OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited November 2017
    Good morning ladies and welcome to the mid-week Wednesday. Friday night we have a birthday celebration of one of Glenn's long time work buddies. That will be a lot of fun.

    We are planning a big Christmas Party at our home on Saturday, December 16 from 6- 10p. All of you are invited if you would like to fly or drive down this way. Just let me know!! With Glenn retired and my eye repaired, we both feel blessed to be able to host this party again. I love preparing the house all decorated with joy. We will have an icebreaker game and Dirty Santa game for fun! I have a cookie bake get together with my girlfriends a few days before for a fun holiday get together. I'm really excited.

    Bert - I end my drinking with my dinner meal for that very reason. Here is my schedule: I drink 16 ounces upon waking, 12 ounces with my tea, another 16 ounces with my breakfast. Then 16 ounces with lunch and another 16 ounces with dinner. That is 76. Sometimes I even have an additional one with this set. Sounds like a lot but really is with three meals, plus that early morning one. The main reason I am losing so much weight is I am not eating any sweets, keeping my protein over 80gms and limiting my carbs. I have not had any pasta or white potatoes since the end of Sept. I have had sweet potatoes twice in a Smart Food meal. I do eat bread and the wraps. I have three full meals a day and have yogurt, cheese sticks, babybel rounds and the turkey pepperoni as my snacks. It is definitely working. I guess I have just made my mind up that I am going to do this and stop playing around with trying to lose. It was getting me depressed. I haven't had the heart burn and am not on the Omeprazole any longer. I have not exercised hardly at all because my back gets touchy every time I try. But I will keep trying as I get more weight off. I'm sure you will find a system that will work for you. It is not easy, I do crave a sweet every now and then, but then I focus on what is important to me right now and it is not putting some sweet into my mouth. My sweet fix is the yogurt with the strawberries in it. I'm just really driven. Finally, after so long. I'm turning 60 on January 17th and I'd like to be in the 170's by then. What a present that would be!!

    I hope to check back later on.

    Have a great day Waving hello to all those that follow.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Retired Teachers lunch! I always have fun with them.

    Karla: One of my main problems is craving sweets. I've always craved sweets. I remember at on WW meeting that someone said she no longer craved sweets, and I wished I wouldn't crave them. When I initially lost my weight, I was just focused on the WW points. It worked, but as I look back, it definitely wasn't low carb. I'm trying so hard to focus, and my plan is to definitely drink more water. I know that I have to exercise to keep my joints and back from aching. This morning's breakfast was Greek Yogurt and Cottage Cheese: 24 protein 4 carbs. I'm glad you've found what works for you.

    I'll check in later. Have a great day, everyone! It's chilly today but not a cloud in the sky! Woo Hoo!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, everyone. Karla, I know you're happy to be able to have your party again!

    Had a decent food day yesterday and am lucky that I long ago trained myself to drink liquids throughout the day, after the hard lesson of getting severely dehydrated during stressful days at work. There's nearly always a glass sitting next to me and I do begin the day with a fair amount. There's always a bottle of water in my car cupholder too.

    Bert, how fun that you got to see a friend honored. And I finally understand the struggle you have trying to feed yourself properly while having a Man Who Eats in the house.

    Cindy, how's your week going? Hope work is under relative control (oh, how I remember). How are our girls doing - is Jim chef-ing Thanksgiving? And I sure hope your dad is doing well too.

    OK, time to get moving around here. My cleaner is coming, I hope - it's been four weeks. Her dad was rushed to the hospital late last week and she has other very ill relatives, plus a touchy husband. She's very strong but it gets to her. I try to be as flexible as I can and almost feel bad that she missed a check from me for last time, but this month I'm kinda glad to have saved the $.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening ladies.

    Patti- It's been since the 5th that you've posted. Are you ok? Tuesday was your day off and your Mom day, is she ok? In case you haven't read, Diane is back!!

    Janet - I hope your cleaning lady shows. Yes, Glenn has made the cutest invitations for our party. He ordered those new meteor Christmas lights for the house and they came in today. Fun times.

    The kids are out off school on Friday so Glenn is picking JJ up from his school tomorrow. He lives almost an hour away. Jason is working back at his plant 12 hour shifts. Izzy is out too so I may keep them both as Izzy's mom is also working back with Uber. With four kids and Christmas looming.....

    I like that saying I saw on Facebook. "You will see money come in this week if you Worked last week. Lol."

    I'm tired. This time change is really messing with me. I only managed five hours last night!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Well, I didn't get back for personals yesterday, and not until late today. Elise was very clingy today - she had her two month check-up yesterday and got two vaccines. Poor baby! Yesterday I was just trying to figure out her wants and needs, and was really tired by the end of the day! We will get this figured out sooner or later. Tomorrow I am going to venture to the store with her for just a couple of things - I just want to see how it goes taking her somewhere.

