OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good afternoon, all.

    Karla, guess you won't need to be watering your plumeria again for some time - saw some video from New Orleans and the Alabama coast - stay safe! No property damage, I hope.

    Patti, that restaurant sounds terrific, but secondary to the company. Retail inventory is thankless drudgery.

    Cindy, you'll be so put together for your trip. I think it's just what you need. 1 AM is typical for me (even when I was working). Given my druthers, I'd be true night owl and sleep late.

    Bert, my heart hurts for you - it's so difficult to handle loved ones with dementia. Still, I believe that voice and touch still mean something.

    Diane, what are the last things you pack when you go on a trip? Is Carrie's swelling from the weekend coming down? My ankle swells up when i do a lot of walking/standing too.

    Suzi, hope this trip has been excellent & will leave you with good work memories.

    Hair has been colored and trimmed, but with a side of drama. The guy who does my hair is a sweetheart, co-owner of the salon. He put my color on while telling me he was waiting for a callback from his doc, worried that a pain in his leg could be a clot - the day before he and his wife are leaving for two weeks in Canada. While my head was being steamed, he came over and said the doc wanted him to go straight to the hospital. Sure hope he will be OK! The young stylist who shampooed me did the trim and blow-dry.

    Like Patti, we're just starting to get a visit from Cindy, with rain through tomorrow. Except for PT and grocery shopping, I can stay in.

    But first, I'm going to have a little nap - was up late, awake during the night. Will make myself a nice salad with some chicken or tuna on top for dinner.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Quiet day in OMG Land.
    I took a pretty long bike ride yesterday- never made it out of second gear and took my time. My hips are a little sore today but overall I'm very proud of myself for making it happen. I had lettuce and radishes from the garden last night- delish. Hair appointment at 4 for a wash and blow out so I don't need to worry about hair tomorrow.
    Patti and Janet- your paperbacks and mugs will be shipped next Friday and Karla you're new mug will also ship next Friday.
    What is new in your world?
    I'll check back if there is time today. If not I'll shoot for Sunday- check FB tomorrow- we'll post pictures and in Instagram if anyone has it.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading out this morning for another hair cut. I just had it cut 2 weeks ago, but I don't think she cut much, especially my bangs. I like to flat iron them and leave them straight. When I do that, they are below my eyebrows. I'm hoping I get a relief in the cut price as it's only been 2 weeks, but have a feeling I'll be paying full price. Oh well, it will be the way I want it.

    Thank you all for the sweet comments concerning my cousin. I'm very thankful that she is not mean like my BFF mother-in-law is. I'm not sure how we all could handle it. My cousin's son-in-law thinks this all started when she fell and hit her head really hard; so much that she broke her elbow and dented a stainless steel coffee mug. The symptons accelerated after she had the anesthesia for her surgery. I'm not convinced about that, but they have been around her far more than I have. In reality, it doesn't matter when it started; it is what it is.

    On a good note, my brother is doing better. He is going to try Cannabis Oil and will try to wean off the opiods. His doctor supports his decision and is anxious what his numbers will be next month. He's pretty much working full time at home which I'm all for. Idle minds made him depressed, I think, so I'm thankful he has work.

    Have to get ready to leave. Have a great day, everyone! Eating has been semi-ok.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Well.......the project I was expecting to complete this week blew up on Wednesday when we brought in the junior-level managers. So, my employment has been extended at least until July when we will meet with this group again and try a different approach in hopes of getting some buy in from one particular b***h who is a loan documentation expert with zero management and people skills. She's one of those who got promoted to manager because she was so good at the job of loan documentation. The World According to Suzi Opinion is that she needs to be relieved of management responsibilities before she winds up running anybody else off, but that's not my hill to die on. So, I'll just be happy that my current, occasional employment status will continue for a little while longer.

    I did pretty good WW-wise on the first part of this trip, made healthy eating choices and walked both Monday and Tuesday evenings at Crystal Bridges in Bentonville. I absolutely LOVE walking on the trails there and it's a bonus when I can do it with a buddy or two. I let my frustration get the best of me on Wednesday afternoon though and made some choices I'm not proud of and I didn't even track that day. I got back on the horse yesterday, tracked and even pulled off a blue dot. Own it and move on....

    Cindy - enjoy your upcoming professional author weekend.

    Karla, Patti Janet and anyone else getting rain, please blow some our way. Fall crops are in serious danger and yards are rapidly burning up around our parts, with no good prospects for rain in sight.

