OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good morning to a very quiet weekend board. I hope we all can team up and get some group and individyal challenges going. Doesn't seem like we can keep our momentum going. I know I was in that group for so long. I'm glad I am finally focusing on my weight. Yesterday was a great protein and carb day. I also improved my steps by 500. My schoolteacher friend, Lisa, and I were texting yesterday and we are both very motivated. She has heart issues and auto immune disease.

    Janet- Here's to day 2!

    I just told Glenn I'm shooting for a perfect low carb day today with no bread or fruit since tomorrow is weigh in day. I know I did well, but still nervous. I know I had no alcohol or sweets. Please Cross your fingers and toes for me. We are on our way back home now.

    Have a great day and think about your body as your Temple.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, I am off to a much better start today. Going to give it my best. Dreading work tonight but it must be done. We are visiting friends in KY this coming weekend. Long overdue trip to their place near Paducah. Edd has know this guy since 1970. It will be lots of fun and games, literally as he owns a pinball restoration and distribution company. He has an entire room filled with pinballs, video games and lots of other vintage and antique gaming machines that are meant to be used. His wife is the most gracious and authentic southern belle I have ever met. They live on the family farm land, her sister lives next door, her mom next door to the sister and her daughter lives across the street! They have a 1 year old grandbaby that I have never met. Time spent with them always makes me feel so loved and wishing they lived closer. Sunday is always spent at the her moms house with lots of food and laughter. Can't wait!

    Karla, good luck tomorrow. Your ability to stay perfect while those around you are giving in to temptation will certainly pay off.

    Janet, I know you are loving this weather.

    Bert, how was your weekend. I saw your post about antiquing and it made me smile because I feel the same way. I see so many things that were in my home growing up, some I still have.

    Cindy, now I truly see you with your girls! Can't wait to hear how it all went this weekend.

    Well, since I am freezing I think I will jump in a hot shower. It is 62 degrees in the house but will not turn on the heat just yet. I admit I hate being cold and it doesn't take much of a drop in temp to make me that way, lol.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, hope work was less dreadful than you dreaded it would be. Perfect day for a drive to Paducah - was there once and liked it.

    Karla, just saw the pic of Izzy's book parade - how cute!

    Bert, hope you get some YOU time soon. Is the driveway done?

    Cindy, you are a blue of positive motion. Crossing fingers that work is not too awful this week - we're here when you have time to tell us about your weekend. Fall in New England is just the best - maybe next year I can enjoy a trip to leaf-peep.

    Eating wasn't very good yesterday but I own it and am moving on with yogurt & strawberries for breakfast today. Have restarted having 16 oz. of water first thing and drink water through the day. Am allowing myself a glass of wine or a cocktail each day while James is here. I suspect he will stay at least another month or two - he seems to be getting decompressed (except that he sometimes projects a few of his ex's tendencies on me, but he's catching himself more often - I just give him a look that says, "Hey, I'm not her!" now).

    Have a great day - hugs to everyone!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is a gorgeous, chilly, sunny morning. I've just spent an hour trying to communicate with my students as mid term grades are due this week. Some students are great at responding and others, not so much. They are just a grown up version of my elementary school students. :)

    We had a good time in Nashville. We spent a day on a boat on Saturday and then went to Boo at the Zoo Saturday evening. It was very disappointing as we couldn't see many animals. It was basically a crowd infested trick or treat activity. So glad we paid $17 each to let the kids get candy! Oh well, live and learn. Sunday was spent shopping with the girls at antique stores. I saw many items that I have in my own house! I about fell over when I saw my liviing room lamps! :o I had a good time with the girls. Then we played outdoor lawn games that we brought. The weather did not cooperate in the afternoon; however, we got ready and watched the CUBS. They are down 2 games with the Dodgers. Tonight is do or die. We are discussing having another family reunion next year.

