OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Whew, day is done. Up early for mammogram, appointment time was 8:20, arrived at 8:10 and was in my car driving home at 8:19! My kind of efficiency. Lunch and shoppping, 4 summer tops for $28, calling that a victory. Work, now that is another story and we will leave it untold except to say they are wearing me out! I hate to complain about my feet but I truly believe it is one of those things for which I will never find a fix. Can't remember a time when they did not hurt. At least my knee seems to be taking a break, lol

    Diane, enjoy your brief but busy trip home. Am truly enjoying your gorgeous picturesque no following your adventures. You certainly have an artist's eye.

    Hi to all, need to put my feet up, actually think I will go completely horizontal.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early this morning as I'm heading to the hospital to be with the family for my friend who had the heart attack. They are inserting a defibulator (sp?) under her skin. I so hope that this will be the answer for her. She's not doing too well.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hello before I leave for my mammogram & bone density scan (great minds, Patti, but I have to be there half an hour early.)

    Safe and happy travels, Diane & John!

    Bert, implanted defibrillators can do wonders - hope your friend gets just what she needs to recover and stay healthy.

    Patti, sorry work is burning you out. Feet are annoying, aren't they? Grateful to be still able to stand an walk contrary to early predictions but the pain is no fun.

    Have a great day, everyone - I'm off to the indignity.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening to our light but faithful group.

    Bert, prayers for your friend that the defibrillator helps her. So hard to sit by when those we care for are ill.

    Janet, hope up you get good results from your testing. I knew you would understand about the foot pain. Just can't seem to find a shoe or insert that works. Rest seems to be the only fix and who has time for that!

    Karla, hope you stop in from time to time or post some pictures from the trip as you go. We are all living vicariously through our travelers.

    Great day here. Got all my laundry done. Made a light blocking curtain for mom. Did some mending while I had the sewing machine out. Cooked some ribs with Korean BBQ sauce in the crock pot. TRX was awesome. The trainer is really pushing us: trying new things, adding more weights and increasing the amount of time we do each exercise. We started doing bench presses on Tuesday. I was able to do 30 presses easily at 45 pounds, so he upped the weight to 55 pounds and I did 15 but not easily. Today he increased it to 65 pounds and I was only able to do 2 sets of 5. I am amazed the feeling of power this gives me. Th other girls in the class are all doing about what I am and expressed how powerful it makes them feel. Still have some things to do so we can leave tomorrow after the gym tomorrow.

    Until tomorrow
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, I have no idea what you're talking about, but congrats!

    Mammogram was fine - report went to primary care nurse practitioner this afternoon and she sent a secure email late afternoon.

    Hoping for good sleep here - have PT in the morning & don't want to go. I just need several consecutive days of time to work in stuff but maybe Kabor Day weekend!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My friend had two procedures yesterday. The first one was to put 3 leads into her heart; however, the 3rd lead which was to help pump the blood would not stay in the muscle, so they were able to do it yesterday afternoon. The were successful the second time. She also has COPD. She is in intensive care for a few days. I'm so thankful that the procedures were successful.

    Today I travel for my mammogram and OBGYN appointment.

    I took Molly to the vet again for coughing. They took xrays and discovered she has a collapsing trachea. I'm hoping the medication they gave her will help control the issue. She needs to stay calm, wear a harness for her leash, and limit outside time. She didn't like the harness when we tried to put it on her (let the vet do it with no problem), so we decided to keep it on her and just attach the leash to it when she goes out.

    My countertop FINALLY came. The agreement was that the place where I bought it would deliver it at no charge and carry it upstairs. They were very nice and it's now in the bathroom! We could tell the way they carried it, the first one was definitely damaged in shipping.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick good morning, off to the gym, then to the cabin. I think it will be a relatively quiet weekend but one never knows. I wish I could get my eating under control. I was thinking about hypnosis but I don't know if they can hypnotize the apathy out of me. I am not eating due to stress and definitely not out of boredom. I just love food, love to cook and don't seem to understand why I can't eat anything I want. Is that fixable by hypnosis? I need discipline and that seems to be sorely lacking in the food arena. Any suggestions are welcome. Really need to figure this one out sooner than later.

    Janet, I certainly hope you get some down time before Labor Day! How much more time do you have in PT?

    Bert, prayers continue for your friend. Doing a happy dance for the counters safe arrival and installation. Did you get the door in?

