OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Merry Christmas!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is our family Christmas. I'm looking so forward to everyone being here. I finished baking cookies yesterday and am making prime rib and twice baked potatoes. Not healthy, but I'm tracking it and moving on. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Well from a sick Karla and a sick Izzy. I had to take Izzy back home to Mommie. Glenn wants to go to Panama City by himself as we are all coughing and hacking. I guess it is for the best. Especially for him. LOL.

    Diane- Thank you, she is adorable and sweet.

    Bert - Your tree is gorgeous. Your meal sounds divine.

    I'm going to call my dad and tell him the news and lay down. Maybe I can go by the weekend or the following weekend.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I tested positive for the flu yesterday and it is kicking my butt! Real ad yesterday, somewhat better today, but weak.

    Safe travels to Janet.

    Diane- Sophie is a sweetie.

    Hope you all had a wonderful holiday.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Greetings! Judging by FB, everyone had a good Christmas.

    Diane, that stocking is jaw-droppingly beautiful - a true labor of love.

    Bert, loved the family portrait.

    Karla, hope you and Izzy will both be much better soon. Don’t push it.

    Cindy, hope you and the girls are having a spectacular time.

    Patti, hope you and “Santa” Edd had a great time. Something tells me Frankie got spoiled.

    My trip was excellent. I am blessed with so many great friends. My best friend’s entire family was there for her birthday yesterday, including six kids ranging from 6 months to kindergarten. Adorable and all were delightful. I wanted to steal a few of them! Saw cousin, other very close friends and brother, sister-in-law and niece. Eating was not great but not as bad as it could’ve been, so I’ll take it.

    Pretty tired but wanted
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. i've had a very busy week, but wanted to check in. I'e not been tracking - that may wait until after the first. But I still weigh within 2 lbs of what I weighed when we got home from our trip in early November, so I'll take that as a win.

    I ended up staying with my mother for two nights, both the 25 and 26, and didn't get home until noon on Dec 27. Mom is weak and her COPD is worse. I am prepared for the inevitable, but I hope we can stave it off another time :(. When I talked to her today, she sounded stronger. I am going back for the day tomorrow, to take down her tree.

    Part of the time (a LOT of time!) was spent cleaning up her finances. She succumbed to a hacker, who stole about $5000 from her various bank accounts. So I disputed the fraudulent charges, closed bank accounts and opened new ones, checked her credit reports, disputed Amazon gift cards. and established on-line banking so I can check her accounts. It was all very stressful for both of us, and I'm sure the stress contributed to her flare up of COPD.

    I got home just in time to get ready for Elise's baptism and the dinner party we had here afterwards. There are a few pictures on FB. I haven't posted any yet, but I'll get around to it.

    I missed Carrie's appointment with the surgeon. (John did go with her.) She decided to go ahead with the second surgery, to remove all the metal. She is still having quite a bit of pain from the screws in her ankle, and the surgeon recommended getting rid of it all at once rather than just some and possibly facing yet another surgery later. That will be January 17, so coming up quickly! It is supposed to be outpatient, 2 weeks in a cast, 4-6 weeks in a boot, then learning to walk and PT again. She talked to her boss and will probably lose her job - they only allow one medical leave in a year. Carrie is to call HR, and if they tell her no then she will be terminated "in good standing." Hopefully that means they will hire her back when she is able. Yet one more thing to chalk up to the BAST**D who hit her.

    And of course, that means we will not be leaving again in February, but will be here until she is back on her feet and comfortable living alone again.

    Today I finally got to explore my Christmas gifts - I hadn't had more than 30 minutes at home and not super busy! John got me an iPad, and I spent time getting that set up.

    Thanks for all the compliments on the stocking. I was a little upset at my DILs reaction. Apparently a fellow teacher at work made Elise one too, which they are going to use at home. I haven't even seen that one yet, but I'm upset she doesn't want to use the one I made. We will use it over here, I guess.

    Karla, I hope you are feeling some better, but take it easy! This flu is a very bad one.

    Janet, glad you are home safely. I think there is another storm coming in across the northern states.

    Bert, your family Christmas looked lovely. I like the idea of doing family Christmas on the 26th - it would put less stress on many of my family.

    Patti, nice to see you check in. When you feel like coming back, you will be more than welcome.

    Cindy, how is Meg doing? I have been thinking about her.

