OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Oh Janet how I love this picture of you. Your smile is so perfect and I nailed it with the Audry Hepburn reference. You look so totally relax d and happy for a non beach/sun person.

    Diane, our dock floats. It is built on a house trailer frame and has huge sheets of styrofoam under it. There are poles thru opposite corners so it stays in place as it rises and falls. The blue thing is the walkway that bridges the gap between the permanent pier and the floating dock. It is a ladder that is covered in outdoor carpet. It is hinge bolted to the pier and has small wheels on the other end so that it can move with the dock without gouging the wood.

    Karla, by looking at the pics on FB I would say Glenn seems to be slipping into retirement quite nicely.

    Lunch was so fun with the girls. My friend who had her rotator cuff repaired is doing amazing. She hasn't needed a pain pill in over 2 weeks. She goes to therapy once a week for now and has a few exercises to do on her own. Got a little shopping done before work. Tomorrow I need to get the groceries for the weekend, go to the gym, laundry and pack. Seems like I could write ditto last week! So looking forward to my grandson and his wife coming this weekend. They are just the sweetest couple, so in love, so perfect for each other and a baby on the way too. So proud of them both.

    Time to get to bed, no alarm tomorrow!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Something is going right with the bathroom. While trying to clean up in there a couple of weeks ago, I noticed a "gouge" in one of the surrounds. I found a guy who is a representative of the company, and he came yesterday to repair it and the company covered the cost! It looks good. Now, if my guy can get the door finished once and for all, it will be done when the 2nd countertop comes (at no cost to us) What's two more weeks of waiting, huh?

    I'm watching Cole and Jillian this evening as both Greg and Carrie have their Open Houses tonight. So glad I don't have to do that anymore.

    Breakfast is tracked. I do well with breakfast and most of the time, lunch. It's always dinner that challenges me. Have a great day, everyone!!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Diane, sunset over the Pacific sounds divine - I know you and John are soaking in the beauty of this land.

    Bert, nice to have something go RIGHT with your bathroom! Now if that countertop would just arrive early. Enjoy the kids.

    Patti, should be a gorgeous weekend at the cabin (after the storms, that is). Breathe deep and enjoy the water.

    Karla, looks like you had a blast at the amusement park yesterday - the kids are all so cute! I think Papa likes retirement - heaven knows he's earned it! Enjoy the party.

    Cindy, are you at camp this weekend or staying in your backyard oasis? Either way, hope you get some sun.

    Suzi, hope Ellis is making you and Dave laugh a lot - he sure looks like a little sparkplug of fun.

    Off to do a grocery run, etc., then home to work on laundry & other stuff - cleaner postponed to Saturday so I have more time to get some things accomplished. The cats remain clingy (no surprise given that I've spent more time away than home the past two weeks.

    Have a great day - may summer fruits & veggies make your senses smile this weekend.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    So nice to see our peeps checking in-
    Janet- you look fantastic at the beach- even tho' you're not a beach person you could have fooled me...
    Diane- are you towing a car with you on your travels? You should relaxed and happy. I'm staying away from the scale as I don't want to be obsessed about it- but it might be my imagination but my clothes do feel a bit different and my meno-roll, the middle of me, seems to be less. I'll check in another few weeks.
    Patti- so happy to hear your friend is doing well after surgery. Thanks for the dock explanation.
    Karla- I need to hope on face book and check out your pics- I'm sure you're having a great time.
    Bert- I did a jig for you when you talked about the bathroom- seems like you're very close. Have fun with the kids tonight- is the dinner battle portion control, seconds or what. Can we help with some new ideas?
    We are technically on vacation next week and we're going to try and spend a few days at camp if it doesn't rain- I want to get a new laptop next week as I'm giving Megan mine so we can work on my audio books. Also we promised Em to help her clean carpets and paint at her new house- the living room has 10' ceilings and with Jim working so much right now, as he in high season, its time for Mom to step in a bit. So the week will be busy and I do want to get a few things done at home. I'd love to start gathering stuff for a tag sale in the fall. I have having stuff around- just to have stuff around.
    But I will be in on plan- being a bit empty in my stomach is my friend, and I'm taking care of me and my health. :)
    So life is humming along.
    I'll be back
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop as I get ready to head out the door. Mom has a short list of things she wants but doesn't need immediately, according to her, but I try to pick them up as soon as she mentions she wants/needs something. Decided that I will make my thanksgiving ham,mashed potatoes and deviled eggs for Saturday night. My grandson could eat his weight in this meal and only gets them at the holidays. He will be happy to take the leftovers too!

