OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Back on the wagon today! Water, track food and some sort of structured activity this afternoon. We all know it starts in the kitchen!! Got to cut back on the carbs significantly now to get this weight to move. The exercise to get my body loosened up!

    Ready, set, go!!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is grocery shopping and focusing on exercise and water intake. I'm not happy with the way I look and feel. So, today is the day to get back on track! I'm with you, Karla. Lindsey texted with Mike yesterday and tells him she's doing better. I'm hoping to talk with her this weekend.

    My visit with my student teacher was ok. She appears to be over confident. I wasn't happy that her lesson plan was not handed in on time and told her that. She is to correct it and re-submit, but has yet to do that......geez.

    I visited my friend who had the heart attack . Her girls, her, and the doctors are meeting today to determine whether or not she can go home. She's bound and determined to go home, but it worries me. She says she's strong enough, but I told her to let the doctors make the decision. If she doesn't get to go home, sh_ _ will hit the fan, I'm sure!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies- I'm a corporate girl today- but pulling together the packing for tomorrow.
    I know what needs to get thrown into the suitcase and Rick has all the parts to get the bikes ready to roll.
    We'll leave around 10 as we can't check in until 3- so the drive should be fairly easy.
    Karla- welcome home. It does all start with our food, water and movement. I marched in place again this morning while the dogs did their thing- today got in 300 more marching steps. Its a conscious start.
    Bert- I hope your friend gets her wish. But can she stay alone? Sending prayers for her. As far as your student teacher is concerned- I'm discover this current set of young people entering the work force are over confident and not prepared. I didn't have a great experience this summer with my marketing intern. Discovered much was left undone when he left.
    Patti- Did you get your applications in to Hobby Lobby? I think Joanne takes advantage of your work ethic. But that is my humble opinion.
    Janet - if you're lurking hope all is well in your humble abode.
    Suzi and Diane- happy trials.
    Need to get moving- have a great day.
    if I don't get a chance to check in later I'll talk to you all late next week.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I am vowing to not leave the house today. My feet are finally almost pain free. I skipped the gym but may do a DVD later. I do have a bit of a to do list and would so love some time in my craft room. But will admit just sitting feels like heaven. My dinner with my SILs BFF was delightful. She is such a warm, funny and intelligent woman and just as chatty as I am. Both of us are nurses but we spent very little time on that subject.

    Cindy, enjoy the Cape. Keep your focus on you and don't forget to take your bubble just in case, will pray you don't have to deploy it. I agree with you and Bert about this new generation entering the work force. They seem to think it will just all work out without them putting any effort into the process. I did put in my app at one of the HLs in town but need to get one in to the other. They are both 6 miles from me so I would be happy to work either place. Joanns is just getting more difficult because the corporate management has unrealistic expectations for each store. They want it all done but they want it done with a skeleton crew. I feel most sorry for the store manager. She is under the gun and works 50-60 hours herself to meet her goals and get things done. They are hiring for the holiday now but we have lots leaving, and I hope to be one of those!

    Bert, your friend will hopefully listen to what the Dr recommends. Does she have help at home? Or can she get homecare to keep an eye on her. Sometimes a trial at home is an eye opener. She may do better than expected or she may realize that she needs more help than she thought. Mostly she needs to be in control of her destiny. That is the major thing that happens with a catastrophic illness. The loss of self control over ones environment, the ability to make even the smallest decisions (like what time to get up, when and what to eat, etc) is insult on injury. She needs to feel that her life is hers again and not be at the mercy of the healthcare providers. I hope they let her try to go home, if it is safe for her to do so. If it doesn't work out there are always alternatives.

    Karla, welcome back to our little home and to getting back on track. I need to find my mojo, just can't seem to put it all together. I just need to make a meal plan and execute it.

    Diane, thanks for the continued pictorial travelogue. Don't forget someday I would love to have that Milky Way picture. No pressure.

    Janet, I know you and James are settling in to a symbiotic rhythm. So happy for you both. Stop by when you can, we will wait for you.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My friend did go home, but her family was not happy about it. I talked to one of her daughters briefly yesterday, but will talk to her again this morning. Her daughters are also friends of mine. I certainly hope she did ok last night. I'm going to talk to her daughter in a little while. They are in the process of getting VNA to come and the physical therapy will be done at home as she's not strong enough to get therapy in the hospital yet. She's the type of person that will overdo and not rest. That's what her family is concerned with; however, like Mike said, if something happens, at least she will be where she wanted to be.

