OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The carpet cleaner came early this morning. I'm fine with that, but am glad I was dressed! I'm SO DISGUSTED with the SCALE this morning! I know I had a good workout yesterday, got in 11K steps, and stayed within my calorie limit. I don't understand! I usually weigh myself in the afternoon, so while I was moving furniture back upstairs this morning, I thought I would just see. UP 3 LBS! What the heck? It's difficult for me to stay motivated, so I'm needing you ladies more than ever today. I know it's all about the eating, and I'm trying to get in my proteins and less carbs.

    Karla: Good luck with your appointment. I'm wishing the best for you. I'm interested in how the nutritionist "tweaked the values" on the MFP app. What are the suggestions to get that many proteins in one meal? I know I'm not getting enough protein. My nutritional info at the end of the day shows I'm not getting enough. I'm staying way under limit with cholesterol which is what I was trying to focus on; however, I'm sick about the scale hop. I have a pair of Vionic flip flops. I really like them.

    Janet: Hope your cold doesn't linger much more.

    Patti: Praying for no more repairs to have to be made.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, we are at my favorite day of the week. Mom and TRX! Work was a killer, as always. Wish HL would start their interviewing and then hire me, lol.

    Karla, you sound very enthused and ready to get your plan going. How fortunate that you have such a great group available and paid for.

    Bert, I feel your pain and that is why I am staying off the scale. Look how quickly it changed your entire outlook! Have you tried adding protein powder to your smoothies. It is an excellent way to add plan based protein. You can add it to soups also. Quinoa, lentils, black beans, hemp and chia seeds are all great sources too. What is your average protein intake daily? How many carbs are you consuming? Do you have written goals for each meal- protein, carb, fat? Just some thoughts

    Janet, hope today finds you much better. You are so kind to his kitty. Is there any positive interaction between the cats yet? You and James seem to be settling in pretty well.

    Cindy, where are you? Hope all is well? You I worry when anyone is silent too long.

    Today's quotes:

    Commitment means staying loyal to what you said you were going to do long after the mood you said it in has left you.

    Exercise because you love yourself, not because you hate your body.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Patti: I'm using the MPF Nutrition chart for my goals. They say I need 152 g. of protein per day, 84 g. of carbs, 45 fats, 21 fibers, and 84 cholesterol. I do well with the cholesterol but never meet the protein. I need to get back to eating Quinoa and other sources of protein other than meet. My GNC lean shake powder has 21 g. of protein, but I don't drink one a day. I think I'll make sure that I do that daily. Thanks for your help. I love your exercise quote. My goal is to get stronger and be heart healthy.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert - That is high on the protein, my nutritionist say 30 per meal. Also need to lower the carbs between 50-70 to lose. This is based on a 1200 calorie plan. What is your plan? I am doing good so far. But I do need to increase my turkey sausage and egg whites tomorrow.

    Another tip the nutritionist gave me was to beware of the BLT's, bites, licks and tastes when cooking, is to chew gum while you are cooking!!


    PS ( Patti- unfortunately the scale is a necessary evil, we have to watch before it is wayyy out of control )
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, just tracking and paying attention is a great start.

    Karla, on the scale we will just have to agree to disagree. I think it is more of a weapon than a tool for me. I view the tape measure as a much more accurate gauge of my body and if it is shedding the pounds of fat that need to go. My dr and I had a long discussion about my weight and my general health. The one thing we both agreed on is that under my protective layer of fat is a very healthy woman, lol. I am stronger now than I have ever been but need to focus on a healthy eating plan that will work for me and that I will stick with for the long haul. I know the carbs have to be drastically reduced, I do great with protein since I am basically a carnivore at heart. I struggle, still and forever, with eating times and getting in 3 meals a day because of my schedule. I WILL figure it out because I want and need to.

    TRX here I come
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- Did not mean to offend. It is just a mind game I guess, what's the difference between a high number on the tape measure? <<giggle>>. The new U program at the hospital had a waist requirement for men and women, but still checked weight. What is the goal for your waist? I can't remember what it was at the hospital.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi, all - my cold is slowly backing off, at long last. It should be a shadow of it former self by the time I leave for Ohio Friday morning. SO looking forward to the drive, my restorative fix. James can feed my cats - still haven't found a way to let his sweet cat out of the room without really upsetting mine. Breaks my heart but having to change all bedding three nights in a row was no fun.

    Karla, happy you've found a program that may help. Please share all! As for the waist thing, it's part of one of the reasons I quit my job - my employer has NO reason EVER to have such personal info as my waist measurement & weight. I consider it deeply inappropriate, even immoral. And body types we're born with yield a range of waist sizes, none of which is taken into account with that garbage. I just don't have a waist!