    Cindy, sounds like you have a plateful planned for your vacation. Hope you keep that bubble up and working so that you have time for you. I know how much it means to help our kids when we can.

    Bert, good news on the bathroom fix. So hope it will be done soon. Enjoy the kiddos.

    Janet, bet it was a reprieve to have the cleaner reschedule. Hope you don't overdo.

    Out the door I go
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello everyone! We have had a ball with the grandkids the last two days. Glenn has really relaxed and loves being retired. We got his first pension deposit right on August 1st and enrolled in the company medical and dental plans today, also effective August 1st. So all is falling in place nicely. We went shopping at the outlet shops and he bought new clothes with his retirement gift cards. I scored two Fossil crossover purses and some Capri pants from Talbot's. Life is good.

    Diane- Great to read your posts!! You are over where we plan on vacationing next year. Over in California coastline. I am dying to see the redwood trees and visit the Hearst Mansion. I have a lifelong girlfriend, her name is Diane too, in Arizona I want to stop and visit too. I am so excited to be leaving on the 12th to start our new adventure. I want to tour the Denver Federal mint as my dad and I are big coin collectors. Also Glenn has a cousin there we want to meet up with.

    Cindy- Another week off next week for you, how nice. What kind of laptop are you getting? I've had Dell, HP, Gateway and Acer. I like Dell the best!

    Patti- Congrats to your grandson and his wife. Are they both finished with college? I know he used to stop by your house between classes. Have fun at the cabin again this weekend!

    Janet- I am shocked you went to the beach, I hope you got a tiny glimmer of why so many people love to sit there and look at it. You looked like Barbara Hershey in Beaches sitting there. A movie with her and Bette Midler I dearly love. I know your friend means the world to you and I pray his health improves.

    Bert- Bathroom woes will soon be behind you!

    I best go start a light dinner for Glenn and I. He is so sweet and loving now not being so dog tired. He slept all wrapped around me last night. I love it!!

    Later my friends,
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. We have a break in the hot/humid weather today. I'm very happy to let the AC take a break. Today I'm having my permanent crown put in. Then I'll return to address my flower gardens which have taken it's toll during the heat.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good Friday morning ladies and welcome to cooler weather, in the Midwest anyway. So excited to have my grandson and his wife coming this weekend. It has been far too long since they have been there but school, work and marriage have kept them away. Karla, my grandson is stil working on his MPA. Had planned to be done this year but the cost has slowed him down a bit. He works for CareSource in physician credentialing. His one year anniversary with them is coming up and then they will pay for his remaining courses, so being the money-wise child that he has always been, he is waiting to finish on their dime. He is already being groomed to move up the ladder by his superiors and his goal is to get into the fraud division. With his BA being in criminal justice, with minors in business, math and sociology, he should have a good future with them. His wife graduated 2 years ago and is a PTA.
    Gym then packing up and off we go again. Proud of myself for making all 4 of my classes this week. I have not done that in a while. Our TRX instructor has now dubbed our class advanced. We are doing things I never thought I could do. I still have some areas where I really struggle but I keep getting a little better each time. My core is behind my arms and legs in the strength department.

    Karla, retirement sounds like a huge success. When do you leave on your trip? Bet you are getting excited. So wonderful to discover and explore new parts of this gorgeous country. The one thing that always amazes me at the national parks out west is that most of the visitors are not from the US. We have some of the most amazing and unique landscapes in the world. Just another reason to be proud to be an American!

    Hope you all enjoy this weekend.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's gorgeous here! I plan to work outside again today. I have to take it slow due to my back issues, but nevertheless, things are getting done.

    Patti: Congratulations on getting your classes in this week.

