OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening. Another long day at the office. The software dragging us all down. LOL.

    TT: I have learned so much from this clinic. Mostly, how to keep the carbs below 90 and the protein around 85-88. Most of the time my carbs are between 40-60. It is much more challenging to keep your protein in that exact range. The nutritionist/dietician does not want you over 90. I can't believe how well this system works. I eat really good food, three meals a day and snacks. I have allowed myself some endulgences, and I am still losing weight, just not as much. My go-to snacks have become the two I mentioned to Diane. The turkey pepperoni heated to crispiness and the babybel cheese, plus the two yogurts mixed and the small amount of fruit. YUM. They keep me hanging on!! I am hoping to see a 3-4 pound loss this two week go around. I have done real well. My girlfriend that came on Sunday said how good I was looking. I was fearful I couldn't get back on it after the splurges. It did take me awhile. But I am there now and ready to keep losing. A big motivator for me has been to GO and weigh in someplace. I want to show a loss when I go. I think that is why so many people like the WW meetings and are successful with them. (that is if you find a good leader)

    TT for Tomorrow: What is the motivating factor for your weight loss for 2018? Have you written them down? Many topics in the Dr. Beck book made sense, and some were a bit far fetched for some. Keeping your eye on the prize can help us stick to our plan. What prize are you looking at?

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. A late check in for me. Today was a busy one. No Elise today as she was healthy enough to go back to day care. I took Carrie to her follow-up appointment. She got her splint off, her 30 stitches out, and is cleared to wear the boot and start putting weight on her foot. We found out he cut one of the tendons to get one of the screws out (and stitched it back together!) so that will be some additional pain and healing taking place. The goal is to be back in sneakers at the end of three weeks - so crutches and partial weight for a week, boot alone for a week, then ease into a shoe.

    John put recessed lights in the kitchen over the weekend - we have hated the kitchen light fixture for the last 25 years. Next Monday we are having the drywall repair and ceiling painted, and also the wallpaper mural the kids put up 18 years ago in the rec room removed and that room repainted. So I spent this afternoon starting to clear some of the stuff out of the rec room, which led to going through two of the closets and getting rid of stuff, and... you can see where this is leading! I have until Sunday afternoon to get it cleared. That's okay - -it keeps me busy away from the kitchen for the afternoons!

    Eating would have been good today except Carrie wanted tot go to Chick Fil A on the way home from the surgeon. I just can't make good choices there! I love their spicy chicken sandwich and their fries.

    Karla, I don't think I could ever do the low carb that you are doing. That is what fills me up. For example, today for aa snack I had smartpop popcorn - only 100 calories, but 19 carbs right there. But it really filled me up so I didn't keep on craving other snacks! So I think one thing I have learned is that low carb is NOT for me.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to hump day. I went to bed early last night with my shows not being on, so here I am.

    Diane- 19 carbs is not bad, anything under 90 for the day is considered low carb. I think you are selling yourself short. It is not like you can never have carbs, you just don’t eat them at every meal in high levels. I eat at Chick Fil A, I just make my other two meals for that day carb free or very low. It is doable. It has been amazing to me how well I have lost weight and how much better I get around with less back pain. I just was not losing weight and could not stick to any program. This clinic has been a Godsend. Oh goodness on Carrie’s surgeon cutting the tendon. We are building a new pool/guest house. It will also have a single garage attached to it. We are having trees cut down and have already had the perk test done. It will also be Glenn’s man cave. Lol. It will have a kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Still is in preparation for my disabled brother to come live with us when my dad passes, which I hope is no time soon.

    I’m eating dinner with an old time girlfriend tonight. We worked together for ten years in the late 80’s. She was at my birthday party. We are eating at that new seafood restaurant near my home. Fun times.

    TT: My prize for 2018 is to finally get this weight off once and for all. Here I am in my 60’s and it’s past time to have to keep carrying this weight on my bone structure. In April we are meeting a big group of friends on the beach for a few days. So we will be in a bathing suit! My prize is to look good there. I know I won’t be down to 155 by then, but hope to be in the 160’s. Wow!! Cannot even remember the last time I saw 160 something on the scale, can you? Lol..

    I’m going to fix me an omelet and work on my tax preparation stuff a little. Not sure how our taxes are going to work out this time with Glenn’s retirement.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My friend is now at rest. I did sing at the funeral; I did ok with the first verse, but broke down on the second. I'm sure Jami understood. Many family members sang along which helped made it comforting. Visitation was amazing.....there were so many people to came to honor Jami. She will be with me always.

    I was up early this morning and was able to see the blue-moon, supermoon before it went behind the clouds.

    Have a great day, everyone.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning - just lost a long post. Oh well.

    Bert, my heart was with you as you sang Jami home - she heard you. I tried to see the moon, but it was clouded over. Did see it online from LA - quite something. The heavens fascinate me - would love to take an astronomy course someday.

