OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning board. My scale peek has me up a half pound now. Geez. Well, it is what it is. I know I am not cheating, it is just my body adjusting or cycle. Still down almost 3 pounds from two weeks ago during a really challenging month.

    I got my garland twisted with mesh and hung on the mantel last night. Just need to make the bows tonight with my bow maker and add them. Laid out the dessert table serving dishes. Coming together.

    Hello to Bert, Cindy, Diane and Janet.

    Have a great day.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi from here. REALLY need to get cracking on Christmas decorating - trees are up but need to festoon them and the rest of the living area. Tomorrow, except for one appointment, should be time to work on things. Target is to have it all done by Friday.

    Cindy, Meg is stronger than she knows and I am proud of her (for being her mother's daughter). Hope Rick continues to behave.

    Karla, don't stress. You[re doing great - just reread many of your recent posts as proof.

    Hi to Bert & Diane - time to change laundry.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I've down a twitter pitch to Hallmark Publishing for the new wedding dress trilogy- please say a prayer they have an interest in the books. Basically I had 280 characters to pitch it. Its pitch Wednesday.... Its done and now we wait to see if they'd like the full manuscript.
    So excited.
    Karla- I'm happy Moore did not win the senate race in AL- I believe those women. Sorry for being political on this board but as a woman who is part of #metoo I don't believe any woman who has dealt with this type of harassment would put herself through something so hard unless it was gospel.
    Janet- get cracking.... :)
    Bert and Diane- how are things with you. Avoiding the cookie witch?
    Need to run- big hugs to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning.

    Cindy - I voted for Doug Jones, the Democrat, although I am Republican. I vote for the man, not the Party. I totally agree, Roy Moore was a joke, and shameful. No woman should ever be treated the way his reputation depicted. I am so very proud of our State, we finally showed some integrity. I was speechless! I will be praying for Hallmark to scoop you up. I can see your books made into Hallmark movies. They just are!!

    Yesterday's weigh in showed me two pounds down from two weeks ago. I will take it!! With two parties and all the eating out we have been doing, I'm proud of that! I am at 29.7 pounds off with clothes on. I am at 185.6 at my home scale with no clothes. LOL. My BMI is down from 35.7 to 31.6, as they did a body analysis repeat yesterday. They said I am doing good as most people are gaining this month. LOL.

    I just pulled my first batch of crockpot candy out of the crockpot already this morning. Didn't come out like the picture.. LOL. A new recipe I tried. I hope I hope it sits and tastes good.

    I better get back to the kitchen,


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Thought I would check in while Elise is hanging out in her chair with her stuffed kitty. She has been snuggling it for at least 5 minutes, which is a long time for her!

    I seem to do well with breakfast and a morning snack - I've been fixing my egg beaters omelet once Elise goes down for her early nap. Waiting almost two hours after I get up before breakfast feels right. I'm trying a Dannon Light & Fit greek as a morning snack, so I don't get ravenous and eat everything in sight for lunch. Now I just need to figure out a variety of go-to lunches to keep in the house. I plan pretty nutritious and filling dinners so evenings aren't a problem. It's that 11:30 to 6 stretch that I need to plan better.

    Karla, you must really love to decorate - you have been spending so much time and effort on it, and I can tell you are loving the results. Don't get discouraged by a .5 gain on one day - that can be sodium or something else. Although I know that is why WW told us not to weigh daily, what a daily scale hop tells me is that a .5 up on one day is not necessarily an indication of real gain, unless it stays there for 2-3 days!

    Cindy good luck with the publisher - I know if you can snag a publisher the sales will be higher if they can do some promoting. Although one of my favorite authors (Dana Stabenow) has gone from mainstream publishers to indie, because she makes much more per book. But she is an established author with a following - I think it might help you get your books out to a wider audience. So good luck. And I think good news on Meg - sad but it sounds like she needs to put that chapter of her life behind her.

    Janet, have fun with the decorating. We always make it a group thing to do the tree, and time flies and it is a great social time. I do the rest of it myself, but I don't vary things much from year to year so it goes quickly.

    Bert does your church do a Christmas Cantata? One of the local churches here does a Messiah sing a long I dont think I will make it this year though.

