OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    TT: well, you all know I vacation well, and frequently! We are hoping to go back on the road after Carrie heals from this upcoming surgery. Still don't know when we will leave, but will head across the southern part of the country when we head out this time, as long as it isn't so late it is getting hot.

    Bert, I am with you on not cooking two separate meals! What I've done in the past when I am dieting and the rest of the household is not, is load up meals with veggies, and fix some carb that fills in for the rest of the diners and either not eat it or eat a very small portion. Baked potatoes are good for that - I can either skip the potato, have a baked sweet potato instead or get a very small potato for myself. Pasta is my weakness so I try to just not fix it. Other grains (like bulgar or quinoa) are good too, and I just limit my portions (and watch the prep method!)

    Karla, your Sophie is such a sweetie! Sounds like you are getting in some good grandchild time too. I am planning on tackling all my closets again in the next month - I did them a year ago so they are not horrible, but need another workover. Now that I have been retired for a year, I think I have a better idea what I really might need going forward.

    Janet, thanks for asking about Carrie. The metal in her foot was supposed to be permanent. However, it gives her a good bit of pain, especially the two long screws that angle from the bottom/back of her heel up through her ankle. She can really feel them when she walks. She went to talk to the doctor about just removing those two, and he recommended taking it ALL out while he was in there. His reasoning is that her bones have pretty much healed at this point, and if he is going in he may as well take it all out. Otherwise she might need a third surgery later, which none of us want. (And she turns 26 in June, so is only on our insurance until then!) It has been almost exactly a year since her first surgery - it was Jan 16 last year (two weeks after the accident), and her upcoming one is Jan 17.

    Patti, good to have you back in the ongoing discussion. It really sounds like you are so focused with your challenge. How did your friend's surgery go?

    Cindy, I am very excited to learn what you are learning in your seminar or whatever you call it. I too really like the four tires analogy.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Breaking this into multiple posts so I don't lose a long one!

    Our ski trip was fun but had some less than great times - one day of total rain, one day when it was snowing HARD for much of the morning. I really don't like skiing when it is actually snowing - too hard to see where you are going, and I don't like the heavy snow on the slopes! Then on the last day John's back went out after just two hours. He has had trouble off and on with his back for years, but has been mostly good for the last 6-8 months. I skied about another hour without him then we left early. So really only 2.5 days of skiing, and some of that on iffy snow conditions. We did really hard skiing the first day, but stuck to just the intermediate and beginner slopes on the heavy snow day, and just intermediate the last day (and when I was skiing alone) because of the conditions.

    And eating was of course just terrible! I bought yogurt to have for breakfast in the condo, but we ate lunch out every day, either in town or on the slopes. Dinner every day was things like cheese, salami, crackers, hummus and chips, grapes, and of course wine every night! I don't think I had a vegetable all week, unless you count the black beans and corn in the chili I had one day for lunch! Even skiing for hours a day wouldn't make up for that. So the scale tomorrow to start my 30 days of clean eating will NOT be pretty!

    I don't know how much I have said on here about my mom's latest developments. She really took a turn downhill in December, and I don't think will come back from it. A few days before Christmas she walked with me to the dining room - had to take a break halfway there, but made it. (About 1/10th of a mile round trip). She hasn't walked to the dining room since, and gets very out of breath just walking around her apartment. Starting a week ago, she has had her helpers (long term care providers) coming in for an hour or two every day. Just the day before we left for our trip, I found a motorized wheel chair (used) that someone in her complex was selling, and enlisted my brother in inspecting, purchasing and getting it to mom. When I talked to her tonight, she said she has taken some trips to it (accompanied by her helper) but hasn't soloed or gone down for dinner yet. Hopefully that will be next week. She had been resistant to getting one, because she needs to "use it or lose it" on her walking, but I just don't think she is going to ever be able to walk that far again.