    Bert, adding protein without carbs & calories is tough but you'll find a way. Wish I could tolerate egg-white omelets (I've tried) and turkey sausage. Need to try again soon, with hot sauce or something. Cheese would make it better, but ...

    Had takeout sushi and seaweed salad today, probably just a salad and fruit later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, absolutely not offended, just a difference of opinion on how to measure success. We each have to find what motivates us and what sabotages us. Right now, for me, the scale is a weapon and I know the control it can have if I let it. Keep sharing all you are learning. I know we will each find something we can use in our own personal journey.

    Janet, poor kitty but multiple linen changes trump freedom to roam. Is your niece comings in with the kids? I so hope that is the reason for your Ohio trip.

    Kitchen disaster tonight. Planned for grilled pork tenderloin and steamed carrots. Grill ran out of gas 1/4 of the way thru the tenderloin. Heated a cast iron skillet but added too much oil and had a major oil explosion when the meat hit the pan, on my newly scrubbed wood floors. The oil got all over the bottom of my new workout shoes so I was skating all over the kitchen. Dropped something behind the stove during all the melee. But despite it all the meal was delicious, the meat was perfectly cooked, go figure. Can't wait to tell mom about it tomorrow especially since we just watched the finally of Masterchef today.

    Time for NCIS
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- The New U program was not required by my employer, it was a strictly voluntary benefit. I agree with you about privacy. I never had any issues with my insurance from being on that program and confidentiality was respected by the staff. Heaven knows I've tried so many programs and said I wasn't trying anymore but my back problems are really concerning me and this sudden weight gain has me baffled. Tonight is my favorite tv night.

    Patti- Are you watching the Voice? I felt Jennifer Hudson was a bit pushy yesterday.

    Off to my shows.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hey ladies, I heard from Cindy. She is overworked and under a lot of stress at work. She is currently in Houston for the week. She wanted you all to know she is alive and well and will be back with us next week.

    Karla, I work on Monday nights so missed the Voice. Tonight is my favorite tv night too. Usually share it with Edd as our date night but he had a memorial service/fundraiser to go to.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited September 2017
    Good morning ladies. Day one went well on my new plan. Today I will go to the grocery store and pick up a few suggested items. Turkey pepperoni, feta cheese, slivered almonds, Nature's Own light wheat bread, babybel, cucumbers and Ole low carb tortillas. I'm also going to run by their office before the weekend and pick up some of their Parmesan cheese whisps low carb chips. This morning I mixed up some tuna fish salad to have for lunch with bread and strawberries. I did good with my protein and carbs yesterday. I go back Tuesday for my first weigh in.

    Patti- Did you watch This Is Us and NCIS last night? It was so much to watch with the Voice on too. Thanks for info on Cindy.

    I need to pay some bills and jump in shower. I'm still trying to catch up at the podiatry office from my trip. Tomorrow I have that Reclast infusion at the hospital. I pray it doesn't make me sick afterwards.

    Have a great day and treat your body as your Temple it is.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Today is lunch with the girls at a local restaurant where I will have a huge salad with chicken and fruit. It is so yummy. Why is a salad out so much tastier than one I chop up myself, even if the ingredients are the same? Then work as usual tonight. Hope to get some laundry done before work. If not it will be on the list for tomorrow morning. I hope to get by Costco after lunch and pick up a rotisserie chicken. Theirs are so huge. Will use the chicken for the chicken enchilada soup I am making for YaYa weekend, plus use the carcass to make stock. Will have another weekend alone. This one will have more me time. Only need to deep clean the upstairs bath and bedroom. I will be crafting!

    Karla, good luck tomorrow. I don't watch This is Us. I watch NCIS, Bull and NCIS NO. Without a DVR I miss a lot but really don't have time to watch any more. Mom and I have a list of shows for fall that we want to watch together but I think we are going to have to have 2 viewing days.

    Now for today's fun quote, nothing deep for midweek:

    I never run with scissors.......those last two words were unnecessary!

    Have a you kind of day
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi, all - Have been very busy here. James wanted to golf yesterday so I went along and drove the cart most of the way. It was brutally hot, but it was at the Abraham Lincoln state park and we were able to peek into a replica of his father's cabin and read the really interesting outdoor timelines & placards. It was supposed to be open for visitors but wasn't. Oh well. Aside from brutal heat taking a toll, a lovely day out. Made us big salads with lots of things getting used up and put some shrimp on top. Busy today - picking up x-rays at hospital for rheumatologist Monday, manicure on my again-crumbling nails.

