OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    P.S. After working so hard on the new door, it doesn't fit! So, I had to order a new one!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, glad to hear your brother is doing better and that your friends are getting excellent care. But it's a bummer about the door. Sheesh. I've heard of Shakeology and know people who like and those who don't like it. That's very pricey - multilevel marketing stuff tends to cost much more than it should.

    Patti, how was the steak dinner?

    Karla, what's new in AL? Is it brutally hot yet? My friends in Atlanta have had so much rain - hope it hasn't been as bad there.

    Got Theo to/from the vet without incident. This particular vet just loves him & said that he seems like he's much younger than 14 1/2 in every way. Both cats seem to have forgiven me for the disruptions (treats help).

    What's everyone's weekend going to include? Hoping for time to get stuff done here - boring but it's really been draining & stressing me out to have been pulled in so many directions the last few weeks. Twice a week PT kills a chunk of each week. Next week's schedule is full but hope to get things calmed down by around the 20th, when I may zoom back over to SC for a few days. My friend and I want to see "Dunkirk" together and I can use the quiet of the ranch again. Cindy, I want to read "Looking Glass" and am trying to carve out time to lose myself in it!

    Much love to all as we enter the weekend. TGIF! Let's all commit to one "NO" this weekend to something that we know isn't good for us.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick drive by, I have a quiet moment on the deck with my coffee and my thoughts immediately brought me to all of you. My anniversary steak dinner was as good as the company. Thank you all for your blessings on our special day. Yesterday was hot and humid but still better than being home. We got storms here just as I took dinner off the grill. Then my son and all his visitors came over for an evening filled with lots of talk and laughter as the rains raged outside. An all together wonderful day in my paradise. The men worked all day putting a new axle on our large dock, it rusted and fell off when we took it out last year. Today they will put it in the water and then I think we will do some boating. Son's boat is still broken so I think we are loaning him ours and we will hang with the neighbors. In other words, another great day in store.

    Eating.....oh my, need to get it together after this week in a very serious WAY!

    Back to the real world with you all on Monday. That includes tracking and finding/following a plan that works for me. Miss you all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi ladies, sorry missing in action but enjoying the summer fun and grandkids. Plus I am fast trying to plan our big road trip for next month. Glenn finally gave me the itinerary and goes as below:

    Branson - two days
    Nebraska - four days
    Utah - four days
    Nevada- 2 days (las Vegas)
    San Antonio - two days

    Looks like fun eh?

    I had a fun pool day yesterday with DIL from Glenn's middle son and their three sons. She made homemade guacamole, she is the professional chef. Yum.

    Patti- My eating has been over the top also. I have a consultation with that Healthy Weight For Me clinic on the 17th, although timing is awful, I need to go. We can get it together, we did it before.

    Cindy-how much do I owe you on the signed book copy? Have you thought of a Christmas book for London series yet? I can just picture that beautiful community all decorated in bows and garland and Christmas trees.

    We are at the credit union moving the car loan over from the other bank
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a beautiful Sunday morning. Had my breakfast shake and tracked it. Now it's time to get ready for church. Have a great day, eveyrone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good and glorious morning. Janet's kind of weather. Having my last cup of coffee with the hummingbirds until next weekend. Yesterday was a working day, no boating for us. Did a lot of clearing on on the beach and built a huge bonfire which we shared with our son and his crew. Today we put the big dock in, mow and trim, take the boats out, clean the cabin and pack up. All so I can get home and do laundry, grocery shop and generally get back to my routine. Anxious to see Mom and catch up on all her news. She is planning on going to lunch with me and the girls on Wednesday. Then the usual work, gym and basic life stuff. My gf is having her rotator cuff surgery on Friday so I will be at the hospital with her husband and my other gf. I will check in later tonight or tomorrow. I do have a plan for my eating......STOP! LOL! I am going to check out Dr Travis Stork's Healthy Gut Diet. Not to be indelicate, but I have been having lots of issues in that area.

    Until we meet again,
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning all,

    Patti - I am with you girlfriend. All the way. I have not had stomach issues, but my reflux has acted up a couple times. I did get with my doctor, after Glenn's colon doctor confirmed he did not believe in being on long term Omeprozole. She switched me to prescription strength Precid, but the nurse said it was in the same line as the Omeprozole. I think I just need to try and get off of it completely and adjust my diet accordingly, if possible, if that is what's causing it. You are SO active in what you do, you never sit down, plus your work and gym classes are over the top. Your system is just very stubborn, as is mine. Good luck with your Dr. Travis. Is he the one from the TV show?

    Bert - I have heard of those shakes. I tried them before and they were expensive. Like anything else, they work if you follow the complete program. Water, exercise, food intake. Ugggh.. lol.

    Janet - Were you able to carver out a low-key weekend with limited phone calls? Drama? I hope so.

