OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I've been awake since 3:30! I'm definitely planning a nap for this afternoon. My mind simply wouldn't turn off after I got up in the middle of the night. Very frustrating. Today I have a workout with my PT. I work with her once a month to get new ideas. I'd love to have her more often, but it's not in the budget. I'm also cybershopping today. I have things in my cart and was waiting to hear from Dan on a couple of things I've picked out for Annie. It's funny, when it's something they intiate, I'm supposed to respond quickly; but not so much when the tide is turned. I know they are all busy.

    I'm getting ready to make my breakfast omelette. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and welcome to a new week. A work week for me since I was off all of last week. I feel so much better now. Plus, I really enjoyed the holiday.

    Scale peek really shocked me this morning!! 188.2!!

    Bert- Glenn and I purchased a new laptop on Black Friday. We got an excellent buy on it. We will do some Cyber Monday today also. Glenn did a big review of all the gifts we have bought so far and knows where we stand. We had gotten our layaway off last week. I had woke up myself at 2:30a but forced myself to go back to sleep and it actually worked! Good luck with your shopping today.

    I simply must get my sewing done! I must get disciplined with it. I want to make some more Christmas pillows in addition to finishing three more throws.

    I'm going to fix me a yogurt with strawberries this morning! Then I will get my shower and leave by 8 for the office.

    Have a wonderful day in whatever you do.

    Hello to Diane, Janet and Cindy.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Argh. Had a nice long post going then Elise woke up and has been fussy, and somehow in trying to get the music playing I closed MFP and deleted it!

    Short version - I've lost the pound I gained at Thanksgiving. So good there. I'm watching my portions and snacks, but not tracking, which I know is bad. Weekend gathering of family at Bear's den was great, if smaller than last year. Elise had a rough weekend - screaming non-stop Wednesday thru Friday when they took her to the pediatrician. She recommended a "reset," - no brace, prune juice for her constipation (possibly caused by the position of the brace?), tylenol to sooth whatever was paining her. Today is a new start - I'm supposed to do the brace for an hour on, an hour off. I've managed three hours on so far. She was happy this morning but very fussy this afternoon, so I've been holding her constantly, and didn't try the brace again. She just dropped off for a nap, so we'll see if that helps.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Posting in short bursts so I lose it again!

    Someone asked about the sweet potatoes - they are here:

    I ran them through the recipe calculator at 8 servings, and they came in at 321. So not horrible for a holiday treat. But I think I would cut the pecans by about half, and the spices for them by about a third, and not need so much oil. That cuts the calories considerably, to 260. The potatoes were very good fresh, not so good reheated. The pecans had lost their crunch, and the potatoes were somewhat mushy.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Elise is waking ALREADY! so no personals. But here is a pictuer in case you didn't see it on FB, of her in her reindeer suit!b6cj3f52fp3z.jpg
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane - That is the most adorable face!! Children are so resilient. I can't tell you how many posts I have written and had disappear on me. You are a loving and devoted grandmother and Elise will get through all her challenges with flying colors. We are having Shrimp Stir fry tonight and adding cabbage to it for a bit of a change. We had it at a seafood restaurant like this last weekend and it was really tasty.

    A long day at the office, but I got quite bit of things caught up after a week off. The doctor gave us all a hundred bucks!! How sweet!! After I got off I went and make three pickups! I bought myself another Brahmin purse from a lady, the dress and hat that was ordered for Audrey in the Paris motif was ready, and then a robe, also for Audrey got picked up. This Brahmin purse is a beautiful brown/cocoa leather and is in wonderful shape. This lady and I stood and talked for several minutes. We met at Costco. It was a gift to myself. hehe.

    Cindy - I received my book in the mail today!! I love the cover, very captivating. I know you must be very busy, but I hope not too stressed. Thank you for sending it to me. I will dive into it this evening when I lay down.

    I better go chill out a bit. I want to decorate the trees tonight and do a little cyber shopping to. I just don't know how long I will hold up. This old girl is tired.

