OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning Bert! You go lady. Breakfast sounds great. I am drinking the Premier shakes for the 30 grams of protein and other vitamins as I am still not eating much. I mean I fix my food, but can only eat a few bites. Not like me!!

    Happy 2018!! Gosh the years are passing. Let's make the most of this one.

    TT: What are you saying good riddance to from 2017? What are you making a new habit for as we transition into 2018?

    I have made a macaroni cheesy beef casserole for my sweet girlfriend I made the Flamingo throw for. I also made some vegetable soup for her and her husband. Lastly I baked some Cream Cheese Chess Squares for their dessert. Glenn will take it over there shortly. They live right in our neighborhood. Great friends.

    TT: I am saying good riddance to no scheduled or planned exercise. I am planning for 2018 a three times a week a stretching and weight infused exercise.

    Have a great and wonderful day. I am having a football party tonight with two of my best friends and their husbands.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Scale peak: 184.8!!!

    good ole flu. lol

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Happy 2018! May it be kind to us all.

    Quiet evening at home last night and an easy day today. Just had butternut soup, some cranberry cheddar& a few bites of a roll. And champagne, because.

    All is well here, except that my Wolverines lost.

    Hugs to all and best wishes for a joyous year.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. We celebrated our New Year today, not last night. (We went to bed early last night!) Today we went hiking with a group of friends and their friends at a local park on the bay, then came back here for a chili party. I'd like to say I was thoughtful in my eating, but I wasn't. But it was the only real meal of the day, other than a greek yogurt for breakfast, and I am replete and there will be no more.

    TT: I'd like to say I am going to get back to tracking, because that honesty with myself and accountability to something is what worked for me in the past. I really think that is key for me. I'm going to try the challenge, but will go off it while we are skiing and just try to eat mindfully.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Late but wanted to check in. We stayed at the cabin today instead of going home as planned. Edd wanted to get all the boards back on the walls after he successfully replaced the hot water lines. I have the sneezes and few sniffles so postponing tues with mom. Taking no chances there. It is bitterly cold and going to stay that way for at least least a week. Temps will be in negative numbers, brrrrrrrr

    TT: I am saying goodbye to inconsistency. What ever I decide to do this year I want see it through to completion. This is for all aspects of my life. I say too often "When I get time.....". So I googled it and to my surprise there is nowhere to "get" it! So I guess I will have to make it and make it matter.
    End of Philosophy According to Patti.
    Happy to be starting this year with all of you
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked: GNC shake made with almond milk and Dannon Lite Greek yogurt. Right now, my breakfast is good on the low carb, higher protein, and low sugar. Today will be spent straightening up the house and walking at the mall. I also need to make an eye appointment. I still have several pairs of contacts left, but my glasses need a new prescription.

    Not much else to report. I'll check in later.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Sorry I've been MIA so much has happened over the last 10+ days.
    Meg made is home safe and sound and the visit was wonderful. She moves into the new apartment on Saturday in Degraf OH- it looks lovely and the couple who own the house, it has 3 apartments, sound wonderful. Mind kind of peeps.
    On Christmas we rushed our little mini dachshund to the ER Vet- then by Thursday we rushed him to Tufts for emergency surgery- he was becoming paralyzed. He had surgery and is home as of yesterday- we spent each day driving back and forth to check on him. Long term outlook is positive but the next 4 weeks are a real learning curve, when we're not home strict crate time and when we are either in our laps on the couch or on the floor in our lap or in his crate.
    He has a sling to help him walk too- on his back legs. Very scary but he'll be OK- in my opinion dogs are members of the family and he deserves all the same care and consideration of a human member. So Tufts it was....
    I haven't heard from Hallmark yet- didn't expect to for another few weeks. But I did have a beta read - read the MS I sent, Old and New and she LOVED IT. I got rave reviews and we have a honest but kind mantra. If anyone has read and enjoyed Magic please feel free to review it on Amazon - or if you're on Goodreads, there too. No pressure tho-
    Alright well my Life Enhancement program starts tomorrow and I haven't had a decent meal since the 23rd so I'm ready. Well I did have one night with salad and shrimp so I guess I did ok there.
    Lots of on the run stuff and COOKIES. Just to keep energy flowing. I did all the driving from home to Tufts each day- 4 hours with dry roads. On Saturday they were horrid and it was down to 40MPH on the highway.

