OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, so sorry if any of us upset you. You know it was unintended. You'll have your Glenn, a comfy car, great accommodations and time to enjoy each other without being pulled in many directions. It'll be golden time. Glad you are spending time in Colorado - Steamboat Springs is a cool town and just driving around the area and looking at the land is a wonderful break. And one glass of wine at that altitude will make you very happy!

    Patti, we are ON for Monday if it still works for you - text me time & place! Can't wait. Might go to SC the weekend or week after. Sitting on my friend's porch is just incredibly relaxing to me.

    Cindy, taking the book to the car dealer tomorrow to start while car is serviced. I'm thrilled for Meg - great way to meet people, especially working for the Chamber. Hope all goes well with the arrival. New baby + gall bladder surgery - ouch. Will they do it while she's in the hospital or wait some time? No real downtime for me yet but it'll happen. (First-world introvert problems ...)

    Doc visit was good, not even counting the very handsome resident. No x-rays. Doc is pleased with foot/ankle function - will never be normal, but a big improvement. I see him again just after Christmas. I have PT tomorrow and Friday but that'll probably be it (authorization). I can continue to work on my own and will essentially reclaim two days each week, so it's all good.

    Busy rest of the week - blood draw, PT, car service tomorrow, gone nearly all day Wednesday, stuff on calendar for both Thursday & Friday.

    OK, time to have a bite to eat (shrimp cocktail, I think) before I need to start fasting!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is another busy day. I'm watching my friend who had the heart attach this morning and then will head to church to begin printing programs. It's finally designed! We have sold many tickets, too! I saw the opening act complete with costumes last night, and it is FABULOUS!

    Janet: Love your pics.

    Have to run. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Its a rainy Tuesday- savoring time with Mom this week- she is so funny. She kept asking if she made good meatballs and salad last night. I don't think my step-dad tells her how wonderful her cooking is, but I sure did and it was a huge help. I got home very late from the nail salon. The time is going by so quickly but I'll count every second. Think my blog this week will be about our visit.
    Janet- Holly's surgery is 4 weeks after the baby is born. She's have a scheduled C-Section, some time to recovery and then gall bladder. I wish the doctor would wait to see if she has another flair up or if it was just due to the pregnancy since she hasn't had any symptoms or pain for 10 weeks- but not my place to interject. have fun reading today.
    Patti- let us know if the book has an interesting tidbits.
    Bert- enjoy your day with your friend. I hope her recovery is coming along.
    Karla- I think I forgot to congratulate you on the house- doing a happy dance for you. My home isn't paid for yet. But that is my plan before retirement. Tough as a single parent for so long.
    Suzi- how's fur baby Dinky?
    Diane- Hello!!! for the traveling lady
    Need to get busy- we'll talk soon
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, love my Tuesday's with Mom. Want to run by Walgreens and get a quad tip for her cane. I think she will feel steadier and more confident when out of the house. Plus it will stand on it's own so she doesn't have to try to find a place to hang it. Work was interesting. Someone pulled the fire alarm 30 minutes before closing. That is the worst sound in the world. We had to evacuate the building. Amazing how rude people can be when asked to leave the building until we are sure there is no fire, even when asked by the firemen to do so. We told them to leave their carts and they could resume their shopping and checking out when we were given the all clear. Retail fun and games!

    Cindy, cherishing time with your Mom is just the best. Sad to hear that her husband does not appreciate her good cooking. I know how much it means when someone enjoys my efforts in the kitchen. So excited for Meg. Feel bad that I have not been able hook up with her. Seems like my life has been going 90 miles an hour with little extra time. And yet I don't feel like I am accomplishing much.

    Bert, which musical are you doing? I think I missed it. Prayers continue for your 2 friends.

    Janet, great news from the Dr. Are you ok with the therapy stopping? So excited to see you next Monday.

    Hi to the rest of you, my dear friends. Time to get this bus rolling

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi. Have gotten vampired & been to bank - PT at 11, followed by car maintenance. It's a constant party!