    Karla, safe travels and happy adventures

    Enjoy this gorgeous weekend all

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    TGIF, ladies!

    Bert, good news on your friend - having you visit has to cheer her too. And huzzah for finally getting the bathroom finished! It feels so good when it comes together. How are our gardens doing? Welcome to the mammogram club!

    Patti, nothing wrong with a quiet weekend at the cabin. I'm with you on apathy right now.

    Karla, you must be getting really excited about your trip - what a joy it is to have Glenn retired and both of you able to visit his family and see so much of this magnificent country.

    Diane, did you make it back east without major hassles?

    Suzi, missing you here - hope every day is more beautiful than the next.

    Cindy, hope you have a tranquil weekend.

    Had PT this morning, ran a few errands, treated myself to a pretty straw hat on clearance at Off Fifth (shaped like Ingrid Bergman's hat at the end of "Casablanca") and weather here is iffy so glad to be here. Hoping for a quiet weekend here - have a couple of things to return, need groceries, but otherwise hope to devote myself to house-related stuff for a few days because next weekend I'll be off to SC

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I get to stay home this morning! I need to get Power Point done for church and also tidy up the house. Then this afternoon is a pulled pork fundraiser dinner for the church. I'm hoping it will raise the same amount as the turkey dinner did. Good news from the doctor visits....the mammogram was normal and the doctor said everything else looks normal. I'm happy about that.

    My friend is doing better. She was able to feed herself yesterday and is breathing better. Praise the Lord! I'm going to see her this afternoon before heading to church. Molly seems to be doing a little better too! She is still coughing but not as often.

    Patti: I hear ya! I need more discipline, too. I need to prepare ahead of time and stick to what I prepare. I need to stock my fridge with healthy options as well. I have salad items, but am not cutting up veggies, etc. ahead of time. So, that is my plan this week, plus exercise more by going to the gym more regularly. I have been very lax this summer with my gym time.

    Janet: The bathroom is almost finished! My guy needs to finish the entry door and also hang a mirror and then it will be done! Hallelujah!

    Have a great day, everyone! Waving hi to everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Impromptu gathering of almost all the road folks last night. Just reinforced what wonderful people they all are. Hashed out details for the annual pig roast. Now getting ready to go boating with DIL, her sis and the neighbors. Dinner is prepped and will just need to be tossed on the grill. Then hoping for clear skies so we can see the Perseid meteor shower, supposed to be one of the most prolific this year. Gotta run
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The pulled pork dinner wasn't as well attended as they had hoped. The kitchen crew worked very hard, and I feel sorry for them as they were quite disappointed. The food was delicious. Perhaps it's just the time of year.

    I am happy to announce that I'm going to be a grandma again and again. Lindsey is having twins! I was hestitant to say anything as she won't be finished with her first trimester until Labor Day. However, I saw that that announced it on Facebook this morning. I pray that everything is going well. I think I can breathe easier when she has completed her first trimester. We are very excited!

    Jillian will be 7 on Thursday. I just can't believe how quickly the kids are growing up.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, how wonderful!!!!! Big grin here. Tough time of year for the dinner - mmmm, pulled pork!

    Patti, did you see the Perseids? I wandered out briefly a bit after 4 AM but it was clouded over.

    Karla, hope you are having a blast on the road - many laughs, good food, a few bargains, and time to enjoy the scenery and your sweetheart.

    Cindy, did you get a decent weather weekend?

    It's gotten way hot again here - have a Walmart pickup of some groceries at 3, may run a couple of other errands beforehand. Got lovely corn & tomatoes at a roadside tent yesterday & will partake later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Home again! We took a 5 hour boat ride yesterday then shared dinner with the neighbors. We all sat on the deck and watched the skies until about midnight when the clouds rolled in. Did see 7 shooting stars and something else on fire in the sky. Edd swears it was a Chinese lantern but it was way to bright and moving too fast. It remains a mystery. I got back up at 4am and saw 3 more in 10 minutes but decided I was enjoying sleeping more than watching the sky by myself so called it a successful night and went back to the warmth and comfort of my bed. Today was a lazy day, just a bit of cleaning and packing. Tomorrow I am meeting my daughter for breakfast, then grocery shopping. Got my mammo results and all is well there, yeah! This week I will have a crown removed and tooth filled and have temp crown made. Next week is colonoscopy and that is hopefully the end of medical stuff for the year.

