OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Scale victory!!!!!!

    8.2 pounds!!!!!!

    I can't believe it. I am so stoked. I met with the nutritionist for 45 minutes. She is a sweetheart. More recipes and sites, I just love her.

    Back later.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    About time to go but wanted to pop in. I tracked yesterday. I was over by 165 cal so better than I thought. I had tortilla chips and cheese after work and that was my dinner. Bad choice but at least I owned it. If I had planned better it would have been a better food day. I had a Marie Callender's Delight frozen meal for lunch, roasted turkey with sweet potato stuffing and green beans. Actually quite tasty for 260 cal. Will try some other ones and keep on hand for my unplanned meal times.

    Karla, can't wait to hear about your WI. The anxiety of those scale moments is why I have sworn off the scale for now. I am going to take my measurements after this weekend and will check them monthly. The last time I stepped on the scale, about a month ago, I was still in onederland. My clothes still fit the same so I have not gained any inches since then.

    Bert, water will help with your arthritis too. Good first challenge and goal for you. I know you are frustrated, just don't give up and be kind to yourself. Are you still finding time for your weights?

    Gotta go but will check back tonight after TRX
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - Carbs below 100 is a must to lose weight. Especially eating them late at night is a no-no. Stick with cheese sticks and the turkey pepperoni for a late night snack that is very high in protein. I'm going to post a list of frozen meals they recommend that are higher in protein than most also. Some are low in carbs also. Just trying to help a girlfriend out. Take it or not.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Attached is the suggested frozen meal that are highest in protein and lowest in carbs than others.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    Well I've tracked my food so far today- for the first time in ages and last night walked for 30 minutes. Feeling in control and woke up feeling empty- all good things.
    Work is nuts and with trying to write the new book and wrap up Magic its hectic
    Rick is up and down with the travel but I'm holding my own- no longer riding his roller coaster- or at least trying not to.
    Karla- congrats- this might just be your ticket dear lady. Thank you for sharing your tidbits- I'm trying to eat more fiber and so much of what we do eat is pretty low in it.
    Janet- welcome back too
    Patti- remember if you don't take care of you- who will? We have each other's back and that is a blessing.
    Bert- drinking water is a great goal- you can do it. One day at a time.
    Need to work on the book but I'm slowly getting into the groove.
    We close camp this week... and it is officially for sale.
    Later ladies-
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla - WOO-HOOOOOOOOO! Glad you click with the nutritionist. The one time I tried that the one I got was condescending and talked to me as if I were five. I should look to see what, if anything, my insurance covers. Still think I will try hypnosis after James heads west (probably another month or so). Thanks for the list of frozen dinners - wouldn't try the Atkins ones, based on experience with other of their products, but there are good selections there too (I just add spices or some hot sauce to most such things).

    Patti, didn't know Marie Callender's had anything with decent calories - a helpful surprise for me.

    Cindy, so glad you are back and holding your own in the storm. Camp has served its purpose for you - more and better will materialize soon. Sending empathy on the work front - I had 34 years of mostly that - it was sometimes exhilarating because of the people I worked with and the clients I worked for, but it was also exhausting. Hope it gets more reasonable soon.

    Still thinking about how much fun the weekend was. Being around people we love and who love us unconditionally is fuel for the soul, and far too unaccustomed in my world. Am going to go back up sometime just to hang out with them, and maybe watch more Bugs Bunny.

    We ran a flock of errands together this afternoon and stopped at Captain D's because James had a craving. I was famished and had a hunger migraine so made a poor choice but went for a smaller meal. Still, not the best. Seeing endocrinologist first thing tomorrow (7:50!) and we'll see what the day brings after that. My rheumatologist's office is having a class on rheumatoid arthritis (RA basics) Thursday at 5:30 - will be a good chance to learn more and ask questions. They'll do the class even if I'm the only student - they've had from 1-30 people attend their sessions. And they have a lending library so I will see if there's a good book about it to borrow. Knowledge is power!

    Much love to all and an additional huzzah to Karla!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon, cant get the grin off my face. So happy. My bff, Monica, has called and made an appointment at my Health Weight for Me clinic for next week. I'm going once a week for the first month and then I will go twice a month until I feel comfortable enough to go monthly. I just love Kelly, the nutritionist.

    Cindy - You are so correct in saying if we don't take care of ourselves, who will. I am feeling better already. Whether it is psychological or not I don't know, but I know this is something I need to do for my health.

    I didn't share with you all, but my blood pressure has been climbing and I have never had issues with it before. Between that, my back and my foot I was getting scared. I had to do something. I was even on crutches last weekend my heel spurs hurt so bad.