    So that is the update on me and mine. I hope to check in daily for the next 30, except for maybe the surgery day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited January 2018
    So mad, lost 2 long posts because I hit done instead of post. Guess I am a bit tired. Up at 4:30 with only 4 hours of sleep. Gf in surgery at 8:30 and home by 11:30. Sitting up, eating and chatting away. Such a relief, especially after the last go round. It rained all day and the snow held off until well after getting home. We left her in the care of her daughter, the chef and husband. Today ended my streak at 9 days. Perfect storm. No sleep, no food, anxiety and then being offered the best cheese cracker. The gf chef wanted us to critique/taste her new recipe. It was awesome. That started a carb spiral. Air fried sweet potatoes with just a touch of olive oil. Thin slices of turkey rolled up with a bit of Italian cheeses, 12 ritz bacon crackers, and then rounded out the day with a single serving Stouffers potato and cheese casserole. Under on calories but off on nutrients and got 70 ounces of water in. I am not calling it a bad day, just an off day....which just means I go back to being on tomorrow. Anyway, I enjoyed every bite.

    Diane, I love your plan. Very well thought out and doable. The one thing my trainer said is modify it to make it work and to make you want to stay on plan. I didn't give up my cup of coffee with creamer and sweetener. I am off bread but allowing myself white potatoes once a week.
    I know what you are going thru. Hard to watch the decline even when you know it has to happen. I hope she gets confidence with her new wheels and gets to the dining room again.
    Will keep prayers going for Carrie. Hate that she has to go thru another surgery.

    Too tired for more. See you all tomorrow
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies.

    Diane - Looks like you had an absolute ball on your ski trip. Your clean30 declaration look great to me. I know you will do well.

    Bert- There are so many neat little towns with some awesome museums in them. It was somewhere near Winslow, Arizona that we stopped and walked through all these buildings. There were two lovely older ladies dressed in soda pop attire that were in an old replica soda pop. You may remember the picture of Glenn with the apron and soda pop cap on we put on Facebook. They were so sweet. I bet Mike would like this place like Glenn did as it had old cars and a barn full of old farm tools too. We stopped a lot. Lol.

    Cindy - Praying all is well in your world and you can visit us soon. I know you are probably exhausted at the end of every day and then face opposition at home.

    Janet - I saw a video on Facebook of a man that slid down his driveway and wrapped around his mailbox! I thought of it when I read your post. Scary. I hope you are okay.

    Patti- I meant to comment what a neat idea of yours about the towns of loss along Route 66. That town with that series of buildings setup as a museum was awesome. Do you recall it? How is your friend doing? I know the first night is the worst. Prayers continuing.

    I have JJ and Izzy tonight and they have been a pure joy, however, I did fall asleep on the couch!! Lol.

    Supposed to be in the upper 20’s here tomorrow night. Geez, so sick of this.

    Will check in tomorrow.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We had freezing rain and snow yesterday. Greg and Carrie wanted to go out on a date last night, so we watched the kids at our house. They are braver than me, I wouldn't have gone out in this weather; but, they are young and I'm not! :D We had fun with the kids though. Tonight's performance is still scheduled, so I guess I'll venture out tonight. Mike will be driving, thank the Lord.

    Diane: I'm doing the same thing, tweaking the 30 day plan. One major thing I'm struggling with is not stepping on the scale. It both frustrates me and motivates me, if that makes any sense. My goal is to: up my water intake, count carbs and proteins, avoid white flour, eat only whole grains (which I do anyway), and eat more vegetables.

    I'm on the hunt for a new remote for our "smart tv". We have Direct TV, so that remote actually controls the tv except for getting on the internet to watch Netflix. Somehow it either got thrown away with the newspapers on the end table, or it ended up in the Christmas decorations tote. I'm not sure which. I'm going to try to locate a replacement and/or get a wireless BluRay. That's what we have upstairs to watch Netflix. Wish me luck trying to find one.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Found one!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, we got about 4 inches of snow, bitter cold and lots of high winds last night. No loss of power and the main roads are now clear. Doesn't matter to me cuz I am not leaving the house today, yeah! My gf did great through her first night. She was able to sleep in her bed last night and is now napping in her recliner with her daughter taking excellent care of her. Now for 10 weeks in the sling and restarting PT. praying this holds and is the final fix for her. Planning a craft day here. That always helps with my eating. I don't allow food in my craft room, only water. I get so involved with my projects that I don't even think about snacking and have to almost force myself to eat, while not quite on the latter, I do venture out to get a bite after several hours.