    To whoever it was who asked, our next trip in Tulip will be to the mountains in New Mexico the last week of July and first week of August. Jessi has some vacation days this next week Monday - Wednesday and she and I will do some in-state traveling ending up at the lake where we will meet up with Dave and the dogs.

    Today I'm working in the office so I need to get moving.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, really quick stop. It is pouring buckets out there but I am heading to the gym anyway. Then quick pack up, stop off at Moms with some groceries and her mail and then off to the cabin. They are raising the river ip about 6 feet by Monday. That spells trouble for our docks so they have to be taken out tomorrow. I believe they are raising it to keep too much water from heading to the Mississippi River. It is supposed to be beautiful all weekend so it makes it hard to want to remove the docks. Hope we can get some help from the neighbor's since my son is not going to be there. It is a lot of hard work just getting the poles out! We wil do what needs to be done. The neighbor's invited us to dinner, they are the bad cooks, but I graciously accepted.

    Time to run. Will check back if I can.

    Good luck this weekend Cindy. Wishing you more sales than you have books!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good late morning ladies. Yes, we have sunshine!! Sorry the rain is now yours, and Suzi, I hope it reaches you.

    Izzy and a friend spent the night last night. We will be going swimming shortly. The sun is in and out, but first time we have seen it in days. Our family BBQ is tomorrow, so it is still on with the improved weather.

    Patti- I remember how difficult of a job it is for you to get the docks out. I hope you can get some help.

    Cindy- I finished the book and it was absolutely your best one yet. I like the suspencful romantic combination. I couldn't put it down. I tried posting a review and my tablet through me off, I will try again. You are awesome. Have a great day tomorrow. You are beautiful in every way.

    Back later,
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Have had PT and made a run to the produce market. Storm due to hit in the next hour or so and last for several hours, so I'm glad to be where all I'll need to do is bring the mail in later. PT was pretty rough and sleep marginal, so hoping for an afternoon nap shortly.

    Bert, you are so right about dementia - every case is individual and some patients can get downright mean, while others are very plaid - I've seen both ends of the spectrum.

    Suzi, people who get promoted to things they're terrible at seem to run the corporate world all too often. Good luck with wrangling the cow.

    Karla, have fun with the family BBQ - is it at your home? You have a lot of those and they're always fun for everyone who attends.

    Patti, good luck with the docks - Edd should make hydraulic ones! Enjoy the cabin.

    Cindy, hoping to do some reading this weekend - each book gets better!

    Diane, I think you're three days away - stay calm and know that there are stores everywhere you're going!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Izzy and friends at my pool.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. Yes, I am frazzled. John has been working so hard on the kitchen for our son. Today was install day - we told Brad he had to take today off. They thought they would finish in one day but they are only half done. (Which is what I predicted) They knew the water and power for the fridge would have to be moved (moving where the fridge is) but thought it could wait - turns out the old placement of those was where an upper cabinet needed to go, so they had to move them today. They also discovered that John forgot to make two cabinet doors! He has the central panels made and sanded, but not the rails and stiles (the "frame"). Luckily one of the mud room cabinets is the same size, though the doors are slightly different style. So they are just going to move those two doors for now and John will make new doors later. We did make a filler panel tonight for the corner where two cabinets meet - John knew this would be needed but really couldn't make it until the cabinets were installed and he could get dimensions. He will spray that one first thing in the morning. There were a few other things that needed to be adjusted that took time too. Hoping to finish in half a day tomorrow. There are four more cabinets to install (two upper and two lower), the set of doors to move, and all the drawer fronts to install. The other thing that will wait until we get back is the final trim bits - a continuous board on the kick, the trim piece at the top of the cabinets to hide the fact that the ceiling isn't level, and the valence over the sink.

    Meanwhile I have been doing all I can to get us packed and ready without much help or input from John - tomorrow is laundry day so I can pack clothes on Sunday, including both summer and fall clothes. I also need to do the last grocery shopping. We are T-3 days - planning on leaving Monday morning sometime.

    Eating has been all over the place. But I am getting more than my 10K steps even without gym time, so you know I am moving all day!

    Carrie's swelling has indeed gone down. She worked 4 hours on Tuesday and again today, and said she was really tired and sore at the end of her shift (mostly running the register.) But she made it through! So that is a good step forward. She had a doctor's appointment with her surgeon on Thursday, and he said she is healing very well and more rapidly than he expected or usually sees. He said recovery time is normally around a year. (First time he has given any sort of timeline.) Tonight is the dress rehearsal and tomorrow the recital for the dance studio she has been working at. She is teaching vocals to the performance group, and they asked her to sing a solo as a filler between dance acts. She is also running the light board for the whole recital. It keeps her busy, and makes a little money.

