OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    MaryLynn, the recipe looks great - copied and will try it soon. Thanks to you & Myron!

    Cindy, hope you & Lucinda have a fun weekend.

    Karla, so nice that JJ will be there for a week. It got to low 80s here today but mid-40s tomorrow.

    Waving hi to everyone. This morning's symphony concert was incredible - had tears streaming down my cheeks during the last few minutes of Prokofiev's "Romeo & Juliet" ballet score. Two dancers did the pas de deux during the romantic section and it was lovely (though she had stick arms!). The orchestra was astounding on this difficult piece. Then I ran errands.

    Much to do this weekend but I start by getting hair cut & colored tomorrow - won't be able to do that again for a bit.

    Tired tonight but it's the quiet time I've been craving. Yes!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's very chilly and windy this morning. I'm working inside of course. I'll ask Mike to get Christmas decorations down from the attic and then I'll work througout the week to get the outside lights done.

    Cindy: Good luck with your craft fairs this weekend.

    Patti: Congratulations on your job. Joann Fabrics or Hobby Lobby? I can't remember.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    OH my, snowflakes are falling from the sky! I am not ready for winter, of course I never am. I know Janet is happy with this weather so I will not complain for me but will rejoice for her. That is what friends do! I have my chorizo mixed and it is now "aging" until Wednesday. Working on my time line for the big event. I saw a recipe on FB for green bean casserole cups. I think I will give it a try. I always try to add a little something new each year to go with the standard menu. Now I need to find that recipe again since I didn't share it. Mom's only request is for turkey and apple pie sangria. Gotta love her.

    Janet, your symphony concert sounded wonderful and I know it filled your soul.

    Bert, I am going to work at Jo Ann's. Really looking forward to it. I don't know when I will get to my Christmas decorations. We don't do anything outside. The neighbor across the street does so much the reflection on my house is all I need, lol.

    Suzi, how is Ellis settling in. You should post. Ore pics. He is such a cutie.

    Mary Lynn, that soup sounds so good. Edd doesn't care for beets. I am going to see if mom likes them and if so I am going to give it a try.

    Until we meet again dear friends
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Slow morning here with my favorite JJ. He and Glenn are off to Vancleave, Mississippi to watch Kyle and Kody at a demonstration of their Martial Arts. I am staying behind and doing some housekeeping, and then off to a Craft fair myself, alone, so I may shop. LOL.

    Janet - The symphony sounds wonderful, with the dancers. I picture you enjoying it so with your tears of happiness. I am so glad you have joined this membership to enrich your life with what you enjoy. It did reach into the 80's here too yesterday, but today in the 60's and very windy, tomorrow and Monday we are expected to hit the high 30's. Burrrrrr.

    Bert - That is one reason I am housekeeping, to move things out of he living area for the incoming Christmas décor. LOL. I say every year I am going to downsize, but I love my Santa and Snowmen collections so much.

    I'm taking JJ to get one of his cousins when he returns, so I better get back to my chores. I am going to get a dvd workout in before I head out too.

    TT: Name two routines you back on continuing through next week.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Thanksgiving quote:

    On Thanksgiving Day, all over America, families sit down to dinner at the same moment — halftime. ~Author Unknown

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is the last Children's Theater performance. I have to say, I'm happy about it. Our concession stand hasn't made the profit we thought it would, but the relationship between Children's Theater and our church has been established. That's what's important. After the performance, I'm going to put up the tree. It's still quite chilly outside, so I'll do indoor decor. We decorate the church tomorrow night.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I have clipped my coupons, reviewed the sale ads, and made my list. It is off for a day of Christmas shopping with Glenn!! Plus, Outback has their Steak and Shrimp special and we will have lunch there. SteinMart has some excellent sale items for my family, Cashmere scarves and men's PJ set and a Dash camera set I think Jason would enjoy with his Uber business. lol.

    Bert - Sounds like you work for the church seven days a week. What a joy and blessing you are for them and yourself. Very rewarding! I am so glad to be off all next week to start the décor too. We are leaving Friday afternoon for a couple nights on the beach. I think we are taking Izzy and JJ, but not sure yet. That will be fun because Pier Park, which is five minutes from the Resort, has a wonderful train ride, Ferris Wheel, and Winter Wonderland setup. Plus a cobblestoned street of shops. Did you get over there when you were in Destin? It's on Panama City Beach. Also, did I tell you my local gift shop near my home is carrying our favorite Brighton jewel's now? Have you ever tried their flip flops? They are the bomb!