    Anyway- I'm back and will check in when I can- also I missed the thing about Patti's 30-day challenge- can anyone cover the highlights for me?
    Oh- Bert your tree is very pretty and nice family photos.
    Diane- the stocking is unbelievable- you're so talented.
    Karla- great hair and love the earrings.
    Until later.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all - the new year really sorta begins today, after the bowl games (congrats Karla!) and hoopla. I will do my best under the circumstances, to be more consistent and to avoid out-of-home or weird-hour snacking on junk.

    Cindy, please pet sweet Jasper's little head for me! Our Heidi the dachshund accidentally got a spinal injury once and t was terrifying. Sounds like your baby got great treatment and of course has vast love. Glad Meg will be moving and flexing her independence soon.

    Patti, great attitude, as always. This KS the year we make time for the good stuff - excellent advice!

    Diane, wish I could hike and is lie you do! I love the outdoors but long treks aren't in my playbook. And skiing burns lots of energy. You'll be fine.

    Bert, I may get protein powder too.

    I've been doing better the last few days - we had only one meal yesterday and it was a healthy one, and I limited snacking as well. Wasn't hungry last night or this morning, so ,aye my body is putting itself back into THINKING mode!

    Gotta run = much to do today, at home and in the world.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Two long posts lost. Will post challenge tomorrow, not feeling well ad don't have the energy to redo
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Jasper is doing better today and walking like a drunken sailor. But I'm thrilled his incision looks so much better today but he hates the soft cone he is wearing but he can turn around and reach the wound. He's got an owl turn radius.
    I start my new program tonight and I'll let you know how it goes.
    Temp was 1 degree for me today.
    Meg moves Saturday- Patti she'll be living in Degraf. Are you familiar with the area?
    Janet- did you get the protein powder?
    Karla are you back to 100%
    Bert- are you still doing the student mentor program
    Diane- The baptism pics of Elise were beautiful. Sorry about Cari's upcoming surgery but she'll feel so much better when its behind her.
    Need to run
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Mornig, Ladies. Yesterday's eating and activity was pretty good. I got in 11K steps (walking at the mall) and cleaning up the house. I got down on my hands and knees and mopped the floor by hand. My knees and back were screaming last night and are still screaming this morning. It needed to be done, however, so I'm glad I did it. My cleaning lady hasn't been here in so long. She seems to find excuses not to come. I need to look for someone else to maintain the floors and bathrooms; however, it's not really in the budget.

    Cindy: Yes, I'm still doing mentoring. We have a meeting on Saturday with students. They changed the seminar days to Saturday this semester to accomodate for student travel. I don't know how many I have yet.

    Today I'm going to the gym. I'll pay my dues at that point too. They always have a January special of paying for 3 months and getting the 4th month free. I'm looking forward to getting in more of a routine. I plan to go at least 3 times per week and then do activity at home the other days.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I am doing better with getting more rest but we went LIVE yesterday on the new software and I had to work 8 hours, which is rare for me. I am taking Sophie to the Vet today and then back to the office, but only half day.

    Cindy- So sorry about Jasper, but glad he is on the mend. Yes, they are our family. Sophie is already melted my heart. She is so very sweet. I am excited to hear of your program. I go back to my clinic tomorrow

    Patti= I hate to hear you are not feeling well. It is widespread down here. Our temps are in the 20's every night this week. I'm excited to see your program too.

    My appetite is coming back, so that is good. My scale peek shows down .2 from yesterday at 184.6. I wanted to be in the 170's by my birthday, which is the 17th of this month, but not going to make it I don't believe, but that's okay. Maybe by the end of the month.

    Janet - I hope you are catching up on your rest and not catching any colds.

    Diane - Tracking is key for me too. I am on day 2 of the return to it.

    I better run.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon all, this cold is just a minor inconvenience. Don't really feel sick, just sneezing and nose running. My biggest concern is not spreading it. Had to miss time with Mom and lunch with the girls today. Working tonight, will keep Kleenex and hand sanitizer handy to my cutting station. I am starting my 30 day challenge today. Weigh d myself this am and not surprised but definitely not happy with the number. Will not weigh again until the end of the challenge, as that is part of the challenge.

    Bert, you sound motivated and in the zone. I will put the specifics of my challenge in a separate post. I have not been to the gym in 2 weeks and I am really missing it, will restart Thursday if my cold is gone.

