OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The temperatures are cooling down. Yesterday was gorgeous! I've been working on student evaluations this morning. It's like having my own classroom again; over achievers, ones who do bare minimum, and ones who need a swift kick! :D Nothing new!

    Have a great day, eveyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning dear ladies!!

    Can I say I am floating on the ceiling this morning??? I did a scale peek and I am at 198.4!!! It must have just been sodium and bloat from my trip to Bham the day before my visit. Onederland!!!!! Of course this is in my birthday suit!!!

    Cindy - I put a little more of the sirachi sauce in mine, so if you like a little more spicy, you might want to taste after the recommended amount. I loved it and soooo easy. We all need our salvations from reality. I am so very happy this morning.

    Bert - Young people today are not like we are. The new professionals coming out of the colleges are all about what is good for them and not what they can do for the company or practice.

    My back got to hurting bad last night after my video, I've got to step back from the bouncing. It was still hurting this morning so I had to ice it. Seems to have eased off now.

    Have a great day.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Busy week here. Cindy, glad you are bending with the winds - you will know when decision time arrives. Patti, those parental conversations are so tough but at least you ha e planted a seed. Karla, congrats!!!!!! You go girl.

    Bert, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! How are you celebrating?

    Getting g car serviced this morning. Love my CR-V and (much as I would love a new car) plan to keep him as long as I can (7 years so far). We spent yesterday on the golf course on a beautiful day. We’re due for a weather change but will be home enjoying the nature show. James will likely be here for some time - the year so far really beat him down in every possible way, and I am happy he is slowly getting rest in KY.

    Gotta toddle. Have a great weekend, gang. And once more: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BERT!!!!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Thank you Janet! We bought a new electric fireplace insert today as the old one bit the dust. Happy birthday and Merry Christmas to us!!!! Tonight we are working at our church’s Halloween Party. Big day for an old fart!!!!!

    Congratulations, Karla!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    It's been a busy day here. Woke with no aches or pains so hit the gym and was so glad to be there. Pilates is such a great way to end the week. Spent some time with Mom and then have been doing some cooking and cleaning. Edd had started the laundry (his dirty jeans) and vacuumed the living room. I had bought a pound of Kroger's Private Selection Angus ground beef on Wed and it was totally gray by today so Edd was a sweetheart and took it back for me. Got my money back and they didn't blink an eye. I will never buy their Private Selection meat again....disgusting. Made Edd a huge pot of chili with jalapenos, sweet mini peppers and green chilies, so I won't be eating any, lol.
    Tomorrow is an all day stamp, so looking forward to this time with my crafty friends.Then Sunday is church, lunch and shopping with my daughter for her 47th birthday. she is struggling with her depression right now and I know it will get progressively worse thru the holidays. So hard to watch her struggle and suffer and not be able to help.
    I know there will be food at my event tomorrow and my daughter wants to go to a "local legend" pizza place so I will be keeping my food choices to myself, I know when I am not doing well and that is all the criticism I can take right now, lol. Working on portion control when there are not good options.

    Bert, big birthday hugs. Hope Mike is treating you like a queen this weekend. So hard to work with those that are not motivated. I have 4 adult grandkids, 3 very motivated and involved with their futures, working hard and going to school. The other one....not so much. Just pray the underachievers are the minority.

    Janet, what a blessing you are for James. You are his safe place and soft place to fall after this year of stress and pain. We all need that ONE friend and you are it for him. I hope he finds himself again while with you. The holidays should be fun with him to share them with you.

    Cindy, my how you have grown. I know things are not easy in your world and yet you are putting yourself first as often as you can. So happy you have your LR retreat time to keep your sanity. So anxious for the next book.

    Karla, so glad you had a positive (negative) scale hop. Should keep you going thru the weekend.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Thanks for all the birthay wishes. Your friendship means alot to me. Eating was NOT good yesterday evening. The Halloween party at church had too many temptations (I love sweets). Today is another day, and I'm back on track. Breakfast is tracked: Greek Yogurt + EAS Advant Edge Carb Control Shake. = 29 proteins.

    This morning I'm heading to one of the local hospitals to turn in outdated and unused prescriptions. It's a safe way to get rid of precriptions that we don't use anymore. I'm also taking pet meds. I don't know if they will take them, but I'll be prepared just in case. Tonight I'm watching Jillian and Cole. It will be a good day,

    The scale is not moving; however, I'm more aware of the amount of proteins and carbs I'm consuming. I sure am hoping it will move soon. I've been in such a rut this past year.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good morning sweet friends,

    I'm working on month two here on my new journey of weight loss. I'm excited to see what my next month will be like as we move into the holiday season and all the challenges it brings.