    Well, just off the phone to my buddy Lisa, from another WW board that I've been friends with for 6 years. We are calling Tuesday our check in day. She's going to do the 90 grams of protein a day and keep her carbs 70-90 a day also. It works!!

    Tonight is my favorite TV night, so I better go.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi again, I was so close to skipping TRX tonight because I am having some back twinges and knee pain, but so glad I didn't cave. The class was exactly what I needed. Worked out the twinges and felt so much more energetic afterwards. Mom was having some dizzy feelings today and not very steady on her feet. Has been having nausea for a few days in the morning. I suspect both are due to sinus issues as her nose is running and eyes are watering. We still had a good day together watching our shows and sharing lunch. So happy that Poldark was a two hour episode. We are both hooked on that show. We started watching The Good Doctor and loved it too. Now just waiting for Bad Behavior and Major Crimes to return. We watch Superstore too, it's like a palate cleanser, lol.

    Karla, great victory at the scale. Thanks for the frozen food info, I liked on Lean Cuisine and Smartones for years and can hardly bring myself to even look at them. Atkins have never wowed me either. I am liking the Marie Callender's Delights, they seem to really have some flavor.

    Janet, being hungry with a migraine leads to trouble but at least it was tasty trouble shared with James. Things will settle down and you will be fine. In the mean time just enjoy his company.

    Cindy, you have your own roller coaster, my don't need to ride on Rick's. I know it will be sad to sell the camp but I think it no longer held the attraction it once did. Moving in a different but positive direction for you is healthy. How I wish I could visit New England this weekend and come to your romance writers event.

    Time for date nite.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is another busy day. Contractors came yesterday to start removing concrete driveway. I'm parking my car at our neighbor's house. They should be done in a week. I'm making my banana oatmeal pancakes this morning. The recipe is from the 21 Day Fix book. It's been a long time since I made them. It's only 5 proteins, so I'll eat cottage cheese, too.

    I'll check in later. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Still a grinning Karla here, and still in shock. I have lost 7 pounds before at the beginning of a plan, but never 8, so was really shocked. Don't get me incorrect, I had a few hungry moments, but I was really overeating and it was showing on the scales. I'm so happy I have found something that has motivated me to take care of myself All my health problems were hitting me in the face too.

    Bert - Those pancakes sound good. I wish I could eat cottage cheese as I know it is high in proten. My dear mother always ate it when she was dieting. Good luck today with your protein and low carbs.

    Patti- I am just sharing the advise of a trained nutritionist in weight loss in a highly successful office. You are under no obligation to change anything you are doing. We are all here with the same mutual goal of supporting each other in life, health, weight loss, maintaining and friendship.

    Janet - You figured out this protein and carb thing out way before I did. I'm sorry you are having your migraines again. I hope you find them subsided today. I can't wait to have my Lancôme session on Friday. I love their eyeliner I purchased. Oh, and I could not tell any difference in the Low Carb tortilla!

    I am really getting it with how to eat very tasty meals and snacks with keeping my protein high and my carbs low. It was the way I did it before my Class Reunion last year also. Duh!! Why are we all so pigheaded when it comes to the facts?? lol. We just don't want to give up those carbs. But there really are some good foods without them being so high. You just have to force yourself to give it a try. This is going to be a way of life for Glenn and I from now on. We want to plan that Europe trip, see more of America and enjoy our children and grandchildren and not have either of us suffering from medical issues. Plus, if we do get a medical issues, be strong enough to fight back with them.

    Status of this week's goal- Great on drinking water, had shrimp last night and having baked fish tonight or tomorrow.

    Have a great day.

    PS: ( am I wrong in saying I'm glad this clinic doesn't PUSH the exercise like so many weight los programs do? I am just not physically fit right now with my bone, back and feet issues)

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    A good eating day yesterday and I'm trying to get more fiber in my diet as well as exercise and water. Making progress on all fronts.
    Have I told you I've missed you all while running like a crazy chick-
    Karla- are you eating complex carbs like whole foods or doing more like a Atkins?
    Janet- so glad you're enjoying your house guest- I'm trilled you have such a wonderful friend with you- how is the foot?
    Bert- are you feeling better focused on protein?
    Patti- Glad you're back twinges are worked out at TRX- what are you focusing on for food or water changes?
    Meg is excited to be home next week and I took Friday and Monday off to spend with her - lots of one on one time and Em will join us for dinner Monday night.
    Magic in the Rain is coming along nicely- projected publish date 11/17/17- kinda of like the ring that has. Working on the wedding dress book 1 in a 3 book series- need to get in some serious writing time- hope to do more at lunch. Also struggling to find ways to market my published books. I'm recovering the first three to go with the look I'm developing As I've been told covers sell...
    Other than that everything is status quo.
    Catch up with you all soon
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited October 2017
    Good morning! Lost a long post I was working on at the endocrinologist so will try to re-create ...

