower to
    lose weight!
    Let me explain why...
    We all know we have two parts of our brain...

    Your conscious also referred to as the analytical side of the
    brain control about 10% of your behaviors including goal setting.
    And your subconscious! It controls over 90% of your behaviors,
    habits, beliefs and it also controls your nervous system (heart
    beat, blinking eyes, breathing)
    And here is where the confusion sets in.
    Willpower is a conscious behavior that means it is not needed to
    lose weight.
    However the biggest mistake we make is with our internal

    Let me give you an example of what I mean.
    You go out to eat and have a really fattening meal, or you blow
    off your work outs for a couple of days (cause you are busy) or
    just flat out get sick and all of a sudden you lose momentum.
    Your natural reaction is to say you have no willpower to work
    through these events.
    Unfortunately this is life and stuff (keeping it clean) happens
    that has nothing to do with willpower.
    The problem comes with telling yourself you have no willpower.
    Why? (big time important)

    Your brain take everything literally by telling yourself you have
    no willpower you actually shape and reinforce this negative image
    of yourself. Remember if you tell your brain a lie loud enough,
    long enough it will believe it whether it’s good or bad for
    So what’s the solution?
    Focus on changing your self-talk, your internal image and your
    habits will follow.
    Here is two simple steps to changing all three.

    There are two very powerful ways to change your brains "Self
    Talk" or "Image."
    The first is to create and impress positive affirmations. The
    most obvious way to do this is writing them down. However, I see
    many people make a very big mistake when writing affirmations.
    They write them in the future tense. Your subconscious does not
    know the difference between the past and the future; it takes everything literally.

    So if you say,
    I will exercise.
    I will start eating healthy foods.
    I will eat less food.
    You subconscious supposes that you will take action or accomplish
    that goal sometime in the future. Instead you must state your
    affirmations in the now, or present tense:
    I enjoy the benefits of exercise.
    I have lots of energy.
    I crave and eat healthy foods.
    I am a fat burning machine.
    I become satisfied very quickly.

    The second way to create a new healthy image is through the use
    of visualizations. Visualization is simply the creation of a new
    idea or belief, where you paint or create a new scenario. The
    conscious or intellectual part of your mind responds to words on
    the other hand the subconscious responds to images, colors,
    sounds, smells and so on.
    However most people do it all wrong. They might understand how a
    visualization works but the execution of it is done incorrectly
    therefore the lasting change so desired is not achieved.
    In order for a visualization to have a lasting affect on the
    non-conscious it must be done while you are in an alpha-state of
    consciousness. You might recognize this state as you are driving,
    or reading a book and your mind wonders off. You will also go
    into this state right before you fall asleep or wake up. In this
    state of very light hypnosis your non-conscious becomes open to
    change and creativity.
    Once you create these automatic positive thoughts and instill
    them in the subconscious part of your brain, they work
    twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week...three hundred sixty
    five days a year!

    **So right before I go to sleep each nigh I do some deep breathing while laying down and "talk to myself" I think that is helping me when I wake each day.
    Hope you found this interesting.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Thanks, Cindy - interesting perspective. We all know how destructive negative self-talk is, and this is an excellent reminder. Gonna start this just as I'm waking up and as I'm going to sleep. Good way to talk with myself in the middle of the night too. I get up to take my thyroid meds (which I also use as a water opportunity) and should do this as I work on drifting back off.

    Had an actual nap - haven't been feeling energetic at all today. OH well. It's 85 out so an indoors lazy day after my bad eating days seemed necessary to recommit & recharge.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi again, mom and I had a great day. She wanted to make Raisin Bran muffins. A recipe she has made a hundred times. She just needed my help to stir and fill the muffin tins. A little late into the process, read all the tins had been filled, she noticed the mix was too runny. Since I have never made this recipe I had no idea what the consistency was supposed to be. I didn't point out to her that she measured the liquids and that was probably where things went south. We put them in the oven and hoped for the best. After about 20 minutes we smelled something burning and as expected they had overflowed their cups and dripped onto the floor of the oven. Not to be deterred we let them bake and turned on the fan. They all got done but there was some issues with removing them from the tins. We ended up with some "muffin top cookies" and some were so mangled we threw them away. Not a total failure, we laughed the rest of the afternoon, especially every time we passed the table where they were cooling. I don't think she will ask me for baking help again any time soon, lol.

    Cindy, thank you for sharing that bit of wisdom. I am definitely going to start that tonight.

