OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Taking a break and thought I would drop in. It was a very busy and fun-filled weekend. The peach jalapeño jam (sauce) was a hit. I mixed it with BBQ sauce and some of last year's jalapeño jam and everyone but me tried it on the ribs. People now I need to make more and will use some hotter peppers for Edd. My jalapeño plants at the river yielded quite a lot of peppers. The neighbors also gave me a ton of banana peppers plus we picked 20-25 dozen ears of corn. So Edd is shucking and I am cutting it off the cob, bagging and freezing. Hope to be done by midnight. It is supposed to storm on Tuesday so I am going to mom's tomorrow. Will need to run her to the bank, get gas in her car, take her for lab work and then we are going out to lunch. We also need to change her bed and defrost her freezer. Then it's off to work. So if you don't hear fme on you know why. Well break time is over and I have lots of corn to clean.

    I will be viewing the eclipse on tv.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Eclipse Day! I have a doctor's appt at 2:30, right in the middle of the eclipse! I'm going to stream it live on tv/phone as we couldn't get any glasses. That's fine with me as I don't want to take any chances either.

    I have a PT work out this morning. I really need it as I need to get back in my routine of going to the gym. It's always difficult during the summer to keep my routine as there is so much to do in the yard and house in the summer time. Hopefully things will calm down a bit. I'm heading to Chicago this weekend to watch Dylan and Penny while Dan prepares and competes in his Triathlon. I'm so proud of him for doing this. This is his 3rd year.

    Not happy with the scale at all! I need to focus!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Magic is off to the proof reader- so happy. I had the entire day to myself and what a treat.
    After a 32 minute bike ride, it was shower, pedicure, groceries, writing, laundry, more writing, garden, more writing, put up 4 containers of tomatoes and you guessed it more writing.
    Whew- I feel like I was an author yesterday. Rick got home after 10 last night. He had great time with his son- for which I'm very happy as there was a point he didn't want to go.
    But they're talking about next year.
    Eclipse means I'm in my office today- thankful no one I know will be outside - so we'll be safe. Its only a partial in MA.
    Karla- glad to hear you're having a great time.
    Bert- I love that you're incorporating your flowers into the bath- I can't wait to see the pictures.
    Janet- thanks for commenting on the blog yesterday- I will pet them for you. Enjoy SC- where are you exactly.
    Patti- What a whirl wind you are- glad the jam aka bbq sauce was a hit. I'm still eating my running apple jam from last season- I have two jars left and its almost apple season so I'll be making a new batch and I'm triple checking the pectin dates.
    I took a walk Friday night and Saturday bike so I'm good for two days of exercise. Put new batteries in my old fit bit so I'm back focused on movement- eating is till good and yesterday I had planned indulgences.
    Have a great Monday.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. One more day of hot and humid and then we are to get a break with great weather. I'm looking forward to it. Today is a BFF day; shopping and lunch.

    I'm having another test run to rule out the gall bladder. It doesn't matter what I eat, I have heartburn and nausea right after I eat. I'm hoping it's just acid reflux and nothing else.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI All-
    I rode the bike for 20 minutes last night after work. May not sound like much but i was really on the fence, it's only 20 minutes, is it worth it? But I did it and felt proud of myself for the accomplishment. 20 is better than zero.
    Still eating lots of salads and protein with small amounts of carbs at the end of the day. I'm trying to eat those at breakfast. Feeling in control but still avoiding the scale. This will be a long slow process and although I'd like to drop these pounds quickly I don't want them to come back again.
    but it does go on SO easy....
    Janet- Did you enjoy the eclipse in SC?
    Patti- did you get any rest?
    Bert I am so sorry you continue to have issues- hopefully they can find out the cause soon and get you feeling great again.
    Diane- if you're checking in how was the eclipse for you?
    Karla- where in the world are you now? ;)
    Need to get moving but thinking of you all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning all, yesterday went by in a flash. Mom and I got all our scheduled tasks and errands done. Work was better than it has been in a while. Actually got out on time. Today I am going to work on canning some peppers and making jam. Will then hit the gym. Tomorrow is lunch with the girls and finally getting this skunk stripe covered up. Had to skip last month for Mom's Dr appointment so it is pretty wide.