    Cindy, DeGraff is about 40 miles from me and is a nice little farming community I believe. That whole area is very nice. I hope she is happy there and that she doesn't have any issues with her ex once she moves out. Is she liking her job? Can't wait to hear about your new program. I am so enjoying the book,mount rationing my reading to make it last, lol.

    Karla, new puppies are so much fun and Sophie looks like a cutie. Congrats on your continued success with your program.

    Janet, I know you are loving this weather, me not so much. We won't be above freezing for another week!

    Diane, the baptism was so beautiful and love the story behind the gown. Can't imagine hiking in this weather but I know you guys love it. I will do anything outside as long as it is warm.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited January 2018
    Here is the Clean30 Plan, it was devised by my TRX trainers

    Do not consume alcohol, in any form, not even for cooking

    Do not consume added sugar, real or artificial. No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, coconut sugar, date syrup, stevia, Splenda, equal, nutrasweet, xylitol, etc. no soda, diet soda, fruit juice, or any other beverage with added sugar

    Do not consume baked goods, junk foods, or treats.
    Some specific foods that fall under this rule include: white bread, pancakes, waffles, bread, tortillas, biscuits, muffins, cupcakes, cookies, brownies, pizza crust, cereal or ice cream. No commercially prepared chips (tortilla, potato, plantain, etc) or French fries. Whole grain/whole wheat bread is ok

    Do not step on the scale or take any body measurements for 30 days. The Clean30 is about more than weight loss. It is about focusing on your diet and lifestyle. So, no weighing yourself, analyzing body fat, or taking comparative measurements during your Clean30. We do encourage you to weigh yourself before and after.

    Make modifications to keep you on plan. For example,I am not giving up the flavored creamer in my one cup of coffee.

    Today is day one for me.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Karla, how is Millie with Sophie now? Hope the software launch goes OK. Patti, feel better! Cindy, so glad Jasper is healing - poor pup, poor you! Is Griffin accepting him with the cone of shame? Bert, good on you for the gym. Diane, are you and Cindy both getting whammed with the "bomb cyclone?" Hope you both have provisions & heat.

    Eating was good yesterday but today I'm famished. Have had a bit of cheese and a few crackers. Cleaner will have to reschedule - her kitchen pipes froze and she and her husband are staying home to deal with it. Love her to pieces but lately she has had to reschedule at least half the time. In the grand scheme of things, a minor inconvenience but it's always for a legit reason.

    Getting lots of things done here - laundry & other little stuff. Sheets are in the dryer now.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening friends. Another grueling day at the office, but I only worked five hours. We took little Miss Sophie to the Vet for her first shot. All 2.4 pounds of her. lol. She was seven weeks last Saturday.

    Patti- Very good program on clean eating. I wish you the best.

    Bert- Good for you on the gym membership.

    Cindy- Anxious to hear how your hospital program is laid out. I'm so happy we are all moving forward with programs or plans that work with our lifestyle. How is Jasper today? Millie is still not warming up to Sophie. I think once she gets older and not so rambunctious they will settle in.

    Janet- Both you and Bert have a time with your cleaning ladies coming on a consistent basis. It's a good thing you are both very neat and tidy people. My new day is Friday and I have just about got the Christmas decor packed away. Glenn packed up the trees.

    I am so tired of coughing! My brother is still sick with the cough also. The temps down here are not helping. We are having another hard freeze in the morning. Ugghh.

    Tracking is feeling normal again as I had my egg white omelet this morning and got my protein up all day. Getting back in the groove.

    I'll check in tomorrow,


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning-
    Just starting to snow here and predicted to be nasty out up to 10 inches of the white stuff. It will really be the wind that will cause issues. Jasper is doing much better. Stood today for a minute in his sling with out shaking. Progress and his incision looks so much better. Griffin isn't really sure what to make of things and is a bit low key thank goodness.
    Last night was the start of the program- for week one we didn't discuss nutrition. Most of the session discussed integrative health - all aspects of a person contribute. Think of your body like a car with 4 tires, each time represents the following
    1- nutrition and exercise
    2- Mental health
    3- Feelings
    4- Sense of purpose
    If all 4 are in balance then you have balance. But if one is off or two, like air pressure your car/body doesn't run smoothly. So the food is just ONE part of obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight. Anyone can lose but we need to work on ourselves as a whole. Which makes sense.
    I lost 40 pounds and once the stress of Rick's issues hit, what did I do to cope? I ate and I stopped exercising and I didn't take care of me. This really resonated with me.
    There are about 10 professional who run the program each night and they said what we came in with as our expectations we won't leave thinking the same way. The success of this program is legendary with some people in it as referrals from others.
    They asked that we keep an open mind as we go through each week. And that is my plan.
    I'm going to take Patti's 30 day plan, which seems to me is clean eating, and incorporate that this week until I hear what else will be shared next week for nutrition.
    If you like I can share what I learn each week- the nuggets of wisdom so to speak.
    The interesting thing- everyone running the program is in very good shape but not super skinny or muscle bound. They're just average people who seem to have good balance.
    Need to run.
    Hugs to all
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning Ladies. Breakfast is tracked. Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage crumbles + one egg+ one egg white + cheddar cheese = 399 calories, 33 proteins and 5 carbs.