    Take care everyone,


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, thanks for the recipe - printing it out. Elise wins the Cutest Reindeer award for sure. What a smile - hope she uses it often to control her grandma.

    Lots of errands today and have been OK but not great on food. For now, that's OK with me. Need to buckle down on Christmas shopping this weekend - a bit more difficult with a houseguest (who will also be a recipient) but I'll manage.

    Going to watch the football game and kick back. James seems to be taking a post-dinner nap but will no doubt come out & join me at some point.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good early morning from dear ole Karla here. I crashed early and early to rise. I have started reading Cindy's book and what a joy!!

    It is brrrrr cold down here this morning, but the forecasters stated we would be up to the low 70's today, so that is good.

    Janet - You have done really well adapting to a full time house guest. I am so happy for you. Have you gotten your trees up and decorated? Mine are still waiting for me. I hope to get off early this afternoon and get started tonight, at least on the two smaller ones. I still have the fireplace garland I want to make a beautiful ribbon wrapping on too. I have two parties to attend on Saturday as the holiday season rolls on. Fun times for sure.

    The band that we enjoyed so much last Friday night in Panama City is playing here in Mobile on Thursday night. We have invited another couple to dinner, and to go downtown and watch them. They are pretty awesome. Glenn spent all day yesterday putting up the outside Christmas lights. He had to order two more sets of the Meteor lights. They look so cool. He is really enjoying having the time to do these things with not working the long hours.

    Today is my weigh in day at the clinic. I know I will hit the 180's there, just as Diane had predicted for me. Unless there is some fluke with the scale. lol. My dad was so very proud of me, as well as Glenn. My clothes are starting to be too loose on me and I am wearing the size 14 pants in my closet again. Glenn asked me what I wanted to get down to yesterday and when I told him 145 he told me that was a bit too low, so I said then maybe 155.

    Did you hear the scoop about Massage Envy on the news? I haven't had a massage since the Utah back issue, and I have never had any issues with any therapist there. I have stuck with the facials mostly, which are awesome. I need to schedule me a visit as they just called me yesterday.

    I'm going to lay down and read a little more of the book. Of course I am hooked. No spoilers!!

    I will check back later on and give you my official weight. Thank you for all your support.

    Have a wonderful day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I had a good day yesterday running errands, going to the gym, cybershopping, and eating well. Today is a workshop at St. Mary's.....they are providing lunch, so I'm limited on choices today. I'll make the best of it.

    Karla: I"m so proud of you. I'm working hard to lose, and hopefully, I'll be successful as you are. You're weight loss is definitely inspirational.

    Janet: I cybershopped yesterday. I got most of the kids' toys. It's so nice to get this done. Going into Toys R Us or any store for toys is like a deer in the headlights moment for me. I'm glad to be able to look at things without feeling rushed.

    Waving hi to Diane, Patti, and Cindy.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I'm putting it out there - I am tracking all my food today. That's my only goal - track it. I don't even care what the numbers add up to - I just know that tracking is the best tool for me. I've got breakfast in.

    I sat down and did some of my cyber shopping this morning too. Glad I did - i found out that the activity center i wanted to get for Elise doesn't come straight from Amazon, so shipping will take about 10-14 days! It will still get here in plenty of time, but would have been a problem if I waited too long! I need to sit down with my lists and figure out where I am.

    This week is focused on clearing out. I have a Salvation Army pickup on Thursday for about 5 boxes of clothes and another five of household items. Decorating will be next week. We still get a live tree, so don't like to put it up too early. I did get poinsettias on Black Friday ($.99 at Home Depot!) and need to water them today.

    Karla, I know you will hit the 180s today! You have finally found something that works for you and that you can live with - good for you!

    Janet, sounds like you had a refreshing trip with friends and family. It is much harder to eat healthy with someone else in the house, isn't it? I know Carrie doesn't eat standard meals at standard times when she is here alone, and it works for her. I would probably skip or have a much lighter dinner without cooking for more people.

    Bert, it sounds like you are on a trend as well. I know you stated a few days ago about a 2 pound loss - I never got around to congratulating you on that. Slow is better than none!

