OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, I just download d the PBS app on my iPad and watched the episode I missed. I was surprised it was available there. I also downloaded the other local channels and have been able to keep up with Blacklist and Greys Anatomy....all for free. I think the point of the article was that we don't need to be so focused on the number of steps but on actively moving. It also stated that a certain percentage of the steps, if you are counting steps, should be in the aerobic zone. I just thought it was interesting and a different perspective/angle on how to gauge your activity level. Just sharing.

    Cindy, shoot, shoot for LR days

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Thanks for the tip on the PBS tip. I have it loaded on my big tv!! I'll go watch it on there!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. No time for personals today and over the weekend. Hopefully next week will slow down! Breakfast is tracked. Need to up the protein.

    Have a great day and weekend, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, waiting for Edd to get showered and pack the rest of the stuff. We are dropping Frankie off at our sons on the way. They love her and she is always happy to hang with them. Pam keeps her nephew and niece 4 and 2 every Friday and they just adore Frankie, they call her Frankie Girll!

    Karla, glad I could help out so you can catch up on Poldark. Such a good season already.

    Cindy, should have read my post but I think you know what I mean. Enjoy your weekend as LR..

    Janet, will wave as we go by around 11:30 or 12. Hope James makes it home safely.

    Bert, busy you. Hope you are doing something fun.

    Time to hit the road. Love mini vacays visiting friends.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Laides-
    I've been up for a couple of hours and you're my last stop before diving into writing. I'v been mulling over my biometric numbers yesterday and I must say overall it could have been worse I know I need to refocus and drop the pounds but I am happy my cholesterol numbers and sugar was in a healthy range- except to get the LDL up. I bought some nuts and plan to eat some oatmeal in a bit. Both of which are supposed to be good for me. LOL
    I do't know when I'll be back to check in again as I really need to knock out this book.
    Big hugs to all
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Stay safe & have fun, Patti! What kid wouldn't want to play with a big, sweet, goofy dog? I'm on record saying I'd let her sit in my lap.

    Bert, read your post just after I chose a P3 pack for breakfast to up my protein. Trying to shake things up here too.

    Cindy, say hi to Lucinda for us!

    Karla, do you have little ones this weekend?

    All three cats are fed and am going to finish organizing kitchen drawers & cabinets today before James gets home. HVAC guy is coming this afternoon to see what can be done to get better AC & heat in the guest room - poor James has been far too nice about how beastly it has gotten in the afternoon. Should've done this weeks ago - after six years, it's time my system gets a proper look anyway & it's an investment in my home.

    Windows open, lovely air coming in. Getting on with my day - wishing you all a fun weekend.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies, soon to leave work and start my lovely weekend. Destin bound again!!

    Janet yes, we are taking Izzy and Audrey with us. Different resort this time with indoor heated pool facing the ocean.

    Patti - Enjoy your friends.

    Cindy- or should I say Lucinda? I know you are still on cloud nine.

    Bert- You still need to take care of you dear.

    I better go. Monday we have to head to Birmingham for eye appointment. Travel, travel.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Fun times with my girls in Destin but whoa have the temptations in food been all around again. I have held strong, but I have really been hungry today. Or, at least I think I am. I'm going to have some light and fit dannon with some plain Greek yogurt mixed in with strawberries when we get back to the room. Then out to eat tonight for some blackened or grilled shrimp! I have over 8200 steps now at 4:20 and us girls have been on the beach for two hours. My back is sore and I have a patch on it.

    Back later. See pics on Facebook.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today should not be as hectic as the past two weeks. Church is this morning and then Jillian and Cole have soccer at 4:00. I'm hoping to get a walk in this afternoon after church. Eating has not been great; however, I did order a dinner salad with grilled salmon last night. I'm hoping to do better starting today. Breakfast is tracked and I have 26 g. of protein so far. I HAVE to do something!

    Patti: What shoes did you get to help your feet?

    Karla: The pics from Destin are great.

    Janet: Glad you're catching up on your shows. We all need that from time to time.

    Cindy: Hope your LR day was a good one. I need a BE day!

