OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    QOTD: My favorite gift to give away is peanut butter fudge which is my mom's recipe. It reminds me of her making it every year.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all and safe travels to Karla and Bert. It is going to be gorgeous here today. I need to get to the grocery for a few things but may wait until tomorrow after mom's eye appointment. She is hoping to start driving in her parking lot soon, lol. She can go to Krogers, the mailbox and the trash with leaving the lot. Praying there is improvement on the eye chart and the exam. Last month was so dramatic that I am afraid we will be disappointed if there isn't as much improvement as we think there is. Spent some more time working with my stamps and ink last night. Always makes me happy. The nice thing is you will all benefit from it, lol.

    Bert, it is always hard to watch our loved ones health deteriorate. Cherish the time you have. Hooray on the awesome profit from your turkey dinner. I like that you are already talking about your successor.

    Cindy, sweet dream to start your day. I hope that Randy finds a job close by. I know that he needs to work, but she needs her family equally as much, I pray he recognizes that.

    I haven't heard anything back on any of my applications. I am going to call Hobby Lobby when I get home from the gym. I know that I have no experience in the retail world, but I think I am still young enough to learn and to physically handle the job.

    QOTD: I love to give some small homemade item, craft of the year I usually call it. As you all know, I am not a baker, so that is definitely off the table for me, lol

    Have a beautiful day, wherever you happen to be.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! Checking in before errand-palooza. Lowe's, Nordstrom Rack (Clear the Rack gives an extra 25% off clearance stuff - nothing I need, but always a good idea to look, and hoping I can find something nice - maybe velvet - to wear at Christmas) and the needlepoint store. Will get dressed & head out as soon as I finish this post. It's just gorgeous out -- sunny, will get into the 60s. Totally MY kind of weather!

    QOTD: Whatever might surprised &/or delight. Because I always have to travel for everything, not much homemade stuff is practical, so I try to do something either to meet an expressed want or to choose something that will make the recipient smile.

    Cindy, if Meg moves to Indianapolis, I'll drive up and take her to breakfast or lunch, so she knows she has a fried sorta nearby. It's only a few hours from here. I know that will be rough on you and Emily, but I can speak as someone who has had to move seven times for a new job, it's survivable.

    Bert, wishing you as good a time as possible with your cousin. That's difficult (and with dementia you deal largely with symptoms in daily life, rather than diagnosis; I speak from experience). Care to share the PB fudge recipe? Congrats on the even bigger profit from the turkey dinner -- I know you'll be leaving things in excellent order for your successor.

    Patti, good luck with the job search! Extra $ is always a plus.

    Karla, hope you got done what you intended before you head home. How is your eye doing today? Glad you're heading back to Birmingham so soon. She'll put your mind (and, we hope, your eye) at ease.

    Suzi, Paula, MaryLynn, Myra -- hope you are all having a great day with sunshine in your hearts.

    My cats are finally adapting to the time change, but they think I'm stupid and lazy for not feeding them at "normal' meal times. But they are very sweet and both slept right by me all night.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's another gorgeous sunny day. Not a cloud in the sky! Yesterday's visit was good. My cousin was upbeat and tried to join in the conversation. I made a trip to Trader Joe's while in Indy. We don't have one here. I stocked up on marinara sauces and some pumpkin flavored cereal and oatmeal! I love Trader Joe's.

    Janet: I'll be glad to share my mom's recipe. I remember she and I making the fudge together. I made two batches when I visited my brother in September. It will last him quite a while until I can send a new batch for Christmas.

    I'm babysitting for a while this afternoon. It will be fun. I haven't been with Jillian and Cole since Halloween. Have a great day, everyone!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and TGIF. I returned to my home, always feels good, and Glenn was quite pleased to have his Bride home.

    QOTD: Like Janet, I give thought to each and every relative and friend and try and obtain a gift that will bring delight and a bright smile when opening. I also purchase those cute holiday containers with a variety of my homemade candies and cookies. I make the Crockpot candy and the oreo balls, which are always a great success.

    Bert - I cannot expand your recipe above. Can you email it to me please? I saw that Cherrio's has a Pumpkin flavor now.

    Patti- I know you have been out of the medical community for awhile, but there are many, many medical professionals, that although they did not condone or respect Trump's behavior and traits by any means, could not favor the other candidate. These voters were definitely NOT little people and highly educated. It is also hypocritical of the democratic party to have pointed the finger to Trumps voters being deplorable and now some are rioting and destroying property in various cities. I will be glad when all this settles down and we can all move on as a nation. The American people have spoken. I pray that as a trait of a successful businessman, you choose qualified and experienced people to work for you in areas you aren't qualified in. I hope, and believe, this is what will take place, maybe not in every case, but in most cases. I'm off he podium.

