OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet - Just sharing my experience. I had bad diarrhea with the Fosamax, felt like I had the flu with the Altevia and the Boniva gave me extreme heartburn. I was on Evista for 8 years, but earlier this year my bone density test showed a bone loss for the first time since 2010, so that is why we made the change. My out of pocket for the Reclast was only $38.00.

    We all had a blast at Monica's tonight. Especially Izzy. There were half a dozen small children and they ran and played outside. There were two really cute Christmas games in addition to the two Dirty Santa games. I conrolled my food just as I planned and feel good about that. I'm going to make it through this month!!

    Good night all.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday's eating was great for me! I have left over stir fry that I'm heating up for lunch. I'm heading to church this morning. Last night I saw 9 to 5, the Musical at our local Community Theater. It was great! Today, my BFF and I are going to St. Mary's to attend their choral Christmas concert. It will be in the catholic church on campus. I'm sure it will be a wonderful concert. Mike is still puny. I'm sorry he miss 9 to 5. He would have liked it. I need to get ready for church. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Sunday. I am up with the chickens and roosters and enjoying a quiet morning, as usual. I have started my party recipe folder. I printed out the recipes I have been saving on Facebook. I have two girlfriends coming over a week from Wednesday to help me pre-prepare some goodies and have some fun girl-time.

    Bert - I bet the 9-5 play was a hoot. It is past overdue for Glenn and I to attend a play. We both love the theatre. When we first met we went and enjoyed "To Kill A Mocking Bird" by our local players. It was awesome. I know the choir will be awesome today. I love the Catholic churches. They are always so ornate in design. Our Arch Diocese downtown is out of this world. Sorry about Mike being puny. I just had to wake JJ up from coughing and give him some cough and cold pills. Have a great and wonderful day.

    I'm retreating to my sewing room. I have two throws ready to sew the small opening I flipped them through. I am very proud of these two, they came out quite lovely. Monica is going to come over one day this week and help me figure out my new embroidery machine. She is an excellent seamstress and has made awesome ball gowns for her daughters in the past.

    We all had such a great social time last evening. I was talking with one of Monica's cousins last night that I adore. She is just finishing up nursing school. I was telling her about the clinic Monica and I are doing and about our bone density and back problems. When I told her we were both turning 60 next year and needed to get our bodies in the best shape ever, she just about killed over. She exclaimed "Karla!! There's no way you are almost sixty, you don't look like you are out of your 40's". She was so very sweet, maybe a little blind too! lol. It was a very organized and fun party. Monica's two daughters really ran the party well for her. Elizabeth ran the two Dirty Santa games, one for the small children and the other for the adults, and Arminda ran the two Christmas games, which were a hoot. We played one where you put a paper plate on top of your head and draw certain things that Arminda was calling out. It was so funny when you took the plate down and looked. Glenn won!! lol.

    I'm off to craft!!

    Have a wonderful and happy day. Can you tell I love this time of year??

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    just one notation: My stomach is grumbling for hunger this morning, so does that mean I controlled my eating last night?? YESSSSSS!!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - late Sunday check in for me. My eating has not been terrific, but not terrible either this weekend. I made the Skinnytaste Crockpot Turkey Pumpkin chili for dinner tonight. It sounds weird, but it is really good! I double the spices in it. I also made the Trader Joe's mix of beer bread per Carrie's request. It is yummy - I limited myself to 1.5 slices.

    Karla, yes I have started on my cookie baking. I am trying to scale it back a bit this year, since I don't have three or four work parties to take cookies to! I am also trying to figure out how to make as many of my traditional types as possible dairy and soy free. It is a challenge. Peanut Butter kisses in the oven right now, which will get dairy/nut/soy free mega chunks instead of kisses on them, and are made with dairy/soy free margarine instead of real better and all natural peanut butter. I made the shortbread earlier, and there is no way to make them dairy free! The sugar cookie dough will go in the fridge tonight and be rolled and baked tomorrow.

    Janet, I am getting Elise things her parents requested, including a exersaucer/ entertainment center that converts to a toddler play table. I am also making her a Christmas stocking - it will have Santa with forest animals - it is turning out cute, but I have a ton of stitching left to do!

    Bert, your church is so active - do you do an Advent by Candlelight? I have seen this spreading - our church has done it for the last ten years or so. It is a celebration for the ladies of the church - usually the first Sunday evening in Advent but this year for scheduling reasons the second Sunday. We get a speaker, and it is a nice, calm, quiet time to reflect on the reason and season of Advent, rather than rushing through preparing for Christmas.