    Karla, more kid time,,shoot, shoot! I wish I would have thought of the photo book idea early in our trip so I could have at least taken the pictures. I thought it would be nice to try and find people in the towns who remembered the old businesses and get some history. Oh well, lost opportunity.

    Bert, be safe and enjoy the show. I remember being young and unafraid of the bad weather or roads, lol!

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane and Cindy. Stay warm and safe everyone.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. Day 1 behind me. I weighed this morning, and it was not pretty. I am determined to at least wait a week before weighing again - not sure I can do 30 days without a peek! I went slightly over on my calories (81 too many) but that isn't horrible. I have dinners planned that incorporate lots of veggies and few starches, and I have a houseful of good food again. So hopefully I have set myself up for success.

    Patti we started out at 62 degrees at midnight, and got colder all day. I think it is 28 now, and supposed to be 16 by morning. I don't have a craft project going on right now and I need one! That would keep my hands and mind busy and out of the kitchen.

    Bert I still venture out in all the weather, but I just don't tolerate the cold as well as I used to. This winter is much colder here than the last several have been, and I am just not getting out in it. I quit the gym before we left last summer and haven't rejoined, so I'm not getting the exercise I should. I guess I need to find something short term.

    Karla, what are you and Izzy and JJ up to today?

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    TT for tomorrow (Sunday) for whoever checks in. I know we are usually light on weekends.

    How do you avoid the temptations that others who share your living space insist on?

    This is a tough one for me, so any and all strategies would be gratefully considered!

    I am the usual grocery shopper, so I can just not buy things. But then John and Carrie aren't happy. John likes chips with his sandwich every day for lunch, and Carrie likes her snacks too. So I buy things I don't like - for example, I dislike and can easily resist any flavor of chips except plain (like barbecue, vinegar and salt, etc.) So I buy those for the two of them to nibble. Also Carrie brings home things from Trader Joe's, and I have been treating those as HER food, not mine to share. It helps. Also John eats chocolate VERY slowly - like over weeks! So I tell him to hide it in his basement, and then it isn't available for me.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, I am a great grandma for the 4th time. Leo Alexander Harris made his debut last night by c-section weighing in at over 9 pounds and one day past his due date. He is gorgeous. So excited to have another little to add to our family. Everyone is doing well and we will wait until the crowds die down a bit to meet him. I hope all the family and friends are respectful of the young couples need for some rest.
    The only thing I got done yesterday was organizing my Pinterest files and making a list of projects to do today. Eating on plan for day 11. I was really sore from my TRX class, not sure why I didn't feel it on Friday, must have been too tired and the carbs I ate hid the pain, lol. Will be more productive today

    TT: if Edd brings in candy, I don't seem to be able to resist. The funny thing is I don't crave sweets but once I eat that first bite I am sunk. So he honors my wishes and keeps his candy hidden from me. I used to be tempted by bread and crackers but that seems to not be the case any more. If there is cooked pasta I will cave. luckily I am the only cook and Edd doesn't like pasta. Chips are totally off limits here, just cannot control them and it looks like I never will. This has been my ongoing demon and have not found a substitute.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Day 2 in the books. I didn't do quite as well today - ate a cookie at Sunday school this morning (but only 1 small one), got in four F/V, and am still working on my last two cups of water. I was definitely hungrier this afternoon, but stuck to a cheese stick and a yogurt for snacks. Should have had carrots and celery or an apple.

    Very cold here, and I was not motivated to do much. I did get the fabric for the dog car hammock for my son washed. That is my next project and I'm just not really in the mood for it.

    Patti, so happy for your new great grand! He looks like a cutie. How did they get that artistic a photo so soon?