    The driveway is done! It looks fabulous. Eating was not the best, but ok. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, work was awful and I will leave it at that. I am going to make taco salads for mom and me for lunch today. She will be surprised. Eating was on plan yesterday and I will be getting to the gym before dinner. If the class does nothing but make me feel strong and proud of my ability to keep up with most of the class, then it is worth every minute of my time there. I have issues with my right knee and my left wrist that keeps me from doing some moves but there are always alternate moves to work the same muscles. My trainer is bound and determined that I will be able to do a push-up some day, so I keep trying. I can do them on any incline but not on the floor, it is totally mental!

    Karla, good luck with WI, I am sure you will see another loss. Izzy was so adorable in her book parade. That smile could be bottled and sold to cure depression.

    Janet, some habits are hard to break, glad you are helping him break his.

    Bert, can't wait to hear about your Nashville family adventure. My daughter was there this weekend with her best friend celebrating their October birthdays.

    Cindy, loved all the pics on FB. I bet you are missing Meg already but probably so busy at work that you don't have time to think about it much. Hope you have a moment to stop by and tell us all about it. Don't worry about personals.

    Need to hit the grocery and then go to Moms. It is also our date nite after dinner. I love Tuesdays so much.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Scale Victory!!!!!!

    I lost 3.0 for total of 14.1 so far. I am so pleased. First Brandi said 6.0 and I exclaimed it couldn't be that much and then she realized she didn't have my weight recorded for last month in her log. She says you seem to stay right on the dot from last week which keeps you at that .2 each time. I love these ladies. I told her my fears of plateaus and exercising and eating too little. She said we won't let that happen to you. We have a doctor here and we will get you where you want to be. She said they all had just gotten back from a weight loss conference and one of the speakers was talking about how coworkers and friends can be detrimental to your weight loss plan. Same with friends. I told her about the peanut butter pie being passed around and the "pushers" going "cone on Karla, just one bite!".

    Janet- I know you might have cringed when you saw the Princess costume on Izzy, but as you complimented, she was adorable and that's what SHE wanted. Angelique did her hair up beautifully in that bun with diamond clips throughout. James is really enjoying himself in Louisville. With your lovely company and beautiful home, how could he not?

    Patti- Your devotion to your exercise in admirable and very good for your muscle mass. My friend Monica had her body analysis and since she has never been a proponent of exercise, she showed significant muscle loss in her lower body. I hope she stays with this program and gets healthy and at a healthy weight.

    Cindy- I am missing you so much! But, totally understand!

    Bert- Glad you had a good time in Nashville. Just jump back on the wagon my friend.

    I am so stoked about the payoff on the scales today. I know I can do this.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, you're on a roll. Brava! I didn't cringe seeing the princess costume - her hair looks amazing. I am fine with it as Rat PART of a girl's experience - it's just what I call Princess Culture that makes me furious - all pink and frilly and emphasizing looks - and pretty much only looks, body & attire - over smart, skills and kindness. And with you as her nana, I can't imagine Izzy being a prisoner of that limiting view of what women should be, are & can be.

    Patti, you'll do that pushup! I have faith.

    Bert, you'd think rising teachers would want to make the best impression but in a weird way this may help you help them with concerned, constructive criticism. Are your supervises all math teachers in training?

    James changed a laundry room bulb you'd think yfor me already & is now running errands while I wait for the irrigation guy to come winterize my sprinkler system - exciting, eh? He ordered a cook-it box of meals he wanted - we had fun making some together in SC and he buzzed his choices past me.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Thanks Janet, no, she is not a frilly girl all the time, although her favorite color is pink! lol. She climbs trees, likes Sugar Skulls and is making Straight A's!! I am taking her shopping for her report card money after I get off today.

    I'm still on Cloud 9 for my success. I keep hearing Brandi saying they will not let me give up or keep in a plateau. This is the place for me!! I've always fell off any program when I started looking and feeling good, or I plateaued and stopped losing. So I feel confident that I can get the assistance I need and guidance from them. She said all their guidance is scientifically based with a physician whom is board certified in weight loss. Which, many that run these clinics are not. She is the only one in Mobile, as large as we are. We must have 10 different places.