    Eating not stellar - I am hanging around the kitchen area, and it is just too easy to grab something. Meals have been pretty good. I'm not tracking yet.

    Karla, I have a physical with my new doctor next week (my former doctor of almost 30 years retired this summer!) and maybe I will see about a consult with a nutritionist. It seems to have done you a world of good! Congrats on the great loss, and the fabulous mindset. That mindset is what I have been lacking.

    Janet, I hope your cleaner came. I have given up on finding one who will clean to my standards, so I do it myself. How is the foot doing? Both from the recent injury, and healing from the surgery? Was it the same foot?

    Bert, I have a terrible sweet tooth too, and have never found a small, low calorie sweet that satisfies the craving. And I simply cannot resist chocolate. When there is candy in the house (like leftover halloween stuff) I have John hide it in his basement workshop. When we both get a craving, he will bring out just TWO pieces. He has much less of a sweet tooth than I have, but wants to keep chips in the house for his lunches. I like salty too :).

    Cindy, you just can't seem to catch a break from the stress! Good for you for standing up for yourself and what you need to do for YOU.

    Patti, I'm betting you have been crazy busy working both at Joann's and for your son. I went to Joann's Sunday to get some knit to make some sleep sacks for Elise. My son said they bought one that works really well, but it was $35! I spent about $5 on fabric and $2 on a zipper, times two so two for about $14. I haven't made them yet because I want them to bring over the one they bought for me to use as a pattern. I haven't gotten back to the gym, and probably wont rejoin because I just don't have the time with having Elise all day.

    All for now. Hoping to at least TRACK tomorrow! And limit snacks! I am fixing zoodle spaghetti for dinner with a salad. We were off salads all during our trip because the lettuce we bought a couple times was really bitter.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Thursday!

    Diane- Thank you so much. It was very difficult at first. But I have finally got my act and, you are correct, mindset, together to effectively lose weight. I had started really regaining quite a bit of weight this year. Please request a dietitian that is trained in weight loss. I had been to one before this one, but until now, I never exactly knew the different foods, grams of protein and carbs to effectively reduce. I see a doctor with 'this clinic periodically also. The recommendation is to keep your protein over 80 grams a day and your carbs under 70. It works!! I thought of you yesterday as I was printing cookie recipes for our Christmas party. You always made the most beautiful array of cookies!

    The kids are out of school tomorrow so after Izzy gets out of dance I will bring her home with me. Glenn is picking JJ up too. Fun times.

    Have a great day. Hello to Bert, Cindy, Patti and Janet.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a travel day. I'm leaving this morning for a visit which is 2 1/2 hours away. It will be a long day as I have a church committee meeting at 5:00 and then choir practice tonight. The positive is that my BFF is going with me. Breakfast is tracked.

    Have a good day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning everyone- a busy day in the hood- and its darn cold. An artic blast is coming through and tomorrow a high of 23- those are January temps. Yuck
    I took am struggling with the sweet tooth witch. but I will kick her to the curb at some point.
    Thank you everyone for your support. I'm a tough lady but there are days where even I want to throw my hands up in the air and scream. I know that I'll know if I can't handle it and he continues to slide backwards I will make a change. I would rather be alone than live like this for the rest of my life.
    No time for personals bu Diane- that baby is adorable enjoy every precious moment with her.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all. Nice to see so man of us posting early.

    Diane, thanks for asking - foot infection is clearing up nicely (yes, same foot that got the three big acres in January). Healing from that surgery has gone really well. Elise is such an adorable baby = your infant-care instincts are already de-rusted.

    Bert, glad you have excellent company for your long day - hope weather is as good for driving there as here.

    Cindy, your heart and mind will guide you on what to do and when. (In other words, you'll consult the Oracle of Loudon.) There are MANY worse things than being alone. I'm sorta the poster child for that! Karla was on her own fr several years before she met Glenn as well. Life is good when you have dear friends and loving family, whether you have a partner in life or not.

    Karla, have fun with the kids - nice that JJ and Izzy get along so we'll, given difference in their ages and genders.

    Did pretty well yesterday - I am no longer snacking my way through the day and am hydrating constantly. I made us fish tacos last night, used the Ole tortillas and James near knew (he needs fiber too, right?). Going into the holidays, I'd like to get my mindset back closer to the track anyway.