    Back to Elise!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. What a wonderful day of fellowship and baking I had yesterday. Three of my girlfriends showed up and we laughed ourselves silly. We turned out some great results!! Most everything we made yesterday was from Facebook recipes, of which I had never made before!! Boy am I brave. I made the Crockpot candy before they arrived. A different version than before with pretzels and peanuts and white chocolate. Then we made Pecan Pie muffins, a Fudge Wreath (really cute) Ooey Gooey Cookies (with cream cheese in them), Pretzel Bites and M&M cookies. I am also making my mother's Coca Cola cake today, and am mixing up another batch of the Pecan Pie muffins. These are actually from a mix that I get from a company at the Christmas Jubilee, but are to die for. I have a Caramel King Cake from the Rouse's Bakery, that is a Grocery store here from out of New Orleans to pick up Saturday. This will complete the Dessert table. Keep in mind that we were making double batches of everything. Believe it or not I only had one small cookie yesterday!! lol

    Diane - I do not weigh everyday, or that would drive me crazy. lol I usually do a scale peek on Friday morning, before the weekend. Then if I am going to the clinic on that Tuesday I will peek again on Monday morning. If it is not my week to go to the clinic I will weigh again on Tuesday. I will start going to the clinic once a month in January. I feel like this is pretty much a life change for me now. I saw the doctor this week. Since she is a GYN doctor too, I discussed some issues I was concerned about there and she helped me out there!! I love this place. I do think the gain was sodium because we ate out the night before the clinic and even though I had a salad, the salad dressing was probably higher in sodium than my home salad dressing. As far as the decorating, I am not very good at it, but I try. My motivation is this big party and making Glenn proud. Thank you so much for your kind support and encouragement.

    Cindy = I'm glad Rick is being amicable and kind. You will enjoy the new bike. Maybe he is doing the best he can. Some people struggle everyday with emotional feelings that were developed way back before we came along. You are a very strong woman, have two strong daughters and you will persevere!! I have not been able to get back to reading my book with all the decorating, shopping and cooking, but I will!!

    Janet - I know your trees will look lovely with your beautiful ornaments. Enjoy. Put your awesome musical collection on, make some nice tea or coffee or even some cider and James and you have a fun time. We had Christmas music playing while we were baking yesterday.

    We are expecting, through RSVP, close to 40 people Saturday night. The weather is clear and temps in the upper 50's. All is coming together!!

    My brother Kevin has showed up last night and moved in with us. He and his girlfriend had some issues up in North Alabama and he wants to find a job down here. He in good spirits and I told him last night I want him to stay here permanently. He is the one that lost his 8yo daughter in the car accident in March, plus her mother was killed in a separate car accident the same day, and he has really struggled to control his grief. Rightly so. It was a terrible tragedy. I cry every time I think of my niece.

    Well, the muffins are ready to go in the oven.

    I wish you all the happiness and joy of the season.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Here are two of my friends, Linda and Brenda, that came yesterday. carol had already lleft. I really appreciated them coming because it made it so fun.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    These are the Caramel Pretzel Bites
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was a horrible eating day for me! I had lunch with my retired teachers' group, and it was downhill all the way. I tracked it and am moving on. Today is a new day.

    Karla: Your treats look divine! I'm gaining weight just looking at the pictures. It's nice that your brother is moving in.

    Diane: Our cantata is this Sunday. We are doing "Christmas is Jesus" We've performed it several times. Tonight is rehearsal with the orchestra. I love having the orchestra play the accompaniment. It makes everything so special. Our community used to do a sing-a-long Messiah. Mike and I went every year as we both love the Messiah. I used to sing "Rejoice, Rejoice, O Daughter of Jerusalem" back in the day when I used to have a higher voice. I'm singing tenor in the choir now! :open_mouth:

    Today, I'm going to finish wrapping what I have purchased. Greg came over yesterday to borrow Mike's car as his truck wouldn't start. I panicked when I knew he was coming as he usually brings the kids. Luckily, they didn't come. The gifts were stacked up and not wrapped!

    Have a great day everyone! Waving hi to Cindy, Janet, and Patti.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Girls-
    Hallmark has asked for the full manuscript- I'm doing one final read and I'll send it today. I'm really excited and we shall see what the next step is for me.
    I'll still be an indie but maybe I can be a hybrid author as so many are now-
    Thanks for the support.
    Karla- I couldn't control myself if all those wonderful sweets were around. I'm holding off on baking until the weekend.
    Diane the pictures of Elise are adorable- love the kitty.
    Bert- Have fun with the cantata-
    Need to run- half day here and then off to LR land
    Waving to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy - Congratulations!!! That is wonderful. I do plan on enjoying some snacks on Saturday. Especially the Crockpor Mexican Street Corn & Chicken Chowder. I'm going to add shrimp to it also. Cindy, I'm just trying to keep my eye on the ball, the 170's, they are just 5.6 pounds away. lol

    Bert - This is a season for many gatherings and temptations. We just have to get through it. Like you said, today is another day. Enjoy your Cantata. I love those and I love the song Rejoice, Rejoice.