    Anyway, back to work,

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    It was a fabulous weekend and much to tell but I'll be back tomorrow. I'm exhausted and need to go home.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello again, it has been a good day but I have not felt my best. Headache and just on the edge of feeling dizzy. I could have been talked out of going to the gym but pushed thru and feel better for it. Mom and I had a good time, even though she accidently erased this week's Poldark! Oh well, it is only a tv show and we managed to carry on. Tomorrow is lunch with the girls, hair appointment, shopping and work. It is going to be a long one as there is another huge sale starting Thursday. Basically everything in the store will be on sale, sigh.

    Karla, never a doubt. You are rocking your program, I know it was hard to resist it all this weekend but it paid off in a big way. So happy you found what works for you. There is nothing like that locally that I can afford.

    Janet, so nice to have a man around the house to help out. Enjoy it!

    Bert, what a great weekend. Sad about your non engaged students.

    Cindy, can't wait to hear the details!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Here we are mid week, flying by. Izzy ended up spending the night again. Such a sweetheart. We both went to bed early and I have been awake since 3am. I've gotten quite a bit down though, and now I want to get some steps in! I'm reading a book about a smuggling and murder trial back in 1977 that included a guy I was acquainted with briefly. It's also been a relaxing morning reading it.

    Patti- Have you checked the prices of those places? You might be surprised, as I was, that it is partially covered by your insurance and you can dictate how often you go, which significantly reduces the out of pocket cost. After two more weekly visits I'm going to twice a month for six months. Then, depending how I am doing, once a month. I just could NOT control my eating and stay on any routine of exercise. I used every excuse possible. My clothes were cutting into me and then my back and feet were the last straw. The accountability of having to go weigh in is big for me. The comfort of having support with this team chases my fears away. I said I'd never join another weigh loss center, but I'm so very glad I have. We aren't getting any younger and our personal physicians really do not want the extra weight on us. When do you see your doctor again? I know you do not like putting a number or timeline to your journey. My personal doctor had it recorded I had gained 19 pounds since February of this year. She will be glad to hear I am doing so well and have 14.1 of that off. She agreed that this clinic would be a good fit.

    Cindy- Good to see you stop by. We are awaiting your time to fill us in.

    Janet- Sounds interesting on the meal delivery order. Does James cook?

    Bert - Are you getting settled back in?

    I better get on my steps.

    Do something for you today. Smell the roses!


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Happy Hump Day ladies.-
    I can't believe I have one more day this week and then off to LR land.
    The weekend was very busy and FUN Megan arrived from Ohio full of smiles. The time flew by and the event was better than I imagined- we made friends with 4 other writers, 3 of which live in RI and one in SLC- but she comes back to the Northeast quite often.
    I have a stack of books to read, some I purchased and others that were given to me. The workshops were informative and I've got some new nuggets to try in my writing. I do need to find another writer who is just above my level of writing as a critque partner. that should be the next step for me.
    I sold 19 books which was awesome. A more established sold about 30, who was sitting next to me and I was told if I sold 15 it would be considered a good day. So it was a very good day.
    Sunday we drove to Vermont to see Dad. Meg hasn't seen him since April. It was bittersweet for her. He was having a hard time remembering things- I'm sure lack of O2 and my step mom said he refused his PET scan. Nothing I can do but plan to go up in November. Emily and Jim want to go with us. Then if the weather holds and Meg comes back for Christmas we'll go up then too. Weather in their part of Vermont is dicey and can turn on a dime.
    Monday was a writers day and we mapped out the launch plan for Magic, Have tentative titles for the wedding dress trilogy and we're very excited for the future of the book biz.
    She has decided to get divorced and I fully support her but she's waiting until after the holidays for financial reasons and she wants her stepson to not have crappy holidays. I fully support her....

    I'm trying to get into a reader/author event in Cincinnati in June- but currently on the wait list. I was told it WAS the best event of the year. So fingers crossed. But busy for much of the year with events already.