    Eating was pretty good yesterday. Calorie target made but should've had more veggies. Ah well.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Patti-
    Are you ready for me to ship you the book and replacement mug?
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, ready for shipment. Putting card with money in the mail tomorrow. Thanks

    Janet, you do know how to party!

    I had to order the dr stork book yesterday when I was at Barnes and Nobles. Being the impatient one, I downloaded it from Kindle and started reading last night. Then got a call that the book came in today! Started reading and it is nothing I didn't already know. No magic cure! But there is a meal plan to follow. High as n grains and lots of pro and prebiotic foods. Very WW like in recommendations for good fats. Mostly just clean eating, low on sugar and processed foods, high on grains and fresh food. I think a colonoscopy is in my very near future.
    On the mom front, she loved her quad tip for her cane. She is not going to lunch with us. She has had a bit of a stomach virus and doesn't want to chance it, especially since we are going Asian

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm not looking forward to today's temps....supposed to get up to 94 with a humiture of 100! It's definitely an inside day for me. The programs are ready to be printed. I'm so relieved to have that behind me. It takes forever, it seems like, to get the pages designed as the business ads vary from year to year. Opening night is sold out! So happy for the cast and crew! I saw the opening act the other night, and it's absolutely amazing!

    Patti: We are doing The Lion King, Jr. The costumes are AMAZING. Our director did it differently this summer and had "camp" from 10-2 each day. They rehearsed, made costumes, designed the sets, etc. during that time. Many volunteers from Children's Theater and Home School Theater have been involved as well and it has been a wonderful positive relationship among the groups. Dan wants to do this format again next summer. I shared the tv spot on my facebook timeline, so perhaps you can see the male/female lead costume if you click on it.

    Karla: Have fun on your vacation. I was in Denver and the Dakotas when I was a kid, but don't remember much of it. I did enjoy flying over the Rockies when I went to California to visit Annie's Aunt.

    I received a text from my friend/former principal last night that she won't be returning to school this year. I'm devastated at the news and I know it was a hard decision for her. She has been battling ovarian cancer and was the one who I've been talking about that has pneumonia. The school is her life, but I know she needs to concentrate on her health. I'm going to visit her next week.

    My other friend, the one who had a heart attack, is doing pretty well. I stayed with her yesterday while her daughters had appointments. The doctor told her if she had not been in good physical shape before the attack, she wouldn't have made it. Scary!

    My cousin, who has dementia, will be admitted to full time care soon. This summer has become a reality check to try to stay healthy! So much going on.

    Waving hi to Janet, Suzi, Cindy, Diane.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Bert- I would agree- your friends health issues do encourage us all to focus on good health, which we take for granted at times. They are in my prayers for strength to move through recovery.
    Patti- everything is on its way- Thank you again for your support.
    Janet- How was the disconnect after you returned home from a busy day?
    Karla- Missing you...
    Suzi- a Dinky update?
    Mom brought out her computer for me to fix last night- I had to laugh and told her I have IT people for that at work. But I got through some of the issues- one large one still puzzling me but I asked her to leave it turned off until I get home tonight and reminded her she has a book to read. LOL
    Otherwise- Em's new house needs a new septic system so the closing is delayed and patience isn't in her vocabulary.
    Meg is excited about her job on Tuesday- she sounds happier than she has in a long time. I'm glad she's taking care of Megan- finally.
    Need to run- but waving to all.
    I'll be back.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning all. I picked up the grandkids yesterday and we went shopping, Taco Bell and then later, night time swimming. Glenn had brought Jakob home with him, so I have three. To add more to the fun I am getting Brittany and the baby to come over today for a little while. Braden is starting to "coo" with baby talk now, as she sent me a video, so can't wait to get my hands on him today.

    Cindy- Check is in the mail today. You are such a sweetheart.

    Bert- You have had your hands full with ailing friends. Prayers for all, including you! Your Lion King Jr production sounds over the top.

