OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, first and foremost stop being mad at yourself. It happened, you have moved on to a better day. It breaks my heart that you get hurt by his actions and attitudes. One thing for sure, you are an author and the kindness soul I know. Don't let him derail you and who you are.

    Janet, with all the positive vibes in the house the cats will adapt. So e xcited for you.

    My friend is still dry and has power. She thinks the worst is over in her area and I pray she is right. We are making plans for her to join me for YaYa weekend. That would be the icing on the cake for me. We had such a wonderful weekend. Nice dinner and wine with the neighbor's on Saturday and the. Yesterday we had a wonderful boat ride and late lunch at riverside burger joint. Need to call mom and get her grocery list and get my day moving. Did fix 1/2 of the jalapeño jam. May get the rest done befor I go to work. I also have a ton of banana peppers and more jalapeños I need to do something with soon. Really want to get a bushel or so of tomatoes and freeze some sauce. Not sure when I will find the time but I will somehow. Got a surprise call from the best friend of my SIL, who lives in AL, telling me she was going to be in town this week and wants to meet for dinner one night. She lived next door to my brother and SIL for 16 years and i have spent lots of time with her when I have visited them. She was also very close to my nephew who passed away. She is a nurse too. So looking forward to dinner with her on Thursday. She is so much fun.

    Time to get going, later
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, so heartbroken for your daughter and your family. Healing prayers for all.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Oh, Bert. No words. Just tears and prayers for all of you. Hugs.

    My friend is about an hour away so guess I'd better shower! Been very busy all day - now time to clean up my act. Hope he will be able to settle in and decompress here for a bit.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning all, Bert my heart bleeds for your daughter and family.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Dang it, where is the rest of my long post? Geez that makes me mad!!

    No time to rewrite!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm traveling today for a visit with my student teacher. I talked to Lindsey's mom last night. She's doing as well as can be expected. She wants to try again, so I'm praying that the "3rd time is the charm". Dan did well in his triathlon. He beat last year's time by 14 minutes.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, it's Mom day and my favorite day of the week. I did her shopping yesterday and we spent a couple hours just chatting away. She shared some memories of her and Dad's early years. Love hearing these stories. I will be spending time with her tomorrow too as she has a Drs appointment and wants me to take her to Aldis afterwards. So a triple treat week for me but will miss my gf lunch, they will carry on without me, lol.

    Bert, such a sad time but I hope the third time is a charm for her. Good luck with your student visit and congrats to Dan. What and accomplishment.

    Will check back this eve after the gym.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Damp cool day here but I'm not complaining- nothing compare to what others are going through in our great nation.
    Bert- My heart breaks for you family. Healing prayers.
    Janet- Have fun!!!!!
    Patti- did the jam jell better this time?
    Karla- I pray your travels are safe- can't wait to hear more about the trip.
    I think I'm coming down with a cold- watery eyes and a nasty headache- slept like a log but now this.. and a few sneezes thrown in for good measure- with Cape Cod on the horizon this is SO not a good time.
    Hugs to all
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, hope you are just dealing with allergies and are feeling your best for your trip. Positive, healthy and healing vibes coming your way. My jalapeño jam did not set, so I had to do "the fix" and it is fine now. I really think the problem was using frozen peppers and not draining them once they were thawed.

    Janet, by now I hope you two, plus cats, are all settled in and enjoying some down time. I know you both need it.

    Karla, such a sweet video of Jason walking Izzy home from the bus stop. I know you miss her but bet you are hating for your trip to be coming to an end. The beauty of retirement is that, at least Glenn, doesn't have to go back to work and you two can plan another adventure very soon.

    TRX was an upper body burner. My arms were like jello by the end but jello is a good thing! I have another 6 jars of jam to fix. Also need to cook up some sausage to use in my stuffed mushrooms and peppers. Better get on it or I will be up later than I want to be tonight.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    I'm still dealing with a headache but not as bad as yesterday- I wonder if I'm overtired as I slept like a log again last night. I keep watching CNN about the floods- it is heartbreaking to see people clinging to the hope of staying in their homes. We are supposed to have a sales meeting in Houston the week of 9/25 but I keep hoping they'll cancel it - I can't see how anything will be ready for at the hotel or surrounding area. I don't remember how long it took NOLA to recover after Katrina but I'm sure it was a while. I do know our resort is part of where the levee broke yesterday so I can't imagine its the least bit dry.
    It certainly would take a bit of pressure off me too.
    I'm struggling again yesterday with food but I know when I have that kind of headache I reach for comfort foods- I had hot cocoa and some cookies- but didn't beat myself up just own it and understand the why's of it all.
    Karla- how goes the trip home?
    Patti- You seem to enjoy the paces TRX puts you through. Nice!
    Janet- how's the house guest and kitty. Bella and Theo in hiding? ;)
    Bert- How is your family doing?
    Need to run- but I'll be back.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi, all. Things are well here.