    Suzi, where in the US are you ? :)
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Christmas 2017 is in the books! Everyone left yesterday, and today I'm taking down the tree and mantle decorations.

    Janet: Dan set up his phone to take the picture. I didn't know there was a timer on the phones to do this. I'm so happy we got a family picture. The boys know how important it is to me, so I'm glad it got accomplished.

    Diane: So sorry to hear about your mom. Yesterday was the anniversary of my mom passing. It's been 22 years, but seems like yesterday to me. She and my dad still with us as I can feel their presence. It's sad that hackers can do so much to finances. Your mom is lucky to have you to help her. So sorry about Carrie, too. Hopefully she will get re-hired into her position. That's too bad about Elise's stocking. I have the same situation at times. My DILs don't always use or display things that I get for the kids; however, they aren't handmade either.

    Dan and Annie gave us a 6 month subscription to I've been researching our family trees and have discovered many interesting things; however, since we are a blended family, it's a little difficult to construct the tree. I think it will be great for the kids and their children to have.

    Have a great day everyone! Back to eating more healthy! Breakfast is tracked.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited December 2017

    Playing a family game of Risk!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I am on the mend!! I had to come to the office today for our hardware conversion so it is a good thing. Lol.

    Diane - I'm so sorry about your mother's declining health and the state of her affairs. I guess it is something many of us go through. I'm very disappointed in the reaction to your beautiful stocking myself. Young people do not realize the work that goes into these heirloom items.

    Bert- You surely have a lovely family and did a wonderful job of celebrating this year.

    Janet - Your trip sounded very much friend filled with live. That picture of your great niece and nephew was so adorable.

    I have kept my weight down and am at 185.4 this morning. The flu helped as I couldn't eat for two days.
    I go back to the clinic on Thursday. JJ is doing well and my brother is doing good too.

    I plan on working on adding some exercise into my routine in the new year.

    Please be thinking what you would like to see our OMG board develop into for a fun, supportive and encouraging new year! We could rotate weekly leaders like we used to with topics, have mini goals, or something totally new. We've had fun in the past and can do it again.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. Just got back from another afternoon at mom's apartment. I wish she were closer to me! It's a little over an hour each way if there is no traffic, and it is around the DC beltway so I have to time my trips carefully or it turns into twice that. Mom looked better today - not just dull and glassy eyed from exhaustedly trying to breathe, like she did earlier in the week. I saw an article quoted tonight about "solo agers" - people who have no children or extended family to help them as they age. I thank God that I am able to help, and my siblings will pitch in as well.

    One blessing - I don't snack at mom's house! Because there isn't much snack food available. And dinner is relatively healthy - I usually get us dinner from the cafe or we go to the dining room with her friends. And mom did eat well tonight, so that is good. She doesn't eat much the rest of the day - oatmeal for breakfast, and a yogurt for lunch.

    Below is a picture or two from the baptism.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    The Christening gown in the pictures was made as a collaboration between my mother and my MIL. My MIL (gone for over five years now) did the smocking, and my mom did the sewing and the lacework. They made it when Brad was a baby, then Carrie wore it. I was so glad that they decided to have Elise wear it too. It meant a lot to me.

    Karla, congrats on your total control of your eating over the holidays. That is quite an accomplishment. Hope you are feeling some better soon, and that Glenn doesn't get it.

    Bert, your family Christmas looked like fun. I do so enjoy playing board games, but nobody else in my family enjoys them much. Risk is not one of my favorites though.

    Janet, I'm so glad you got to visit with your good friends. Family that we choose is sometimes better than family by blood.

    Waving to Cindy, Suzi and Patti.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a new day. My goal for today is to drink more water and work better on portion control. The inside Christmas decorations are down and put away; however, the outside lights are still up. It snowed yesterday and is bitter cold. I'll work a is very short segments to take down the wreaths and lights. We will probably take them down quickly and then bring them inside to put them in the totes.

    I've been working on our family tree. It's interesting to find census reports, marriage licenses, etc. Since our family is a blended family, it's challenging to create it; however, we have a nice start and will be able to pass it down to our children.

    Diane: Glad Elise wore the family Christening gown. The pictures are great! Risk isn't my favorite either, but Mike and the boys love it. I bought it for Dan as a Christmas present and he loved it! He used to play it when he was in high school. We have the original game as well as the original Yahtzee. They always make fun of the box when we play it! It's so much fun to play family games. I also bought a few other games for the family and we had a great time playing them.