    Cindy, you are rocking it. A 20 minute bike ride is something to crow about. Your LR day sounds perfect! So happy to see things going down a positive path for you.

    Bert, hope they find what is wrong and fix it. Very discouraging to have symptoms like that no matter what you eat.

    Janet, hope you had clear skies for your viewing. Have missed you here but I know you are in the best place, with the best person.

    Karla, Suzi and Diane, hope your travels are happy and safe.

    Time to put my domestic diva hat on and get this canning done.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Shoot - just lost a long post.

    Bert, what did doc say?

    Cindy, you are Polly Productive! You too, Patti - do you have a corn stripper or do you use a knife. That must hurt.

    Eclipse was something otherworldly. If you ever get the chance, GO to totality. An amazing experience, quite spiritual too. More later when I have time. Hugs to all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi all. We are in an absolutely breathtaking resort in Park City, Utah, just 18 miles outside of Salt Lake City. This is a brand new resort Wyndham just opened. The suite is out of this world. The Steamboat Springs resort was more rustic, but also very nice. Both had fireplaces. The evenings and mornings are awesome up here. You would love it Janet. Thirty or more degrees difference at night. We stopped at the Dinosauer monument marker yesterday and watched a movie there. It showed several movies that were shot here. Remember in Forest Gump when he was doing his walk across the country and had the people following him? The beautiful mountains on either side of the road is right here.

    Cindy- You are doing great. Glenn and I are planning our workout routine when we return. I read your blog too and it made me miss my Millie.

    Patti- Denver was a huge city and the traffic was awful. The mountains in Colorado were majestic.

    Bert- It sounds like reflux to me as gallbladderbattacks are sharp stabbing pains in your right side. I went off my opeprazole last month and am controlling mine with diet best I can. Long term reflux medicines have questionable side effects and only cover the problem, not fix it per Glenn's colon doctor.

    Janet- I hate it when I lose a long post. I finally figured out if you hit the upper "done" instead of the lower one, it doesn't save your post. Deceiving! We had 92% here in the eclipse and was disappointed it was still so bright out. I've enjoyed all the pictures we've viewed. How is your foot and back holding up with all the travel? Sitting in a car long term kills my back.

    We are going into Salt Lake City today to see either the Mormon Temple buildings or the Lake. Good day for it as it is cloudy, but not rainy. I have a massage appointment with my Massage Envy membership back in Park City. I have an orthopedist appointment Thursday with a hip specialist. But we trudge along! Tomorrow there is a Farmers Market near our hotel, I love these. I'm crazy about an olive oil soap I bought with Wild Zirkel Rose fragrance. Smells up the bathroom just sitting there! It's wonderful on your skin too.

    Glenn is calling me to finish getting ready. Our country is so awesome.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karle- yep, I hit "Done" & realized immediately what I had done. Duh. Yes, mountainous parts of CO are stunning. I like Denver too but on a trip like yours, being in nature is a bonus, especially in terrain different from home.

    Keep enjoying every moment.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Janet- Just did two tours in the Mormon Temple. Such history. Beautiful buildings, people and flowers. Coming back Thursday for the 360 person famous choir practice. Going for my massage shortly.

    Making memories.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Just got back from TRX, another great class. I made another batch of jam and used more pectin and it still didn't set up like I thought it would. Oh well it was very tasty according to Edd. I made it much hotter this time because that's the way he likes it (did you hear that song in your head?)

    Karla, you are in for such a treat tomorrow. I will never forget when I heard and saw them sing for their live broadcast. Be prepared for goosebumps at the very least. I hate the traffic in Denver, it wasn't that bad when I lived there. When I visit now I stay out of town and get as close to the mountains as I can. Hope there is nothing seriously wrong with your hip.