    Have a lovely day, all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    doing well not snacking so far today. planned a greek yogurt for the afternoon to up the protien typing with one hand with elise on my lap! sorry for typos

    question what are net carbs?
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Diane- you subtract the fiber grams from Carb grams.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked! Turkey sausage, egg and egg white, shredded cheddar cheese, and EAS Advant Edge Carb Control shake. Yesterday was a LONG day! I drove 2 1/2 hours to my visit, 2 1/2 hours back, had a meeting at church, and then went to choir practice! Nothing is on the agenda today for which I'm thankful.

    Diane: I'm definitely not an authority on net carbs, but from my WW days, they said that you subtract the fiber grams from the total carbs, and that give you the net carbs. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I just looked at the lable on my shake and this is what it said: Total Carb = 3 g. Dietary Fiber = less than 1 g. The front label says 2.5 Net Carbs

    Janet: The weather was gorgeous! So that made the drive ok, especially with my BFF in the car. We had a great visit.

    Patti: I was in JoAnn's yesterday to get magnets for a letter I want to put on my front door. When I went to check out, there were at least 6 people in line and ONE cashier. Glad I wasn't in a hurry! I love to look at things in JoAnn's. I'm not a seamstress, but they have great craft ideas. I'd love to get back to scrapbooking.....perhaps one day.

    Have a great day everyone! Waving hi to Cindy and Karla.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday.

    Bert - My post right above yours had the description exactly as you said. Subtract the fiber grams from the carb grams. Your page may have changed like mine did the other day. Wow, that was a long day. I had one like that yesterday myself. I left the house at 7a, worked until 3p, picked Izzy up at 3:30 for dance, stayed at the dance studio watching her lessons on the closed circuit tv for 1.5 hours, went grocery shopping afterwards, and didn't get home until 7:15. Over 12 hours. Glenn and JJ were already home. Did this student visit go well? Your breakfast looks great. That long of a drive in one day is draining. The one to my eye doctor in Birmingham is grueling. It is 4.5 hours each way. Ugghhh. Glad you have a down day today. I love Joann's too. Our Hancock Fabrics closed down.

    Diane - Your skills with sewing and baking amaze me. I loved the mobil you made. Please post the new baby sacks you are making. Did you know I have a great nephew I have been sewing for? His name is Braden. He is five months old. I have only made him blankets, but his mom loves them very much. I recently purchased a used Brother Disney Sewing/Embroidery machine I haven't learned to use yet. Glenn is setting up my sewing room nicely. He moved the Nordic Track treadmill in our bedroom and mounted our 42" tv in our bedroom on the wall yesterday. He has so much time to do things now that he is retired. It's nice!!

    I have such a fun day today. Izzy and I are wearing our Christmas outfits to the annual Junior League's Christmas Jubilee. There are over 100 vendors and Santa Claus!! My BFF, Monica, and her grandson Robert, are meeting us there. Fun times. Izzy is taking her American Girl doll as I told her they have a booth with doll clothes. I am going for the dip and cheeseball mixes. Plus the jewelry booths are to die for. I haven't been is a few years.

    Patti - I am missing you girl. Praying all in fine in your world.

    Cindy - You are always in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know how much I need to send you for my paperback copy. I have my tea in your cup most morning my dear. One of the sayings my dear friend Mike used to say is "There are worst things than being alone, and that is wishing you were." Take care my dear.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning from a brisk deep South. We are in the upper 40's!!! Glenn and I are finally alone and headed out to a couple yard sales and then to do some Christmas shopping, for both decorations and presents. We had a good visit with friends last night, at the birthday party.

    Scale peek is good, I am at 193.2. I was at 197.0 at my last visit to the clinic two weeks ago. My bestie Monica is working to get her protein and carbs in the recommended levels, she is learning and loves the dietician as I do. We certainly didn't arrive at this point in our weight and it won't be overnight returning to a healthy weight for our bone structure. That is what is motivating Monica and I. We both have bone density issues. We both love our grandchildren to the moon and back, and want to be around to see them grow up and start their own lives.

    I am so glad I am not embarrassed or ashamed to post my weight anymore. I hope it is not bothering any of you that I do. It is motivating me to stay on my plan and making me even that much more proud of myself. I need all the motivation I can get.

    I am hosting Thanksgiving at my house and either going to my father's before or after Thanksgiving. Chris and Brittany and baby Braden are finally coming over this year! It will be nice. I plan on eating some of everything. But carefully measuring what I eat and tracking it.

    Patti - I have not seen you check in since Monday, prayers you are just being a busy bee and all is fine.

    Janet - I know you and James are doing your thing.

    Cindy - You are always on my mind. (willie Nelson)

    Bert - How was your day yesterday on your protein and carbs?

    Diane - Did your sewing go well or is the weekend your sewing time?