    So far on our amazing retirement trip I have booked, with Wyndham, the Branson two night stay and the two night stay in San Antonio. As well I am splitting up the Utah days with a stay in Colorado. I have booked 3 nights in Steamboat Springs. I am still trying to get something booked in Las Vegas and Utah. I have never been on a trip of this magnitude, I am getting so excited.

    Another exciting episode in our life is I am sending off the last payment on our house. Yes!! We paid this home off that we built in 2005. It won't be 12 years old until October. So we paid it off in less than 12 years. For that, I am proud. As I stated yesterday, I got the loan on the new car moved over to the credit union and got that payment down 65.00 and that is the ONLY bill we will have going into retirement, besides insurance, utilities, food, etc. Which, as you all know, will be quite enough!!

    I plan on keeping my two clients for at least through the end of this year and see what Glenn ends up doing with his next career move. He wants to do something for the next two years in a part time way. I'm trying to work strictly out of the home but the podiatrist wants to see me in the office. I have not even told him about me being out for 2.5 weeks next month. LOL. I will have my laptop and can do his transmissions from the road. But he says, and I must say, it is true, the ladies act much different when I am there.

    I have been baking to clear out the leftover buttermilk and ripe bananas. Geez, what great recipes I have made. I made some to die for buttermilk mashed potatoes and Donut Muffins with the buttermilk. Yesterday I made banana pudding and this morning I have two loaves of banana nut bread in.

    I better check my bread. I don't know why I didn't use my convection lower oven!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Just booked Las vegas using my Wyndham Rewards Visa points. Two nights, on a weekend, at the Wyndham Grand Desert. Yipeeee!! So fun.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, are you driving or flying to all your destinations? I could easily stay a week in each spot, except Branson, never had a desire to go there for some reason. You are definitely covering a lot of ground in a short period of time.
    I have reflux also but have figured out what triggers it and I avoid that stuff. I took meds for about a week after my egd and none since. My issues are further down in my GI track and it is starting to get annoying. I tried probiotics and that made it 10 times worse. Really hoping the plan works. Dr Stork is on the TV show the Dr's.
    I made a peach cobbler bread with peach cream cheese icing. Everyone loved it. I am always surprised when anything I bake turns out!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - We are driving, flying would be outrageous. Too much time spent sitting in the airport and costly. The Avalon is getting 29 miles per gallon! it is only 5-6 hours between each place, with the exception of Las Vegas and San Antonio. We are splitting that one up with a hotel. The shorter stops, Branson ,Las Vegas and San Antonion, are places we have already been. We are staying four nights in Steamboat Springs and four nights in Utah, which are new places to us. The other places are stops along the way. We are visiting his aging relatives for four days in Lincoln, Nebraska, but just chilling out in Branson and San Antonio. The Wyndham resorts are luxurious and awesome within themselves. You know me, l love the linens, the view, the Starbucks and the ambiance. LOL. I am not outdoorsy, so I would not be hiking in Colorado. I am anxious to see Salt Lake City and would have like more time there I imagine. Another trip. We will be gone from August 12 through August 29th. We are both excited about it.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang. We're home from the lake and spent the morning picking blackberries in the pasture. First to answer the most frequent question I saw reading through the posts I've missed - Dinky is doing well. We brought him home a week ago last Friday and for the first few days he was still very, very weak. He's improving day by day though. Every day he seems to eat a little better and do a little more. Our regular vet rechecked his labwork last Monday and it had improved a little, but he still dubbed Dinky "the Puzzle Puppy". He will recheck labwork again tomorrow and we expect to see more improvement. Dinky's still not yet back to normal, but getting better. We don't know yet whether or not he will get to go to New Mexico to the mountains with us. I need to ask Dr J about that tomorrow.

    We'll be camping in the national forest near Red River, NM for 2 weeks beginning July 23. If Dinky doesn't get cleared to go, I'll either have Jessi and her cat come stay here at our house with him or he will go stay with them in their apartment. I'm looking forward to our Red River trip. A cousin, Kay, and her husband, Ed, will be there one of the weeks we are and another couple is joining them. Both those couples will,be on a trip we're taking to Florida next May. It will be nice to have a chance to meet Kay & Ed's friends before the Florida trip.

    The week before we leave, I'm scheduled to meet with the group who blew up my final work project again. I've completely reworked the process we're going to use and hope things go better this time around. It won't be tacked onto the end of another meeting this time, so that should help. In addition, the director of our division, my boss's boss, has done at least one private meeting with an associate who works in the department with the truly horrible manager who went to sleep in the last meeting and has already begun to address some of the issues there.

    I'm doing OK lately with my WL journey, although I'm not knocking it out of the park. Since we were still at the lake Saturday morning, I missed my normal meeting and weigh-in, but according to the home scales a bit ago, I'm down for the week. I'm tracking and sharing my tracker with Beverly, my meeting buddy and am still journaling several days a week. I've struggled to get in an adequate number of steps to meet my exercise goals on non-Y days since the weather got hot. It's so nice on the porch with coffee and the paper in the morning! I need to remember that it'll still be nice on the porch AFTER I walk, if I'll just go ahead and do it when I get up.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, what a lovely trip you have planned = perfect kickoff to Glenn's retirement. Trust me, you do NOT have to be outdoorsy to enjoy Colorado. Salt Lake City is pretty but sorta boring in my experience. San Antonio is fun. Congrats on paying the house off - feels great, doesn't it? Being totally debt-free is a blessing - I worked very hard to get there on one paycheck and glad I did. So I hope my car lasts forever ...