    I truly don't mean to offend anyone on where they are on their own personal journey. Heaven knows it took me a very long time to get going on my road to effective weight loss. What I would like to ask is that we all be considerate of those following their plan and the discipline it takes. We are also here to encourage, support and share our victories and successes.

    Bert - Thank you for you positive comment on the feed line. I am thrilled with my success also. It is NOT easy. I have food all around I would love to pop in my mouth. I'm so afraid to even take one nibble. I really, really want to get this weight off this time. I have the determination I have not had in a long time. Thank you for your support.

    Janet - I'm happy with your room mate James being with you to share the holidays. Are the cats adapting to each other any better? I bet James will adore your beautiful Christmas decorations. It will all be here before we know it.

    Cindy- You have such a mental determination with your personal and professional life of writing. The ability to block out stress is paramount to survival! I bet writing is the same as reading, such an escape into another world.

    Patti - Have a wonderful day with your crafting buddies. I know you are in your element with this fun group. I am sad about your daughter, but pleased that she has chosen to spend the day with you tomorrow. Enjoy what she wants to do and know that you are helping her by being there and sharing these things.

    I am in my sewing room going through masses of material that I purchased. I am also watching The Cottage movie on Amazon. Very touching. I was very low on carbs yesterday and had three big meal. I really didn't plan it this way and didn't know until I saw it this morning. I need to eat more today. I had a big bowl of yogurt, one container of light and fit Dannon with 1/2 cup of plain greek yogurt, 4 strawberries and 1 tbsp. of walnuts. It was yummy.

    Have a great and positive day. Remember, we are in charge of our bodies, of our intake and our successes. That is what makes this journey so personal and psychological. It can bring us up so high when we are being successful but also bring us so far down when we just can't get it together. This is so much why we need each other for support. A powerful part of every plan is the support of each other.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Wow, everybody busy and not able to check in. I've been sewing pet blankets for my friends to give at our supper club next weekend. So very cute!! Two kitty Cat and two doggie ones.

    My WW board on facebook is so fun and inspiring!! I received the best compliment on it. My buddy Lisa said she was at dinner with her family and she thought WWKD (what would Karla do?) and ade a health low carb and high protein choice. I was so flattered. She has lost 9 pounds in 3 weeks that she started watching her carbs and protein with me. It is a diverse set of ladies I've know most of them since 2011 also. There are 15 of us that meet each morning and have a TT to discuss.

    We went to the Band tournament last night for two bands which represented three of our older grandchildren. Both bands won high honors. We are so proud of them.

    We may go to another Fall festival, we stopped off at a small one last night. Or go to the Madea Boo 2 movie.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening for any who stop by. I have had a wonderful weekend full of friendship, love and laughter. Got about 1/2 my Christmas cards made and learned some new techniques. Then church with Susie this morning followed by lunch and shopping at a local consignment store, an antique shop and then my favorite thrift store. I am feeling so very blessed right now.
    My son has 3 rentals empty that are going to need cleaning and painting. Not sure how much time I am going to have to work for him but am sure I will fit some time in for it somehow. Plus he pays well, lol.

    Hope everyone is enjoying whatever life has brought them this weekend.

    Karla, so glad you have found such a good group on FB to support you and that you have all been together for so long. The cyber world brings all sorts of wonderful surprises.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm definitely eating healthy today as yesterday was NOT pretty. I'm back on track and focussing. I'm heading to the gym today as well as shopping for a few extra little surprises for Jillian's and Cole's trick or treat visit this evening.

    Today's Focus: Stay more focused on protein and low carbs. Get in a good workout and stop judging myself on the way I look.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Monday morning everybody. Here we go starting another week and going into another month! I love the holidays!

    Cindy - There is a Hallmark movie just for you! The Mistletoe Inn on November 23rd. It's about a romance writer going to a writers conference. Looks really cute. I'm watching the preview for ther new Christmas movies this morning. How did your weekend go?

    Patti- There was no doubt you had a fun and love filled weekend planned. You are very blessed on your loving family and friends. They are also lucky to have you!

    It was a wonderful weekend for me too. The fall festival we went to last night was huge and had carnival rides and a petting zoo and lots of cool games.