    Have a great day, everyone! My goal for today is to up the protein and take a nice walk.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. All is quiet in the condo and I am feeling great. Last night we ordered room delivery as we,were all pooped. I ordered blackened shrimp wraps. I then heated my own 3 carb tortillas and transferred the contents!! Oh yum!!! The wraps they had were huge. Obsessed, right? No, smart! Their wraps probably had over 27gm of carbs and I had two of mine for 6!! Weight loss is all a numbers game, right?

    We are headed home today, but will take our time. We have Izzy's friend Bentley's, birthday party at the skate rink at 3. We are only 2.5 hours from home!

    Bert- I finally am putting my health to the forefront and questioning every bite. I have been totally faithful to this program going on four weeks this coming week! I was tired of seeing my weight going up. At least you have kept yours stable. I know you want to lose,and it is frustrating, but one day something will kick in and give you the determination to stick with a consistent system. You look just fine to me anyway!

    It has been a wonderful weekend with the girls. While Glenn watched football we went to the Beach for three hours. Afterwards we swam in the heated pool, including me! It felt really good. We had taken the girls to a doll shop with their dolls and bought new outfits, shoes and sunglasses. Then to a Halloween event where they had crafts for them to do and a free picture.

    I tell you it hasn't been easy watching the frosty's being eaten at Wendy's or the burger by Glenn. But I stuck to my grilled chicken salad. I am going to reward myself with a treat when I hit 20 pounds off.

    The sun is up, so I think I'll go fora beautiful walk. I got in over 10k active steps yesterday. Plus the swimming. My face is slimming down!

    Have a great day. Put YOU first, why not?


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, friends.

    Bert, please carve out valuable BE time - you deserve it so much and it fuels you for what comes next, even if it's fun stuff like going to the kids' games.

    Karla, looks like you're having a blast and making good choices. You go, girl!

    Cindy & Patti, hope you're both having a great weekend.

    My digestive system was really unhappy yesterday but the beneficial upshot is that I ate very little, and what I did was good. Met my friend for dinner before the Pops concert and after a rough afternoon was glad the soup du jour was chicken & rice. A bowl of that sat OK, then I had a snack when I got home. The B-52s played with the Louisville Orchestra. It was loud and joyous - even got up and danced a few times. My friend Meg left at intermission - she has a bad cold and also not her kind of music. Hope she feels better.

    Going for an at-home day today. James is going to try to play the closest golf course (ten minutes away) to get a good walk. There's laundry to do and I'll find other tasks while he's golfing.

    I've decided to do my best for now but I am not entirely unhappy with my body right now, so I will keep making the best choices I can but going to de-stress for a bit - as long as I'm not gaining and maybe losing slowly, that's enough for me at the moment. Whenever James heads west, I can get back to eating more normally (for me).
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- With James there and the additional food and meals you can see and feel the struggles the others of us have had with our spouses and families! You went through many tough years to get your weight down to where it is, enjoy it!

    I took quite a fall coming back from our walk. Tripped over a bump in the sidewalk coming downhill. Scared the girls badly. Four very nice ladies helped me up as Izzy was yelling to Audrey "Call Papa!!". I am fine, no cuts, maybe a little sore.

    Have a nice rest of your weekend.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning of a new week!

    Karla, you sure packed a lot of fun into your weekend. I've always given you married ladies major props for sticking to better eating when cooking for others and having tempting tuff in the house. Proud of you all. If I can hold my own for a few more months, I can get back on the path with both feet. Until then, trying to keep stress at bay but trying to move more and eat less.

    It's raining here - just took trash & recycling out in my bathrobe, now having coffee and will do quiet things until James gets up - light is on in his room but he may have gone back to sleep or be reading.

    Hugs to everybody!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    hi Girls-
    I wrote 6000 words on Friday- it was a great LR day- the new book is coming along nicely.
    Got the outside of the house buttoned up for winter and picked out two new doors for the house- time to replace them too.
    I've refocused and really looked at how many carbs I'm eating and breakfast is WAY to carb heavy- need to make some adjustments
    Karla- what is the guidance you've received on how many per day are good for a non-dibetic?
    Glad you didn't get seriously hurt with the fall.
    Janet- Enjoy the special time with James- such a great friend you are
    Patti- how was the weekend?
    Bert- Go for it - grab a BE day-
    Need to run but I'll be back.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I finally have a day where I don't have to go anywhere. It's raining, so I'll try to get some things done around the house. Breakfast is tracked.