    Eating was off the charts to pulling back on the reins to get a better handle on me.
    Guess that's it. I'll pop back in later today.
    Hugs to all
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, so much news! Sounds like the writers' weekend was just what you needed and 19 sales is excellent. Your market is finding you. As for Meg, she's been through a lot and sounds level-headed enough to do what is right (gee, wonder where she gets that?). Hugs about your father. It's immensely difficult to watch our parents change, especially mentally. Hang in there and know that we're all with you.

    Karla, so happy for your success. Structured programs work well for you! They're not made for everyone, but your success is inspiring, and it sounds like just the support you needed.

    Patti, yes, James cooks. He makes a mean omelet and will do other meals as well. He's been having a rough week and acknowledged it to me yesterday (I knew, of course). He snaps at me occasionally but only because he is in pain and going through a lot.

    Bert, hope you are getting the lovely fall weather up there. Are your students pulling it together better this week?

    Not sure what today's plan is but that's just fine with me. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all my chatty friends, I have a long day planned as I stated yesterday. I am looking now for a new hair cut. It is getting out of control and I am struggling to find a style I like. Hope to have a few pics and will get the GFs input at lunch.

    Janet, how nice to have someone cook for you. I am glad he opened up about his pain and stress. Even though you already read him! So hard to become instant roommates but you two are good for each other.

    Karla, I have only found one clinic in town, not the best reputation, plus my insurance covers nothing. Money is an issue for me. Happy you found such a wonderful and supportive group and that your insurance helps defray the costs.

    Cindy, so sad about Meg but my she has sure grown into an intelligent and caring adult. I promise to get in touch with her shortly. Your weekend sounds like just what you needed professionally and personally. It is so hard to be far from your dad and even harder to watch him struggle when you get a chance to visit. My heart goes out to you. I soooooo hope you get into the Cincinnati book show. That is an hour from me and about 2 for Janet. It would be awesome if we could all get together.

    I asked my mom yesterday if she was interested in moving to a place with more services like meals, housekeeping and activities but she declined. She said she is happy where she is and the thought of moving and giving up any more of her things was more than she could handle right now. She said she had been thinking about it off and on but really doesn't want to do it right now. She is still able to care for herself and keep her place up, maybe not to her previous standards but since she doesn't see well it is fine with her. She will be signing another 1 year lease in December so wanted to have that conversation before she made the commitment. She knows things could change but for now she is safe and happy where she is. She wears her life alert necklace and has me and Sis on speed dial. At 87 I have to respect her wishes as long as it is safe to do so. She still talks about driving again but I know she will not chance hitting someone or something. When her drivers license and insurance comes due will talk more seriously about getting rid of the car. For now I use it to drive her around.

    Have a lovely day
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon. A tired girl here but an easy evening set for me. I am taking Izzy home right after Hip Hop class and then I am home for the count.

    Cindy- So nice to hear of your success! I had not doubt about it though. You have hooked all of us, and not just because we adore your so much, the books are interesting, exciting and heartwarming. I think this will be a new chapter for Megan. It is very brave of her to stand up for herself and take her life back. It's her Fight Song!! Strong daughters come from strong mothers!!

    Janet - You were one of the rare people that was able to lose a substantial amount of weight on your own. I hope having a man in the house and the extra cooking and food doesn't have you gain too much of your hard lost weight!! I know you will keep an careful eye on it.

    Patti- I really don't like having to spend the money on this clinic with something I SHOULD be able to do on my own. I just wasn't doing it and time kept passing. My youngest brother is moving in with my dad today until he can get on his feet. It will help him as he has really had a hard time hearing lately. Who knows if the hearing aids will help or if he will use them, but that's next week on the testing. I thought you had already reached out to Meg since she had been in Ohio, but with your work schedule and river, when really have you had the time?

    I better get back to work, not but another hour and then I am off to get my Izzy-bug.

    Take care,

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning dear ladies. Another successful day behind me. I had a nice night's sleep and although I thought I had a stay at home day today, that is not the case. I am off this morning for a provider signature and then to meet the IT lad for our server setup at the other client. I hope I don't have to stay to long.