    Yesterday I went to the gym and discovered I missed my appointment with my trainer the other day. While standing at the counter to reschedule, a guy was either having a stroke, heart attack, or diabetic attack. It was scary. They called an ambulance, so I hope he's ok. I'm going today to meet with her. I work with her once a month to get new ideas for exercise. I tend to do the same thing. I also took advantage of their gym membership prices. I'm now paid up through October as I got a couple of months for free.

    Patti: I'm trying the 30 day challenge with you. I'm trying to stay on the higher protein and lower carbs as well. I'm also focusing on my water intake. Today is Day 2 for me. It will be a challenge to stay off the scale as that is what motivates me everyday. Sometimes it makes be upset, but then it helps me to make better eating choices. I'm so wanting to shed 20 pounds and KEEP IT OFF!

    Cindy: I'm very interested in what you discover about the classes you are taking. Please share. I agree with what they said about keeping all parts of your life in balance. I'm anxious what to find out what they tell you for week 2.

    Karla: I've been fighting sinus for several weeks. I just can't seem to shake it.

    Janet: I think I might look for someone else to clean my house. The problem is she and her family are close friends to us and was very helpful when I had my back surgery. She started out being very consistent, but now other things take precedence in her life. I just need someone to keep the floors, light fixtures, and bathrooms clean and I can do the dusting, vacuuming, etc. I really can't afford a full time housekeeper anyway.

    Waving hi to Diane. Have a great day everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning from the frozen tundra of Ohio. So do not like the cold! If mom didn't need mei nwould not be leaving the house until time for the gym. But she is out of milk and cottage cheese and misses me, of course, lol. Yesterday was day 1 for me and I stayed on plan. Amazed at all the things I reached for that were not part of the plan. The things I have been mindlessly putting in my body for months! Cold is nearly gone and grateful it was so mild.

    Cindy, please share EVERYTHING you learn. I love the tire analogy. So glad to hear Jasper is recovering. So scary for all of you.

    Bert, I hope that gentleman is ok. I really like the no scale hopping for 30 days. I use the scale more as a weapon than a tool when I am struggling. It doesn't keep me on track, that is for sure. I am hoping there will be a phase 2 on the Clean30. I sometimes wish I could afford a cleaner but I just can't justify the cost when I am physically able to do the work.

    Waving to the rest of the crew. Need to go warm the car.

    I do need to share a very nice moment from work last night. The manager was talking about her family and asked me if I had kids and how old. I told her 3, all grown. Then she asked if I had grandkids and I told her yes 4, all grown with 3 great grands and one on the way. She actually dropped her jaw and said "how old are you? I thought you were in your mid to late 40s" I told her my age and she started apologizing for working me so hard. Made my whole day with a good chuckle to boot.

    Have a youth inspiring day
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- That is a absolutely fabulous compliment from your boss! I know you reveled in that one.! Are you at Joann's or did you get moved over to Hobby Lobby like you desired? I really want one of those colorful sewing chairs on Joann' but they don't allow the usage of any coupons on it. I've tried! Lol.

    Cindy - oh please share on your very interesting program of complete wellness. It is so true that we all need to strive to be a well rounded person. Not always easy though.

    Bert- How many calories do you allot yourself daily or does that matter? Just clean eating with exercise? I still haven't got my butt exercising. I'm still coughing!

    I went to the clinic to find them closed and tomorrow is my weigh in. lol . I made myself a facial appointment for tomorrow for 45 minutes. I need it. Then I want to go to Ulta with my gift card.

    Taking care of Karla!!

    Meeting Glenn and Kevin out for dinner with Izzy.

    Check in tomorrow,