    Karla: Glad you're on the mend. I'm fighting sinus issues. I always get them at this time of year. Congratulations on your weight!

    I'm up for any type of challenge as I need more motivation. I am watching carbs and proteins, but am not successful in the weight loss department. I'm wanting to lose 20 lbs and keep it off. Any help/motivation is greatly welcomed.

    Waving hi to Janet, Cindy, and Patti. Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited December 2017
    Quick hello as we are leaving for the cabin shortly. It has been bitterly cold and we got 3 or 4 inches of snow yesterday. The roads were a mess! Edd took me to work and picked me up as I hate to drive in this stuff. I CAN do it but if he offers to drive I take him up on it. Salt is useless in these conditions. I am going to be back with a vengeance, lol, in the new year. My trainer is starting a 30 day clean eating challenge that begins Jan 2. Part of it is to weigh before I start, then no weighing or measuring of body until the end. The focus is to be on the eating. I am joining them as a way to kickstart my weight loss and get back to being more healthy.

    Karla, hope you get over the crud quickly. Congrats on all your success on your plan.

    Cindy, I am loving the new book but am rationing my reading to make it last. I am so excited for your work to be read by Hallmark. Even to be considered is high praise of your talent, I would think. I pray Meg's soon to be ex doesn't give her any trouble once she moves out.

    Bert, I grew up on board games. It was a family staple. Risk was not my fav either, too much strategy involved! We played Kismet, which is like Yatze but with colored dice so there is flush and straight flush in the mix. My mom and my sisters and I played all the time, had to make our own score sheets to keep the costs down. The sound of the dice rolling on the table drove my dad nuts so he made us a padded cup and a padded box to throw the dice in. Took some of the fun out of the game but dad was happier.

    Diane, I feel blessed every day that mom is so close so I can keep an eye on her eating and make sure she is doing well. I think it truly makes a difference in their health if they have family attention. I just wish mom would consider a senior living situation but she absolutely refuses at this time. The baptism gown is beautiful and hope that her using it in some way makes up for the slight on the stocking. That really shocked me. I would never have thought she would take it so lightly and not treasure it as the heirloom it should become. I used to cross stitch a lot and still have a stack of pieces infrared, just got too time consuming I guess. Poor Carrie, I hope the rehab goes quickly so you and John can be on the road again. Do you already have a game plan for sites to visit?

    Janet, loved the pic of the Caleb and Cady, such adorable munchkins. So glad your trip went well. Is your tree and decorations still up? When the snow melts lets do lunch

    Edd got me an air fryer for Christmas. It is awesome. Like a little super heated turbo oven. I have only made tater tots, heated cold fries from Steak and Shake, and frozen breaded mushrooms in it but they all came out super crispy and it very little time. I can see where this little oven will come in handy for lots of healthy, non fried foods.

    If anyone is interested in joining the 30 day challenge let me know and I will post it. It is pretty restrictive but doable for 30 days. Basically no sugar or sugar subs, no white flour, no alcohol. Protein, fruits and veggies.......pretty basic. I am going to ask my trainer if she will have a phase 2 eating plan. She has done lots of research on health and nutrition, as well as exercise physiology. She has a degree in one of those areas. One of her thesis papers was on the body's need for salt and how restricting sodium is not necessary unless you have a medical condition that requires it, like heart failure and kidney disease. She is one smart cookie and I feel like she might be the motivation I need to turn my bus around and make it into a minivan!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon. We are all convalescing along. Taking it easy today and just laying around watching tv. I still have a rattle cough and a nasal issue going on. JJ is fever free and Kevin is better, but still weak.

    Patti- So nice to read your nice post. Your food challenge sounds very sound and interesting. I'm sure you will excel at it. Thank you for the kind words. I'm getting back to tracking today as I have fallen off of it with this sickness.

    Bert- I'm going to get my indoor decorations down tomorrow.

    Diane- Elise was just precious at her Baptism and the gown was awesome struck. Great news on your Mom. You are a devoted daughter. My father just got hearing aids and is adjusting to them now, can't barely talk to him on the phone now. He first could, then turned them off, now their too low. Lol. He goes back next week for more lessons. He does like being able to hear better though.

    Janet - I know you are resting up.

    Have a restorative day everyone and peaceful passage into 2018!!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's so cold here! I hope that people everywhere can find shelter and stay warm and safe. Yesterday Mike installed a kitchen faucet and garbage disposal for Greg and Carrie. Greg helped Mike as well.