    My trip to Ohio is for the wedding of the older daughter of my favorite cousin, Tom. He and his wife are opening their home to me and I can't wait. I don't believe my brother was invited (he didn't invite them, or his only the-living aunt, to either of my nieces' weddings, so ...) This means less stress & more joy. And yes, I'm going to ask if there will be any single men there. SOMEBODY I know has to know at least one decent man and the fact that not one of my friends has a single suggestion (pun intended) doesn't exactly inspire hope. I think I'm going to stop looking because it's just like hitting my head against a brick wall. If I were younger it'd be a different game, so I'm going to learn to be content on my own. I have to - the trying is way too painful and means I'm not being fair to myself. Time to stop beating myself up about it (James's encouragement comes from a place of love but he has ALWAYS been able to find willing women because he's handsome, funny, and smart, and he can't relate to my shyness and painful history of being overlooked & rejected when I do try.) So there you have it. Sorry - just needed to get that out to friendly eyes because I'm trying to convince myself to stop thinking about finding a guy when it's pretty clear that's unlikely at best. Gotta stop at least part of my self-blame, right? (Please chuckle - it's true!)

    Patti, so glad you didn't burn yourself or fall and I laughed loudly when you ended up with a culinary triumph. You're right about salads when you eat out - if someone else did the chopping, it tastes better.

    Karla, glad you are starting the program well. The Ole tortillas are a staple here - great for sandwich rollups, faux quesadillas, etc. May try baking Ole chips this winter. I watched This Is Us in bed the other night. Cried my eyes out, as always. The audition scene broke my heart but THAT has been my reality all my life. I was (in a way) glad Kate left, rather than subject herself to that atmosphere. Been there, done that more times than I can even remember - when you feel woefully out of place sometimes leaving is an act of self-care. (Also, isn't Randall just The Best?) I'll be a bit behind on my shows this fall because James doesn't watch them, so I DVR and watch when I have a moment.

    Gotta run, but will be back after my trip and will read all when able. Hugs!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon ladies, my day has not started out the best. Weird dreams but not nightmares had me awaking in an odd mood. Went to empty dishwasher only to find it did not run, making me wonder if I hit the start button last night. So hit start without checking the water level in the bottom. So, you guessed it, water ran all over the floor immediately. So got online to check for a fix and it was a simple one. Evidently I had pushed stuff under the sink too far to the back and constricted the drain pipe. Pulled everything out and it drained fine. I am going to get some ammonia to run thru and make sure that the pipe is not clogged as well. Thank you YouTube! So I am getting my chores done and not going out until time for the gym.

    Janet, I wish I could wave my magic wand and erase the insults of your past. It breaks my heart that people can be so cruel to you when you are such a kind and loving person. When you stop looking he will find you in the most unlikely of places, I feel it in my bones. Enjoy your wedding weekend. Nice to have James there for the cats.

    Karla, hope your infusion went well.

    Bert, missing your voice here, you must be busy. How goes the protein battle?

    Today's quote:

    Be stubborn about your goals and flexible about your methods

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. Our group is really small these days. I think we lost Suzi due to lack of group support for losing. Diane we lost due to her traveling. Cindy will be back next week. Our group in general has lost our group goals and group challenges that used to keep us inspired, at least I feel. I like Patti has started the quotes. I used to feel so inspired each day to have my weekly goal, daily quote and report my goals and successes. I guess the years have gone on. We haven't really given up, but we haven't been as inspired as we all once were. I tried a while back to get a group challenge going but didn't seen to get much interest. Everyone is so busy, and so was I with my three week trip. So we each do what we can on our own. Sad, but true.

    Janet - Sounds like you had a nice day. How is your introvert self handling a roommate? I bet you are looking forward to the silent drive and music alone. I know you love James as a brother, a good brother that is, but I know you are very much a private person. How long is he planning on staying with you?

    Patti- Oh goodness on the dishwasher. YouTube is really the answer to many issues. I use it for sewing help, my nephews use it for auto repairs and Glenn uses it for many household tips. Have you thought of a meal plan for yourself yet? Are you tracking? Waiting until after your YaYa weekend?

