OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be a scorcher today! Pool time at some point is in my future today. More than likely it will be this evening as I don't want to be in the sun that much. I am saddened to say that my friend/former principal retired from the school corporation yesterday. She said that it was best for everyone, but she absolutely loved being at school. She is still on oxygen from her bout with pneumonia, and she's probably just worn out from fighting the cancer. I talked to our secretary last night and she's devastated. It will be hard to find someone to replace her. Sometimes you just have to do what is right for you, but I don't think her decision was based on what was right for her.

    My friend who had the heart attack is doing much better. That's a relief.

    Eating has been ok, but I still need to do better. It's a constant battle as everyone knows. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, ready to head out the door to get my shopping done. Cupboards are seriously bare. Not even bad stuff available here, lol. Going to try and get Edd a netbook of some sort. He does all his mystery shopping on his phone and it is so tedious for him. His birthday is Sunday, so early gift for him. I am going to pick up the Dr Stork book and then is will be home to make some chicken enchiladas to share with my friend. The meatloaf turned out really well. Will take it all to her tomorrow. Have scheduled my mammo and colonoscopy for next month, finally. I made it back to the gym and was the only one that showed up for the class. With the trainers personal attention, I pushed myself a little harder. Used heavier weights and tried to really focus on every muscle I was using. He was so encouraging that I just wanted to work harder. I am sore, good sore, today. Finally faced the scale, so not pretty but have not hit that dreaded number I promised myself I would never see again, so taking a positive attitude and getting my act together!

    Cindy, so sorry to hear that Rick is opting out. I know it breaks your heart. But so excited by your positive experience and attitude. Good idea about the picture of the book with the cup. Will do that this weekend at the cabin.

    Bert, hope you get some pool time. I keep forgetting I can use Mom's pool at her complex but really don't have the time to do it.

    Hi everyone else. Need to make things happen here so I can go to work tonight.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I wish I had known you were in the market for a netbook/tablet. Amazon had their 7inch Kindle's for $29.99!l last week on Amazon prime day. They are awesome. I bought two for the grandkids for Christmas gifts and me another 8" one for only $49.99. They have excellent HD quality and sound and wifi capabilities. No service contract . Just have to be near a wifi. Not sure if that would work for him if he has to be out. But you could hook up to your hot spot. Good news about a new doctor for your mother. Low blood pressure can be of a concern too especially living alone. Although I know she has the alert button.

    Bert- It is a scorcher down here too. I took the grands to the park early today and it was way too hot.

    I'm looking forward to Friday. I'm working on site a few hours and then hitting to hang with my girlfriend Tammy. She's expecting her first grandchild in November and has been making the most darling clothes. She is going to help me with some blanket blinding corners. But the time spent together will be the best part! Like Patt and Janet, I am blessed with some very special friends.

    I have Izzy and Jakob in the pool and shortly I will meet Jakob's mother and return him. A fun two days.

    I'm jumping in the pool, but wanted to check in.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, everyone.

    Cindy, big hugs. Glad you have a chance to discuss it with your therapist quickly. Congrats on such a great day! You are making me think about hypnosis again for real. Not sure about trip yet - we will discuss tomorrow and if I'm going it'll be a slapdash packing job, but when you're visiting a friend that good, whatever I take will suffice.

    Patti, good thing your mom gave birth to a nurse!

    Bert, sorry your friend needs to leave something she loves and excels at. Maybe once she is more settled with treatment she can do something at least part-time. Happy your other friend is doing well. How is Molly today?

    Karla, you must buy sunscreen by the vat there. Your grandkid time is priceless but so is your Tammy time. Enjoy every second.

    House got cleaned today but she needed to leave early so will finish tomorrow, which is fine with me. Very tired tonight but will finish well within my limits today, though a bit short on produce. I'll get my protein.

    See y'all tomorrow!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited July 2017
    Tomorrow will be a busy one so thought I would stop by before I hit the sack. Have dentist appointment, then lunch at my friend's house who had surgery. She now has a cellulitis in her hand from an IV site. Then need to do some laundry, followed by the guy m and start getting ready for the weekend. Really hoping it is a quiet one with lots of river time. Have not been on the boat since 4th of July weekend and I am ready. Got enchiladas made along with homemade enchilada sauce, which is so easy to make and so much better than the premake canned variety. Have instructions written out for cooking, plus listing all ingredients. Between the meatloaves and the enchiladas I have 4 meals for them. Have included bags of shredded cheese and Bob Evans mashed potatoes to go with the meatloaf.

    Karla, I got Edd a 2 in one tablet. It is an Acer with an 11.5 inch screen. It functions as a mini laptop with a touch screen and a full keyboard which can be removed and used as a tablet. He was totally surprised. He surprised me with a (new to me) smoker for the cabin. Enjoy your time with Tammy. I still wear the bracelets she made and I always think of her when I do.