    JJ and I binge watched nine hours of Stranger Things Season 2 this weekend too. Really good.

    TT: What Christmas tradition have you carried down from your family? Have any of your children carried it on with your grandchildren?

    Have a great day!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Wow Monday already! Time please slow down, I have much to do and don't seem to have enough hours in the day. Today is laundry, cleaning and prepping some food for the week. I am hoping that being better prepared will get me back on track. The only carbs in the house are low carb tortillas and low carb break. Lots of protein and veggies so this should make this week go better. Trying to figure out lunch with Mom. I was doing well when I ate my omelet before going to her house, then we would not have lunch and I would eat something before I went to the gym. Once I realized that she was skipping meals and that she really enjoyed eating with me I changed my pattern for Tuesday's. Just need to find some healthy options for carry out at places my mom likes to eat. Not an easy task. I know the most important thing for me is to take control and I am working hard to stop the "I don't care" attitude I have had about my eating.

    Bert, your plan for today and focus sound spot on. The best we can do is make it thru each meal on the right side of our plan. What special treats are you getting for the kids?

    Karla, the fall festivals sound like fun. Loved the selfie with JJ on FB.

    Janet, I hope this cool weekend was time for you to relax and recharge.

    Cindy, how was your LR time. Are we getting close to the release of your book? I am like a little at Christmas waiting for it!

    TT: the traditions I have carried on are with Edd and his family. Most important is our gathering together to celebrate on Christmas Eve. It now includes kids, grandkids, great grandkids, cousins, nieces, nephews and families of various spouses. It is a rowdy bunch and filled with so much love.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon.

    Patti - You sound very positive and have a good plan. I hope you can find something for lunch that will be healthy for both you and your Mom, or that she will like. I am finding more and more tasty low carb options now that I am searching for them.

    I have been in my sewing room all morning. I have finished my pet throws and have sewn two Christmas pillows. Just need to stuff them and sew the closing They were so easy!! I'm going shopping for a bit afterwards if I am not too tired. My back had flared up yesterday after standing on the pavement at the Fall Festival.

    Have a great day. I hope some others check into today.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Tuesday morning and my weigh in day at the clinic. Scale peek this morning shows me at 197.3 with my jammies on. Another pound down over the weekend!! I will get the official weight at 8:30a when I get there. That must have been sodium for me to only lose the ,8 last week as I have not done anything different this week. We had traveled the day before to Birmingham the day before last time and my hands were swollen. Wish me luck!!

    Where are you Cindy, Bert and Janet?

    Patti - Hope you thought of a lunch that will work for you and your mother for today. I'm sure you enjoy your time together. I have started watching The Good Doctor and really enjoy it also.

    I'll check back later on. Tonight will be fun with the kids.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hi Girls-
    Yesterday I pulled off the job fair at work- now working on a luncheon for the company on the 14/15 just when I think I can actally get my day job focus it switches gears- but I have a paycheck and that's good for now.
    Book update- Em has finished reading the paperback and passed her approval for the print version so I can send it to the printer- progress. If anyone wants a paperback copy please let me know and I'll make sure I order enough copies- I'm trying not to over order for this book. I still have TONS of paperback copies I'm trying to get rid of. LOL Sounds terrible but a lot of money tied up in inventory. I'm running a special at a bazaar this weekend hopefully to sell some. If anyone has readers on their holiday list let me know- I'm making deals. :)
    Rick wanted to paint the kitchen on Saturday so it has been deep cleaned and freshened up.
    He is very irritated with life in general and unhappy with my writing- he just doesn't understand its ok to grow as a person and have different interests. We don't have to be joined at the hip every second of every day. Its exhausting. All part of his mental illness but there may come a time where I had to admit I'm not equipped to deal with it long term. It is draining.
    Writing was great- I got in another 5k in the new book- OH official launch of Magic in the rain 12/12 - we had to push it back since life is pretty hectic for me. But it will be in time for your reading pleasure when the holidays wind down.
    I had a better eating week last week- trying to eat more beans and less carbs- I bought roasted cauliflower from Green Giant and had it last night- delicious- instead of rice.
    Everyone sounds wonderful
    Bert- Happy Belated Birthday.
    Karla- good luck with WI
    Patti- I'm glad you know you're mom isn't' eating so you can find a way to make sure she gets nutrition in.
    Janet- I'm glad James is hanging out with you- makes me smile to know you have a roommate now beside the fur babies. Humans need humans.
    Big hugs
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello Cindy - Super busy at the day job. Men that don't have hobbies or interests don't understand women that do! At least Rick does the painting and updates around the house. Does he hunt or play golf or watch sports? Have any friends from work or siblings to hang with? He sounds so much like my first husband whom put all his emphasis on me. He was so jealous of my family and friends. Goods news on the book coming before the holiday! Yes, I was a paperback copy! Great news on your eating habits for last week also. Was it the cauliflower rice you tried? It's a staple at our house now.