    Cindy, fall allergy season is annoying - hope you continue to improve. It's started here too.

    Bert, Lindsey and all of you remain in my prayers. Third time's the charm, I hope/

    Patti, so happy for the joy of your mom time, and hooray for the jalapeño fix - sounds like you diagnosed so it won't happen next time. Yay!

    Karla, how are you re-planned adventures going?

    Suzi & Diane - miss you lots - you're never far from my thoughts.

    My friend (his name is James, by the way) arrived late Monday night - was at a dead stop for 2 1/2 hours on the highway because of an accident - people got out of cars, chatted, threw a football around. There were people of all ages and backgrounds and they all socialized. We ARE all human, beyond the philosophical differences we may have.

    He's keeping his cat in his room for now but given the Bella has started coming out, took treats and let him pet her last night, I'm hoping Itty can soon have the run of the house too.

    Eating will be better while he is here - he's had several medical things and is too thin because it's digestive stuff but am doing my best to make sure he eats well. Whipped up a taco salad last night with ground turkey, added a can of black beans an some green chiles to the meat. I usually have most of the ingredients around and it's easy.

    So far it's going well - he seems to be settling in fine and we are good enough friends that we can say, "Please don't do that." It's nice to have him here - hope it gives him a safe place to decompress after the rushed departure. As many of us do, he was a bit behind the curve in preparing so it was frantic, but his son helped him load the truck & move his stuff into storage until he resettles in the west. He sent stuff here with me and loaded his truck up as well. He's a good roommate!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello ladies, Mom's Dr appointment went well. So nice to find her a Dr that is not too busy and has time to listen to her. She is feeling so good now that her blood pressure is normal. Has more energy and doesn't feel exhausted all the time. She doesn't have to go back for 3 months. We made a short trip to Aldis before getting her back home. Will need to pick up her meds and drop off tomorrow. The hat will be 4 days in a row for us seeing each other and we still have stuff to talk about, lol. Work tonight will be a killer as the district manager comes tomorrow so everything will need to be perfect before we leave tonight. Oh well, I am off next week so can't complain too much. Looking forward to dinner with my SILs friend tomorrow night.

    Cindy, good attitude and insight on your eating. I am with you, highly doubt you will be heading to Houston anytime in the foreseeable future.

    Janet, thanks for taking time to stop in and update us on your new roommates arrival. I know you will both settle into a very comfortable routine quickly. And I bet you fatten him up nicely. Just having the stress of the move behind him should help with his appetite. Love it when you have a relationship where you can be honest and comfortable with each other.

    Suzi, where are you now?

    Diane, awaiting more pics from the road. You both are such great photographers.

    Karla, I know you are soaking up the sites and loving your special retirement time with Glenn. What a great way to kick it off.

    Need to stuff some peppers for the freezer. Sure hope I can find space, it is getting pretty full.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning and welcome to Thursday.
    Nothing much going on in the land of Mass other than starting to pack for the Cape. I had to order a couple of bars for the new bike rack but Rick is ready to hook them up. Packing tomorrow night and a quick run to the grocery store tonight. The milk I bought Tuesday was sour- yuck.
    Maybe that means pancakes for dinner :)
    I hope everyone is doing well.
    I'll check back later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi ladies, got asked to go in to work at 3pm yesterday and didn't get off until 1am! Big mistake is an understatement. Basically everything in the store is on sale so we had to put up a bazillion sale signs in addition to doing all the usual closing cleaning up. I could barely walk when I left and my feet are screaming today. I need to go to the grocery and pick up some stuff for Mom and get her Rx, plus stuff for my stuffed mushrooms for the gender reveal.

    Cindy, enjoy your vacation. I know you could certainly use the down time.

    Missing our usual chatty group but we go through these quiet phases and that is just a part of our little family life here.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi Cindy, Bert, Janet and Patti!! Good to be home, but sad to be off vacation. It was nice not to have to cook and clean for three weeks!!

    I loved the Colorado, Utah and Nevada mountains. They were so unique!! Of course I have seen the Smokies, Ozarks and even North Alabama mountains, but these were so different! The Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing was my highlight! There are 360 members in the choir and they sing with a full orchestra, including a Harp!! We took two tours in the Temple Square.

    I have been at work trying to resolve a software issue. Still not fixed and the guy is fixing to call me back. Just wanted to say hello!!

    More news later and personable.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    The Mormon Tabernacle choir.. 360 member strong. Beautiful.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Us so happy
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Meteor National Monunent
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    The Mormon a temple lit up at night.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Coming into Urah