    Need to get some dinner going soon. I really need to work on a new eating plan. I am so far off course and it seems all I want to do is eat junk! The saltier and crunchier the better.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    It's a humid hump day- not at all what they had predicted- but oh well. I've looked at the long range forecast as we leave for Cape Cod on the 2nd and so far the weather looks cool but really nice. I ordered a bike rack for my car and I want us to take our bikes there are lots of good trails around where we will be staying.
    Karla- enjoy today- the memories will last a life time.
    Patti- sorry the jam didn't gel- can you really think about what the salt and crunch are calling to you- are you missing some nutrients?
    Janet- all rested up from the trip home?
    Bert- is the bathroom complete?
    Diane and Suzi- hope the travel is wonderful for you both.
    I need to run- another busy day -
    Until later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is Molly's checkup. She's much better and isn't coughing as much, so hopefully she will continue on the medicine long term. We plan to open windows today as the temps are to be in the 70's and 50's at night. I'm going to ask the vet before we open them to see if it's a good idea for Molly.

    Karla: It probably is reflux, but I want to rule out gall bladder. It feels like a huge lump in my stomach after I eat and I'm also nauseaous (sp?) after meals.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, having coffee with my favorite ladies is always a great way to start my day. Lunch, hair, shopping and work...that's how my day will go from here.

    Cindy, I love riding bikes, we rarely do any more since I started going to the gym. Taking them to Cape Cod sounds like a great idea and should make for a lovely trip. I bet the trails there are beautiful. You really are doing so much to take care of you, you should be proud of yourself. The salty, crunchy thing is just my favorite type of food. Like sweets for some, I get started and just can't stop. My "giveadarn" seems to broken or at least bent right now.

    Bert, good news for Molly and hope this is a long term fix. Have they checked you for hiatal hernia? You are wise to have your gallbladder checked. Not all gallbladder symptoms are sharp pain. Hope they figure it out soon so you can feel better.

    Good vibrations for your day everyone
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies- well the massage just about took me out afterwards. I could barely walk and had to cling to the walls. No worst this morning and can creep around. On the heating pad now.

    Bert- Do you ever spit up after eating? That is the usual symptom for hiatal hernia, just as a sharp pain in the upper right side is one of the symptom of a gallbladder issue. What about ulcers? I know this is a very uncomfortable feeling whatever it is. Maybe an EGD is needed to look at your esophagus and opening to the stomach. Or have you had one?

    Cindy- Yes you feel so in control and it is coming through in your words. You always are calm and at peace in all your functions now, and for that I am so happy for you.

    Patti- Lets not regain all of the weight we originally lost in 2011-2012. I was shocked at the Urgent Care. When is your next doctor appointment that they wanted you to lose 10 pounds by? Carbs are the worst for weight gain, and once limited it allows you to lose. Good luck.

    Janet- I hope you and your kitties are cuddling. I know they are so happy to see you return each trip.

    I better get in the shower, we have the Farmers Market today at 11:30 and I love going to them. We may go antique shopping too. Tomorrow we are going back to Salt Lake City for the lake and to hear the Mormon tabernacle choir. So excited!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Rough night sleeping last night Have been awake since 4:00 am! My joints and muscles are screaming as I painted the downstairs hallway yesterday. I guess it was too much getting off and on the step ladder and tilting my neck and shoulders during the painting process. Today is a busy day: finish the second coat in the hallway, meet my friend (former principal who has cancer), visit my other friend who had a heart attack, meet my campus field students, and then prepare Sunday's worship service. I'm heading to Chicago on Saturday to watch Dylan and Penny while Dan prepares for his Triathlon on Sunday. Dan and Annie are staying in town as his race starts early Sunday morning. I'm so proud of him.