    Today is an at home day! I'm bound and determined to not go anywhere today. I have so many little projects to finish, it will be great to stay home and get them done.

    Cindy: I agree with your opinion on the young people entering the work force. Dan is experiencing it himself in his position. I'm hoping my student does better as I will have her the entire semester.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, I pray you friend did well. Sometimes being home IS the best medicine. You and her daughter's have could cause to be concerned but she does have to give it a try. I so enjoyed my stay at home day yesterday, hope you do the same.

    I got lots done but did not go to my craft room. I spent time on Pinterest instead so calling that my craft fix, lol. Our sewer drain backed up into the basement yesterday afternoon. Luckily the company we use is owned by the guy who lives across the street. They were there in 20 minutes. I gave each if the guys a jar of jalapeño jam and told they can always stop by for refills if they like it. I stuffed about 30 banana peppers and put them in the freezer. Still have a ton to pick at the cabin and will be stuffing a few more and want to pickle the rest so I have plenty to fry. I tried frying them fresh but they had no flavor so it is the pickling that makes them taste like fried green tomatoes I guess. I made stuffed mushrooms and just need to pop them into the oven for a bit before we go to the gender reveal party. It is still cold and rainy, so I feel bad that they did not get good weather for their cookout. They are young and will adapt. We will probably all be hanging in the garage or kitchen. Then off to the cabin until Monday evening.

    Until later
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello and Happy Birthday to my grandson JJ. He turned 14 today. He and Izzy spent the night with me last night to get their Nana fix. We were all starved for each other. Izzy told me I could not go in vacation that long again without her. Lol I am so proud of JJ because he is actively eating healthy and exercising and has lost six pounds. I made him healthy banana muffins this morning and put a candle in it. lol Along with fresh fruit and scrambled eggs. I renewed his Xbox One membership for him. Izzy and I took a bath together and used two of my new bath bombs. I have a six foot jacuzzi tub. They were awesome. Lavender scent. I bought them from the lady that made them at a Farmer's Market in Park City, Utah.

    Patti- You have inspired me to try my hand at the jellies. I already have the jars. I am also going to make my own salsa as I bought a salsa cookbook in New Mexico, or was it Arizona? Lol

    Bert- Please let us know how your friend did. Stay at home, accept no offers. Lol.

    Janet and James - hmmmm, the names go well together. I know you are basking in your friendship.

    I bought some awesome jewelry while we were traveling Mostly turquoise as it was awesome in Colorado. But, I always bought a sterling silver green stone ring at an upscale antique shop. We went to the Denver Mint and I got a fabulous necklace there of an Indian head penny in a pennant with small turquoise stones around it. I also did some Christmas shopping and got my dad a nice set of old pennies he collects.

    It was truly an awesome trip. We will have to do a do-over as we didn't get to go tubing or kayaking due to my back issues.

    Yesterday was a good first day back on the wagon. I logged all my food and kept it just under 1200 calories, drank most of the water and got a good walk in. Day two is going well too.

    I bought three more patterns of fleece last night at Walmart. I couldn't resist as one of my best friends loves flamingo's and they had some with just them, large, on a light pink background. She is Connie, one that went on the cruise with us. She will squeal when she sees it.

    I also purchased three quilt toppers that I am going to quilt with my best friend Tammy. I had picked one up for her and she had awesome machines we can use on them. Life is good.

    I better go, take care of yourself and be conscious of what you are putting in your body and how much.

    Anybody up for some group challenges?


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi. Awake early for grocery run. Very busy here but it's all good. James & I are settling into a rhythm slowly - we've both pretty much loved alone for a long time. We had a blast watching football & some tennis yesterday.

    He needs to gain a few after his surgery but having him here forces me to tame the munchie witch & I am cooking healthy food. He hasn't had much of an appetite for months but it has come back since he's been here and that's nice. So am cooking good stuff and he did bring two bikes. I do not know how to ride bihes with gears (!) but will give it a try. He's a jock, so ...