    Glenn has his colonoscopy tomorrow. I hope all goes well. This is just a screening, but sometimes that's when they detect something. Polyps are just polyps unless you leave them and don't have a colonoscopy to get them detected and removed. So many people die of colon cancer, or go through horrible chemo, that all could have been avoided if they had this screening on the recommended cycles. I've had two. The doctor told my brother that his colon cancer lesion was pushing through the colon wall and he got in just before it would have spread to his other organs. Scary!

    Diane- I know you are off having the grand tour. I saw the kayaking pictures. We enjoyed that and horseback riding in central Tennessee. So I do participate in some outdoor activity. Lol.

    I better get a few things completed before the kiddos wake up.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Going to be in the mid 90's here with high humidity! The fan motor went out on my car so only have passive A/C. Too hot and humid to put the top down. Will be having lunch with the girls, then have to move the lift chair from Mom's to my sis's and will most likely have to remove a chair from her house and put it on the curb. My BIL is not doing very well according to Mom. His energy level is nil. He sleeps a lot and just seems to not look healthy. My sister is stepping up and doing more of the household chores and shopping. He is 73 and she is 59.

    Bert, i love the way the kids are preparing for this musical and the different community of adults involved. So inventive. Stay in and stay cool if you can. I know your friends must cherish you in their lives. Praying they continue to heal. Does your teacher/friend live nearby?

    Cindy, how sweet that your Mom has such faith in your IT abilities. Hope you figure out what is wrong. So happy for Meg and hope she meets and makes some new friends. I know that area to be very down-home friendly. Sorry to hear about Em's closing delay but glad they found out before they moved in.

    Janet, sure hope you don't need to go out at all today, definitely not your kind of weather!

    Time to get this day tonight. I will make sure to be extra kind to my little co worker with the bad attitude, doubt she will notice and I am sure our little talk rolled right off her back.


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Up at 4:30, out 5:30-4 - a bit of retail therapy in OH and a few other errands. VERY tired so this will be quick. Got a gorgeous, classic, simple black winter coat on sale. On a day it got to mid-90s, but big portrait collar, wrap coat I'll have forever but got on sale.

    Karla, enjoy all the kids and the baby time! Bert, love the what Lion King, Jr. was created.

    OK, getting beyond wanna-type stage here. G'night.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    Its hot and humid here as well- guess just that time of the year. I found the place for the OMG retreat for next year- there's an island for sale off the coast of Maine- if we all chip in a few $$$ we can buy it- tiny price of 7.5 million- LOL
    Sorry I just had to be extra funny this AM-
    Janet- leave it to you to find the perfect winter coat when we're in the midst of Hazy Hot and Humid summer days- love it.
    Bert- Are any of your children joining in for the musical?
    Karla- Glad Glenn is taking care of his health- so critical
    Patti- How the little chicklet at work was bearable last night. I can't stand bad 'tudes
    Anyway- We didn't work on the computer last night- I have an LR day tomorrow and can tackle it early in the AM- told the pups we're having a different kind of day tomorrow- no lazing around mom's office- they said it was OK as long as we're together- lol
    See I woke up with my funny bone in motion for some strange reason.
    I decided for this week to focus on Mom and not worry about stress over what I put in my mouth- we've had some wine a couple of nights and on the opposite nights dessert. Did I tell you she's looking pretty good- better than in January. I think its due to being in MA- which was her home for over 40years- I told her its time to move back but her husband won't- oh well.
    Need to run- but I'll see you again soon.
    Big waves to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning. We are at the hospital and they have already taken Glenn back. Hopefully all will be clear and we will have this behind us. No pun intended. Lol.

    I have an appointment tomorrow with my GYN to discuss a different bone density building med. I just can't tolerate the Actonel. Monday I have the new weightloss clinic and Tuesday I have my dental cleaning.

    It was a fun day with the baby Braydon.