    Not much to report here. Breakfast is tracked and I'll be working in my flower gardens today.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good afternoon kind ladies. Glenn and I have been customizing our trip a little more and added two more days to it. Which added three more cities, Denver, Little Rock and Houston. We shortened a day from Nebraska stop and booked a nice hotel in Denver, so I could go to the Denver Mint. Plus we might meet up with Glenn's cousin. We are leaving a day early and going to Little Rock a night and extended at the end to stop in Houston a night, to visit our granddaughter. Then we continued to work on what we wanted to do in each city. Glenn is so excited, as am I. We are taking a break now. Lol.

    Bert- You sound so much relaxed since you've had a relief of some of your activities. We have had so much rain down here.

    We really enjoyed our amusement park day. I rode family rides with Izzy and Bentley, and Glenn rode the fast rides with JJ and Jakob. I cannot believe the difference in my husband since he retired! Each day he just gets more and more relaxed.

    We have our BBQ super club tonight just around the corner tonight.

    Hope all is super fine for everyone,


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    We have been looking on Burgers, Brew and Cue show website as well as a diner, Drive-ins and Dives for great places to eat and pub crawl. There's a lot of breweries in Steamboat Springs. Fun times coming up. We will be traveling from August 11 through the 30th now.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, friends. Staying busy here today, but at a measured pace. Tired for whatever reason. Cleaner's father had a medical emergency so she will come the next two Wednesdays. Sure hope, for her sake, that family tribulations wind down soon - she's had a rough year.

    Stayed home today, which I needed, tried on shoes I ordered (pretty much have to go to square one with footwear). Cats have been nearby nearly all day and are the best company. Quiet time is good for me!

    Karla, I knew Glenn would relish retirement. Trip planning is fun - adding a few stops makes sense while you're out there. Denver is great fun. The Natural History museum is excellent and the art museum has a wonderful collection of art about the old west.Navigating there is easy because the mountains provide an instant directional check.

    Bert, your flower beds probably loved the attention.

    Patti, what a treat to have your grandson at the cabin - you'll laugh & yak into the late hours.

    OK - time to empty the dishwasher and make a big salad. See y'all tomorrow!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi everybody, home early for a change. The weather was cold, overcast and getting ready to rain so we pulled out the boat and hit the road. What a lovely 2 days we had. My grandson and his wife are such a breath of fresh air. So positive and excited about life. Planning for their first child and life in general. These two have their act together. They brought their 2 dogs; a 6 year old American bully that weighs 85 pounds and is just the friendliest animal and their 8 month old pitbull rescue dog, Hazel Rose (don't you just love her name?) who is chock full of energy and just wants to be loved. Hazel jumped in to bed with us this morning and it was like having a 2 year old come visit. We spent yesterday playing in the water at the island near us then dinner and back out on the boat to watch fireworks in town. Our little town was the first settlement in Ohio and part of the Underground Railroad. This weekend was Kinfolk Landing Days, complete with a car show, mini parade and a few other activities. Unfortunately it is a very depressed and dying town. Drugs have overtaken most of the population as there is no industry or jobs nearby. The county is known for being the first county in Ohio and the poorest! So very sad. I have lots of things that NEED done but I am putting most of them off until tomorrow. I am going to my craft room!

    Karla, can't believe your trip is coming up so soon. What an adventure to visit new places and discover all that makes the west so wonderful. Denver is a great stop, just seeing the mountains is breathtaking! When I lived there I would get up every morning and look to the west and pinch myself that I lived in a place with so much splendor and majesty. I never took that view for granted, you will soon see why.

    Janet, your poor housekeeper. Hope things turn around for her soon. Glad you stayed in at least one day!

    Bert, hope you are enjoying these cooler temps.

    Cindy, I don't expect to hear from you, with all you have planned for your vacation, just wanted you to know I am thinking of you and hoping your bubble is holding up.

    Hi to Suzi and Diane

    Tomorrow I need to do some housework, shop and work

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is the seminar at St. Mary's. I'll meet my student teachers who I will have this semester. There have been many changes to the education department's personnel and also the university's personnel this summer. We tried to have input into the course requirements. Our input was recognized, but not received as well as we thought they would be. Oh well, I'll just enforce what decisions they have made and notify my students of the changes. That's all I can do.