    Personals later today or tomorrow. Big hugs to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Third day tracking and eating healthy. I went over my calories by 221 yesterday, but we were celebrating JJ's birthday. Was good healthy food too. We played that game Speak Out last night. It is funny and silly, but ridiculous too. LOL.

    Janet - So nice that you both are enjoying the things you stayed on the phone enjoying! I love riding bikes and we probably have 6 or 7 of them, but way too hot down here right now. Have a great day and more sports.

    Today Jason and Angelique are coming over and we are having our bbq. JJ goes back to his Mom today, so she can have him a party.

    I hear someone stirring, my peaceful time is up. LOL.

    Have a great Labor Day and remember those that have labored, including us!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Can't believe it is Sunday! My grandson is having a boy! I love when wishes are fulfilled, especially for him. I found out that my oldest grandson is having another girl any day now. Just another one I won't get to see. Oh well! It is chilly today but looks like we are putting the boat in. Our other neighbor's daughter and her family are visiting and he doesn't have a boat so we are loaning them ours and I am going to hang out on my porch! Tomorrow is supposed to be hot and sunny so we will go out then
    I have peppers to pick out of 2 gardens up the road and need to do some cleaning as we have a crowd coming next weekend for the annual pig roast.

    Karla, I am not quite ready for a challenge. Need to get past the pig roast and the motorcycle rally the weekend after that before I can focus on a challenge. If everyone else is interested go for it and I will join in when I can.

    Janet, hope you try the bike. You don't have to shift if you don't want to. Just start by having James pick a middle gear and go with it.

    Pepper picking time
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - I understand, just try and be mindful the next couple weeks and then jump in when you can or between the two weekends. I am NOT going to gain any more than I have!! lol

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a beautiful day today. I'm going outside to clean the pool and plan to get in it today! We've had very cool nights, so the water may be chilly, but I don't care! I'm floating today!

    Karla: I'm with you! I have gained 4 pounds, and I'm SO frustrated with myself. I need to put myself first and get my exercise in before I take care of others (which is not one of my strengths: I'm a caregiver at heart and put myself last.) I haven't been to the gym in I don't know how long. I'm exercising through working on my home projects, but need to get in more of a routine again. I know that I'm not eating well either. My goal is to shed 20 pounds. I know I would feel better.

    Have a great day, everyone! Happy Labor Day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening my dear friends. It has been a very nice weekend. Perfect weather and lots of time with friends and family. Couple of boat rides and not a lot of food and hat I did eat was not junk. Progress of sorts. I picked up a 1/2 bushel of tomatoes that I am cooking down for sauce. I also have 1/2 a 5 gallon bucket full of banana peppers that need to be pickled. Once that is done I need to make another batch of peach jalapeño jam and jalapeño jam. Better get back to the tomatoes, batch 1 is ready for the food processor.

    Until tomorrow
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We are in much need of rain in our area. I hate to say this as I know many are suffering from flooding from Harvey and now the possibility of Irma hitting the coast, too. It isn't forecasted this week at all. Today is dusting and organizing. I'm going to the gym as well. I haven't been there in a while.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Yes, I am terrified of this hurricane Irma that has just been upgraded to a Cat 5. I pray it doesn't come to the Gulf Coast, Texas or us!! I don't wish it off on anyone, but Texas does not need anymore damage.

    Patti- You surely have access to a large garden near your cabin. I bought a Salsa cookbook and want to give that a whirl, as well as make some jelly too. Do you ever make salsa? Sounds like you did well on your mindful eating this weekend and still had fun!!

    Bert - Have you given up your housekeeper? Mine has no come in over a month with our long trip I missed her twice. Glenn is going to vacuum and steam the floors for me today, I hope. LOL.

    Glenn and I had a very lazy day yesterday. We closed all the blinds and binge watch the Iron Fist on Netflix. It is a very interesting series. One of the Marvel series Netflix has been making. We both needed it as we overdid it with the kids this weekend. Glenn worked two days over at a friends house installing some electricity lines from his house to his camper. Bi job over 10 hours in three days. One day only being 2 hours. His back and body was killing him. My back was hurting Sunday night as I had to prepare the back yard with the help of JJ, Izzy and Junior, but I mowed around the pool and that was a bit much for me. Plus swept around the pool and back porch. I am fine now though.

    I better get going. We have computer issues at the Podiatry office and I am researching new software for him. We are down to one computer working now.