    Janet, all you need to take on your trip is your music, your smile and some clean undies! Please go.

    Okay ladies, I am out
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all- checking in from the road. Today we are in a commercial campground with WiFi! Just outside Craters of the Moon in Idaho. Today was almost 100 and the park campground is in the midst of an old lava field, with no electric hookups so roasting hot. Instead we went commercial with full hookup, did laundry and updated all our online stuff including banking, reservations and of course Facebook.

    I have not been tracking anything but the pantry on board is fairly limited so I've been eating my meals and not snacking hardly at all. (A few pretzels occasionally and that's it!). It is definitely a struggle to get my F/V in but I am working at it. I fly home this weekend for the baby shower so will weigh in and see how I am doing. I definitely don't think I have gained by the way my clothes fit, and may have even lost.

    Sorry I am not keeping up with all that is going on in your lives. I skimmed the 100 or so posts that had accumulated!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Rick's granddaughter- and mine was born last night at 8:15 via c-section. Emma was 8 pounds and 20.5 " long- I'm sure I will fall head over heals when I see this little one.
    Unfortunately due to the ex-wife situation we didn't go to the hospital last night but made it clear we will be there tonight.
    Diane great to see your smiling face- don't worry about posting much- just enjoy this time with John. Do you pass any F/V farm stands in your travels- they may make excellent additions to your frig. Its what I did when we were on the road with the camper. Enjoy the baby shower.
    Patti- I'm glad you were able to surprise Edd- and happy smoking- lol
    Janet- if you decide to hit the road you'll have a blast I'm sure.
    Karla- I didn't realize you were sewing blankets too- you're a whirl of activity.
    Bert- I'm sorry your dear friend and former co-worker felt she had to step down but maybe in the long run it will give her better quality of life without the added stress of work.

    I've had two excellent days on the No S plan- I've been satisfied with zero snacks or just one serving of a meal- so no seconds. A couple of times I went to "grab" something but it was very easy to stop myself and I didn't feel deprived. Today I woke a little empty which is good but not starving. I'm not counting points or cals- just focused on eating a 4-way plate, fruit, veggie, protein and carb on the plate. but try to overfill on the first two. This weekend I'll get some exercise in and really ease into the old me again- I'm feeling strong and thank you for the unflagging support.
    Meg is loving her job- and the independence she is feeling- GO Meg.
    Em closes on her house on the 28th- her boyfriend is away on business so closing with a power of attorney- I'll go with her to the closing for moral support.
    Mom got home safely so all is right in the world at the moment.
    Until later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick drop in before I head to my gf's for lunch. I had 3 fillings at the dentist so doubt I will be "un-numb" to eat with them but will take my yummy salad and eat it before I go to the gym. I think he kind of over did the novacaine for these little cavities.

    Cindy, congrats on the new grand baby, Meg's loving her job and Em's closing. So much to celebrate but mostly celebrate the new determined you!

    Diane, loving your pics from the road. Some places I have seen and others I will be putting on a list to visit. F/V in the west are very hard to find. Enjoy your shirt trip home before you are back to your adventure.

    Need to pack up the food for my gf and get out the door.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, big smile to see you checking in. Bet you have lost, given your activity level and no-snack life. Enjoy the shower, & let us know how Carrie's doing too.

    Cindy, congrats on Emma's safe arrival. IT's always a relief when little ones are here, safe & healthy.

    Patti, yikes on the fillings. Always such a weird feeling with novocaine - you expect to look into the mirror and see a giant lip, but it looks normal. Hope there's no residual pain.

    Quick stop for me before I run several necessary errands. I AM getting on the road in the morning, probably get home late Tuesday night. My friend needs the company and yesterday said, "PLEASE come," so I will. And we have an outing planned - two movie lovers who have never seen a movie together in a theater are going to do so. We've both wanted to see "Dunkirk" together and have promised each other we would. Well, it's gonna happen. I'll do my best to stay close to plan. And I may take a day or few off from connectivity, except for a daily check for emergency stuff.

    Much to do, so sending you all a hug and wishes for a great weekend and start to next week!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Quick hello from the Podiatry office. It was an awful morning. I got interrupted on everything I was working on, and then the copier broke, it was awful. Much calmer this afternoon. Sometimes I feel I am just getting too old for this. I only work 24 hours a week but it feels like

    Diane - So nice to see you!! I know you are having fun. I loved your mobil and you in the kayak too.

    Patti- Acer is not my favorite brand. They are cheaper, but do not seem to last long and have internet issues. I hope you have better luck than I had with them.

    Cindy- Congrats on a baby girl. I hope you can be close to this child, one never knows with mixed relatives.

    Janet - When is your guy friend ever going to come visit you? I have asked a couple times but I may have missed your answer. I know before you were waiting until your finished your redecorating. I know you will have a lot of fun. He seems like a classy guy, too bad you two don't develop a romance.