    Sorry no time for personals. I need to go fall asleep!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is to be a gorgeous day! So gorgeous that I am hoping to give the air conditioner a break! Mike is playing golf with his work buddies, so I have the day to myself.

    Diane: You are so lucky that John can do all of work for the kitchen. Mike is handy, but only on certain things. Where, again, are you traveling? I'd love to travel; however, Mike is pretty much a homebody. He always finds reasons to stay home. I'm going to have to work on that. Glad to hear Carrie's swelling is going down.

    My brother got a pretty good report from his doctor. He is going to try Cannabas Oil to help alleviate pain as he is trying to get off opioids. He's gained a few pounds which I'm happy with. He's also working from home quite a bit. He does sound edits for webinars and also mixes sound for radio advertisements and other musical compositions.

    Greg, Carrie, and the kids made it to Birmingham yesterday. Today they will travel the rest of the way to Panama City. Dan and the kids are flying in on Sunday. Annie isn't going as she's not fond of the boys' dad and wife. :smiley: They are doing a kitchen renovation, so that's the excuse this summer. I find it amusing! I think it's a good trip for the boys and kids to spend time together. Their dad isn't too involved with their daily lives.

    Eating was not good yesterday. Breakfast is tracked and I'm hoping to make healthy choices today. Have a good day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, very good news on your brother - both his health and his ability to work, which is certainly good for his mental health.

    Diane, you and John are so handy - I'm pretty hopeless in that department. You'll get it together for departure - don't stress.

    Karla, love the pic of Izzy her friends. You are so lucky Jason & Angelique are nearby and let you have plenty of Izzy time.

    Cindy, that dress is very cute on you = hope the event will e great fun and that you sell lots of books.

    Might try opening windows here too. Going to choose something to binge-watch and move into bedroom to attempt productivity, after I have a breakfast yogurt. Please, coffee, kick in!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick hi, docks out with minimal drama. Burgers with friends on the deck. Dinner at the neighbors then bonfire and adult beverages at a bonfire once the sun goes down. Should be perfect weather. Next Friday we will put all the docks and boats back in. We will be spending the week, yeah!

    That's all for now from Low Places on the Ohio
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Dang my post disappeared! Today was kitchen install. Pics follow. Keep in mind that this is only half the cabinets. - the rest are in the utility room and mud room.

    We went to an 80th birthday party for an old family friend tonight -I only hope I look and act like she does at 80!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good late morning ladies. What a fun day we had with the family yesterday. The heaven's took away the rain and it was sunny and clear for the event.

    Diane - Wow, the kitchen is looking great. John made the cabinets himself? That sure saved them a fortune as cabinets are pricey. The floor is awesome too. I know you both will be glad to hit the road and be able to park and relax!! At least I hope you do. May your trip be fun and uneventful on any problems.

    Cindy - How did your book sales go and did you have fun, most of all. I'm going back and re-reading your first books so I can stay in the Loudan family a little longer. LOL.

    Patti- I'm glad your drama was minimal on the removal of the docks. It is sunny down here again today and was nice yesterday afternoon. Surely your neighbors that don't cook good didn't mess up the hamburgers.

    Janet - I hope you had your windows open some yesterday. Sounds like Carrie and you are on your road to recovery with all the activity you both have been doing. Life goes on and we must adapt and take care of ourselves.

    Bert - Your family doesn't have any more drama than the rest of ours. We all have members that don't get along or even associate. Blended families are a big challenge sometimes and some inlaws just don't fit in.

    JJ just woke up and I am out of the shower, so we need to plan our day. Glad everyone seems to be enjoying their summer.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good evening. Got home a bit ago after dropping off the dogs and checking out the progress my son is making on his kitchen. Ultra sleek and modern and totally them. Still has lots to do but getting there. The dinner was fine, I made sautéed cabbage with bacon, cabbage was compliments of our other friends up the river. Gorgeous bonfire, sharing it with friends made it spectacular. The stars were out in full force as were the fireflies. All together a pretty perfect weekend. This will be a busy week. I have lunch and hair appointment on Wed, and lots of shopping to get ready for a long holiday weekend. Edd is going to the cabin Thursday sometime. I want to go to the gym Thursday night and Friday morning, plus need to go to Fresh thyme and Costco on Friday before I head down. We will be staying all week with folks coming and going at different times. My lists have already begun (nothing like Diane's I am sure, lol)

    Diane, the kitchen is gorgeous. Now relax and enjoy your time on the road. Nothing better in this world and you are visiting some of the most gorgeous places on earth. Safe travels my friend.