    Cindy, I know you have been focused on the launch of the last book and the new series. Hope you got a lot of writing done over the long weekend!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello again. My weight is 188.6 at the clinic!! Yeaaa! I have lost over 10% of my weight since starting. They are so pleased with me. I am going every two weeks for December and then will start monthly in January. Thank you all for your support! It takes a village!

    Bert- they gave me a list of restaurants and the totals of carbs, fats, proteins and calories, I will scan and send to you and anyone that wants it. I did portion control on days I didn't have good options and it worked.

    Diane- I know it feels good to mark gifts ordered off your list, as well as clearing out clothes and home decor. You go lady on the tracking. They told me today that it was was diligence on tracking that was leading to my success too. Guessing on calories, carbs and protein can be way off.

    Off to work,

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi ladies-
    I've read all 34 posts that I missed while I was on break- well not really a break if you were in my pocket for the last week. LOL
    But all is status quo here.
    I am looking for a WL program here sponsored by the hospital. I need to get moving but I need some support too- I think things are on hold until after the holidays but still looking.
    My pants still fit this AM after a week of yoga and sweatpants. So that was a good thing.
    A nasty cough showed up last night and I'm still dealing with it- not sure what is going on - dry hacking thing.
    Diane- Love the reindeer suit for the baby and a month in the harness is no big deal when you look at the grand scheme of things-
    Karla- congrats on the WL and for finally getting the right meds.
    Janet- Next time your in the NE..... coffee and me!
    Bert- I chuckled when you posted about the check for a gift
    Patti- if you're lurking :)
    Do you realize it will be two years we migrated to MFP in January?
    Wow where does the time go?
    Need to run- waving hi to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon. I did, indeed, leave the office at 2p. I am home and logging my food before I rest a bit and then start on the trees and garland.

    Cindy - So sweet to see you stop by and talk with us. I am feeling so much better, but still a little scratchy. I hope yours does not drift into what mine did. I am so happy with my progress. This is something I can stick with long term, controlling carbs and keeping my protein up. It is not that difficult. I am loving your book, as always. I believe it is the accountability, for me, of going and weighing in someplace that also works for me. It helps me stay on program. The same does not work for my BFF, lol, she told me yesterday she ate nonstop from Thursday to Sunday. LOL. She will get there though, just at her own pace.

    I'm going to decorate my seaside light aqua tree. I have some beautiful mermaid, starfish, flamingo and fish ornaments for it. I just got in a gorgeous aqua table cloth for the big table in that area, and the bay window curtain rods are supposed to be delivered some time later today. I'm going to put ceiling to floor flowing breezy sheers in all three windows. I'm also looking for a Beach wreath for the back French door. The whole back area is going to be a Christmas seaside theme. Fun!! I will take a picture when it is complete.

    Off the decorate. Take care and have fun and be whimsical in whatever you do.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Okay, so I have tracked every single bite I ate today - well, I'm cooking dinner but know exactly what I am having, so pretracked it. I didn't come in within my calorie limits, but I see where I went astray. That is the whole purpose of tracking, isn't it? I'm minding my carbs but can't do the plan Karla is doing - I would miss my fruits and veggies too much. I am working at adding some protein. Karla, what kind of lunches do you have that are high protein, low carb? I do NOT like the low carb tortillas - I tried two brands and to me they taste dry and cardboardy.

    Today I had yogurt and fruit for breakfast, lunch was an omelet with lots of ham and some cheese and veggies, dinner is salmon, baked potato and green beans. Downfall was snacks - mostly good but I had some peanut butter (good on protein but high in calories!) and a slice of cake I had leftover from the weekend.