    Patti: I'm SO in with this challenge! I'm trying to do low carb and higher protein, but would love to do this challenge. Thanks for offering! I have to admit that I struggle with the sugar part, but am VERY interested! Do they still make the Kismet dice game? I'm going to look for it.

    Karla: Glad you're on the mend.

    We have one service at church today. I'm glad there is only one service. Have a great day today, and Happy New Year!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Big fun here at the cabin. Pipes froze and broke, have cold water in bathroom only. Edd is working to replace the pipes. We are going to son's cabin for dinner. I am in charge of potatoes and corn, DIL and her crew doing the rest. Making Goetta in the crockpot, it is basically steel cut oats and sausage, it's a KY thing.
    Bert I will share the specifics of the 30 day challenge when I get home tomorrow night. I didn't bring my computer or iPad, just my phone and it is too tedious. Basically nothing processed, no sugar or artificial sugars of any kind. No soda or juice, not even diet. You can have whole grain bread. No alcohol. That's pretty much it.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good New Years' Eve all. We are having a quiet dinner then to bed at our normal time - no celebrating here! Carrie is visiting her friend in NYC. Hope they have fun.

    Tomorrow we ARE starting the year off right with a First Day Hike (in the bitter cold! Brrr!) and a chili party here afterwards - probably 6-7 hiking and the rest joining us for chili so about 12-14 total. I made two kinds of chili today, and both are reasonably healthy if I avoid the sides! No control over those since other people are bringing them. I will try not to eat the dessert pies one person is bringing (no great temptation - I'm not a big pie eater) and the brownies another is bringing (much more tempting to me!) I still have too many cookies in the freezer, but will be taking most of those to the Epiphany service at church. Need to just get them OUT of the house!

    Patti I will try the challenge too. The biggest problem for me will be giving up my diet cokes! We are going skiing for five days, so I will probably not stick to it then, but I'll do my best.

    I saw the alternate stocking my DIL's coworker made for Elise - it was a simple design on the cuff, with no color complexity and shading, and no outlining. I don't know why they are going to use that one at home. I'm still miffed.

    Bert, we just had one service today too - Pastor always takes this Sunday off, so another lay assistant and I ran it. With the cold and the illnesses going around, it was a very small group!

    Patti, I saw your FB post about the pipes - I didn't know it was the cabin. We had that happen one time in the little house we rented when we were first married. NO FUN. Hope Edd got it all fixed. Do you winterize when you leave, or put on heat tape, or what? Will you be able to use the air fryer on the 30 day challenge? We got Carrie a rice cooker (per her request) and I'm looking forward to trying it for different grains. It steams veggies at the same time.

    Cindy, when are you supposed to hear something from Hallmark? I'm sure you are on pins and needles waiting.

    Karla, how is the crud? Lots of people here are sick - flu and also an intestinal thing are both going around. So far it hasn't gotten into our house.

    Janet, I'm sure you are just resting up after your trip and reveling in the time spent with family.

    All for now, and probably won't check in tomorrow with the chili party here.

    Happy new year to all.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. We are doing good. Illness is finally leaving my home. We are staying home tonight as it is bitterly cold down here, for us anyway, below freezing and in the the 20's with the wind chill factor. Tomorrow night is the Alabama vs Clemson playoff game and I am having two couples over to wastch it with us, plus my brother. I am also making chili and pigs N blanket. Each couple is bringing snacks too. It is a night time game.

    Diane - Did you make the white chicken chili? I am making traditional chili but will but kidney and black beans in it. I'm still miffed about the stocking too. Have fun on your hike but bundle up for sure. Your son sure looks a lot like your husband. Duh. lol.

    Patti- I also saw the pics of Edd under the cabinet working on the pipes. I know you always winterize when you leave, so it must have been unexpected. Good ole Edd can fix anything. Just like my Glenn.

    Bert - I know you will do well on Patti's 30 day challenge.

    I am making a breakfast casserole to take to my good friend Connie around the corner. She had surgery on Friday and is in a lot of pain. She had discs fuzed in her neck.

    Talk later,

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy New Year! Today is the day I will start/stay on my eating plan. I've already logged in my breakfast. 37 proteins and low carbs: bacon + eggs+ EAS shake = 400 calories. I'm throwing alway all the leftover cookies and will get in my water today. The challenge is on!

    Have a fabulous New Year's Day, everyone!