    My weekly goal: Plan meals and up the protein.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends. Glenn and I are on the way to Birmingham for my eye exam. We are just driving up and back for the day.

    Cindy-So very nice to read your glorious words this morning. I always keep my carbs under 70rams a day. Protein over 80. Sometimes my carbs are in the 20's, but usually 40-65. That is why you have to pretrack, it's too late after you eat it. When I have bread is when my carbs are in the 60's. I have not had rice or pasta since being on this plan. You have to be careful with the carbs now fruit too. The dietitian told me if you have bread, don't have fruit that day, and if you have fruit, don't have bread! I love the 3 carb tortillas as they are like a bread without all the carbs. I made us breakfast burritos with them this morning. That is a real falicy with weight watchers with unlimited fruit.

    Janet- Add grandkids to cook and bake for and it's a double whammy. I have kept them snacks but am not baking cookies right now. Izzy loves strawberries for her desserts and yogurt. Is James permanently retired? What was his profession and how did you originally meet him? Your other friends in California? Does his exwife know he is living in Louisville now?

    I hope I show a 2.5 pound loss tomorrow as that will put me back in Onederland and I can begin to work down through the 190's. I'm trying to be patient, but am excited to get lower now that I have a system that works.

    TT: What helps you with a consistent desire to eat nutrition food? What obstacles get in your way? What one thing can you do this week for your body?

    My other board has two ladies that are within two pounds of goal and both had over 80 pounds to lose. It's exciting to read their posts.

    I'll be back after my appointment.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Evening. My eating was good today. I made an omelette for breakfast with egg, egg white, turkey sausage crumbles. Lunch was turkey pepperoni and string cheese, lunch was shrimp stir fry and jasmine rice. I walked at the mall today and also ran errands.

    TT: My obstacles are wanting something sweet after I eat. One thing I can do for my body is to plan and measure portions.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    TT: what s keeping me consistent is two things- 1- my body aches, back and feet. 2- showing my food diary to the dietitian. Have not let any obstacles get in my way the last three weeks, but they were there. Lastly, I'm going to add a different meal this week, a Turkey meatloaf one of the ladies from the other board talked about from skinny

    Eye exam went strangely. The tech put my wrong stats in the tester and I saw five of each letter!! In both eyes!! The doctor and other tech came in and caught the error, then repeated test and much better. They do think my glasses are not set right for the progressive transition and want me to take them back and have them check where they are set.

    Bert- I hope you had a nice at home day.

    We ate at a very nice fish and seafood place that had a Greek and Cajun twist on their food. It was awesome!

    Tomorrow is Grandparents Day at Izzy's school and Glenn and I will be there at 10:15a for lunch! Geez,!and then we take her to the Book Fair. So fun.

    Patti- I hope you have had a great fellowship with your friends.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just got home and so grateful to be here safe and warm. It was a miserable day for travel. Overcast, cold and raining all day. The truck does not have any heat so when windows get fogged up we have to turn on cold air to clear them. Forgot to bring a blanket, but had plenty of jackets, lol. We had a wonderful and relaxing weekend. Friday night was family nite on the deck. Pizza, beer, laughter, music and stargazing. Saturday we just hung out, walked up the street to visit our friends Mom while the guys went trail riding and then cooked some burgers on the grill. Then more stories and laughter. Sunday was even more laid back. Late brunch, football, pinball, nascar and of course laughter and great music. We talked about going out to dinner but decided takeout and staying in our sweats was a much better idea. We are so blessed that all our friends are sweatpants and takeout kind of folks. No pretense, no games, just pure joy at being together. Don't get me wrong, when can put on the glitz and glam when the mood strikes but fortunately those are rare occasions, lol. Have read all your posts and glad to hear everyone seems to be happy and healthy. Back tomorrow.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I've tracked my breakfast. It wasn't a good choice, protein wise; however, I needed something quick as I have a visit this morning. My carpet cleaner guy is returning today as there is something tracked up the stairs. I certainly hope he can get it out. I'm sure something was on one of our shoes as it's on every other step. Always something.

    Have a great day, everyone!

    Goal for Today: Kick up the protein at my other meals.