    New Challenge for this week: Set a goal for yourself this week. No matter how small, it will help you. Let us know how you are doing daily.

    Karla's challenge - 10k steps today, and everyday this week. 64 ounces of water everyday.

    Take care!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Hope everyone had an excellent Labor Day weekend.

    Cindy, thought of you on the cape - which part of it? It's all beautiful & restful - I should plan an off-season stay there next year & visit my buddy who lives on Martha's Vineyard (never got there or Nantucket when I lived nearby - it always seemed to be such a couplesy deal). But the islands are still there and I will go. Hate to say that I, too agree about younger workers - what frosted me most was their often truly crappy writing ability. I felt like I was a teacher again when I edited their reports & correspondence.

    Karla, you sure had a houseful of kids' laughter this weekend - made me happy just to see the pics.

    Patti, so happy it's a boy but my heart breaks for whatever family fracture has kept other little ones from you. But this new guy will be joy galore.

    Bert, sure hope your student teacher will snap to - that one experience last spring was more than enough! How was your at-home day?

    Diane & Suzi, HELLO!!!!!

    Nice weekend here. Yesterday we grilled burger (very lean beef and the 40-calorie hot dogs). With James here I am cooking better and, I think, eating less. He's working on his truck today - getting it looked at somewhere. I have a a few errands to run as well. The first week has gone very well - neither of us has killed the other, so that's good. My cats have both seen his - his cat hisses (from his arms) and mine seem flummoxed - Bella retreats to my bedroom and Theo just gives me a "What the HECK, Mom?" look.

    Hope everyone's family and friends who might be in Irma's path are safe and their property undamaged. A second scary storm - yeesh. A friend here has a daughter who's at an internship in Puerto Rico but they got her & her dog out - whew.

    Happy September - let this be a month we all get our mojo. Cindy, you're my role model!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning,

    Karla, I make fresh salsa, actually more like a pico than a salsa, not a fan of cooked/canned or jarred salsa. I am very fortunate that the neighbor's over planted peppers this year. The tomatoes I bought at a farm market. I am always grateful for the free corn. They just bush hog it after the first picking has gone to market. So we are not taking money out of his pocket. It's a shame that you can't take fresh produce to any of the pantries to give away, they cannot take anything that is perishable and I do understand why but it just seems that there should be a way to give produce to those that want it. I am going to check into it for next year. See if I can put up a free corn stand somewhere near the cabin. There is so much ch poverty in that town. Your weekend filled with kids looked like fun. I know you missed them as much as they missed you when you were gone.

    Janet, I do miss my ggkids but the mother never seems to keep a phone for long and never keeps the same job or home. My grandson is a lazy, pothead and only speaks to us at Christmas, which is the only time we see the kids too. It would be so nice if the situation was not like this. We have tried to be involved but to no avail. Will have to shower his brothers child with all our pent up love. I so enjoy hearing the joy in your voice having James there with you.

    I managed to get one pot of tomatoes done, 2 more to go. Then the peppers. Mom day today then the gym. I think I need to really look at cutting some things out of my diet. It seems beef, tomatoes and onions are not living well in my GI tract. Going to make a concentrated effort to eliminate them, of course I love all three! Still have not made time to read Dr Storks book but I think it is now becoming a must.

    Off I go
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello again, lunch with the girls today followed by shopping and putting in my app at The other HL. Then pickling peppers and laundry. Gym was cancelled last night so I was able to use the time to get all the tomatoes done. My freezers are packed to the brim but will be taking a lot to the cabin. I have a chest freezer there too. Will be sharing some of the corn this weekend.

    Hope you are all having a great day. Praying Karla and her Dad are not in the path of Irma.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Spent the day doing little stuff around the house, some relaxing, some good, healthy meals. Tired - he's already toddled to his room and I'm about to follow - can finish watching tennis there (or fall asleep).
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early as I'm heading out for a visit. My student submitted her lesson plan 2 days in advance this time!

    Karla: No, I haven't given up my housekeeper. She just hasn't been around much this summer. She did come last week, but I only pay her for 2 hours (can't afford any more than that). I do the dusting, straightening, etc. I just like to keep the floor cleaned every week.

    Have a great day, everyone. Having Hi to everyone!