    Janet, sometimes we have to really go off the rails for a bit to realize how much better we feel when we eat right. You will rebound in no time. You have a great plan for getting rid of the candy.

    Time to track the rest of my day and then it's date night.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Having trouble with the app. Keeps shutting down in the middle of young a post.

    Cindy - love your email about self-talk. We pick up Ellis next Wednesday.

    Janet - great plan to get rid of candy

    Patti - enjoy date night

    Karla - you're on a roll, girl! Keep up the good work.

    Waving hello to Bert, Paula and everyone else.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! At nearly 8:00 in OKC the sky is finally beginning to lighten up. I hate winter - doesn't matter whether it's daylight time or standard time. I just want it to be light when I get up and light for a long time after supper. I so LOVE those long twilights of summer. After all I am Suzi Sunshine!

    The WW topic for last week is a good one that I think would serve us well here as several are trying to get back on the wagon. So, I'm going to propose a QOTD.

    QOTD: How do you keep a slip-up from becoming a slide? What strategies have you employed to get yourself back on track - whether it's a minor derailment or an full out train wreck?

    I'll be back later to share several ideas I've gathered from others this week.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello, quick stop before I head out to do some errands and get my stripe removed. Mom called this morning and we had another good laugh over our muffin fiasco yesterday. We both came to the conclusion we don't belong in the kitchen together. All the muffins are now in the trash!

    QOTD: the only thing I know to do is just start over, hopefully with the next mouthful, but usually it is the next day. The hardest part is to stop the negative self talk when I have been off my plan.

    Suzi, I will be interested in the ideas you have gathered.

    In keeping with Suzi's topic I will share a quote that our friend Rachel shared today. Most of you probably saw it so I hope you don't mind reading it again. It smacked me in the face and put Cindy's post into one sentence. Feels like the universe is trying to tell us something.

    "Your thoughts are the foundation that supports the outcome you desire." Cheryl Richardson
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Quick check in to report I am down 2.6 pounds having me at 195.6.!! Scale victory. Funny how tracking and consistency works!!

    QOTD; I would say willpower but we now know that's not it!! This group, our love of ourself, our family and our need to be!!

    Patti- You are right, no use crying over spilled milk or beating ourselves up. Move forward on our journey. Funny on your help with the muffins. Lol. A good laugh for both of you though.

    Suzi- I wish we had a good leader her with WW, I may check again and see if she left. She owned both locations though. I love that you and Paula share with us.

    I finally got my permanent crown glued on this morning!! Yeaaa!! Done with that.


  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    OK here are the ideas I've gathered:

    Just start with tracking the last thing you ate.
    Pick one thing you can do today and do it - even if it's just getting your water in or eating 5 fruit/veggie servings, or taking a walk. Then tomorrow do your first one thing again and pick one more you can add on.
    Draw a line in your journal to visualize the break or stop in non-productive behavior.
    Write "STOP IT" in your journal.
    If you just can't face online tracking, get a notebook and just write down what you eat without counting points or calories. Do that much until you get yourself back in the habit of tracking.
    Go to a meeting, find another group online on FB or MFP.
    If you're a WW member, get on Connect and read or post there.
    These were the ideas I gathered yesterday from a group of lifetimers I belong to on FB.

    We're watching the end of game 7 of the World Series. The game is tied in the bottom of the ninth inning. We've just had rain blow in and we lost satellite signal!!! Now we get signal back and they're rolling the tarp out on the field...
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies......I don't have time this morning to read eveyone's entries, but will be back at some point today. Busy day at church with the Turkey Dinner preparations. All I can say right now is:

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Bert congrats on your Cubs winning- good that 108 years is behind them. :)
    Suzi- great tips and you're right it all starts with one small change- I'm on it.
    Patti- I cracked up with the muffin story it will be something you cherish for all time. Every time you find yourself saying something negative about you- you have to say one thing positive. If you need inspiration I can send you a list of great things about you!
    Janet- Wow its hot down there- is this normal for KY? Today we'll be int he 60's again but rain, which we need. Then the temps are dropping to a more normal 40's. How is your positive self talking coming along?
    Paula- how are you doing with stringing days together?
    Karla- congrats on the final crown. That is behind you now. Big plans with the grands this weekend?
    I have an LR day tomorrow but I think I'm going to take some time to find a simple dress. I have the bookfair on Sunday where not just authors will be in attendance but also some publishers- need to make be ready to make a great impression. Well at least try. :)
    My little Jasper is having a very bad allergy reaction to something - I have to call the Vet today and see if I can get him in. He's got tender skin to being with and I have no idea what is going on.
    I did overeat all good foods yesterday but had the munchie monster visit. Yes despite making good choices and we have Chinese for dinner- brown rice, and shrimp with veggies I ate too much and felt a bit yucky from to much- funny how this has started to make me more aware of what i really need.
    I'll be back later but so happy to see it's Thursday.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Thursday. I worked Monday through Wednesday at the Podiatry office, so I am done with the week for on site work!! I have personal things to take care of at home today. he Lady Bird deed is ready from the Edlerly Attorney in Panama City, so I am heading over there on Monday.