    Patti - I know you are on a whirlwind trying to get ready to rejoin the work force and prepare for the holiday. I know you will enjoy it. I want to hit Joann's while I am out today.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Glorious Sunday all you lovely ladies, working on little projects around here until time to go to the movies. Love JK Rowling and IMAX, plus time with one of my favorite YaYas. The other one is seeing the movie with her hubby this am. Found the recipe for the green bean casserole cups and can't wait to give them a try. If they don't turn out no biggie, lots of other food on the table to cover for one failure.

    Bert, you truly amaze me with all that you do for your church and with your family. Do you ever wonder how you found time to work?

    TT: I hope I understood the question. 2 routines I will continue through next week and the rest of the holiday season, drink at least 68 ounces of water a day and continue to exercise when not working. It will be interesting to see how many steps I get in a day at work.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Penny's birthday, she's 5! Mike and I are going to Chicago on Saturday for her birthday party on Sunday. Mike will come home and I'll stay until Wednesay as Penny will perform as a Hyena in Lion King, Jr. on Tuesday night. We're so excited to see her and Dylan.

    Karla: I think I do work 7 days a week for church. It's part of my ministry to be active in church whether it be music, Power Point, or helping programs be successful. No, we didn't make it to Panama. Pier Park sounds like fun, and I'm sure Greg and Dan took the kids there while they were vacationing with their dad. I've never tried Brighton flip flops. Might be something to think about.

    Patti: I've wondered that many times. I think I just worked everything in when I taught; howver, our church is busier that it was several years ago. I never worked rummage sales, turkey dinner preparation, etc. because they were always during the school day. I know I got 10K steps each day when I worked them this year! So that's a win-win in my book!

    I didn't get the tree up yesterday. My knees and legs were giving me fits after I got home. It's on the agenda for today. Have a great day everyone!



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    These beauties started my day off in the righ direction. Thanks for sharing, Bert.

    The movie as terrific, even not in IMAX. We got the times wrong and decided to see it anyway. I could see where the 3D experience would have made it really awesome but loved it anyway. It is a much more adult movie than the Harry Potter series, quite violent. Did not sleep much last night. Awake until nearly 3am, even though I was in bed by 12mn. Up at 7:30 to get ready for WORK. The store is about 30 minutes from here but I want to leave a little early to time a different route. Today is orientation and only 4 hours. Hopefully I will have some idea what my future schedule will be.

    Karla, hope your day of shopping with Glenn was productive and fun. Edd does not shop so it cracks me up that he is a mystery shopper. He has turned down the Best Buy shops but has done Gordon's food service which is a restaurant supply store that is one to the public.

    Janet, hope your weekend was restful and restorative.

    Cindy, need to catch up on your blog but have to get on the laptop to do it. Still cannot figure out why it will not load on my tablet. Hope you had some sales and found new readers for your lovely series. So looking forward to the next book.

    Paula,if you are lurking I hope you are well.

    Suzi, how did the fence training go?

    Mary Lynn, you are often in my thoughts out on your island and living the beautiful life.

  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies,

    What a wonderful morning, with sunshine and a bit of a breeze. With the beginning of a new week, I'm looking forward to what adventures await us.

    We've been doing some research on a potential new outreach project for our local church and the surrounding community. With a focus on reaching young adults, a cafe seems to be a good option to consider. Somewhere that folks can comfortably enjoy personal interaction and look for a positive conversation about issues that are meaningful to them.

    While still involved in other areas of service, such as food preparation for events, I'm also looking up ideas for "finger foods" for a men's ministry event in the near future. Any ideas are welcome ... they want something with bacon in it!