    Cindy, loved your Jasper post - how is Griffin coping with having his buddy sidelined? Good for you, fixing something better for you than canned hash (not a fan of that stuff either). Shrimp and salad soup so much better. Rick was probably envious of your choice, and sadly he does seem to want to undermine you too often, but you know his game and resist. Proud of you in so many ways.

    Diane, the rabbit hole of "just clearing this out" gets us all form time to time. I laughed about the kitchen lighting fixture - we all have things in our home that we're not very fond of, and it feels o good when we eventually replace them with something we like. When you & John come back from your next adventure, you'll feel like you're in a new house. Glad that Elise is feeling better and that Carrie's recovery curve will be much shorter and shallower than lat year. She's been through so much.

    Karla, what is a perk test? Guessing something about the water table in Alabama. I'm so happy you have found something that works for you. Every body and every brain is different; what works for me is odd, but we each know our bodies and what will (or will not) satisfy us in a healthy, sustainable way. If there were a universal answer, it'd be easy, wouldn't it?

    Patti, hope you are getting some time to craft - ad the urge to do it. Glad your mom is doing pretty well.

    Chick-Fil-A is a decent indulgence now and then. If I go, I'll have three chicken strips and the lowest-calorie dip, or a sandwich and maybe lose half the bun. Or not.

    My eating has been better the last few days - taking it one day at a time. The Christmas sweets are gone - James keeps candy around but it's out of my sight, which helps. Need to get fresh produce today or tomorrow, and some nice fish to grill or make into fish tacos.

    Onward - have a a good day, all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I am sorry if this causes discord, but I need to get it said.

    Karla, please don't take this wrong. I am beyond thrilled that you have found something that works well for you, and celebrate with you on your success. But your plan is NOT a universal solution for everyone, and I am a little tired of hearing that if we all would just follow your high protein, low carb plan we would all see similar successes. I'm a bit tired of saying it gently. As Janet said above, every body and brain is different. For ME (and only for ME), low carb is not a sustainable or workable choice. I've tried it many times in the past, and I just can't do it. I feel cheated, hungry, and stressed if I try to go low carb. I therefore break and binge. So for ME, low carb is a destructive diet, and I am a bit tired of hearing that if I would just embrace it I would meet with success.

    For ME, moderation and counting calories, eating a low fat diet, and embracing a variety of foods is a much more sustainable lifestyle plan. My downfall is sweet and salty snacks, and I just need to exercise my No muscle and get more active (to stay out of the kitchen as much as to burn more calories!) I probably do need some accountability, and perhaps a WW meeting is what I need again.

    Sorry for the interruption to your regularly scheduled chats. I'll be more chatty tomorrow.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited January 2018
    Diane, well said.

    Karla, we are alI thrilled that working your plan is so successful for you, but - as we have each been saying in our own way (perhaps too delicately), your solution isn't right for everyone. We know it's just your enthusiasm getting carried away, but what you may not realize is that it sometimes comes off as preaching and a less-than-supportive attitude toward the rest of the group because we have different priorities and strategies.

    We're all here here for mutual support, and we all treasure the sisterhood in this group. We genuinely celebrate your success and caring, but we also hope you'll recognize that each of us has some things that work only for us, and respect our differences.

    I say this with nothing but love and wishes to get back to more sharing and support than what sometimes feels like lecturing. We know that's not your intent, but it is the effect we sometimes feel.

    Big hugs to everyone.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Afternoon All-

    Sorry for the MIA- just so much going on. But I'm doing fine.
    Bert- I love that you sang for Jami - she heard you. Bless you.
    Tonight is the group meeting again- I'm not sure what is on tap but it will be something of interest- My one takeaway is we all must find our path that we can live with. For some it might be gaining fitness for others it is weight but the most important thing is that we concentrate on being the best we can be.
    They talk a lot about a balanced diet and make good choices and find the plate method works best- 1/2 F/V- 1/4 protein and 1/4 complex carbs- and play around with new foods and spices. That is something I'm working on eating more veggies and spices.
    I think I'm have a body readjustment but I'm not stepping on the scale. And I'm good with it. :)
    Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, well said. I am glad you spoke up. We are here to support one another, not bend each other to our plan. I cannot live on a low carb diet but can do without sugar. Every plan has merit but the best plan is the one you will follow now and for the long term. Every time I have tried low carb I feel deprived and once I break from it the weight comes back much more quickly than with other diets.

    Janet, you are so eloquent and glad you shared your opinion. We all have a different metabolism and we must find the plan that works with it. You have come so far and done so well following your plan, your way.

    Cindy, can't wait to hear what you learn next. It is all about sharing, more input makes our decisions better I think.