    At the clinic to weigh!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick good morning. Didn't get home from work until after 1am...3 people called off and for most of the night it was just me at the cutting counter, 1 person at the register and 1 manager who was trying to fill all the holes. She did find someone to come in around 8pm to help. It took until 12:45 to get all the fabric put away. Day shift left us a huge pile to put away plus lots of other messes. I am now scheduled 5 days a week with only Tuesday and Thursday's off. Will be working on rentals on Thursday mornings and after work on the weekends. Luckily I have more day shifts, which means I only work 4 or 5 hours, no extra like when I close, when I am working 7-8 hours, not what I signed up for! Oh wel it will pay for my new sewing table and my scrapbooking weekend in February with the girls. My DIL asked me to recover her outdoor furniture as m Christmas gift to her, so the sewing table is now a must.

    Karla, I know you rocked the scale this week and are officially in onederland.

    Cindy, put me down for a paperback for sure. I am so glad you have the ability to escape the drama, even if only for a little while. Work sounds like extra pressure you don't need right now but glad your efforts there are successful. Managing to eat better just proves that you recognize how important you are to yourself.

    Off to Moms, not sure what we eat. She is not picky but choices are limited in this area and I am just too exhausted to cook today. I do have a roast in the crockpot with carrots and green beans for tonight. I will take some to her tomorrow or Thursday.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - busy here - happy to see all of you posting!

    Cindy, I also would like a paperback. Am sorry Rick is being a poo-poohead but you are coping admirably. My favorite married couples are those who do things together joyfully but each has his/her own friends, interests, etc. Breathe. Job sounds way too hectic but at least it's still a paycheck, a feeling I know very well.

    Karla, big congrats - you're ON it, lady!

    Patti, how are your feet holding out with those long, late shifts? The quiet of painting the houses your son is doing will be a welcome respite, and the extra money is nice but they are really stretching your goodwill with those hours! I know today is Mom Day - enjoy!

    Bert, hope the sun is there and your life is peaceful today.

    Stayed within my calories yesterday - managing 1-2 days a week fully on plan, which I'll take for now. We were out on the golf course (cold & windy) and afterward I made a nice salad and James made butternut squash soup. Nutritious and tasty.

    Much to do here - afternoon means lots of errands, then a delayed manicure. Trick-or-treat runs from about 5:30-8:30, so the leftover soup will be a blessing.

    Take care, everyone!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Scale victory in a BIG way...

    Drum roll please, as Janet would say: 4.1 pounds!!!! That is 19.3 in five weeks. I weighed in at 197.0 there fully clothed!!!!

    I am so very stoked. I am switching to going every two weeks now.

    Thank you for all your support!!

    Janet - You are on a roll too. Good for you.

    Patti- Please take care of yourself. It is so difficult to do when you schedule is that hectic. Fast food and processed food is so much easier than healthy options. Hang in there my friend.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies. What a day I've had! One of my students is not having a good experience, so they have set up a meeting on Thursday on campus. I was to visit her on Thursday, but I guess I'm going to campus that day. The hotel was not going to refund my reservation money as the cancellation date had changed. However, I did get that resolved, thank the Lord. The college also questioned my mileage claim. So, today has been nothing but confrontation.

    On a better note, I got Penny a cute pair of boots for her birthday and also went to the gym and had a nice workout. Whew!, I needed that.

    My eating has been good today. Although I'm not being successful so far with my scale hop, I'm determined to keep going.

    Karla: I'm so happy for you.

    Janet: I hope you had a nice quiet day.

    Patti: Hope your day with your mom was a good one.

    Cindy: I know your challenges with Rick are difficult. I don't know what I would do if I were in your shoes. He needs another outlet of his own that he would enjoy.

    Have a great evening, everyone! Night #2 of Trick-or-treaters. Jillian and Cole are coming this evening.