    Enjoy your Monday, with all the possibilities ahead!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Day 1 of training done. Sent home is less than 3 hours because they were too busy to spend time with me and I didn't know enough to be able to help out. I start training on the cutting table tomorrow and Wednesday. Just 4 hours each day so will have plenty of time to get ready for thanksgiving, yeah! Only work 4 hours on Black Friday, all at the cutting table. Then work 8 hours Saturday and Sunday. Next week I have 15 hours of cashier training, 5 hours for 3 days. After that I hope to be working weekends with a couple of short weekday shifts. The folks are all so nice. I did help out a few customers while I was on a scavenger hunt and they were very patient when they learned it was my first day. They asked for and I found some of the oddest items, almost like I was set up but I know the staff was way too busy to do least I hope so.
    Edd surprised me by vacuuming the living room and is now shampooing the carpet. Since he is the only one that uses that room I don't feel the least bit guilty, lol.

    Off to do some more cleaning
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Mary Lynn, you could make stuffed jalapeños or mini sweet peppers. Cut in half. Remove seeds and veins. Mix cream cheese, Parmesan cheese, cheddar (or any combo of cheeses with the cream cheese) add chopped bacon and or sausage. Stuff peppers, top with Parmesan and bakes until cheese is bubbly. They are good hot, warm or cold. You could also make sliders with your choice of meats and cheeses, including bacon. I used th Hawaiin rolls. Do not separate them, just cut them I half horizontally. A sheet pan will hold two packages. Line it with foil, place bottoms on the foil and top with your meats and cheeses. Put tops on, mix a bit of melted butter and or olive oil with your choice of seasonings and brush over the tops. Bake until hot. Cut them apart and put on serving platter. You can use pizza fillings, chicken, bacon and ranch dressing, chicken and buffalo sauce, pulled pork and BBQ sauce, meatballs and spaghetti sauce...just some thoughts.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a day full of running errands and working around the house. Then it's back to church this evening to put some finishing touches on the decorations that were put up last night. We only had 8 people show up to help which is disheartening. I think they think it just magically appears. Each year we think of ways to make the decorations easier to put up as we are all getting up in years.

    Patti: So glad you had a great first day. I worked in retail many years as my dad own several pharmacies when I was growing up. I remember working at the soda fountain when I was really young, but the only thing they would let me do was wash dishes. I did, however, graduate into making sundaes. My mom used to cook for the store to have "specials of the day" We weren't allowed to eat any of it because it was "for the store". :o) My dad's store is where I learned to make change......which sometimes is a lost art these days.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello, all - board is acting weird if I write more than a few lines (the "Post Reply" button disappears). Heading out for pre-Thanksgiving errands before things get more crowded.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and safe travels if you're driving. Big hugs to everyone. Bert, enjoy the little ones - they are soooo cute!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Things are coming together nicely here. Edd has been most helpful and for that I am grateful. Usually he only does outside chores and the inside is left to me. Today I will be training on the cutting counter. I have been "studying" the sale flier, lol. Let's just say it is a good thing I am working and not shopping! They have a nice classroom and I hope that maybe they will let me teach some special technique card classes in the future.

    Hope everyone gets their errands done and has some time to relax and just BE.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    It was a very busy weekend and Rick went on Sunday- grumbled and was totally not positive about anything so I reminded him - if you don't have something nice to say don't say anything at all.
    The anxiety he deals with has taken another down turn- like he was sacred to go tot he cafe and buy us lunch. I have lot of patience but I'm insisting on his next med doctor visit I'm going- How can he get anything under control with such fear gripping him daily? Sorry to dump but I have no one to share this with... If we can get him on the right med's maybe he can really deal with other issues. Time will tell.
    I'm working at being LR today- with the exception of a trip to the skin doctor. That seems to take forever but I'll try to focus while I'm home. Running behind this morning as i's almost 930 and zero coffee of breakfast and shower.
    In case we all don't cross paths due to hectic schedules- Happy Thanksgiving- stay say, eat only what you truly love and remember you have someone giving thanks for our friendship in MA.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Patti- I think they'll discover they're lucky to have your amazing talent on their team- have fun at the cutting counter.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, I will pray that one day we meet so I can give you the hugs I have been saving up. I also pray that getting Rick on the right meds will, at the very least, get him on the road to controlling his anxieties. Whether or not that means you two will remain together is something only you can decide. Your patience and obvious love for him will be what keeps you together for now. And by that I mean, keeps you, Cindy, whole. Venting is important so you don't explode from the pressure, this is the place to do it. It is safe and we love you no matter what. If you ever need to talk just text me and I will here to hear you. Sometimes you just need to let it all out and not in type.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    And if you don't have my number here it is 937-430-0701