    Talked to my son today and he said Elise has had a rough weekend, and Rossanne (Mama) is feeling defeated :(. I think she is doing a terrific job but has not had an easy time of it. I want to tell her that it gets easier when Elise can be interested in the world around her, which is coming in the next month or so, but right now she is not an easy baby. Two and a half more weeks in the brace. We are having to give her prune juice for constipation, and she isn't sleeping well.

    Back tomorrow.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Oops - three cookies cooling on the counter overnight jumped into my mouth for breakfast! How do they do that? The rest of them are put away in the freezer out of temptations reach.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked. Now I need to make and eat it! Omlette with cheese, bacon, and EAS protein shake. :o) Today I'm going to church to fix the light problems in the balcony. I got it narrowed down to one strand yesterday! Then it's off to SAMS to stock up on the Christmas adult beverages! I have to spread out my spending with being on a fixed income.

    Karla: Your party sounds like fun.

    Diane: Do you freeze your cookies after you make them? I always make cookies, too, but wait until the week the kids come over. Our church doesn not do Advent by Candlelight, but it sounds like a wonderful event. Our first service pianist is giving a concert next Sunday evening. She is turning 18 soon, and was hired as pianist at the age of 13. Her talents are amazing. Also, Sunday is our Choir Lunch. Proceeds to go music ministry to provide the orchestra for our contata on Dec. 17.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning Bert and Diane and those that follow. What a wonderful weekend it has been, including a romantic evening with Glenn after Izzy and Jj were taken back.

    Diane- This is a difficult month to get through for sure. I told Monica Saturday night wen she exclaimed she better be under 200 when she goes back to the clinic, the same thing. We do the best we can. 2018 we can focus more without all these temptations.

    Bert - I am so upset we missed my church's Christmas choir last night. We were going back and forth between the two JC Penney's and then suddenly JJ's Mom was in town for us to meet her.

    Glenn is putting the curtain rod up in the Bay window and I am finishing up the Christmas tree, finally! The curtains are going to look really professional. They are 84" in length and the pattern is "Wallace " #918. We also picked out gorgeous Liz Claiborne "Lisette" sheers in an Aqua Mist to go with them. All are in the popular "Grommet' style. It is really going to showcase my breakfast nook area.

    I am hoping it is just sodium over the weekend and the two nights out last week, but my scale peek is showing me up slightly!! I'm not going to panic. I'm going to be very aware of any BLT's, all my water and get my steps in. It was bound to happen sooner or later after 11 weeks of straight losses. Although, I may still show a tiny loss in the morning, my official weekly day. I don't go back to the clinic until next Tuesday.

    I better get back to my to-do list, it has 12 items on it!!

    Have a wonderful and productive day. Be kind to yourself.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert yes I freeze my cookies. I have several parties coming up this weekend where my cookies are expected :) so I need to get busy. If I waited until the last week I would never get them done! I do have two varieties that don't freeze well that are favorites, so I make those just a few days before Christmas. I make nine or ten varieties, and double or triple batches of most, or even quadruple batches of several of the most popular ones. I have dropped the two that were my favorites but nobody else was wild about, because they were always around after Christmas and I was the one that ate them!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I absolutely love the way the curtains look!! I need another sheer panel in the middle window, but they look awesome! I have put the attachment below.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hello from KY. Eating was not the bet but far from the worst over the weekend, and as I have said, as long as I am maintaining right now I'm fine with it. Might make some Christmas cookies for James because I want to - will find out what kinds he likes.

    Reserved my OH hotel for the 26th-27th to see my cousins and best friend's family - her birthday is the 27th so I will be at her party. May or may not see my brother and niece in MI but do hope to see my dear friends in MI if they're available.

    Saw rheumatologist and she took three tubes of blood. We hope my rheumatoid med will kick in in about a month. Glad to have found her - she's just smart and kind. Office staff too.

    OK, cleaner is here and I must run a few more errands. Off to the races!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is grocery shopping. Mike and I bought the "Christmas Beer" yesterday for everyone as well as other "Christmas Cheer". I need to get ingredients for Christmas cookies and the pretzel salads for our choir lunch this Sunday. The lunch is a fundraiser for our cantata orchestra members. We also bought mini smoked sausages as Mike makes them for the choir lunch.

    Janet: I love making Christmas cookies. I make "Reece's Peanut Butter Cups" for Greg and Lindsey, and Hershey's Kisses cookies. I also will try my sugar cookies again and attempt the decorating once again. They were pretty and good tasting last year. We always have food inbetween services on Cantata day, Dec. 17 as well, so I'll take them to that as well as our church Euchre club on the 15th. I usually only make cookies from scratch once a year. Good Luck!