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Diane, you are recommitting and perfection isn't a human state, so please don't beat yourself up. You'll do fine! So sorry to hear about your mom - have been there in different ways with each of my parents and it is extremely difficult/ There's no road map but compassion - and taking care of yourself. Hugs.

    Patti, congrats on great the fourth! What a beautiful boy - so happy for everyone. How was your craft day?

    Karla, looks like a lovely "surprise" party. Did you have to pretend to be surprised, or did Glenn know that your brother spilled the beans? What fun!

    Bert, glad you had some kid time - date nights are good for that stuff.

    Cindy, hope your weekend was warm and peaceful.

    Eating was up and down here over the weekend and I am just trying to fight one back attack at a time. I am taking ever smaller portions and if I can get the NO muscle strengthened, that will help.

    Having coffee after rushing to get trash & recycling out - made the silly decision last night not to put it out then. Ah, but my cheeks are rosy and I'm more awake after a brisk three trips to end of driveway. Good thing the truck is noisy - gave me time to scurry out (I hope). James hasn't been feeling great the past few days so he is sleeping in this morning (slept a lot over the weekend too, which is good for restoration of body & soul. So I may indulge myself and go through some magazines while my coffee sinks in.

    Big hugs to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked EAS shake and Dannon Light Greek yogurt = 29 proteins and 12 carbs. I'm going to have to exercise at home today. I haven't been to the gym for a few days due to weather and church obligations. We got snow overnight and also are expecting more today. So, I'm staying home. It's wonderful having that option!

    Today, I'm concentrating on my water intake. I just don't drink water like I should, especially in cold weather. 16 oz of water is tracked as well as 2 1/2 c. coffee!

    Diane: I'm with you, I haven't been able to not get on the scale. I know it's important not to weigh everyday, but I can't give that up. So far it's a no loss for me! :( I've been working on this challenge for a week.

    TT (Sunday): To avoid tempations that others insist on is very difficult for me. I try to limit my portions. I also try to have healthy options at dinner for me and let Mike eat what he wants. This is a constant struggle for me. I'm so glad I don't have a Trader Joe's close to me. They have unique items that I adore. I love to shop at Trader Joe's.

    Patti: Congratulations on being a great-grandma again!

    Janet: Trash day is always challenging for us too. Sometimes it's not wise for us to take out the trash the night before especially if it's windy.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Can you believe this ole chick rolled in at almost 2am last night? Lol. Of course I am the only one up. We met Linda and Kirk out for drinks, then went to TFI Friday's as Glenn was starving past midnight. Yesterday afternoon we had drove over to Wahlburger's, of the family Wahlburg fame, that just opened in Foley. It was great.

    My birthday bash on Saturday was awesome!! Two very long tables of people that are very dear to my heart. The food was awesome. Every one raved over their dishes. My Glenn went above and beyond. I love him so. My brother Keith drove over from Panama City and that meant so much to me. My son and his family of six were there too. Great times makes turning 60 not so scary. My bestie Monica of 30 years was with me as well as Karen that worked with me and has been my friend for over 25 years. New friends mean so much too. I always remember that jingle. Make new friends, but keep the old, some are silver and others are gold. I'm blessed.

    Patti- Congrats on your great grandson. I know you will be a part of this sweet boy's life. I saw your post about your challenging day yesterday. I have not tracked the last two days and have had carbs galore. We strive for perfection but that is not being human. We have the opportunity in our next bite to begin again.

    Diane- You have made strides having good choices in your home. It takes six weeks to create a habit. Give yourself time. When it's cold it makes it more difficult to drink more water and exercise for me. Just keep trucking along. It will add up with more successes than challenges.

    Bert- How are you doing staying away from the scale now? Can you go put it in your closet out of sight? I truly think it is a deterrent for you and if you could stay away from it for two weeks at least and focus only on your food and exercise you would be pleasantly surprised. Hide that scale! Lol.

    Cindy- I miss you.