    Will report tomorrow on my meals and tracking. I'd love some feedback.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane - I usually eat leftovers from the evening before for lunch. Today I had shrimp stir fry from with 3 ounces of shrimp and lots of veggies, including the cabbage in it. I also had a Dannon Light and Fit and two Sargento Light Cheese sticks. For Breakfast I took my fixings with me to work and made me an omelet in a neat plastic omelet maker I purchased from Izzy's school fundraiser. Have you tried the Ole's Extreme Healthy wraps? They are high in fiber and I don't find them dry. I really fill mine up with whatever I am making in them. I sometimes put my omelets in them with salsa. I LOVE 4 ounces of peppered deli turkey with provolone cheese and 2 tsp Mayo and Dijon mustard. Heat it in the microwave and have some of those Cheddar Wisps with it. I try and keep fresh spinach to add in my wraps and omelets too. I take those turkey wraps for lunch or have at home for lunch. I also get lean ground beef and make my own taco seasoning now. I make beefy burritos with the Ole' wraps and taco salads with 3 -4 ounces of the taco meat. I do not eat bland food. We eat shrimp twice a week because we can get it fresh year round down here. Stir fry and a Mediterranean salad with Feta cheese to die for. You will find your nitch. I think you were losing when you combined the exercise and diet. My back just can't take the aerobics anymore, but the 10k steps works for me. Thank you so much for your support.

    I did get a two page list of popular restaurants and the recommended choices of foods with the nutrient details if anyone wants a copy. I am going to scan it and email it out to several friends.

    Back to decorating and dinner.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla I would like the restaurant recommended choices. We don't eat out much, but I know the main dish salads at restaurants are not necessarily the healthiest choice!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I would like the restaurant choices too
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm making breakfast as I'm typing: Egg, Egg White, Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Crumbles, and 1 tbs. shredded cheese.
    2 Carbs
    22 Proteins
    1 Sugar
    I'm traveling today (last visit for the semester!), so I'll be eating out for late lunch before heading back home. It's a 2 1/2 hour drive each way. I'll take a snack while driving to my visit.

    Diane: I miss fruit, too. I need to find what works for me......(haven't found it yet) but I'm more conscious of the amount of proteins and carbs I'm eating. I find that I need both diet and exercise to help me feel better. I just get frustrated when the scale isn't showing progress. That's my biggest hangup, the scale. I want it to be like it was when I lost my 50 pounds. When I lost with WW before, what I ate was loaded with carbs (as I reflect on what I ate). I just looked at the points I was eating. Then, when they changed to fruit was 0 points, I ate a lot of fruit; however, that's loaded with carbs. So, over the years, half of my weight that I initially lost has been regained. I really want to work with a dietician like Karla. I'm researching dieticians in my area.

    Karla: Thanks for your input on what you are eating. I'm really focusing on carbs and proteins more than I have in the past. I know my endocrinologist wants me to eat a low carb diet, and my general doctor wants me to eat low fat. I find that conflicting, at least for me. Tonight I'm making stir fry. I love stir fry.

    Waving hi to Patti, Janet, and Cindy.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    It's hump day and mid week for me as I work tomorrow then Friday LR day.
    I was able to write a new chapter last night as Rick spent time with him son- a nice quiet evening for me and the pups sitting in the living room with the Christmas tree glowing softly.
    I too am looking for a new path for the new year- I ate better yesterday and didn't eat the normal english muffin, banana, PB and J and milk for breakfast- did a chobani yogurt instead with some nuts and a tad of granola. I actually felt empty later in the day so that was good for me. Still working on eating clean.
    I struggle to eat enough protein- just don't like the taste of it. I never have but I'm trying to do better.
    No time for personals but I'm caught up- keep up the path forward dear friends.
    Oh- Karla- so glad you're enjoying this book.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and welcome to mid week.

    Bert I emailed you the restaurant guide I hope you have time to print it before you leave to use on your trip. It has Applebee's on it and is three pages of places to choose from.

    Diane- I am looking for your email, but please post it for me in case I don't find it.

    I am off to work for a short time for more training from the software company. Then I am leaving early again to go look for curtains for my bay window. I did get my two small trees decorated last evening. They came out so cute. I do need some more Beach themed ornaments for my Mermaid tree.

    I am off and running, I'll check back later on.

    Have a wonderful and whimsical day. My favorite word this time of year.