    Patti, how much fun that your mom is going to lunch Wednesday - it'll be great for her. Will be sending good thoughts to your friend for her surgery - that's a toughie from what i've heard, but she'll have great support.

    Bert, what musical is your church doing next?

    Weekend was a bit quieter but still busy. I see foot surgeon in the morning and have a very busy week both this week and next.

    I think I qm gong to go very low-carb for a bit, save for veggies and some fruit.

    Must share a couple of pics of my beloved Caleb and Cady ...

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, I somehow missed your post - so glad Dinky the Puzzle Puppy is doing better. Keep us posted! New Mexico is just gorgeous in a spare, elemental way. Something charmed about the terrain and sky there.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Just a quick stop to wave to all. Busy day in store. Will be back later.

    Have a great day!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Back to the land of busy- the week of camp was relaxing- I got Magic int he Rain off to a beta reader and she's read it and I'll have the marked up paper copy by Wednesday- then I read a Harry Potter book- and just relaxed. It was great
    Mom arrived safely yesterday but this is a short visit- they're leaving on Sunday. But I'm treasuring each moment with her- I put her to "work" today- picking lettuce and making meatballs for the sauce already in the crock pot- she is so happy to "help' me- of course under normal circumstances I would have taken care of these but she likes to feel needy- as we all do.
    Karla- congrats on paying off the house- such a great accomplishment.
    Janet- Glad the fur babies had successful vet appointments. Have you gotten any Janet time?- Thanks for sharing the little one's pictures- so darn cute.
    Patti- Happy belated anniversary- 30 years- WOW
    Bert- sorry about the door- I would skip the Shakeology- like the other ladies have said. Maybe your doctor could send you to a nutritionist which would be covered by your health insurance?
    Suzi- Glad Dinky is doing better- I hope they figure out what caused his illness.

    Rick's son and wife are expecting a little girl on Monday the 24th- he's getting excited.... and hopefully all goes well for everyone Holly has had some issues and after the baby is born she needs to have her gall bladder removed.
    Meg got a job and is so excited. She's going to be working for Indian Lake Chamber- I'm happy for her. She needs some friends.... Things are really hard for her.
    Emily and Jim close on their house next week so things are pretty good all the way around.
    Need to run- but I'm back in action again.
    Until later
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning and back to reality for me. Started on my piles of laundry and am enjoying my egg white omelet. Oh, how I miss coffee with my birdies. Going to the book store to pick up Dr Storks book today and hope to have time to read it before I go to the grocery, hopefully after visiting mom tomorrow and before I hit the gym.

    Karla, I agree with Janet about Salt Lake but if you are there on a Sunday try to get in to see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing during their live broadcast. I went years ago with my roommate and it was the most moving experience. Just being in or near the Rocky Mountains is nirvana to me, you don't need to hike to enjoy their splendor. San Antonio is one of my very favorite towns. We celebrated my parent's 50th wedding anniversary there. There is a riverboat dinner cruise that is a must. The river runs through the middle of town and is so beautiful, especially at night.

    Janet, praying for great news from your foot dr. Are you going to be able to do lunch next Monday? It sounds like you have lots on your plate. If not how about the following Monday the 24th? I hope you get time with your SC friend soon. Those visits always seem to rejuvenate your soul.

    Suzi, so relieved to hear Dinky is on the mend and pray you don't have to go through that again. Your upcoming trips with friends, old and new, sounds like a lot of fun.

    Bert, bummer on the door. At least now you are a seasoned professional for the next one, lol.

    Cindy, I loved the book and was so sad when it ended. You are really getting more polished with each one. I did post a review on Amazon. Loved your blog this week. There is a special comraderi among campers.

    Diane, if you are stopping by, really enjoying all the pictures and following your travels with Charly4. Keep them coming.

    Need to get busy on my to do list
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Janet, forgot to mention......those are some seriously adorable children. Oh them eyes.....
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Karla- I forgot to mention I LOVE San Antonio- I thin kit is one of my favorite places to go. Great city with a town feel. Loved the Alamo but was shocked at the size- if you get the chance swing by and do the tour. The Daughters of the Alamo give a great talk.
    Patti- thank you for the review- I'm glad you enjoyed Looking Glass... I'm growing as a writer I do believe :)
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Well, ladies, I wish I had not posted my trip here. I did not mean for it to be picked apart. It was what Glenn wanted for his retirement trip.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, sorry you feel it was picked apart. I thought everyone was giving suggestions for things to do while you are in each place.