    I feel like my tummy is shrinking. It is a good feeling. Glenn is really turning into a great cook. I give him tips, but last night he made the best healthy shrimp stir fry. No rice or noodles, just veggies and shrimp. He had the best flavor. We had green beans as a side and it was very filling. I got all my protein yesterday and kept my carbs to 71. I was hungry when I woke up and made Glenn and I big fluffy egg white omelets. I have had to increase my eggwhites to 1/2 cup and Butterball turkey sausage to 2 ounces to get the protein required for breakfast. That would be big points in WW, but still keeps me under the 1200 calories in MFP and keeps my protein up. Very interesting concept here. Patti, we were not getting enough protein the way we were making our omelets before. I'm anxious to get my weigh in and see how I am doing. I know my body is stubborn and I will have to tweak as I go along. That is why I am glad about this support system, I never knew what to do when I plateaued, I would get frustrated and give up, gain and have to start over on the same pounds again.

    I'm too old to have this much weight on me and too old to have to keep trying to lose.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, I think we are all starting to come back to the need and desire to get motivated. I have been avoiding picking a diet plan. Not sure why, just feeling rebellious. I know I need to get going again, it's that first step.....planning! Glad you found your groove and hopefully we will be with you soon. I went back to look at my omelet because I was pretty sure I was getting enough protein at breakfast. I have always done the 1/2 cup of egg whites, 2 ounces of turkey sausage and 1 ounce of sharp cheddar along with broccoli, mushrooms and onions. My total was 28gms of protein so spot on for me. I will be getting back to these. Took a break over the summer but really miss my omelets. It is the rest of the day that gets dicey for me. I have always struggled with the three meals a day. I will get it done because I want my outside to match my healthy insides.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti & Karla, thanks for understanding. It's just a marginalizing feeling to be solo in our society but I have so many friends who love me anyway. Am packed and the stuff is in the car - James will feed the cats (won't ask him to scoop litter - it can wait until I return. He will likely be here another few weeks - depends on stuff for him. It's sometimes a bit rough when two people used to living alone are roommates, but I think we're negotiating it OK.

    Karla, the new fence is very professional looking. Enjoy! Will you have grandkids this weekend?

    Have a great weekend, everyone.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- You must have increased the sausage after you were at my house because we were putting one ounce to my memory to stretch out points in WW at the time. I was using the laughing cow wedge which Is where near an ounce and I think you were using those soy cheese slices. gosh the years have really flewn by! I Was Afraid I Was Heading Back up Towards Where we were when we met and it was scaring me!

    Tonight I made Morning Star spicy bean burgers with baked Potato, Steamed Broccoli, Pinto Bean/rotel Tomato Mix. It was really filling. I had mine bunless. My snacks today were turkey pepperoni and a babybel circle. I was quite hungry today as I was home.

    I have been working on cleaning out my office shelves but did not get to sewing! I am still not complete with my shelf but over half way.e

    Until Tomorrow..

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was a long day. I visited one of my students. The drive was 2 1/2 hours each way, and then drove again to have dinner with former colleagues (that was fun, though). I got up early this morning as my back wouldn't let me get comfortable enough to sleep. Definitely moving more today!

    Janet: I have discovered when people stop looking, that's when someone magically appears in their life......I certainly hope it will for you. Have fun at the wedding.

    Patti: So glad you got your drain fixed and the dishwasher works well. My protein battle is still a battle; however, this morning, breakfast is tracked and I have 17 g. of protein so far. Thanks for asking.

    Karla: I think, for me, the fact that I keep trying to lose and don't frustrates me to the point that I don't want to constantly complain about it. I like the positivity of this group and also feel learning about everyone's lives helps me to accept and keep going. Did Suzi say that was the reason she dropped out of the group?

    This is my proposed challenge: Each week, we express what we are struggling with whether it be tracking, choosing the right food, how to help control the weakest part of the day (eating wise), etc. and then we could help that person with their challenge. I'd be glad to start if everyone is on board.

    Have a great day, everyone!


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and happy Friday! Heading to the gym, then grocery shopping followed by a stop at Mom's to drop off her groceries and mail. I may hit a few garage sales this afternoon, there several in the area. My plans for this weekend (alone again) are to clean my bedroom and upstairs bath, find a food plan and make a menu/grocery list and spend time in my craft room!

    Bert, I love your challenge idea. Maybe we could all list our areas of struggle in order of importance, then we could pick one topic to work on each week. Everyone could give advice, ideas and maybe research some new strategies for that particular area.

    Karla, will you have to paint or stain the fence? It looks very nice. We still need to replace our back fence but it will be just a chain link. The one that fell down was painted white wood but that is just too expensive and labor intensive. Joanns is having a huge fleece sale. 50% off everything fluffy even the expensive stuff.

    Janet, safe travels and enjoy!

    Cindy, hope you have time to decompress this weekend. We miss you.

    Today's quote:

    Attract what you expect
    Reflect what you desire
    Become what you respect
    Mirror what you admire