    Cindy- You are very humorous this morning my friend! So glad Mom is looking good. Happy for Meg and hope patience is holding up for Emily on her home. Exciting times for all.

    Janet- Your coat sounds very elegant.

    Beer- Hope your hot day went well.

    I better say goodbye.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Waiting for the storm to pass so I can hit the grocery store for fruits and veggies. Hit the local butcher shop with my GFs this am. I told them I really didn't need much and ended up spending $93! I stocked up on all things meat so won't need to buy any for quite some time. They butcher everything on site from their own stock and other local farmers every Monday so everything is super fresh. They also make some very delicious sides. Homemade hash brown patties, corn nuggets and Mexican corn nuggets, smoked pepper jack and smoked habanero cheeses all went in the basket too. Then lunch at a local diner. I was up in the middle of the night with a horrible sinus headache and it has now returned, just not as bad. Thankful for my Tei-Fu oil, it really does the trick.

    Karla, hoping we will hear the words all clear from you about Glenn. Time with that sweet baby must be balm to your soul. Anxious to hear how the weight loss visit goes.

    Janet, only you, who hates summer, could even look at winter coats this time of year. Can so see you in that oat with big sunglasses!

    Cindy, your sense of humor is a good sign you are relaxed and enjoying time with your precious mom.

    Come on rain, move on through, I have things to do.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    We're bracing for another storm- Patti I can feel your storm vibes headed my way.
    We had a wicked one yesterday- that time of year...
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    edited July 2017
    Glenn had several biopsies done on his esophagus and upper stomach area. His doctor told me that area looked really bad. He is sending him to a gastroenterologist when he goes back in two weeks. He told he didn't want to jump the gun by saying precancerous, so he wanted to wait for pathology report. He also told me Glenn needed to get his weight down and that would make him feel better too. I advised him that was a very touchy subject with him and he said he'd address it in the followup visit. Prayers accepted. Glenn's father died of stomach cancer.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, prayers have begun here. Hugs to you both. Good thing he has you to stay on him to be checked regularly. Will he see the gastroenterologist who did the endoscopy and colonoscopy?

    Cindy, having your mom around is bringing out your happy side and I love it. Count me in for $100 toward the island. LOVE the coast of Maine! Lobster rolls for breakfast, lunch & dinner please.

    Patti, your stockup sounds wise, even if pricey - good meat is worth it. Reminds me I need to look at what meats I have in freezer. Thawing ground turkey to make taco meat here later.

    Slow day here, though peppered with texts and calls - but except for bringing in the mail and taking trash & recycling into the garage, I stayed in and AC barely kept up - heat index hit 100 about 11 AM here. Eating wasn't the best. Sigh ...

    Hoping to be much more productive tomorrow!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, special prayers for Glenn that medical treatment and weight loss will take care of his issues. Hopefully retirement will reduce stress and help the situation. He has you as his rock and that is a good thing.

    The rain cooled things down here. Got a bunch of errands run but didn't get to the grocery. Headache came back either a vengeance and the thought of food made me a bit nauseous. Luckily it started to rain so I had an excuse to put it off. Will be up and out early to be at the hospital. My friend's husband is 80 and we don't want him to be alone while she is in surgery. Not sure how long we will be there. Will go home with her to get her settled in if needed. If it is not too late I will shop and then head to the cabin. If it is too late I will go Saturday morning.

    Time for bed
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited July 2017
    Very long and difficult day at the hospital with my BFF. She had a very strange complication from her surgery that had her in agonizing pain. They admitted her and she is just now starting to have some relief. So difficult to watch her in such pain with no relief. He dear husband could not have sat thru this alone. Hopefully she will continue to improve and go home tomorrow. All prayers accepted. Just wish she did not have to go through this. She will have a whole new pain to deal with but after today I think it will be at least manageable with pain meds. The nursing staff and the anesthesiologist were so wonderful. The surgeon never even came to see her. I am still furious with him. I know her husband will give him an ear full!