    Diane: You go, girl! That's wonderful that you make so many. Do you freeze just the dough or the baked cookie?

    Karla: I'm doing pretty well with my water. Last night's dinner wasn't good as I make breaded eggplant. I overindulged as it tasted so good!

    Waving hi to Patti and Cindy. Have a good day everyone!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I wrote THE END on Saturday of the first draft in book one of the book and started book 2- Book 1 needs to wait a couple of weeks before I start the edit. It's like making soup- sitting a bit improves the flavor :)
    I got into the nutrition program at the hospital. Diane- I called them to see what the had for wellness programs- to support people who are at risk for Type 2 Diabetes, which is a lot of peeps, etc. I was told about the program and encouraged to apply. Next step is the blood work and measurements- I start the first Wednesday in January for 12 weeks.
    Sounds like everyone is busy with holiday hectic-ness as am I - all shopping just about done and everything purchased is wrapped.
    Megan is not planning on moving back- at least not at the moment - I'm giving her the space to forge her path. But she can file for divorce right after the holidays. There was a residence requirement before she could do so. Its a tough situation and she's hanging in there- some days by a thread. She still hasn't found a decent affordable apartment but I'm sure she will after the holidays. No one wants to move now.
    Need to run- waving to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and almost noon.

    I managed to pull off a very small loss. .3 this week. After a night on the night with dinner out and one mixed drink and the Christmas party Saturday night, I was lucky here!! Probably the sodium. I have to watch it closely between now and next Tuesday for sure. This month is tough! Thursday night my group of eight is going to Carraba's for Linda's birthday. I am planning on a steak, salad and broccoli.

    Bert - Sounds like you are getting it all together. When will you be back down in the Destin area? I truly want to meet you! How is Mike feeling?

    Cindy - You are just moving right along on the new series woman! If only Rick was supportive so you could be a stay at home writer. But, it is what is is. Have you confirmed your convention for Ohio yet? I would like us to plan a retreat then if we can.

    Diane - I saw your memory from 8 years ago on your cookies on Facebook. Yummy! Which ones freezes well? I might make some this weekend. I worked on my party list of sweets and appetizers the other day. It is looking good. I have two girlfriends coming over next Wednesday for us to make some things and have some fellowship. I'm making a brownie Christmas wreath I saw on Facebook and some gooey sugar cookies and some crockpot candy. Bourbon meatballs and a shrimp corn chowder. It's going to be fun!!

    I wish all of you could come to my party!! Please do plan to come if you want. It is the 16th of this month starting at 7pm. I am in Grand Bay, Alabama, just outside of Mobile.

    Janet - How are you and James doing? Has he gained some weight since he's been there? I know he enjoys your company immensely. Who wouldn't? You would love the throw I just made for Linda. It has the pink soft plush on the back like yours.

    I am at work for a short time today but have a recheck with my Endodonist on my Root canal I had done last year this afternoon. Tomorrow I have a hair appointment. Thursday I have Izzy time and then Linda's birthday.

    Yesterday I had my teeth cleaned and they found a small cavity I have to have filled after the first of next year, followed by the crown that was just approved by both of my dental carriers. I was really afraid I had a bad condition starting behind my bottom front teeth. But, it was only some bad calcium buildup that showed up just suddenly. I thought I might be facing that flap Patti had to have!!

    I better get back to helping the doctor on is training. We are moving along on our conversion.

    So nice catching up with you all.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Welcome to hump day.
    I've switched up my breakfast to a greek yogurt, added some nuts to my daily diet and trying to eat one plate at dinner, with nothing after except on the weekend. Nothing to radical but I am feeling a bit lighter when I wake up in the morning and that's a good thing for me.
    The program at the hospital is focused on total well being so nutrition is one component- there's cooking, life stress and movement. It would be a real treat if we got to go to Canyon Ranch for something during the 12 weeks- its about 15 minutes from my house and just beautiful there.
    Rick wanted to watch WWE last night, yuck, so i wrote 5 pages in the new book. He meeting his son tonight so I can edit to my hearts content in book 1 for a few hours.
    Karla- things such as busy for you in AL. I've been watching the news on your upcoming election. Such a hot mess.
    Janet- What's new pussycat? LOL
    Bert- how's the water yesterday- did you get enough in?
    Diane- How old is Elise? As us veterans of motherhood we know this too shall pass but its hard for new Mom's- have fun baking and then getting cookies in the freezer before anymore hop in you mouth. I have that problem too.... I'm going to ask Em to come back with me so I stay in check.
    Patti- Big waves...
    I'm not sure if I'm getting into the Ohio conference. But I will be in West Virginia in November, King of Prussia in May and August. All for author events.