    My Goal for today is: Get 10K step in.

    I did not get my steps the last two days with being tired last night and tied up with Izzy the night before. I did on Monday night. I am hoping maybe to do a DVD by tomorrow.

    Patti- I completely forgot to set my DVR for Poldark!!! I will get it set for this Sunday. I missed the first episode last time too. LOL

    I better run. Have a great day and set a daily goal for yourself that is positive and healthy for your body. Come on let's do this!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it was a busy night again at work. My knee and feet were killing me by the time I got off. First time I left with work to be done, but it is work that I am not obligated to do but have always volunteered to do. Last night i just couldn't do it. I did 19K steps! The new shoes are doing their job. My feet only hurt when I get out of bed. By the time I walk to the bathroom and back the pain is gone and the knee doesn't hurt at all in the morning. The manager said she is working on the next schedule and I have more day shifts, yeah! That means sticking to the 5 hours and just doing my job. Eating has been good all week and hoping there will be healthy choices when we visit our friends. Lunch was Tuscan chicken with sautéed zucchini, artichoke hearts, onions and mushrooms over mashed potatoes. It was a lunch portion and I ate half for lunch and the rest for dinner. The calorie count was 640 so I think it was a good choice. I had some fruit and nuts when I got home as I was starved!

    Janet, did you say you and James ordered some box meals. Was that like Hello Fresh or Blue Apron? My gf was gifted several months of Blue Apron when she was being treated for her breast cancer and said they were fabulous. Any chance we can get together for lunch before the weather turns?

    Karla, last Sunday was the 3rd episode of Poldark. Mom was so upset because it is our favorite show. But we will carry on, lol. We did watch the behind the scenes episode that they aired when the season started. I want to buy the books, I think there were 12 of them, and were written in the 1940s. I just read an article about step goals. Basically it said it isn't the number of steps but the fact that you are consciously being more active. Especially since they don't give credit for all the other active things we do. TRX and Pilates give me no steps but I sure do get a work out.

    Today I need to pack and then hit the gym. We will leave in the morning and won't be back until Monday eve. I doubt I will be checking in while on this trip but will be sending you all some country love!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Had a high-carb day yesterday but vowing to make today

    Having a quiet day here - James is in SC for a doc appointment. He left at 1:30 AM so he cab golf with the guys first. He will probably be home very late, after a nap at a buddy's house. I had him take my car rather than pay for gas for his giant Yukon. I'm going to make time to do some kitchen organizing that makes a temporary giant mess. It will be quieter all day - weird but OK, as long as he gets back safely.

    So it's a good day to keep busy and make a giant salad from dribs and drabs in the fridge. And start watching the zillions of things on my DVR (which I don't subject James to). Better get started, eh?
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello, I am finally getting a break as the IT lady just left. I need to NUKE me some Turkey Pepperoni, as I had a salad with no meat in it for lunch. Up my protein!! But it had fresh sliced hard Parmesan in it, yummy!! My two pals that are doing the high Protein and low Carbs with me are really shocked at how the protein is really acting to keep them less hungry. You really have to watch your nutrients throughout the day to ensure you don't go over on the carbs and under on the protein though.

    Patti - Dog Gone It!! I can't believe I've missed that much. I will just start my membership back of the Masterpiece subscription on Amazon and see if it is on there. It's is only $6.95 a month and wonderful. I don't understand what your point is about the steps.

    Janet - I bet your introvert self is enjoying today!!

    I better run,

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies- We had a biometric screening at work today- my good cholestrol is too low- all other numbers were good except, the BMI and Scale, AND waist measurement- SO irritated as it was a witch of a day here- replace the W with a B-
    but maybe facing the music is what I need. everyone sounds in great spirits and feeling in control of life. LOVE IT.
    Tomorrow is an LR day and guess what I'll be doing. Hitting the market tonight and tomorrow not leaving the house.
    Need to run- but I'll check in tomorrow