    Janet - Yes, I was able to accomplish my intended intention for my visit, but the big bonus is all the laughs my dad and Kerry I enjoyed. Dad and I stayed up until 2am watching the election results and I dozed off in the recliner in his bedroom. That is what you call a close daughter/father relationship, eh? lol

    Cindy - My heart bleeds for Emily, let's hope they can find a place way out in the suburbs if they do move into a large metropolitan area. Janet would make a wonderful role model and friend to visit her if she is close enough.

    My eye had to be restarted on the Prednisolone. It only lasted 9 days off of it and started getting very bloodshot. I had to call my physician up in Birmingham. I see her next Tuesday.

    I will check back over the weekend. There are two Christmas Jubiliee shows in our area this weekend. I think Izzy and I will go to both. Santa will be there!!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. Braved the scale & have now lost seven pounds since October 1. Have been WAY off plan for some of that time so feel pretty good about it.

    Suzi, how have the first few days with Ellis been? Hope he & Dinky are becoming fast friends. Did Dinky ever meet him before you brought him home?

    Bert, I know you'll have a blast with Cole & Jillian (love both names too). Also can't read the recipe. Weird - the one time we could really use a big photo!

    Cindy, hope your work week has ben tolerable. Any Lucinda events this weekend?

    Karla, hope your eye is better soon. Glad your doc will examine it on Tuesday. Have fun with Izzy. Have never heard of Christmas Jubilee but assume it might be a craft show/holiday expo -- she will love it!

    Waving at everyone, wishing you a peaceful weekend. Must head out now - almost out of produce and am down to one yogurt.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I'm the marketing chick today and haven't worked a full week in while so I'm itching to get out of the office. next week I'll also be working a full week but I've pushed my LR day to Monday so I have a full week off at Thanksgiving. Nice.
    Tomorrow I'm going to my RWA meeting there will be a speaker about writing emotional scenes without resorting to cliches really looking forward to it.
    Em and I are making reservations to surprise my mom in SC for her 80th birthday in January- so fun.
    Janet- thank you for offering it see Meg if they wind up in Indy- congrats on the WL- way to go!
    Karla- so glad you enjoyed time with your family- it truly is a gift. What is crock pot candy?
    Patti- you'll find the right place for you- patience. What about a visiting nurse or something? Unless you really don't want to get back into medical.
    Bert- thank you for sharing your mom's recipe.
    I get out of here in 85 minutes, not that I'm counting but I need to wrap up a few things.
    I'll check in again.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies,
    Just checking in from rainy VI and wishing you all a day full of blessings and adventures.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, just checked the time of your post. You're out! Having the full Thanksgiving week will be worth the full weeks between now & then.

    Bert, thanks for the recipe.

    Topped off the gas tank and got plenty of groceries. Had to go to Target after Walmart because Wally World wa out of my Dannon Light & Fit Vanilla Greek Yogurt, which I love with berries. Got other flavors as well. Going to toss a couple into the freezere, just to see what happens. Going to make chili tonight or tomorrow and stocked up on produce & beans.

    Have a peaceful weekend!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening, it has been a busy day here. Started by taking mom to the eye doc. She couldn't read as much on the eye chart this time. It is so hard and heartbreaking to see her cry. I tried to point out that even though she couldn't read the eye chart she is able to see facial features from across the room and can see her face in the mirror. Both of these are big improvements. She was trying to put on her brave face but she can't fool me, her tears gave her away. I was so relieved when the doc came in and told her that he saw real improvement in her eye and that he was really pleased with what he saw. He told her not to worry about the eye chart because all the drops they gave her prior to the exam made her vision blurry. He said he doesn't go by the eye chart to determine improvement. Talk about turning her frown upside down. She was worn out by the time we got home. Did a few chores for mom then hit the grocery. Got my covered dish made for tomorrow, did some more prep for my card group and got all my supplies packed. I have been craving a baked potato so that is what I made for dinner along with a crab cake. Edd went to the cabin tonight so they can cut down the tree tomorrow. He will be back for the wedding tomorrow night. Then we will head back down Sunday morning to put the boat in storage and come back Monday afternoon or evening. I think my son may have some work for me, so that will take the edge off of not hearing back on any of the jobs I have applied for.