    Bert, twins, how exciting for you but understand feeling a bit nervous until she hits the end of her first trimester. Sorry about the poor turnout for the dinner but it is difficult to reign folks in during these last days of summer.

    Janet, won't be long and you will be back on the coast with your dear friend. I think you should post a pic of you in your new hat. I bet you look smashing in it.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    PS, I have harvest d 3 tomatoes so far....all small but tasty. I have about 5 banana peppers and about 10 jalapeños so far. Not a bumper crop, this farming stuff is hard, lol!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Breakfast is tracked! Today is burning day as I haven't burned in awhile. Our leaves/tree limbs piles are getting better, but will take many days to get things taken care of. My bathroom should be finished in two days!

    Patti: I had a crown done a couple of weeks ago. I'm hoping my medical appointments are done for a while, too; however, my stomach is giving me fits again. I did pretty well with the medicine, but the prescription is done. I'm to call if it continues and they will perform another test to watch the gall bladder in action. I'm trying to watch what I eat, but it doesn't matter. Anything bothers my stomach.

    I have a student who I found out over the weekend works in the same school as Annie, in Chicago! I'll get to see Dyla and Penny while visiting my student and also get to claim the's a win/win!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, that's a huge win! More time with Penny & Dylan AND getting mileage reimbursement. I used to love it when a business trip took me near friends - bonus.

    Cindy, are you back at the grind today? How was your vacation?

    Have taken Bella to vet for blood draw, now venturing out to try to find eclipse glasses for next Monday. Lots to do but that's my Monday priority.

    Big hugs to all.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies- I'm back- this is a short drive by to mark my spot but at least I've read all. I'll be back a bit later.
    Review day with the boss...
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    good afternoon,

    Bert what a great bonus to your student mentoring. So happy to hear the bathroom is nearly done.

    Janet, hope you find the glasses. Did you see the post on FB about them from the eye specialist that I shared? Don't think I am going to chance it. Watching mom go through all her eye issues I am super cautious.

    Cindy, welcome back. Bet your review was stellar. Can't wait to hear about your vacation.

    Breakfast was Susie was a chat fest and passed too quickly. Had my shopping day all planned but it did not go like I thought. Krogers and Fresh Thyme were offering BOGO deals on beef roasts and Meijers had BOGO on pork chops. Aldis had a wrist BP cuff for $20. So Aldis went fine and I even ran into an old friend I have not seen in a while, so nice catching up with her. Then went to Freah Thyme only to discover that sale starts Wednesday. Checked the Kroger add before venturing there and same thing, starts Wednesday! At least Meijers sal started yesterday. So now I will have to grocery shop after I get through at the dentist on Thursday. Also could not find my keys this morning. Thought I left them in the door at the cabin but my neighbor there checked and they were no where to be found. Had to wake Edd up to get his set, he was more gracious than I would have been. My daughter was helpful and told me to check the freezer....which I did, lol. Found them in my tote bag, which I had checked multiple times before waking Edd. Ok off to work and pray it will be better than the last 3 Monday's but sincerely doubt it will be.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, what an "interesting" day! At least you don't need to worry that someone you don't know has them. Yes, got glasses. A local coffee chain is selling them for $1/pair with purchase - sponsored by one of the local TV stations, so they're legit. By 2 this afternoon the location ran out - glad I went this morning. I remember a partial eclipse from childhood - we used white cardboard and aluminum foil to make pinhole cameras.

    Been kinda lazy this afternoon after a busy morning - think it will be an Advil PM night here."
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It is supposed to rain this afternoon, so I'll be out in a little while to burn tree limbs/leaves for a while.

    Patti: Glad you found your keys. Coupons and ads are frustrating, especially the ones from Kohl's I only shop at Kohl's for Christmas and Back to School. Their coupons and Kohl's Cash are frustrating to me.

    Janet: I might go to our local TV station to get glasses. That's a great idea! I remember doing the same thing as a kid, making your own "camera". Funny the things we remember. Last night was a Melatonin night for me. For me, I slept pretty well.

    My brother is going to try to drive tomorrow. It's been a year since his diagnosis and I'm so proud of the progress he's made. He's still trying to get off the Opiates for pain. I hope he can get that done in the near future.

    Have a great day, everyone!