    Cindy, loving the new book, savoring every moment. Hope the weekend was productive in lots of was.

    Karla, so happy your weather turned around for your family BBQ.

    Janet, did you get some rest this weekend? With these mild temps I bet you enjoyed some open window time.

    Bert, so happy to hear such positive news about your brother. I have to flat iron my bangs too. Just can't do the curly bangs, lol.

    Suzi, so are you happy or unhappy about now being completely done with work? I think I would be upset. But I know you loved your job and I bet you were awesome in this training role.

    I think I will call it a day a bit early. Never seem to get much sleep at the cabin. Plus I want to get up and out early. Have some birthday presents to exchange at Kohls. Also want to find some new cushions for my porch swing and glider at the cabin.

    Sweet dreams

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi. No open-window time here - too humid. Have stayed busy all weekend but today was less productive then I hoped. Up early to shower, get dressed and clear surfaces before my cleaner arrives, assuming she is feeling better.

    Duane, that kitchen is amazing. Be safe on the road!

    Karla, glad the weather cleared for the family party.

    Cindy, how was your trip?

    Patti, will the river level stabilize so you can leave the docks in once they go back?

    Eating has not been stellar this weekend. Going to clamp down on myself here.

    Hugs to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. What a gorgeous morning it is. Sunny and in the 50's. I'm heading to church this morning to answer the phone to sell tickets to the musical while the office staff counts money. We are selling out fast! I'm definitely getting outside today and taking a walk.

    One of my friends had a heart attack on Thursday night. She's doing better and is hoping to get moved to a regular room today. She was definitely lucky.

    Diane: I love the kitchen. You're lucky to have such a fabulous handyman!

    Patti: Enjoy your time at the cabin.

    Have a great day, everyone! Breakfast is tracked.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Saturday was a huge success- not tons of book sales but great contacts and since this was my first event I must say my table looked pretty sharp- guess it helps I have a tradeshow background.
    Karla- revisting Loudon- is SO sweet.
    Patti- have a great time at the river next week- you deserve some down time. Will Mom come out for a bit?
    Diane- safe travels and loads of fun.
    Bert- you sound so happy in your posts lately- that is wonderful that you let the nonsense just slide away. We need to with the blended families.
    Janet- sorry you couldn't open your windows. That is what we do for AC in the Northeast ;) - how it PT- when do you finish?
    Suzi- when do you hit the road- I think I asked but just can't remember sorry. I was a little frazzled lately.
    Mom arrives on the 8th- looking forward to seeing her but I'm ticked off- I wanted to fly her up but my step-dad INSISTS on driving and he is such a hazard on the roads. At least they've agreed to do it in 3 days and 2 nights. I told her next year for my nephews wedding she WILL fly. My brother is going to split the tickets and rental car with me - my oldest brother says not his issue- and its his son getting married- but Oh well. Not my monkey or circus.
    Why does it seem to fall back on a daughter to help the parents? My middle brother is good about helping Dad around his place but no so much with Mom.
    Oh well- life is good. Weather is almost perfect and next week I'm off for the week- so I get some focused writing time.
    Need to run for now- waving to all
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good afternoon, all. Sunny day here. My cleaner is still sick and will come Wednesday, then again next Wednesday. So I'll run a few errands, then get to work on stuff here.

    Cindy, glad you had a great experience - the table did look terrific. Did you get a chance to enjoy the scenery up there? My PT runs through July, assuming approval for additional sessions. And yeah, the daughter often gets the workload for the family - only one brother here, but it was the same deal here.

    Bert, hope your friend heals very quickly. Scary.

    Patti, you deserve a full week at the cabin. Wish your mom would agree to go, even or a couple of days. Sad that she won't share your happy place with you. How is your sister doing? Let's synchronize calendars for that lunch!

    Karla, hope you get a slightly less busy week, and no big storms. When's your next getaway?

    Diane, bet your countdown is moving rapidly. Can't wait to see pics from your adventures, and before you know it you'll have your granddaughter in your arms.

    Suzi, what are the pups up to? I imagine Dinky and Ellis are a pretty tight unit by now.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Cindy: I always say, "It is what it is" We all get along very well. It's amazing how family members are so different as with your oldest brother. My brother claims to have been "in touch" with my folks, but I really didn't see or know him to have been much help when they needed him. It makes me wonder who will be helping the most when I'm in that same situation. My daughters-in-law are wonderful as well as Lindsey.

    Janet: My friend is doing pretty well. I'm going to visit her tomorrow morning.