    Eathing was not the best yesterday. I'll deal with it today. At least my breakfast (protein shake) this morning is healthy. I need to focus on my exercising. I tend to stay home and work in the yard (pulling weeds and burning tree limbs). I know that is exercise as well.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning!

    Bert, working on regaining my focus consistently too. We can do it. I need to move too, but the blisters on three toes from the beach are making it dicey. Too bad your experienced input wasn't valued as it should be - hope you get a better crop of supervises this fall.

    Patti, so happy to hear you had fun with your grandson, wife & puppies. I, of course, am loving this brief reprieve from horrid heat. Makes me want fall all the more.

    Quick wave to everyone - must get on with my day. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Evidently if you don't hit the post reply button your post disappears after 7 hours! Sorry girls. Busy day here. Got some basic cleaning done. Grocery shopped and made 4 casseroles to freeze, 2 for me and 2 for my gf. So hard for her to cook with only one arm, luckily it is her right arm. I made 2 chicken Parmesan and 2 chicken, potato, broccoli, bacon and cheese. Work was super busy and I am glad to be home and resting.

    Waving a happy hello and wishing all sweet dreams.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm watching Jillian and Cole today as Greg and Carrie go back today for teacher work day. It will be a fun day.

    Well, I scored some "Brownie Points" at yesterday's seminar. My idea of a grading system was well received, and I got a big thank you from the Department Chair. That was a nice gesture.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning as I head out the door once again. Off to spend time with my sweet Mom. Then TRX and maybe some time in the craft room tonight. I say that and never seem to get in there. I have so many new stamp sets that have never seen ink and are feeling left out. We start our stamp classes again next month and soon it will be time to start my Christmas cards. Where has this year gone. Time please, please slow down a bit. I feel like I am missing out on so much these days. Tomorrow I have my Mammo, lunch with the girls and then work. I want to get to Kohls as I have a 30% off coupon and could use a few things.

    Bert, how exciting and so rewarding to be heard, accepted and acknowledged. You work so hard for those students it must have put a big smile on your face.

    Karla, I bet you are a whirlwind of activity getting ready for your bodacious trip. I am so happy for you both and know you are going to have the time of your lives. Can't believe Izzy is off to school already. I remember when she was born, it just doesn't seem like she should be old enough. Good things they are aging and we are not, lol.

    Janet, are you quite recovered from your trips yet? Your poor tootsies with the blisters. I still see you on the beach when I think of you. You looked simply radiant and happy.

    Cindy, have not had time to read your blog but that is on my agenda tonight as my computer is in my craft room. Hope you have found time to read and write on this vacation. I know you have lots of work planned too.

    Diane, so enjoyed the pictures from the shower. I assume that was your Mom and sister in the pictures with you.

    Suzi, your pictures are stunning and I look everyday for you to post more.

    Better get a move on, Mom will be wondering where I am.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all.

    Bert, glad your experience and wisdom are being heeded - says good things about the school as well as you. Brava!

    Karla, the pic of Izzy with her backpack is so cute - she's such a little sponge, she'll love school.

    Patti, enjoy your mom time, Except for blisters, am pretty well healed. Have been invited back around the eclipse & have ordered two clearance pair of water shoes to try. (Am buying shoes like crazy and need to divest most of what I had before surgery. Expensive but necessary. Munros seem to fit & are made well but costly - got a few pairs at Nordstrom Anniversary Sale prices.)

    Cindy, hope your week is off to an excellent start. I'm going to look into local hypnotherapists - sure has been good for you and I can use some sort of motivation boost.

    Diane, hope you see sunset every day!

    Suzi, you're in such a pretty area. When I went to CO to visit Tony, we'd drive little mountain roads and find pretty places to picnic.

    Did OK but not great yesterday. Going back to salads and veggies here, some fruit, and protein. Gotta resist temptation better when out though.

    Big hugs to everybody!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Headed home again, from Seattle, this time for a wedding. We left the RV at a friend's in Seattle. We will go back on Monday after seeing out of town friends who are passing through tomorrow, visiting with my mom, going to the wedding, and of course spending time with Carrie, Brad and Rossanne. Need to check with the lawyer and prosecutor too, to see if the trial date for the 30th for the drunk driver who hit Carrie is still on for August 30 or not. So a busy few days, with a possible second trip two weeks from now!