    Bert, I wasn't quite awake when I read your post, and for a moment thought you had written "Contractions came yesterday" so I had a momentary flash of you having a miracle baby! Hope the weather stays nice for them to finish on time (and for you not to have a soggy trek to your car). Banana pancakes sound yummy ...

    Karla, sorry to hear about your blood pressure, on top of your back and foot stuff (you know I can relate!). It's extra nice that you and Monica have each other on the same program for support. I have to say the name of the clinic is a bit clunky, but sounds like Kelly and you are a great match and I'm thrilled for your success. Those Ole tortillas with 50 calories, few carbs and lots of fiber are pretty terrific. Expensive, but worth it for me. Have fun at Ulta - I don't use much Lancome, for no particular reason, but their stuff is high quality.

    Patti, I really enjoy "Superstore" too - also "The Good Place." They're my two favorite comedies. Hope your mom feels better soon; good thing she has a nurse for a daughter!

    Cindy, you are a rock. Please OWN that. You have come into your strength in so many ways and it only endears you to us more each day.

    Saw the endocrinologist today - we seem to have reached cruising altitude on my thyroid meds so I can switch them to mail-order now and save a few dollars, I hope, and don't need to see her until April. They make me get onto a scale, which is stressful, but the number (in clothes and after 16 oz. of water) was not as bad as I feared. Not at all where I want it to be, but I suspected it was even worse. Started my weekly Fosamax today and so far, so good. Karla, am being vigilant about how I feel because of your experience. My RA med should arrive by late this week but won't kick in noticeably until after about three months of twice a day. If it helps, I can be patient for a few more months. Endocrinologist said that with Hashimoto's and both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis, it's a wonder that I'm not fatigued all the time, so I must be dong something right! Maybe it's having so many great friends, who keep me sane and laughing.

    Going to make a beef stew and maybe bake James some cookies as a surprise today. I have a few errands, then plan to be Dolly Domestic this afternoon while he plays golf (he just left).
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello all,

    So nice to see the board full of happy chatter. I have to go pick up the fresh foods for the weekend, then pack my clothes. I want to be out of here before noon tomorrow. Work tonight is going to be a beast. We have another huge sale starting tomorrow and that means a lot of work to be done after our regular duties. So this long weekend with my girls is going to be a welcome respite. I most likely will be out of contact until I get back on Sunday. Food wise, I make no promises but will try to be mindful. Have tracked the last few days, mostly just to start the habit and get a feel for what I am doing, good and bad.

    Karla, thank you again for sharing what you are learning. So glad you have found something you can embrace and will work for you. I am well aware of the pitfall of carbs in my diet, this is not new territory for any of us. It is the follow through that I have to focus on, lol. I have used the low carb tortillas for years and love them.

    Bert, parking at the neighbor's gives you a few extra steps in your day. Not sure if you have considered protein powders, but you could add them to your pancakes, muffins, shakes etc. it would boost your protein without adding any time to your prep. I like the whey powders vs the pea powders. Just a thought.

    Cindy, enjoy your weekend and time off with Meg. Having the girls all together for dinner will be such a gift for you. I am trying to focus on my food, water has never been an issue for me since it is about the only thing I drink.

    Janet, sounds like you have found the best Dr once again with your rheumatologist. Hope the class proves helpful and informative. Dolly Domestic indeed, I love that picture. So happy you had an unexpected weigh in at the Dr. Praying the meds work as well hey should with no side affects. You have endured enough pain, would be nice to find something that would give you some relief. I know my hairdresser has had great success with the regimens she has been on.

    Gotta run
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies. Well the Reclast infusion went fine with a little wait on my updated paperwork. So nice to have Glenn always available to go with me and him not fighting with the shipyard about taking off. He is due to get another lump sum from the company in a week or so and a large transfer to our Edward Jones account and that should take care of the final monies. All except this one bonus stock he got a year ago that doesn't mature until then end of this year. It sure has fattened our accounts. I had no idea all this was coming or came.

    Patti- I know you will have a wonderful time with your sweet, fun, intelligent, genuine and adoring friends. Are they staying at your son's house or yours? Either way I know it will be awesome.

    Janet- I hope you do well on the Fosamax. Monica had to go off it too and is considering the Reclast. How long will James be staying? He sure likes his golfing.

    Cindy- Good for you and your sweet girls. Have fun.

    Time to go retrieve Izzy from Hip Hop class and take her to dinner. Fun times. I picked her up successfully from school.

