OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We got a little rain yesterday from Irma remnants. It wasn't much, and I feel guilty for saying that due to the immense flooding in the south. Today is housecleaning as my girl will not be coming today due to her mother (my friend who had the heart attack) will be coming home from the hospital today. Then it's off to the dentist this afternoon and choir practice this evening. Another busy day in store; however, I love to be busy on my schedule and not someone else's.

    I'm glad everyone is doing well. Congrats, Karla, on your weight loss!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it is dreary and chilly outside but I am all sunshine inside. I love having a party to plan. Praying more than 6 show up (the number that have RSVP'd). Have a few things to pick up (forgot to buy yesterday) at the store. The weather is supposed to be perfect, may even put the boat in.

    Cindy, you impress me more every day. So focused on your writing career that you can't help but be successful. I would so love if you included a unique seafood chowder in your cookbook.....hint, hint! I will definitely buy in multiples and give one to all my friends.

    Bert, I agree about being busy on my own time. Somehow it isn't as stressful as being busy with work. Praying all goes well with your friends return home. I know everyone is worried for her but seems like she has to try it.

    Janet, how did the retirement party go? I am sure you looked stunning.

    Karla, keep up the good work. I am sure you have fun with grandkids this weekend.

    Diane, so happy to see the pics of sweet Elise. Congrats again!

    Suzi, miss your sweet wisdom and tales of Ellis, hope you find your way back to us soon.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon. This darn cough and cold is back!! I've been home the last two days trying to rest it out! It started late yesterday after we went Christmas shopping with a vengeance.

    Patti- This Sunday is our 12th Wedding anniversary, so no grandkids this weekend. You always have some surprise showups at your Pig Roast, so I'm sure it will be fun.

    It was a very cute set of pictures of Diane, John and Carrie with the new baby Elise on FB.

    Cindy- We all cheer you on. I'vd been tracking and watching my activity the last week trying to get off some pounds. I'm ashamed to say I am NOT in Onederland. But I will be back there soon, very soon.

    Bert - I am enjoying Glenn being home. He is helping so much around the house and especially with cooking and grocery shopping. You are such a precious and devoted friend. I wish we lived closer!!

    Janet - How was the retirement party? Someone at Humana?

    I better go, we just got up from our nap and I made Glenn a sandwich and Veggie straws, and now looking for that WW recipe for the Grueyer cheese sandwich.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    We've made it to Friday and I for one am thankful to see the weekend on the horizon.
    I'm in hectic life mode until after the New Hampshire event October 13-
    With trying to get in some camping, get some things done around the house, write, and the day job with 2 biz trips coming up I'm a little frazzled. But on a good note my jeans fit better today- did a little jig.

    Karla- I hope you feel better soon. Happy Anniversary to you and Glenn
    Patti- Have a great time with the pig roast- are you really roasting a full or half piggie?
    Janet- are you destressing and doing the chill thing?
    Bert- I agree choosing to be busy is so much better than it being foisted upon you.
    I need to run but I'll check back when I can. I have been eating salad every day for lunch with lean protein so that is a check plus!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited September 2017
    Hi all, we got to the cabin yesterday afternoon and there was already 1 guest here and set up. Our neighbor leant him a hand. This weekend is the bike rally, pig roast was last weekend. I will be making a rib dinner tomorrow night. We had chicken corn chowder last night and it was delish. I pureed some of the corn to use as a thickener and it worked great. Today I am making chicken enchilada soup. Served with a squeeze of lime and oh MY! Using my summer's bounty of fresh tomatoes, corn and peppers makes for the best meals. The weather will be perfect so am praying more folks roll in. If not, this will be my last year hosting this event.

    Karla, sorry you are sick but hope you enjoy your anniversary weekend.

    Cindy, wore me out just reading your post, lol. But sometimes busy makes me more efficient and productive. Yeah on better fitting jeans.

    I am afraid to face the scale but my clothes don't feel tight. I hope I am not deluding myself but some actually feel loose. I am going to focus on tracking (starting monday) and stay away from the scale for at least a month. I am not going to get my start weight because then I will focus on the number and that seems to be what trips me up. I will, however, get my starting measurements and recheck in a month. That, to me, is more important than the scale. At least they don't change hour to hour or day to day. So now I have stated my action plan, just need to find the eating plan to go with it, lol.