    I am bone tired and need a down time tonight. I am looking forward to tomorrow. Tammy and I may just sit and look at each other. LOL.

    Jason is having one of his crab boils this weekend. He is so happy to be back home and getting his house back up to par. He doesn't ever want to be gone that long again. He got a surprise bonus check in the mail of $5k that was nice too.

    One of my girlfriends is in the hospital too. She has a simple foot outpatient repair and ended up being taken back that evening to the hospital and admitted and is still in ICU, as of yesterday, for breathing issues. Glenn and I may go up there tonight.

    I better finish this last hour so I can get out of here,,,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, oh so happy to hear that you are going! best thing for both of you. Enjoy the road and your entire visit. Totally understand with the need to disconnect.

    Karla, sorry your day was annoying. For the little Edd will be using his tablet I am sure it will be fine. I know several people, tech types, who recommended it so I guess I will keep my fingers crossed that it lasts a couple of years.

    I was able to eat my lunch, the novacaine wore off fairly quickly. No residual pain and I am good to go until next month when I have to have a crown removed to fill a cavity under it. And then will need a new crown....nothing money can't cure! Time to fix dinner, get the laundry done and pack for the weekend. No gym tonight, trainer sick, I am ok with it.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    TGIF- For those of us still doing the 40+ hour week it is a welcome event. I love the LR day but hate the long week to "pay" for it. But eventually I'll get used to it.
    We saw the baby last night and I got to hold her- I let Rick have most of the time as it is his biological child but she is sweet and her mom is doing really well- of course just very tired.
    I want to take the two other kids out for a while but Rick is hesitant on what he wants to do this weekend- so I'll wait- again, they're his immediate family and I try not to overstep.
    Still feeling good and focused on my eating plan- last night Rick asked me to go thru Burger King drive through on the way home and I did- it wasn't an issue- he got a burger and vanilla shake. No issue or craving to join him. I was satisfied from my salad from subway- had to be takeout last night to get to see the baby on time. Salad was quite good.
    Karla- your life bubbly's over when do you plan to give up the 24 hour weeks?
    Janet- safe travels and have a fabulous time.
    Patti- Are you at the cabin yet?
    Bert- did you get some pool time and did you talk with a nutritionist about your struggle?
    Diane and Suzi- our US travelers- have fun.
    Until later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick goodbye for a few days. Packed car last night (so I don't weird the cats out when I leave - yeah, I know ...)

    Karla, he will get here. I still have things to do (aka wrestling the clothing monster, which is my August project) and because he's still recuperating from a couple of medical things, and because he is likely to be moving soon, we decided I'd zoom over. Ready for the road soon.

    Patti, my first tablet was an Acer and it served me very well. Had it for a couple of years, then gave it to a good friend and got my iPad mini. Sounds like just having the bigger screen will be a boon for Edd.

    Cindy, glad you got to hold the baby, even for a minute. I've always thought that if everyone got to sniff a baby head every day, we'd have world peace. Why do they smell SO good? The world hasn't worn them down yet, I guess.

    Have done well on food this week (did cave to some chips yesterday but met my calorie limit). Next few days, who knows? I'm not going to have a hot fudge sundae or anything, so whatever my options are, I will enjoy myself while trying to make good choices.

    Hugs to all - see you next week!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I had a post ready to send and lost it while looking at previous posts to catch up. It's going to be a scorcher today! Yesterday, while vacuuming our pool, I tripped over the ladder and fell on the deck. I'm sore today and am hoping I didn't hurt anything, especially my back.

    Patti: I am also getting a crown. I have a temporary one in now. My tooth cracked and fell off my filling. It's basically a filling with my tooth surrounding it.

    Janet: Molly is doing so much better, thanks for asking. She's not coughing nearly as much. I'm so happy the meds have helped.

    Cindy: I enjoyed seeing your picture with the baby on Facebook.

    Karla: Enjoy your time with your family. It's so important to have family time.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I know I hit post but it disappeared!

    I got home fine yesterday, son picked me up at the airport and I stayed for dinner. Got home about 9 to find the upstairs AC had quit! Spent two hours checking circuit breakers, replaced the thermostat with an old identical one, nothing. Went up in the attic (about110 degrees) to find water in the drip tray and the moisture sensor tripped. Dried it out but could not reset the sensor and couldn't find the main power switch to cycle. Gave up around 11 and Carrie and I slept on couches downstairs. This morning I went back up in the attic and found the power switch behind a cover plate, reset it and success! So glad this happened when I was home. Carrie could not have climbed the stairs to the attic.

    Today I had a haircut, getting a mani/ pedi right now, then home to do some sewing to help Carrie finish off her baby gifts for the shower tomorrow. She was a bit over ambitious!