    Suzi- Great advise!! Yes, the Cubbies won!! What a great victory.

    Cindy- A simple dress with some silver jewelry and you will be the most striking author there. Have you thought of putting out a Christmas book each year? I have ordered Deborah Macomber's new one. I love her writing also, although I haven' read her books in a long while. We had a birthday celebration at the Podiatry office yesterday. I ate more than usual, but counted it as lunch and dinner and still under my 1150 calories. I've been sliding on my water the last two days though. It is so much easier when I am at home than at work. Don't know why. So very glad you are checking in with us everyday.

    Bert - Have you stared back on your containers yet? On my Facebook WW board one of the members called this three month season the Bermuda Triangle of eating challenges with he three holidays. LOL. My Garmin is working and I am getting over 7K each day, but I am doing the workouts and getting good upper body with the weights and that feels good. I need to increase my veggies. I am only getting 2-3 a day, not 5.

    I better get on my paperwork, workout and meeting with Jason on his home loan later. I am so looking forward to my facial tomorrow!! Have any of you used the Murad products?

    QOTD: Were you up late watching the game? Are you tired this morning? When I'm tired, I'm not my best. How do you keep from making bad choices when you aren't feeling your best? It is so much easier to eat bad when you are tired. Fast food, processed, easy to fix options from the store are so much more convenient when I'm blah. Share your solutions for those days you don't have the energy to prepare proper meals.

    Back later with my answer.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Well I was up late but not watching the game. Haven't watched baseball since the late 70's but so happy the Cubs won just because I am from Chicago and it was a milestone for them. We had a f Irene stop by and spend the night. So much fun catching up and just shooting the know. Edd and he have been friends since 1969. Just wish his wife was with him. I was dragging a bit but the gym perked me right back up. Now I need to get my laundry done and get dinner prepped.

    Karla, congrats on your awesome loss.

    Bert, hope you have some time to relax sometime soon. You are a whirlwind right now,

    Cindy, hope you find the perfect little dress but know that your smile will always outshine anything you put on your body. Your personality and your writing will carry you far. Thank you for your kind words.

    Suzi, great advice for us at anytime. Thanks for sharing.

    Paula, how are you doing? Staying the course I hope.

    Mary Lynn, miss your sage words. Hope all is well with you and Myron.

    Janet, are you planning to lay low and rest your foot and back this weekend?

    I have a job interview at Kohls on Monday, wish me luck. Have not heard from any of the other places I have applied. I may not be the ideal candidate since my background is all in healthcare. Hoping that my interview skills are good enough to land me a job, even if only seasonal.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    QOTD: when I am tired I definitely eat poorly. So easy to just get take out or eat.....whatever! I do try to keep some ready to eat options in the house for these times, but don't always make them my priority choices. I think being tired is my most vulnerable time to eat the worst stuff. Edd always tries to be helpful and offer to get anything I want and never questions my choices. Sometimes I wish he would but I also know I would resent him as the food police. Guess I have identified an area I really need to work on. Thanks for the push Karla.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    I'm still here and just catching up on the happenings in your lives ... it always gets me smiling!

    All is well in our lives, just been busy with activities and numerous commitments lately. Keeping up with tracking and striving to get more protein in during the course of the day.

    Finished some more raking out on the property this afternoon and just ready to read for a bit. Finding that the strength training in the evenings fits our schedule better than early mornings.

    So pleased that we are all learning new ways to visualize our long-term success and eager to work it back to the occasional short-term "set backs". While I understand that it takes time to create more powerful new habits, it is a mystery why old habits still plague me periodically. As the rainy season of fall/winter sets in, I admit to a lower motivation to indulge in hiking; thus, there is a risk of lower activity levels that I need to address BEFORE it becomes an issue.

    Well, I can hear Myron getting the woodstove "fired up", so I will go for now and check back tomorrow again.

    Hugs to all,