    Moving on the the cheeseballs and then it's my Mom's Coca Cola cake.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi - yesterday got way from me, except with eating! Stayed busy but need to buckle down to tree decorating NOW - Christmas music is already on.

    Cindy, THRILLED tuet you have a chance to put your work in front of Hallmark. I did one small project (testing Father's Day card ideas) for them years ago and they were wonderful to work with, as you'd hope.

    Karla, your treats look lovely - the party will be fun. Hope your brother can find work nearby and a place of his own. Having his sister and other family closer may help him find a bit more peace - poor guy has been through the unimaginable.

    Bert, I've never heard of that one. Our church did a giant Festival of Carols every year, with some beautiful anthems. Cantata was rarer, though the adult choir did one every few years and it was always beautiful (except for Birdie Oman - yes, that was her name - nice lady but boy, she sang loudly - to a tune of her own making).

    Diane, nice to know Elise is sometimes able to amuse herself for longer - so much fun as they grow into being fascinated by their surroundings. She sure is a beautiful baby!

    OK - ONWARD! Hugs to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: we have several of singers like Birdie in our choir!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I don’t know how to pipe in straight lines!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh Bert these look quite lovely. All the Walmarts here are out of Christmas sprinkles. It's crazy. You did a great job.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike is working today, so I have the house to myself today. I'm finishing up wrapping gifts and will straighten up the house today. My family room is in dire need of dusting! Tonight is Euchre Club.

    Karla: Thanks! My sprinkles were left over from previous cookie making. It's funny that I looked up sugar cookies recipes for icing. They gave the recipe for Royal Icing and it was the same as what my mom made to put inbetween graham crackers for cookies. I didn't know my mom was making "Royal Icing". :D I just used the sugar cookie mix and premade icing this time, as it was easier. I can't remember the recipe I used last year and don't have it stored anywhere. Do you know what superfine sugar is? That's one of the ingredients for Classic Sugar Cookies on the Food Network recipe.

    What recipe does everyone use for sugar cookies? I found two versions on Food Network. What about icing recipes?

    I'm going to work out at home today. I've been going to the gym pretty regularly, but just want to stay home today.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member

    Good morning Ladies!

    Bert- This is the frosting recipe I use. I use real butter and critical is to use "clear" vanilla flavoring if you are coloring your icing, and especially if you want white! The regular vanilla turns it darker. This frosting tastes yummy. It is what is used on wedding cakes in volume.

    I am going to look at a puppy today!! My next door neighbor's daughter has them. The father is a Yorkie and mother is a Shih Zhu. So she is a little Shorkie and will be between 6-8 pounds. I'm so excited! Glenn is not! Lol.

    I'm making the Turkey cranberry pinwheels this morning and then going to get my hair fixed. Then I'm going to see my puppy. She is only three weeks old. I'll post a picture when I get home.

    Have a great day everyone!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, how exciting! Puppies make everything better. I'm sure you'll rock party season. None of those for me, but having James here is making the season more fun, and seeing my dear friends and some cousins after Christmas will be great. Haven't heard from my brother or MI niece, but am almost relieved to know I'll be home this Christmas.

    Bert, your cookies look delicious. Straight lines are overrated = I like the flow of your snowflakes.

    Cindy, was excited for you all day.

    Diane, does Elise have any favorite things yet?

    Eating yesterday was pretty good - we had leftovers last night and I'm doing much better at portion control. Still snacking a bit often but keeping size down. Because of my RA med, I need to put something into my stomach fairly early most days. Just ordered two new good nonstick skillets on sale so I may start making eggs more often.

    Trees are decorated and my collection of crystal trees is out. James is scared he'll break one (they are NOT delicate but quite heavy and solid) so I will redeploy several today. Must work on cards today and have to sort gifts, wrap and ship those that need to be sent.

    Onward - going to have a protein shake and so my morning computer stuff, then get back to being an elf.