    Cindy, what fun to surprise your mom. Your lecture sounds very interesting. Enjoy.

    Karla, glad you are getting to see the eye doc so soon. Enjoy your jubilees with sweet Izzy.

    Janet, can't wait to hear how freezing the yogurt turns out. Congrats on your awesome loss this month.

    Mary Lynn, nice to see you. Enjoy your rain. We need some here.

    Suzi, Ellis is so cute. Loved Dinky's Elmer Fudd hat. My smile for the day.

    Paula, how are you doing. How is your mom.

    Not sure when I will be back but know I am thinking of you always.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's pretty chilly this morning. I'm up early today as my mind started wondering after I got up with Molly to feed her. Today is Dan and Annie's anniversary. This is the first time in several years that I haven't driven to Chicago to babysit while Dan and Annie go somewhere for their anniversary. So, I'll be able to attend our church Christmas Bazaar. I'm only going for lunch as I definitely don't want any more items for the house. I'm in the decluttering stage of my life.

    I have been very good this week with my eating. Mike and I went out for dinner last night at a local fish restaurant. Everything is fried there, so I was worried about ordering. They actually grilled a piece of cod for me and I ate half a Chef Salad.

    I'm trying the fudge recipe picture again. Hopefully it will show up better. Have a great day, everyone!


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Saturday morning my friends.

    Bert - Much larger and I was able to save it and print it today. Thank you so much. Glenn absolutely loves it. I love going to the Church Bazaar's. It brings back memories of my Mother and I going to them.

    Patti- Breaks my heart to hear of your mother crying, but glad to hear the doctor turned it around.

    Janet - We are off today to a 300 vendor Christmas Show in Biloxi. Santa will be there for Izzy with a children fun area with arts and crafts. There is a college football setup for the fans for us to drop Glenn off too. I will be thinking of you as I see all the pretties.

    I have the cutest outfit for Izzy today and already have on my Christmas sweater.

    Tomorrow Glenn has us tickets for the afternoon performance of he musical "The Producers" by a local theatre group. It is the first time they have performed this play. I'm so excited.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Izzy and her pose. Her hair is sooo long, shiny and silky. So excited about this show. I've never been to it.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, your Izzy just keeps getting cuter. Love her outfit! What did she do when she saw Santa? Enjoy "The Producers." Love both movies but haven't seen it on stage yet. Going to see "The Book of Mormon" on th 30th though.

    Patti, your mother's eye doc sounds wonderful - so happy you got referred to him. I know taking the boat out is a bittersweet time, especially because you love the summer and dread winter so.

    Bert, congrats on getting a better option at the fish place.

    Cindy, your mom is going to plotz when you and Em show up! Surprising parents & grndparents is fun.

    Suzi, is Ellis sleeping OK in his new home? Those EARS are just the best.

    MaryLynn, this must be a perfect time of year on VI.

    Paula, how's your pain today?

    GORGEOUS fall weather here -- crisp air & sunshine and much cooler at night. Loving it. Ran errands this morning and am watching football (duh). Had little sleep and a horrid nightmare, so got up and out, was home by noon. Nothing very exciting but a nice day to be out. This week I hope to organize my spices and start working on th ne garag shelves -- organizer coming Tuesday. Can't really afford it but standing & walking for long is really not fun these days, and she's a lovely person too, recovered from her broken foot. Will be nice to catch up.

    May try a little nap - my Michigan Wolverines play tonight. Have a wonderful Sunday, all.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    The facial was awesome!!!!! Very professional and the Murad products had wonderful aromas, textures and results. If you have a Massage Envy in your area, I highly recommend them. This has been part of my "do something for Karla" program. You earn points for scheduling ahead, who doesn't? So I have earned a free facial or massage already.

    Glenn and I are off to the play..

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! We're in the midst of a very sporty Sunday! We met Dave's daughter, Becky, for lunch before the OU women's basketball game in Norman. She's in law school at OU. It's was sunny and reasonably warm so drove top down in the convertible on the way home after the game. I've been napping through Dave's Dallas Cowboys game and we'll watch the Thunder on TV a little later. I've kept up with y'all by lurking but just haven't stopped to post. Last week was pretty busy with the 4-day AR trip, bring home Ellis day, another work day and puppy chasing ever since.