    I have a dental appointment at 11 to start my crown work. It's a replacement of a 20 year crown that has some decay under it.

    TT: As we are two weeks into January, all in our various stages of programs, what positive rolls do you want to display forward for the young people in your family, friends you associate with and for your own peace of mind? A therapist once told me, " Karla, take five minutes and just sit and don't think, plan or worry." I couldn't believe how long that five minutes was or, how hard it was not to think! Lol. It is important to lead by example but along with that goes pressure. Now we are back to balance! Yes, this is exactly why we need balance. Not too much of any one thing.

    I better get a few things done while I end this wonderful quiet tea time with my friends.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Snowing again! Looks like we got 2 inches overnight and it is still coming down. Was planning to do some shopping today but I will be nixing that plan. I got caught up watching football with Edd, so no crafting time. Did do some online research for some crafts I want to try. So basically a full slug weekend! On plan with eating though. I have decided to stop declaring what I am going to do and wait to report what I have done, lol.

    Bert, it is so hard to let the scale go but I have done it so far. Have no idea if I am losing but like focusing on the plan as a means to improve my eating habits. My goal is to be in better control by summer so that it is second nature to eat healthy and can more easily pass on my arch enemy "Chip"!

    Karla, sounds like the perfect way to ring in the 60s. Nothing scary here, just a number. I have had such a great time since entering this decade and plan for that to continue right into the next decade, God willing.

    Janet, hope James is feeling better today. Your pampering couldn't hurt! Did you get any more snow?

    Diane, good for you committing to your plan. I love how you handle the off limit foods. Has your mom been using her power chair more? Bet it makes a big difference for her.

    Cindy, miss you here and sending big hugs. Stop by when you can and know we are always here for you.

    TT: I hope that I emulate kindness, compassion, understanding, self love, and a willingness to "be there" when I am needed, even if (especially if) they don't know they need me. My eating is for me alone. unless someone wants to know more about my plan or what I am doing I am not talking about it.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. I spent today with mom at her place. That is good for my eating because I don't snack! I am under my calories for the day by about 175 and I'm hungry - I may have an apple or a yogurt before bed. I know I shouldn't eat this late, but I am hungry.

    Mom drove her new powered chair down to the dining room - first time she has been there since before Christmas. I think she is still a bit afraid to solo, but I helped her work out logistics like where to park it so the charging cord isn't stretched across the floor (trip hazard!), how to close her apartment door once she is out in the hallway, how to switch from her home oxygen to her portable while in the chair, that sort of thing. Her friend will walk down to dinner with her tomorrow - she is still timid and slow getting in the elevator, so needs someone to push the hold button for her.

    TT: I'm with Patti - I want to show kindness and how helping others enriches your own life. I have always been the doer - I don't sit quietly and listen so much, but I will do anything for anyone. I'm the problem solver, not the empathizer. and that's okay.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, I need a craft project too. I was a slug most of the weekend - with John's back still bad, he just sat and read, and I mostly did too. Today I did take measurements to make mom an organizer pouch for the arm of her powered chair. The one she has for her rollator walker is too long, and the straps are too short. It is made of vinyl - what would you recommend I use to make one? I can't sew vinyl. Then I will have to come up with some new craft to try.

    Karla, sounds like your party was fun! Always good to have loved ones around you. Did Glenn know that you had found out?

    Janet, sounds like a quiet morning is what you need. I know you enjoy having James there, but I am the type that needs my quiet alone time too.

    Bert, I have been working on the water too. I've been simply drinking down an entire glass (12 oz) first thing in the morning before I even start my breakfast, then having another 12 oz glass with my breakfast and another one mid morning. That gets me halfway there, and then water with lunch and dinner gets me the rest of the way. The last few days I've been having my diet coke for a midafternoon snack - gets me a little sweet, and a little treat, in the middle of the afternoon.

    Hi to Cindy! Has anyone heard from Suzi? I haven't even seen her post on FB recently.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, I would use denim, canvas or duck cloth. Maybe line it with rip stop nylon so things slide in and out easily. All available at Joann.