    Karla, I can only hope that up you will take our constructive criticism for what it is, not a personal attack. We are all here to support each other, regardless of our chosen plan. I am super happy and proud of how well you have done on your plan. But it is also important to understand that most diets are science based, developed by medical professionals and have merit. But not all diets work for all people.

    We are all strong, kind and intelligent women. Our working together with support and love has kept us here and I pray we will all continue on this journey together. It is the support that means the most.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- I am very sorry. Truly not my intention. Will never mention it again.

    Janet- Thank you for your words. I understand everyone is different and things work different for each. The main culprit for most programs is sticking to it!

    I’ve struggled since Christmas and then my birthday, but doing good the last week and a half. I’m not going to let this get me down. In my heart I did not mean to hurt anyway or press you into my plan.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning!!

    Scale peek looks great!! 182.6!! finally saw a different number. I'm stoked, I really needed this. I also had to changed clothes twice as my clothes are not really fitting anymore. My black pants were wayyy too loose and my blouse from last year was baggy.

    It is going to hit 70 degrees here today so I have sandals on!!

    Have a great on-program day, whatever you choose it to be.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    I will share two tips today from our meeting last night- the first one is the 80/20 rule. The nutritionist and Canyon Ranch team encourage people to strive for eating on their chosen plan for 80% of the time and 20% include selectively- don't go hog wild but do enjoy eating too. If you can strive for 90/10 and be happy and content then strive for 90/10- if we do the math the 80/20 rule mean out of 21 meals per week strive for 4 to be a little of an indulgence. If you're going to 90/10 that means 2 meals per week. This resonates with me as when I do slip I feel like I've "blown" it and what the hell. But now if I strive for 17 to 19 meals per week on my plan I can do this for sure.
    The other tip o' the day- Happiness and true JOY-
    As an individual it is up to us to find what makes our heart filled with joy. Another person can't give us joy or happiness but enhance what is inside of us. Take a few minutes each day for voluntary laughter- just force your self to laugh for a couple of minutes. You'll find your body warms, your heart rate increases and the most surprising thing of all- you'll be smiling. We were actually given red foam noses to put on for this activity. It was amazing- a woman who said she has no joy was smiling by the end of the exercise. Truly a wonder to see.
    Oh- and there was this very heavy woman who I sat next to at the first meeting- very sour looking. We had to say one nice thing to someone sitting next to us- So I had said to her.I know you have a beautiful smile- we just need to see it. As of last night she was smiling most of the night. When we were leaving I said to - I knew you had a beautiful smile. Thank you for sharing it with all of us. She was a little choked up but she said- thank you.
    I wish I could share this experience with you all in the room with me. It is changing my life - internally and with that I've become more mindful of all my choices in life.
    Have a wonderful day and please laugh - watch a puppy or kitten video on youtube and let it out. It might just surprise you.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm spending the day with my BFF. She wants me to test drive a car with her. She's had a rough year.......mainly her relationship with her husband. So, I want to be there for her like she is with me.

    Karla: Congratulations on another loss! I'm sure it feels good to have clothes that are baggy.

    Cindy: Thanks for the tip of 80/20. Everyone is going to stray from whatever their program's life, but it's ok for some indulgence, I think.....just not too many indulgences. :) Thant's what I need to focus on. Personal Joy is so important. I'm finding my joy researching and preparing our blended family tree. I want to print things off as well and create a notebook for my children. I love to scrapbook, but I think this project would be too much to scrapbook.

    Waving hi to Diane, Patti, and Janet.

    Love to all,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    So happy to be here today. Big smile on my face as I read your posts. Had a rough night at work and very happy I don't have to work again until Sunday and then only for 4 hours. Will be home for the Super Bowl. Don't care for either team (sorry Janet) but love football and really looking forward to the commercials and The halftime show with JT.

    Karla, nothing better than loose clothing to reinforce that you are on the right plan. That is a wonderful feeling.

    Bert, there is no better support or comfort in this world than that of a good friend. The ones who know us and love us through everything. The ones who know our faults and love us anyway. The ones we laugh and cry with unashamedly. The family tree sounds so interesting and fun. My mom was adopted so I can only do 1/2 a tree. My father's aunt traced his side of the family and had it made into a book but somehow my Dad never received a copy, and I have no idea who did.

    Cindy, thanks for sharing the highlights of what you are learning. I feel like you are in this program at the perfect time for you . That 80/20 idea resonates with me. It would be nice to have something other than a salad when I eat lunch out with the girls or have a sandwich with Mom. I think I might even be able to go 90/10. I can honestly say I laugh every day. Edd is one of the funniest people I know and he keeps me in stitches. My Mom and I are always calling each other just to share a funny thought or idea. She plans out funny ways to answer the phone when she knows I am going to call. Then there are my words to describe how much we laugh together.