    To answer some of your questions about him - he's nearly perfect! Showing a little aggression toward Dinky occasionally, but nothing too bad and that'll get fixed when he gets neutered on Thursday. He's house trained, crate trained, well-behaved, quiet and quite a happy little guy. We need to get our underground electronic fence installed so the two dogs can spend more time outdoors running in the yard. There will be training involved for both dogs with the new fence and Ellis doesn't yet walk on a leash. Both are smart dogs, so hopefully it will go smoothly. We haven't started Ellis on the leash yet - letting him settle in some first. I'm thinking we probably ought to wait until after Thursday so his mind will be more on his business.

    I'm still tracking and in spite of not counting points during the trip, coupled with pretty much trying to "drink Arkansas", was only up 0.2 at WI yesterday. Still in ONEderland with no sign of my old pattern of sabotaging myself once I got here. I think identifying that trend has helped me alter that pattern and put those days behind me.

    Time for more basketball,
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Monday morning. The play was absolutely wonderful!! The local actors were outstanding!!! Glenn and I laughed out loud on several occasions. We booth "hooted" and gave a standing ovation. An adult outing was much needed for us!

    The Saturday Christmas City event was a huge success for the grandkids. We picked up Audrey, so we had three of them. I spent more time in the kid area, train area or feeding them, Glenn was in the sporting lounge, so, that by the time I got back out on the floor to shop, it was so crowded you couldn't get near anything. The Train Museum had a quite extensive setup of various train sets displayed. A huge Lego setup that was awesome! Four different riding trains that the kids rode several times. JJ made a wooden car, the girls got their faces painted with Unicorns and pictures taken with Santa. I did manage to purchase some Cajun shrimp and Pineapple Chicken Dip mixes, as well as some jewelry cleaner.

    Suzi - I adored the pictures of Ellis on Facebook. He is a cutie. I am sure he and Dinky will become fast friends once they can start exploring outdoors together. .2 is a stay!!

    Janet - Thank you for the kinds words on my sweet Izzy. She was so happy, as usual, all weekend. She just cried when we dropped Audrey back off. What is on your agenda for this week? I'm heading to UAB tomorrow morning. Jason is going with me.

    Yesterday was a good eating day. Friday and Saturday with the grandkids was spotty, under calorie intake, but not good with nutrients or water. My vegetables have been low!!

    The facial was just awesome yesterday as I previous mentioned. I think I will lean towards these and have the massages every third month. I have 12 month membership with Massage Envy. She puts a bright light on your face and does extractions for any blackheads too. She said I had beautiful skin and had obviously taken care of it. I purchased some of the Murad lip moisturizer as my lips have been chapped. Since I am on the Cindy Crawford's Meaningful Beauty skin system, and received such high praise, I will continue with it.

    I better get to my exercise this morning.

    QOTD: Did you know that it was a super moon last night? If we can make a fuss about a moon, could we make some noise for ourselves? Today is a day to celebrate the fact that we're worth it. In fact, we're not just super, we're super duper deluxe!! What makes you fantastic? How do you take care of yourself to keep in tip top super shape both mentally and physically? What have you done to prep for a spectacular week of being amazing?


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. What a gorgeous moon last night and early this morning. I'm so glad I was able to witness it.

    QOTD: I'm not one to brag on myself; however, I'm humbled by the fact that my college students are still seeking my advice. My husband, children, grandchildren love me unconditionally. The jury is still out for tip top physical shape! I'm happy that I can walk and exercise without too much pain.

    Tomorrow is my long drive visit for one of my field students. My BFF is going with me, so that will make a great trip. It's a 3 hour drive, one way! Today I will run errands and also get some type of exercise in. It's so pretty outside, that I doubt I'll go to the gym. I really need to go to the gym, but probably won't due to the gorgeous weather.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    What a busy weekend, the seminar was outstanding and I thoroughly enjoyed LR time. Yesterday was all about working in the kitchen with a half bushel of apples. Again- good for my soul.
    I'm making time for me again- despite who it might make unhappy. LOL
    If I just keeping giving of myself without replenishing my soul I will have nothing left to give at some point.
    I did slip a bit from the new food plan of whole foods, I ate some of the pudding I made last night with, gasp, white flour. Afterward I thought the whole wheat pastry flour might have worked well and reduce the amount of sugar. Of maybe occasionally not tinker with Grams recipes and enjoy the indulgence.
    Karla- I so could use a massage so I'm adding that to my Christmas wish list.
    Patti- so sorry about your Mom- hugs to her...
    Janet- I'm sure the organizer will do a great job and you'll feel good despite the funds it will cost.
    Suzi- so love the pup. I'm sure he's a great addition to the family. Top down? I'm jealous.
    MaryLynn- thanks for checking in.
    I need to run but I'll be back.