OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm starting off the day with a good breakfast: Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage crumbles, eggs, and cheddar cheese = 30 proteins and 4 carbs. Today is grandparents day at Jillian's school. We're looking forward to attending. Mike and I watched Jillian and Cole yesterday. They were great. We didn't go to the movies as there wasn't anything on that was appropriate. I knew that Cole wouldn't be interested in My Little Pony, so we just came home and played with Legos and played board games.

    Diane: The projected profit is $1,500 for the church. Vendors pay $20 for their space, and we sell food and baked goods. It was a nice day. The lady in charge said there were a few things that needed to be "tweaked" for next year, but several have asked to return.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to another week. I have a head cold and went to bed early with Mucinex Night time formula. I really slept well. Still sniffing this morning though. I will work from home today and take it easy.

    Diane - The clinic likes for you to use MFP and will even tweak your nutrients for you for the levels of protein, calories and carbs for you. I was already tracking on it when I joined. I just wasn't getting anywhere. I definitely wasn't eating enough protein with WW because the first thing they did was increase my turkey sausage up to 2.5 ounces from the 1ounce I was eating, and the egg white liquid from 1/3 cup to 1/2 cup in my omelets. Each time I visit I either print my daily logs from MFP or she looks at them on my phone. She "really" looks at your foods and gives any suggestions of substitutions that may be better. I thought I knew everything there was about dieting and nutrition with all the diets and clinics and WW, but I have learned so much with these professionals. I also see a physiologists every other time. She helps you with your MFP and your level of activity. Also with any physical disabilities you may have. My back and foot were in bad shape when I started. I was on crutches a bit with a bad ankle and heel spurs for a few days. I had to see the doctor twice while we were on our trip about my back. That was my initial incentive to get control of my weight. My weight didn't cause either of those conditions, but it certainly didn't help once I developed them. My bestie is going to the clinic too and loves the ladies. She is still trying to get her protein up and her carbs down It was not easy and the first couple weeks my body was in shock, but I held in there. I would say start tracking in MFP, Diane, and look at your carb intake first and just work on that to get it under 100 little by little. There are options out there that are tasty. I am not eating bland food. Have you heard of the Slaw Crack on Facebook? We have made it twice now and both my husband and I really like it. We made it for the Alabama game last Saturday and the other couple liked it too. It's really an Asian type dish. Has soy sauce and Sirachi sauce in it. No rice, has a bag of slaw mix in it, which makes it crunchy. We also eat shrimp stir-fry and Mediterranean Grilled Shrimp salad each week, which we both love. I'm lucky to live on the Gulf Coast where fresh shimp is readily available.

    Bert - I love going to the Church Bazaar's. I bet yours did well. I didn't think there were any appropriate movies out. I always look out for them myself. I'm sure you all had a great time with games and Lego's.

    I held my weight from my scale peek on Friday, checked it this morning. Tomorrow is clinic check in day. I hope this cold medicine doesn't mess me up, sometimes it does.

    I finished another throw Saturday. It came out beautifully. A bright cat pattern on one side with pinks, blues, beige and other bright colors, and I did the back with a furry hot pink. I'm not sure whom is getting this one. I'm starting on the flamingo one later today for a girlfriend of mine around the corner.

    Waving to Patti and Cindy.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - A week from now I will be heading east. Grey day here after a bad eating day (too many carbs - oh well). Turkey sandwich and salad for dinner tonight.

    Sorry I'm not feeling chatty - too much to do - but wanted to say hi!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I've done better today in the snack department. Here's a picture from today - she is being quite fussy so I've been holding her a lot. 4o9dr69krqdz.png
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Oh Diane what a little cutie pie. She looks much older and alert than her weeks of age. I know you are tickled to death with her. My bestie, Tammy, is up in Michigan experiencing her first grandchild also. A granddaughter too. I am so happy for you both.

    Janet - Good for you for heading East for Thanksgiving. Is James going with you? Have fun in whatever you do and wherever you go. Life is about enjoyment!

    I am getting excited about my next decade. I am also excited about something kind of silly. You know how MFP does that little saying after you complete your diary " if you eat like this everyday in five weeks you will weigh...? Well mine has been steadily going down as I have been going down and that number is almost hitting the 170's!! Wouldn't that be grand in five weeks! LOL. It's just teetering, and I hardly pay attention to that but it caught my eye today as I was printing my logs for my meeting tomorrow.

    I'm off to bed, I let you all know how my visit goes.