    I weighed this morning and I am down 7 pounds since we left almost four weeks ago!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello there. I had a great day yesterday with my girlfriend, Tammy. We talked and laughed until our faces hurt. Then we had lunch with her husband as he got home. We finally made it up to her sewing "suite" and I am in love with her Babylock machine. Can you believe she paid $17,000.00 for it?? Unbelievable. This is my girlfriend that husband is a doctor and the Mayor of this community outside of Mobile. lol . We had a blast. She also has an embroidery machine and a serger. Patti met her when she came down.

    Diane!! - Yippeeee on the seven pounds lost on the road!! Good for you woman..I can be so lucky on my upcoming 17 day trip.

    Cindy- I'm going to come see you one day! You are such a kindred spirit. The baby looked adorable in your arms.

    Glenn is so very excited about next week being his last week of a 40 year career. He is anxious to start his own company as a consultant. We went and got him a new cell phone and he is making his business cards tomorrow. Sweet!!

    Tomorrow myself a two other ladies are meeting at the restaurant to look at decorating ideas.. so fun.. this is for hisvretirement party there. He is having two next week.

    Well, just checking on, I'll see y'all tomorrow.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, everyone! Today is the last show, and I must say, I'm relieved. The shows have been amazing, but I'm ready to back off from the long hours at church. The more I'm at church, the more things I see need to be done by the people we are paying to clean and maintain. I've defnitely enjoyed the comradery of our church friends and parents who go above and beyond the call of duty to help make the musicals a success.

    Diane: Wow! Congrats on your loss! That's fantastic! I'm amazed at your abilities to fix and things and your willingness to do remodeling projects.

    Karla: Congratulations to Glen. What company will he begin?

    Have a great day, everyone! Time to get ready for church and the LAST PERFORMANCE! :p

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Late hi from the river. We have had some fun and excitement. Been out in the boat some. Finally got the big dock in the water yesterday and got son's dock straightened out. Son's boat broke down again and one of his jet skis died too. Huge storm last night. Constant thunder and lightning from 10pm until 5am. With torrential rains. Wind so strong it turned our 30 foot dock sideways with 2 pontoons tied to it. Nearby towns had flash flooding with major damage to cars, homes and businesses. I have never been thru a storm with the constant thunder and lightening. But today was beautiful and the dock went back into place easily. We took a nice long night cruise with neighbors after a late dinner. The sky was blazing with stars! Something you just never see in town and o e of my favorite things about my cabin. Now I am headed to bed and then back to the real world tomorrow. This has been a great birthday weekend for Edd. He loves his new Acer notebook. Syncs so easily with his phone and will make his mystery shopping a breeze. He was so tickled with his gift.
    See you tomorrow
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies- and happy Monday.
    Diane- congrats on the WL- the travel is doing good things- keep this up you'll be down a lot when you get back in another 5 months-
    Bert- So glad you enjoyed the event at church- it is a wonderful feeling to give back.
    Karla- Does your friend so professionally? Sounds like a seamstress heaven in her suite. Have a great time planning Glenn's party and YES we will meet at some point for sure.
    Patti- Meg told me about the wicked storms in Ohio- she said it kept her up. But like her Dad she does love them, but respects them too.
    Janet- hope the travel and driving soothes your soul.
    Suzi- waving hello.
    I'm feeling really good on the plan- Saturday night I had a bowl of Captain Crunch as my indulgence and I had M & M's, chocolate bars, stuff for smores and ice cream in the freezer at camp. Last night, it was almost 10 and I had been pondering all night what I was going to enjoy for dessert- I did have a few chips and some salsa I made last summer before dinner- So here is it 9:50 and I said, well if I don't have something I'll miss my S day- I ate 4 spoonfuls of ice cream, put the pint back and called it a night. I'm like Holy Cow- who is this lady in the kitchen with a spoon in her hand? So today dinner is in the crock pot, salad, chicken and a good breakfast is packed and I didn't bring fruit for my lunch as I felt like I have enough with me. We shall see- but so far so good. I'm not jumping on the scale for 3 more weeks tho- I want to let go of my obsession with the scale.
    I worked on the LR website last night, instead of writing and need to finish it at lunch today so the next book hasn't got more than the first chapter done. But once I get the website done I can move forward. I'm adding a shop button for books and swag at this point.
    Anyway- much to do at the day job and its a rainy day here.
    Hugs all the way around.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Wow this day sure flew by. Got home from the cabin around 3:30, wolfed down some leftovers and headed to work. It was a zoo there and we didn't get off until 11pm. Tomorrow is shopping day and TRX. Mom has appointments on wed and Thursday so I will spending those days with her. Will have to find some time to drop in on my friend. She has had some ups and downs since surgery but has mostly kept her sense of humor.

    Sorry for no personals but I am truly beat and just a bit of a mush brain right now. Will try to stop here before I get my day going tomorrow.