    Please say a prayer or two for my DIL her sister died of a heart attack yesterday, I think she was close to 50. So very, very sad.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I went to my thyroid doctor yesterday. Pending lab results, she said she will decide on my synthroid dosage. My blood sugar was 107, and my A1C was 5.6. That went down from 5.7 last year! I was happy about that. We also discussed my weight gain (4 pounds; however, I don't want to gain anything!) Then, my BFF and I went for a wonderful lunch and retail therapy. It was a great day!

    Thursday night, our choir went to my friend's house to sing for and with her. It was a jolt for me to see her in a hospital bed in her home. Her entire family was there too. We sang hymns that she chose. I broke down at the end when I was leaving......too much to take. I made her beef and noodles last week and she has raved about them. I froze the leftovers and will take them to her on Monday as I'm sure her family will be in and out over the weekend.

    Breakfast is tracked. I'm trying to eat more protein, but less fat. That's a tricky one!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, what a lovely gift to your friend/ it brought tears. Glad she is home.

    Karla, hope you will feel much better for your anniversary. Bad colds are just miserable experiences.

    Patti, the mere thought of ribs makes my mouth water!

    Cindy, hope you are taking it easy this weekend.

    Diane, Elise is just gorgeous. That's my older niece's middle name.

    Suzi, eager for updates on travels with Ellis!

    Retirement party for a friend at Humans was interesting. Two people basically deigned not to talk to me for more than ten seconds - HA! Caught up with several people I really like and a couple no-shows were people I would have preferred not to see anyway.

    Did a little retail therapy yesterday - my favorite boutique is closing - clothing and interesting home goods. Everything half off, so was able to do some Christmas shopping and pick up a couple of tops and scarves for me. Had overpaid on my MasterCard so it's all already paid for. Yay!

    Eating here has been up & down but am focused as much as I can right now. Not Cindy-strong at the moment. Will make it into gear - my goal
    Is to drop ten by Thanksgiving and another ten by my birthday in March.

    Hope everyone has a restorative weekend in whatever way makes you happiest.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike and I watched Jillian and Cole last night while Greg and Carrie went shopping and out to dinner. We had a great time. Today Jillian and Cole have soccer games at the same time. We will have to split watching each game.

    Janet: I'm wanting to lose 20 lbs. I can't seem to even get 5 lost.

    Breakfast is tracked. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited September 2017
    Karla, happy 12th anniversary to you & Glenn! Hope you feel better and can celebrate.

    Bert, your A1c is terrific - happy for you. It makes me smile when you get grandkid time. One of my friends has three daughters and when all three have events in different places, it's a festival of crazy. We'll get back into gear soon - TOGETHER! Sometime this fall, I'd love to drive up to meet you at your convenience.

    James & I took a walk this morning - my lower back went to about pain level 7 very quickly but I kept going and we walked almost a mile around the neighborhood. I plan to do this at least three days a week now and will increase distance as my body permits. Gotta push through the pain - sitting & stretching helps a lot, and I had two Excedrin when I got home - trying to stay away from the Norco because they are a scarce resource and mostly I don't need the heavier artillery, so I try everything else first.

    Eating has been subpar but not awful this weekend. Just used the last of the taco meat with black beans on a nice salad, dressed with salsa and a bit of low-fat sour cream, had a few tortilla chips too. Yesterday we had only one meal (cheeseburgers, mine without bun, and corn on the cob, with popcorn last night. I feel like momentum is on its way back ... please let it show up soon!

    Just had a tiny adventure in fraud here - got a text from Amex asking about a charge for Straight Talk Wireless. NOT mine - called immediately and verified that I didn't do it. They had already declined the transaction and will change my number & send me a new card. I am totally OCD about checking my bank account and credit cards online nearly every day and this is why. Thank goodness American Express caught it, contacted me and we're resolving it before more could happen - somebody once got my MasterCard number and both about $1,400 worth of stuff at various Walmarts in Mississippi. I caught it the next day and had to have that replaced. I hate having to be so vigilant but not everyone has a moral compass, sadly.

    Big hugs to everyone.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Annie is in the hospital with appendicitis. I'm not sure when she is having surgery, but hopefully it will be today. I may be driving to Chicago.