    Take care.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's raining again today, but I'm not complaining. We really need the rain. It's a joy to hear the raindrops hitting against our house. I'm having lunch with my friend who has ovarian cancer. I haven't seen her in a while.

    I'm two days in with focusing on protein. My water intake is ok, but I need to drink more. Yesterday, my protein was way above what I've been getting. I may get some protein powder to have on hand when cooking. My GNC shake powder is chocolate peanut butter! :)

    Janet: That would definitely be a "miracle baby" :D Especially at my age and menopausal state! :D I'm hoping your thyroid report will stay constant. I also have to get on the scale when I see my endocrinologist. I'm so hoping my weight will be down when I see her again in March.

    Patti: Good luck with the sale this weekend. I got 13K steps in yesterday. I walked the mall between my hair appointment and my visit with one of my students. I also walked Molly twice across the road as there is no step off the front porch for her anymore. So that helped with the steps, too.

    Karla: Congratulations on the fattening your retirement accounts. Mike and I are trying to live comfortably, but we are definitely on a budget. I'm not sure what Reclast infusion is.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick hi, eating my omelet then packing the car. Raining now and will continue until I get to the cabin, then the rest of the weekend should be perfect.i will stay at my cabin with Frankie (sleeping only really) and th girls will be at Mike's. His has a huge kitchen. 4-5 people can cook together easily in it. Worked until midnight. One of the cashiers called off and they couldn't get anyone else to come in. Luckily they are repaying our parking lot and it did help a little to decrease shoppers, not nearly as slow as I would have expected. Glad to be off until Monday.

    Bert, you are doing lots of good things for yourself and it will pay off. Just be patient and try not to let the scale derail you.

    Waving hi to everyone. Going to get packing while there is a break in the rain.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning friends. Another on plan day yesterday and plan it again today. I have no cravings and no hunger pangs the last few days. Thank goodness. Last week was rough to get through.

    Bert - the Reclast is a medication for Osteoporosis and Osteo-Pena, which is what I have, the later. My last bone density test in June showed I had a 6% bone mass loss, so my current medication, Evista, was not working on my hips, which is where my bone loss is. So far I have not had any side effects. I could not tolerate the oral meds for bone strengthening. I had tried them all and had terrible gastric issues. Which they are known for.

    I have a fun Karla day planned tomorrow. I have the make-up consult at 11:30 and my hair at 1:30. I plan on having my hair colored a pretty auburn color!! I had this when Izzy was a baby and I always love the picture of me holding her with it that color. I'm going to show my hairdresser and see if she can get it that color. Wish me luck!!

    I am at work, last day for the week. Talk this afternoon!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be a busy day. We have our seminar at the college today, and then I'll be heading to Chicago. I'm visiting the kids and will also have a visit with one of my students on Monday. At least I can claim mileage this trip! :)

    Eating has been pretty good. I'm doing well with protein. I haven't lost anything though. :( I'm concerned about eating in Chicago. I know that Annie buys healthy groceries, so I'm hoping I will do well.

    Patti: I'm trying not to focus on the scale; however, my mind is set on it. I'm wanting to lose and it's not happening at this point yet. I'm trying to be patient.

    Karla: Sorry about the bone loss. That must be painful. Good luck with your hair color!

    Waving hi to everyone....have a great day! I need to get in gear and prepare for the seminar and my trip to Chicago.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, have fun with the pampering - you deserve it. I had my hair cut & colored a few weeks ago and it's been a good change.

    Patti, thinking of you and the girls nattering, laughing, cooking together, with Frankie or everyone to dote on.

    Bert, all progress is good - emphasizing protein won't hurt.

    Cindy, is this an LR day?

    Intro to RA class was interesting and I'll go to all but one of the rest (don't think I need the RA in pregnancy & childbirth class). James is golfing - I was going to go and walk with him but am really stiff & sore today. Will walk during errands and maybe a bit of a walk on my block too. Having a tired day but forcing myself to DO.

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I went to the sewing store and had my new to me sewing/embroidery machine parts put in. It's ready to roll!! I'll piddle with it and study the manual. It's a Disney computer embroidery machine and I want to embroider on the plain side of my blankets from now on.

    Janet - Do I dare say is this EXERCISE you are endeavoring on with this walking? Please don't push yourself with your orthopedic limitations. I'm sure James will understand, won't he? In all the years I have known you I don't recall you ever walking your neighborhood. I'm glad you stayed back today dear.

    The beauty consultant had a family emergency so I did not have my Lancôme consultation. So I went next door to Ross and purchased some really cute Fall décor. I am off to the hairdresser now for my new do.

    Totally on Program, tracking my food, every bite and keeping my protein where it needs to be and carbs are usually under 70. I'm rocking this!!