    Thank you for all your support, it means the world to me.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm off for a visit this morning. Then I'm running errands for a while. Yesterday's Grandparents Day was fun. Jillian was thrilled to have us. My ex and his wife, Linda, also showed up, so it was a "family affair" :) Will be back later. Have a great day.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Elise hasn't woken up yet from when mama brought her over. I guess she is so tired from not sleeping yesterday! So I am doing quiet things this morning. I started her Christmas stocking last night - I hope I get it done in time!

    Bert, what a great picture of you and Jillian. I'm glad she was able to have lots of grandparents there for her.

    Karla, I'm sure your check-in will be successful. If I paid attention to that MFP thing, I'd weigh about 120 by now! Trying for two days in a row of tracking everything, uping my protein and lowering my carbs. Yesterday I had 88 net carbs and 101 of protein, and about 1250 calories. I need to look for sources of protein without carbs!

    Janet, I hope your quiet day was restorative. I need those too. I bet that since you are used to living alone, having a housemate, no matter how congenial, uses up you social energy.

    Hi to everyone else!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning Bert and Diane, and those that follow.

    Bert - What a lovely picture. Glenn and I enjoyed grandparents day a couple weeks ago with our Izzy. Have a great day.

    Diane - Congrats on a successful day of carbs and protein! Have you tried the Turkey pepperoni cooked in the microwave with babybel cheese as a snack? Gives your protein a boost and no carbs in the pepperoni. I don't pay much attention to that quote either, but I have never had it this low. Your Elise is such a sweetheart. What will they do with her once your six weeks of care is complete?

    I am still coughing this morning with a sore throat, but dragging myself to work. I have software training from 1-3.

    My scale peek this morning has me at 192,6 in the buff. But, they won't allow me to weigh as that in the clinic. LOL. I have been doing this over six weeks now so it is now a concrete habit. Glenn made the shrimp stir-fry last evening and it was so yummy.

    Have a great day.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Drum roll please!!!

    I have lost 4.2 since my last visit at the clinic two weeks ago. My grand total is 23.5. I weigh 192.8 there with my clothes on!! Yippeeee!! Heading towards that new decade.

    Just wanted to share my joy.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Yay Karla! I bet you will be in that next decade by your net appointment.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'll be traveling today for a visit. It's raining, so the long drive won't be pretty. The lesson sounds like fun, so I'm looking forward to the visit. Breakfast is tracked and only 2 carbs! Jimmy Dean Turkey sausage crumbles, 1 egg, 1 egg white, shredded cheese.

    Karla: Congratulations on your weight loss!

    Have a great day everyone! Waving hi to Janet, Patti, Cindy, and Diane.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Life has been well - life. But I'm here and last night I rode my e-bike for 22 minutes while I read. It felt good but it was long enough need to get back into it. I deep cleaned the family room so my treadmill and bike are ready- the DVD player is hooked up to the TV and cable has been restored. I've set myself up to do regular exercise and last night was step one.
    Food- not so great but this is a long term process- a marathon if you will.
    The books will arrive today via UPS- I'm so stinking excited to hold the final version in my hand.
    I have a final craft fair this week where I'll take copies to see.
    Karla- $17 including shipping for the book- and I can ship next week. :) I have some much needed Cindy time, a hair appointment Tuesday afternoon, writing Wednesday and I took the following Monday off too, this Friday is an LR day. I'm pushing to finish the first draft of the new series- which is a trilogy about a heirloom wedding dress.
    Janet- where are you headed East.
    Karla- so happy for you
    Diane- the baby is so darn cute.
    Bert- the picture of you and Jillian is adorable.
    Need to run- talk to you later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends and welcome to mid-week. I ended up going to the Immediate Care yesterday after Izzy tested positive for Strep throat. Luckily I did not have it, yet, but they are treating me as if I do. My throat had been sore since Sunday. Coughing, sneezing, sinus drainage, dizziness and all to go with it. So I received a shot in the booty, antibiotics and cough medicine. Izzy spent the night with us as Glenn picked her up since Angelique had to go to the doctor after taking Izzy in as she was running a temp of 102.5. It is so very nice having Glenn at home and able to help with all these emergencies. Prior to this I was always having to leave work and get the grandchildren. Yesterday I was in a training session at that time. I am home today myself. Izzy is so much like Jason. Although he hardly ever got sick as a small child, when he did, he played and never acted like it. Her and I colored and read books and looked at dolls on the tablet last evening.