    Janet: I'd love to meet you in person sometime. Do you live in the Louisville area? My eating was ok, but not the best. Today I'm working out at home using my weights. Mike is at work today. It is a good thing to constantly check your accounts. I do that as well.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Welcome to Monday ya'll. It was a wonderful weekend. Filled with friends old and new. One new couple from Cleveland, she a retried ER nurse and He a retiree firefighter and both paramedics, made for great conversation. Another gentleman from WV who was full of wit and wisdom and the best laugh in the world. We had some great bonfires along the river. the guys got out their beautiful old BMWs and rode the scenic backroads of southern Ohio. The food all turned out well with almost no leftovers. Total of 15 showed up at different times, so will do it again next year. Calling this weekend a success in my book. One couple brought three dachshunds, one just 11 weeks old, they were the entertainment, lol. So well behaved and cute, especially the puppy.
    On a very sad note my DILs death may not have been a heart attack. It is all suspicious and I believe it is being investigated. The family has hired a lawyer and are talking to the police. I believe we are waiting on results of the autopsy to proceed with funeral arrangements. The boyfriend tried to have her cremated immediately. All prayers for my DIL are appreciated, she is devastated, as is the rest of the family.

    Bert, big prayers for Annie that all goes well with surgery and healing. Great news on your A1c. Good for you getting out the weights. Beef and noodles, perfect comfort food for your friend and one of my favorites.

    Janet, hope the fall weather keeps you inspired on your walks with James. Hooray on your retail finds. I so love your style and wish I could emulate it but I guess I am doomed to be a "plain Jane" in t shirts and jeans, lol.

    Karla, from the FB pics looks like you celebrated your anniversary in style.

    Cindy, so excited for your next adventure in New England. How I would love to be able to shoot up there and meet and support you. I know having Meg there will make it that much more fun.

    My goal for this week is to take time to find my way again. I get so wrapped up in all the weekend activities, entertaining, parties, company etc that I just let my care of me go to the curb. I am not going to the cabin the next 2 weekends. My cousin wanted to go there next weekend and I am feeling so guilty for telling her that I am not going to go. We have seen little of each other this summer because she is spending time with her grandkids before they have to move to Japan for 3 years with the Navy. Edd plans to go and I want to stay home and really clean this house. Plus, I am itching to get into my craft room. Have about 8 stamp sets, lots of new ink and tools that I have yet to break into. Also want to give watercolor another go. Actually just need some alone time I guess. Will try to channel my inner Janet, she is in there and comes out rarely but I do enjoy it when she does.

    Today is tons of laundry and diet plan research before I go to work.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited September 2017
    Good morning. Leaving today for Panama City for my dad's 89th birthday! I'm at the doctors office at the moment, but car packed and leaving from here. Dropped Millie off at her boyfriend's house, Jack Jack! Lol

    Patti- It wasn't your DIL that passed was it? I think you meant to say her bff? So sad about suspicious circumstances. Drugs take many young adults, ones you least expect. Prayers for all. I'm going to talk to my doctor about a diet plan or place she recommends.

    Cindy- Goid luck and have great fun with Meg. Just finished a book that I really liked. I can share it with you if you have a Kindle reader or App? Reminded me of your writing!

    Janet- Please don't hurt yourself or your ankle trying to walk more than you are used to. I'm sure James will understand. We have to work up to it slowly. I hurt reading your post .

    Say prayers for my bff Sharon, in Panama City. She is going through a rough time.

    My plan is to do a deep cleaning on my dad's house for part of his birthday present. I even brought my Rainbow vacuum and Bissell steamer. I haven't done this in over a year!! No lectures please, he can't do it himself..

    Take care,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Wow first one here, that rarely happens. Praying all is well in everyone's world as I head to Moms. We are making a big batch of bran muffins. They are make with Raisin Bran Crunch cereal. She loves them and it is something she will eat every morning, much more than the 2 spoons of cottage cheese she eats each morning now, lol. Edd is working on the truck, a very hard and labor intensive job but hopefully he will be done today. I still have laundry to do after the gym and am really hoping to work on a diet plan this evening. I don't know what my resistance is but I find every excuse not to do this.