    I think Janet and Patti though the West Virginia location was close to them. Its in Huntington- first weekend.
    OK- back to the day job.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is going to partially be spent straightening up the house as Mike is working today. I'll mop and sweep the floor and clean bathrooms. My cleaning girl/friend as been sparce the last few months. I should get a new girl, but at least I'm saving money. Then the rest of the day will be running errands.

    Cindy: I did well on water. Yesterday's eating was pretty good. I'm going to check with my local hospital to see if there are any nutrition/weight loss programs. I know they have a diabetes program, but am not sure about anything else. Good luck with your editing. Editing is becoming a lost art with my students, I believe.

    Karla: I have no clue about being back in the Destin area. That vacation was an anniversary reunion with Mike's friend and wife. The guys were all part of the wedding party. They have a time share with Wyndam. Mike is doing much better. He joined a local gym, so he's excited about that.

    Waving hi to Janet, Diane, and Patti. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi all.

    Eating is slowly getting a bit better and that is all I care about right now.

    Cindy, glad you're getting editing time. WWE isn't my cup of anything either. I've always thought Canton Ranch or Kripalu would be wonderful (but pricey - maybe your program will get you there - fingers crossed). Huntington is eminently drivable for me - King of Prussia is vastly farther. We have plenty of time to plan.

    Bert, I like to bake cutter cookies, spritz cookies, Mexican wedding balls and make bourbon balls. It was the one time of year we used real butter, once I convinced Mom it made a difference with a blind taste test.

    Diane, I have babysat for very fussy babies - without the extra layer of emotional attachment you have for a grandchild. Sweet Elise has no other way to express herself yet but once she is old enough to be engaged and distracted I bet your days will be less fraught.

    Karla, glad your dental issues are minor!

    Busy girl here, in a good way - Christmas prep looms. James will help me decorate the trees this week - it will be fun. We watched "Elf" last night and he is fine with my Christmas music obsession. OK, onward with my day = hugs to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies.

    Cindy- Our State is a complete embarrassment when it comes to politics!! A hot mess is putting it mildly. This Roy Moore is awful and I won't be surprised if he makes it in. I am not voting for him and he is with my party. I will vote against him. I'm so excited for you for getting into the hospital program. I know it will be a well rounded program for you in many ways.

    Janet - I guess you answered my question about the trees. Smile. I love the cookies you mentioned. I totally agree about the real butter in cookies. It is an absolute must!!

    Bert - I guess I will have to come up and see you!!

    I am going to run to Wally World this late. Glenn is on my last nerve!!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I have been so busy I haven't had the time to participate much in the conversation.Trying to keep Elise amused and happy, get the Christmas cookies baked, the house decorated and Elise's stocking done has me busy every minute!

    Janet, I normally use nothing but real butter year round, but I am having to adapt my cookies to non-dairy, non-soy. It has been a challenge. Some of the ingredients are so hard to find substitutes for! I have been to Whole foods three times in the past two weeks, after not going there for probably two years. I found a brand of chocolate morsels that is free of dairy, soy and nuts. Now I am trying to figure out how much sugar to omit from my chocolate pixies recipe if I am using semi sweet morsels rather than the unsweetened baking chocolate it calls for. They also have sticks of non-diary, non-soy butter substitute, which is better for baking than the tub spreads. And a cream cheese and a yogurt product I can use.

    All that said, I used real butter in the shortbread cookies. And I can't adapt the seven layer bars, and all the decorator frostings I have found have soy (for the gingerbread men.) But there will be six varieties of cookies that Rossanne can eat, so I declare that a success.

    Eating has not been great - it has been a situation of what is in the house. I have been waiting until Elise goes down for her early nap and then fixing myself an eggbeaters, veggies and cheese omelet for breakfast - so I wait until a little later to eat, and my breakfast is lower cal than I was eating. I'm not doing well at tracking though - I just can't seem to recreate that habit.

    Our water softener system is leaking - John will have to rebuild it again this weekend (He is gone for his consulting job this week.) It doesn't leak onto the basement floor, but leaks past which means the treatment isn't right. That means the water tastes terrible right now. I have to get to the store to get some bottled water to drink, and to wash Elise's bottles with. This started last weekend, John thought he had it fixed, then it started again yesterday.

    Waving to everyone else.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    A quick check in as its a hectic day- but just wanted to say HELLO
    Have a wonderful day.