    Cindy - I figured it might be the same $17, but didn't want to assume. I will get that in the mail to your sweet self today. Thank your for your kind words. I am proud of my devotion to this plan. It sure took me long enough. I am only going every two weeks now and I plan to start going monthly after the first of the year. It is very affordable at this stage. It is the accountability I need for this part, after learning the techniques and food choices that they had taught me initially. I thought I knew it all, but I did not. Glenn is so very proud of me. I met with Kelli, the nutritionist yesterday for an hour, she gave me a paper on getting through the holiday, tips, if you may, and told me to ease up some and enjoy. lol. She told me to not skip breakfast as that would make me eat more, but to have a little bit of the things I love.

    Bert - Please be careful in the rainy drive and enjoy yourself once you get there. My breakfast is always my lowest carbs also. This morning I am making breakfast burrito's for Glenn and I. It's like I tell people. I am not eating bland food. I forgot to ask Kelli about the book, I will call the clinic today. Sorry!

    This weekend I am taking Izzy and meeting Audrey over in Biloxi at the Edgewater Mall to see Santa Claus again. They are have a Reindeer there for the kids. It will be fun. We are also picking up two pies we ordered from our twin grandsons sponsoring their summer band trip. Life is good.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone!

    Cindy, hang in there - the new book and new series will help you stay sane. Leaving for RI early Monday, home Friday night. James will hold the fort here and cat-sit.

    Karla, congrats. Smart to get ahead of possible strep. Kids are great but they can be little germ-bearers.

    Bert, hope the visit is good. Any idea how the de-assigned student reacted? Loved the pic of you & Mike with Jillian. Rainy day here as well so have been doing computer stuff; shower is next.

    Diane, Elise has the brightest eyes - what a doll.

    Kinda cared out yesterday but so far today have just had an EAS shake. We're running errands together later and maybe pick up sushi or Chinese later so I can choose protein + veggies.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    hello again,,

    Cindy - I put your check out in the box before my mail ran this morning, thank you dear.

    Janet - You will have an excellent time with your Rhode Island friends again this year. I know it is so nice having James there to save a few $ instead of paying the cat sitter. :)

    I am working from home and taking my meds. Glenn made me some chicken soup, minus the noodles yesterday. It was way too strong with the spices, so I toned it down some with some more veggies and made it more of a chicken vegtable soup for today.

    I sure miss Patti, I sure hope she isn't upset about something. I see on the feed she is signing on here. Must just be really busy with work and Mom.

    Take care everyone,

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a day off! Today's visit was rescheduled. I wish today's sunny day could have been yesterday while I was in the car for 6 hours.....each way ended up being 3 hours. My back is still screaming!

    I ate Shrimp Wonton stirfry from Applebee's yesterday for lunch while on the road. Wow! The carbs! I thought it was a good choice. I feel better, but the scale isn't moving. :(

    Today I'm heading to church with my BFF to check Christmas lights and get the balcony area ready for decorating on Monday. I will be in Chicago for a visit, so I won't be with the group to decorate. At least my responsibiltiy will be laid out. I'll put the garlands up when I return if no one does it. I'm hoping they do. When I got home yesterday, Mike got the boxes down from the attic, so I'm going to start decorating the house on Saturday.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning. We had a needed lazy day here yesterday, postponing errands until today. We were both low-energy and watched movies; James had two was during the day! I slept really well last night after turning in early. Having coffee now. Errands await.

    We had a carb-heavy day again but while I was not inbounds, I took the smallest serving I could get away with without creating discussion. Ah well. Onward!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. Waiting in my doctor’s office for a physical. This is a new doctor for me since mine retired this summer. I think I will ask about a nutritionist visit.

    Yesterday was totally off the wall for eating. I had no discipline and ate snacks and junk. I’m determined to do better today. I need to figure out some filling but low cal, low carb lunch meals.

    Janet I can imagine that having James in the house leads to having more food in the house, which leads to less healthy eating. I also find that when I don’t get enough sleep I am hungrier and make poorer choices. Hope your sleep last nights got helps you today.

    Bert what a drive! I don’t care to drive long distances anyway, and hate driving in the rain. At least you get a sunny day for your day off.

    Karla I bet Glenn is really enjoying retirement. At one point you said he was going to maybe go back part time as a consultant. Is he still thinking that way?

    Back later.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Quick drive by as this is the last working day this week.
    Janet- wow you're so much like me- in and out on a trip. Wish there was time for coffee.... maybe next trip. Enjoy RI.
    No time for additional personals at the moment but wishing everyone a sparkling day.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello dear buddies from sick Karla. I'm only at the office for my training session and then home.

    Cindy- I know you are excited for your short week.

    Bert- You really have to stick to the system daily and consistently for it to work. That's why I wasn't getting anywhere before, I kept falling off on the weekends or making incorrect choices. It's always better to track before you eat it. I've learned.

    Back later