    Time to run, back this pm
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited September 2017
    Karla, tell your Dad happy birthday. I know how much it means to you to get his place spic and span and I am sure he enjoys it too. I know you will fit in some great father-daughter time too. It was my DILs sister that passed on Thursday. It was not drugs, possibly foul play.

    Prayers for your friend Sharon.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Annie's surgery was a success. It was definitely appendicitis....she will be going home today. I took Molly to the vet today, and she has arthritis! So, she's a member of my club! :D I'm picking Jillian up from school today as Greg has a meeting. I'm so thankful that I am able to do of the fun things to do.

    Patti: So glad you had a great weekend. So sorry to hear about your DIL's sister. I'm getting the weights out again today!

    Karla: I'm trying to do low fat for my gall bladder and low carb for weight loss; however, I'm struggling to find foods that are both low fat and low carb at the same time. I refuse to eat cardboard. ;)

    Have a great day, everyone! It's off to work out with the weights.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hi. Bert, glad the surgery went well. Patti, can't imagine your DIL'd s family's pain.

    Very busy here and we have an 8-hour drive yet to go. No option to stay because I have blood draw at 7:40 tomorrow for vitamins D, B12 & Calcium.

    Eating pretty well the last couple of days on the road. More when able. You are all in my thoughts.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    HI again, great day with mom, as usual. The bran muffins turned out perfect, so she is stocked up. Lunch with the girls moved to Thursday this week. Hair appointment tomorrow. I have my hair pretty light for summer and not sure it is me but it sure hides the gray a lot better. Decisions, decisions. My WOB returned to class tonight. She has been gone all summer. We all welcomed her back with open arms. Have missed her special brand of humor.

    Bert, good news about Annie.

    Janet, guess I missed something, where are you off to? Hope something fun.

    Time to chill

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today I meet with a new student as her other supervisor is having surgery, so she will not be supervising this semester. I meet with the other new student on Friday. Tomorrow I have a visit with my student teacher. I'm not happy with her progress as I think she submits assignments in haste. She has not completed her other course requirements either, so her grade will reflect it. I hope she gets her act together as I have her again in another grade from Oct. - Dec.

    Annie is home and is doing ok. Jillian and I did her homework yesterday before Carrie got home. It was so cute when she was doing her math paper. She was to draw a doll, and she said that her drawing was "horrible" and wanted to throw the paper away. I told her that they weren't evaluating her artwork, only the math concept. She also read a story.....she's a very good reader, I must say.

    I'm focusing on exercise and drinking more water. I'm still trying to get enough protein during the day. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all.

    Bert, you are worth your weight in platinum as a supervisor. Hope your student gets it together and that your two new ones will be more conscientuous. Glad Annie is doing well. Love the mental picture of Jillian reading to her grandma.

    Patti, care to share the bran muffin recipe? I have a good one but haven't made them in years. James wants me to try making his mom's lasagne - copied her recipe yesterday.

    James & I went to SC - he had a doc appointment & also wanted to get a few things out of storage. Very full day, including lunch with his son, & we got home at - gasp - 3:15 this morning. Good conversation & lively music got us through but we were very, very glad to be safely back. I got an hour & a half of sleep & went for blood draw. Typing this on my phone from bed, hoping to zonk soon. No plans for either of us, except to recharge today.

    Will check back later to see what everyone's been up to.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good end of the morning. Working on a few chores before I go to hairdresser, store and work.

    Bert, I hope your new students are more invested in their education and take full advantage of your expertise. Hate to think about the other one teaching our youth. Good job with your focus is on movement and water. Baby steps and remember to celebrate your successes.

    Janet, whew....what a whirlwind few days. Hope you two kick back and relax for a couple of days. I would be happy to share Moms recipe but not sure it is diet friendly, lol. This made approx 60 muffins, so you might want to cut it down

    Raisin Bran muffins
    Mix together in extra large to huge bowl:
    5 cups flour
    3 cups sugar
    5 tsp baking soda
    2 tsp salt
    2-3 tsps cinnamon

    Then add 20 oz Raisin Bran Crunch

    Mix in medium bowl:
    1 quart buttermilk
    4 well beaten eggs
    1/2 cup oil
    1 stick melted butter
    Add to dry ingredients

    Fill tins 3/4 full and bake 30-35 mins