    Diane, when Carrie is recovered where will you and John be going in Charly? How is Carrie doing since her surgery? Will she be able to get her job back?

    I have a few bookkeeping chores and then I am going to my room and sew until time for the gym

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all.

    Cindy, I love the thoughts you share with us from your class. I especially love the 80/20 or 90/10 rule. That makes everything seem SOO much more sustainable! I'm with Patti - why bother going out to eat if you aren't going to have something yummy? Yes make mindful choices but don't totally live on green salads when eating out.

    Karla, you are on such a roll! I'm sure you won't mind shopping for some new things to fit the new you. Have you finished shopping in the back of your closet yet? And have you rearranged to put the larger sizes at the back (or, gulp, donating them?) and the ones that come closer to fitting to the front? I think the rule is 15 pounds make a size, so you are down more than two sizes now.

    Patti, what are you sewing now? I still owe my son a dog hammock for his truck (got the materials before Christmas) but I just haven't been motivated to make it. I'm with you - don't really like either of the teams playing on Sunday, but will most likely watch just the same.

    Bert, I'm sure your tribute singing for your friend was lovely, and much appreciated by all. Have a fun day with your friend - do something to take both your minds off what is going on.

    Janet, are you and James on the same side on Sunday, or will it be (playful) armed warfare? :)

    TT: So, jumping on the theme of the Super bowl, does anyone have plans? If you are watching the game at home, what are your food plans? I'll answer - it starts late enough here that it will be after dinner. So by eating a healthy dinner ahead of time, I will probably just have some lite popcorn during the game. John watches with me, Carrie has no interest.

    Speaking of Carrie, she is not putting weight on her foot yet. She says she really can't bend it to the 90 degree angle needed to walk yet. So looking to PT next week before she will start doing much with it. We have a weekend away planned the end of February - one of her friends is coming but that friend doesn't drive. So if Carrie isn't driving by then it will cramp our plans a bit - friend needs to be picked up from and dropped off to the train station about 20 minutes away. Then we have loose plans to leave sometime in mid to late March for 6-8 weeks, come home for a month, then head out again.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    TT: I need to have a plan. Work until 5:15 so I know I will come home hungry. Want to have a healthy, quick an easy meal. I will not have any snacks. They are my kryptonite. I try to just eat at meal times. Doesn't always work, but I try.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti how about a crock pot
    Meal that could be waiting for you?
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I've been enjoying the full moon the last couple of nights. It has been simply spectacular. It is amazing and reminds me of how massive our universe is

    TT: (Actually yesterday's TT) I enjoy the commercials during the Super Bowl. We may have to record the Super Bowl this Sunday as one of our church members passed away and the funeral is at 4:00 at the church! I'm sure it was scheduled for that time as there are many family members who live out of town. I really don't care who wins as neither team is one of my favorites.

    Thank you all for being so loving and supportive during this difficult time in my life. I really appreciate your kind words. Jami was a great friend and we shared many good times together. I know she's with me.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Diane- the crockpot is a great idea for Patti :)
    Bert- we are always here to support each other- that is what keeps us coming back.
    I had a horrid headache yesterday so it was carb day for me- yes I at pretty much everything yummy sugary I could get my hands on- but I own it- headache is done and feeling back in control today which is shown by what I packed for lunch, left over broccoli, a pear, some homemade meatballs and sauce, plus I have some homemade applesauce in my little work fridge. I didn't realize until today that I don't pay much attention to what I pack in the AM- maybe I need to pack my lunch at night- who am I kidding. If it needed to be a carb day I would have hit the vending machines- so still not on plan.
    Karla- new clothes shopping is always a blast- enjoy!
    Janet- what is going on in your household of kitty mania- did you know the Kitten Bowl is just around the corner- it always makes me laugh.
    Patti- Did I tell you Meg moved to Degraf- I'm thinking of renting a cottage in Indian Lake for a week in August- maybe we could all meet - finally

    Need to run- talk to you again soon
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning all. I am at the hospital waiting to have my annual mammogram. Fun, fun.

    Cindy- I’m glad that nasty headache is gone. I enjoy your teachings from your weekly meetings. I have done better the last two year being more rounded between Glenn, family, work and myself. Joining Massage Envy has really helped me with that. I go once or twice a month and have my face pampered. I love my skin care professional there too. I love that concept of the 80/20 or 90/10 percentages of being on plan.

    Diane - I have moved all the jeans to the front and have really enjoyed wearing them this cold season. I have a pair of size 11 Missy Me bling bling pair I would love to get into. I bought them two years ago from my brothers exwife that was killed in the car accident last year. It would be like a tribute to her. I will be moving the summer clothes in next month and have some small Capri pants I hope to wear now. I do plan on donating most of the size 16’s and large and XL as I don’t want to ever go back. Thank you for these kind words. I still feel awful for offending you.