    Karla: No, I don't spit up after I eat...I'm just nauseous and sometimes I feel like there's a huge lump in my stomach when I eat certain foods. I've not had my esophagus looked at either. Somewhat leary about that.....isn't that what Joan Rivers had done?

    I'm definitely NOT happy with the scales! I'm trying so hard, and need to make healthier choices. I eat out too much. I'm working on it though.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    It's a sunny mild Thursday in the Berkshires- just perfect weather but it is a harbinger of fall in the air too.
    I've started tracking my food again as of today- slowly incorporating things back into my plan so I don't feel overwhelmed. Rick is off for the next two days so my LR will be somewhat screwy- but I will deal with it. We'll go to camp earlier than I had planned.
    Karla- will you have room in the car for all your new purchases :) Sorry the massage wasn't a positive experience- you should let someone know.
    Patti- Curious did you use powdered pectin for the jam- You can find your mojo again-
    Bert- I hope the doctors can resolve your issues soon- maybe that is why you're having trouble losing weight too.
    Janet- missing you...
    Need to run but I'll be back
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    OH the joys of a clear liquid diet with the prep this evening. I am going to run to Hibby Lobby before that fun begins, lol.

    Bert, I want to allay your fears about upper endoscopy, as it is probably the best diagnostic tool for your current symptoms. Joan Rivers went in complaining of hoarseness and sore throat. She was scheduled for an endoscopy but her ENT Dr was also in the procedure room and decided to do a laryngoscopy to look at her throat (something Joan had not consented to or planned for). The laryngoscopy was done before and after the endoscopy. During the second one her oxygen levels dropped and she was not properly treated. During her recovery her heart rate and oxygen levels dropped to critical levels and again she was not properly treated. So please don't let her outcome affect your decision.
    I hope your time in Chicago is more relaxing that these past two days!

    Cindy, you are my new role model. I need to channel my inner Cindy and get back on track. Enjoy your extra time at camp, get an extra bike ride in and let the wind fly through your hair. I used powdered pectin. I think I should have used more since my peaches were very juicy. It is actually almost better as a sauce. Easy to pour over cream cheese or add to other sauces. I did buy some liquid pectin for the n still batch.

    Karla, hope your hip is better. Sorry the message was counter productive. Hope it doesn't keep you from your planned activities, they sound wonderful.

    Janet, hope you are well and just taking some much needed introvert time.

    I am going to make some jalapeño jam today, do laundry and pack for the weekend. I had something else on my list, which was in my head, but can't remember what it was. Hopefully it will come to me.

    Time to scoot, really hoping Hobby Lobby is hiring and is as flexible as Joann's. It is closer to home and pays more (I think)
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Got home last night - cats are very glad I'm home. Long but beautiful drive, though not exactly introvert time - had several phone calls and lots of traffic, but the scenery and knowing home & cats were at the end of it kept me going.

    Karla, sorry the massage was so rough on you. Hope the strs of it passes quickly. I'd love to hear the Tabernacle Choir live - hope you enjoyed for all of us. Are you taking purchases or having them shipped?

    Patti, the jam/sauce/whatever still sounds yummy! Good luck with the prep, etc.

    Cindy, you are my heroine on so many fronts. Hugs.

    Bert, I've also had an endoscopy - no sweat. Patti is right. You're right to get everything checked/ruled out. Hope Molly continues to improve.

    Suzi & Diane - miss you both!

    My friend is going to stay here for a bit after he leaves SC - will be interesting to see how the cat stuff works out - I adore his cat but it may be dicey here with my two, at least for starters. He'll decompress and regroup before he heads west to see family and then resettle in the area he wants to be in. Gonna be nice to have him around for a bit - glad I have a nice guest room and spare bathroom! He really has become like a brother/best friend. Maybe having him here will help me get back on track - less grazing & having someone to cook for/with will force me to think more about what's going into my mouth.

    Have a great rest of the day - love to you all.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Patti- good luck with Hobby Lobby- and they're closed every Sunday ...

    Janet welcome home!