    I need to make some more microwave cozy bowls. I made 30 and all are gone with requests for more. Will pick up the fabric and batting on Wed. I forgot to save even one for me to take to the cabin. Went thru a major pile of paperwork. Now all organized, including tax documents, and the rest shredded. Did some organizing in my craft room and then some painting. On plan except for a whole wheat low carb tortilla with my turkey and cheese. Not bad for day 13. We got quite a bit of snow and it is very cold. Side roads still not clear. Hoping it is better tomorrow so I can make it to Mom's. I treated myself to a Firestick and it came today. Now to decide whether to keep Netflix or sign up for prime and drop Netflix. I am a bit overwhelmed with all the choices and don't understand all I know about it yet. I also just got some accessories for my air fryer: a cake pan, a pizza pan and two racks for layering food. One has skewered for shish kabobs. They are all so cute at just 7 inches in diameter to fit in the basket of the fryer. But it will make the fryer more versatile.

    Time for bed. See you all tomorrow
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked: 3 carb 20 proteins I'm concentrating on getting in more veggies. I've been reflecting on what I ate while I was on WW.....trying to get in more fruits and vegetables.

    Patti: I agree with you about the scale. I'm trying not to get on it and focus more on better and healthier eating. I have Netflix and Prime. I don't watch Prime very much, but still have it due to the free shipping. I'm trying to decide whether or not to get a wireless blu ray for our main tv and forget about using the "smart" tv apps. I have one for my upstairs tv and it works great for Netflix. What is a firestick? I'm sure that the newer tvs are easier to connect to the internet.

    Karla: If I hid the scale, I would look for it! :o) It's in the spare bedroom, and I'm trying not to go in there often.

    TT: I'm like Patti and Diane. I'm the doer and the problem solver in the family. Positive roles I want to display to my kids, grandkids, and friends are being there for your family and friends no matter what the circumstance and be loving towards all of them. I want them to see kindness and compassion and also see Jesus through me.

    Waving hi to Diane, Janet, and Cindy.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, what fun! 60's not bad, honest. You're lucky to have so many friends and family members nearby. Glenn loves you so much!

    Diane, I have a friend who makes similar items using quilted placemats - they can be quite pretty and make substantial pockets when sewn together. Patti's suggestion of a nylon lining is terrific. Glad to know your mom is adapting to her safer reality and has someone to back her up in case she becomes fearful.

    Patti, you're almost halfway through your 30 days - brava! Enjoy staying in, safe and warm. I'm with you on being private about my eating - it's just WAY too personal and sensitive for me to discuss with pretty much anyone except you ladies.

    Bert, fruits & veggies are my current struggle as well - am trying to make sure we have salad at least once a day. Glad you are making progress on water/liquids. The protein shake counts as a liquid too.

    TT: I want to be open, kind, accepting, loving and willing to listen to my nieces and younger people in my life. If anything, I tend to be highly empathetic (it's my superpower, but it can also be draining). I need some quiet, "do nothing" time and am a bit behind on that.

    Good morning from snow-day Kentucky. We got about another 4" last night and they announced today's school closing by 9 last night. It's very slick out - James saw our next-door neighbor fall - then her car got away from her and rolled across the street, into someone's yard. Not sure why she was out of the car, but she is OK, just shaken up, and her car was OK too. James took a little spill after helping her. It's a stay-in day for sure, and gorgeous from inside a warm home with fireplace turned on.

    We had a really nice day yesterday. James and I ran a flock of errands together, then we saw "Darkest Hour" - very psychologically intense. Gary Oldman was incredible as Churchill and the rest of the cast was excellent as well. The way it was shot emphasized the claustrophobic conditions under which the war decisions were argued and made - and the consequences of their decisions in terms of human lives really left us thinking. We were going to grab a quick dinner out but it was slick enough that we decided to come home instead, very carefully. I made us a nice salad and James made us each a small serving of ravioli with fresh tomatoes and basil.

    Onward with my day - see y'all later.