    Back later,


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Karla: My protein was great, but my carbs were over according to MFP. My calories were within limit. I'm happy for your weight loss. I, on the other hand, am not successful on the scale. I just get so frustrated when I do things right, and the scale doesn't help my motivation. I researched nutritionists specializing in weight loss in my town, but only found a doctor. I do want to talk to a professional. There is a nutritionist at the hospital but they focus on diabetes.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert - I know your pain and know your frustration. I'm so sorry. If you are eating 1200:calories and carbs over 100 I am thinking that may be the issue. Try lowering your calories to 1100 and carbs under 90 and see what happens. Do this for several consecutive days. It is not easy at first. It may be certain medications working against you too, I'm not sure what you may be on. My girlfriend has neck problems she takes pills and injections for. I know you are really trying. I will ask my dietician if there is a book.

    I've been in my sewing room organizing it and watching Hallmark Christmas movies. There is a really good one coming on Saturday the 25th with Danny Glover, The Christmas Train, that looks very insightful. Set your DVR's!!!

    I'm trying to to get Glenn to get the Christmas tree down but he he fighting me on it. Lol. He finally agreed that I could buy a toy poodle for my birthday. Lol.

    I got really chilled at the birthday party last evening and by am already getting a sore throat. Ouch!I

    Take care,


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early this morning as Molly woke me up to take her out. We are watching Jillian and Cole today. I'm hoping to take them to a movie today, so I'll need to check out what is playing. Breakfast is tracked. EAS shake and Dannon Light Greek Yogurt = 29 proteins and 11.5 carbs.

    Karla: I take blood pressure medicine and synthroid. Occasionally I'll take Meloxicam for my arthritis when it flairs up more than normal. Thanks for asking your dietician. I'm going to continue to research nutritionists in my area.

    Our Christmas bazaar at church was well attended. I'll be interested in how much our church made from this fundraiser.

    I'm off to get ready for church. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Bert, hope your church made a nice bit on the bazaar. Those are always fun, and also there are always a few head-shaking things available.

    Karla, hooray for getting another pup for your birthday! I ordered two 6' Christmas trees (my bigger one died last year when most of the lights went out - and Target had these on sale. They're not the bet quality, I'm sure, given the price, but my trees are about the ornaments anyway. If I get a few years out of them it'll be a win for a lot less than even Costco.

    Slowly getting eating moving in the right direction - we had burgers last night and I used an Ole tortilla for a bun - could've gone without but figured the extra fiber was a good thing. Not sure what today will bring but need a few groceries today or tomorrow. Lots of football to watch and I am feeling a bit lazy and plan to obey that feeling!

    Waving at everyone and wishing you a terrific Sunday.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning Bert and Janet. Another successful day behind me. The weekends are getting easier to stay focused on without all the travel.

    Bert- I haven't seen any new kid show out recently for both boys and girls. Izzy and I saw the My Little Pony movie a couple weeks ago. We made the Slaw Crack last night with another couple over and they loved it. I wonder if Mike would like it to. It is really an Asian type meal as mentioned making it in a Wok. Have fun with the kids.

    Janet- At least this year you will have James to help put up the trees! I use the Ole' wraps for most of my bread needs now too.

    Going shoooing for some new bathroom rugs and window treatments for my bay window. We have a new At Home store near me that is huge!

    Waving hello to Patti, Diane and Cindy.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good Monday morning all. Elise is sleeping, as is the rest of the household, so I will start my day with you.

    Eating is still not going well for my more sedentary life. I need to rein it in, but am having trouble doing so. I find myself in the vicinity of the kitchen all day, and it is just too tempting! I need to find more absorbing things to do to keep my hands and mind busy, to keep away from the pantry. I'm definitely not getting the walking in that I was all summer, so that is also contributing. It has turned cold here, too cold to take the baby outside.

    Bert, how did the bazaar go? Our church has a group of quilters who make and give away hundreds of lap quilts a year (veterans homes, homeless shelters, etc.). They also make very nice items for sale, and have a big sale every year to help buy supplies and make so much that each of the 20 ladies gets $100 to give to their favorite local charity, and also contribute about $1000 to our church since we host them.

    Janet I bought some of the low carb tortillas at the store yesterday too. But I generally eat my burgers without a bun when I am watching what I eat. How did your teams do yesterday?

    Karla, your enthusiasm is contagious! Keep talking about your success here, because I find it inspiring. How are you tracking your food intake? Are you keeping your food diary on MFP, or some other means?

    I saw Suzi is off on another trip - both dogs look like they are enjoying this one.

    Cindy, you must be so excited about the latest book launch. Hope your weekend was full of writing time and not drama.

    Patti, I saw the TRX video. Those are some exercises! I have very little core strength, so I know I couldn't do any of that, but it is exactly what someone with no core strength needs to work on!

    Back later. I hope to get started on Elise's Christmas stocking today.