OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning from soggy Ohio. Thank you all for the birthday wishes. My daughter texted me first thing this morning, so that made me start the day off right. Mom is not going to be able to go to lunch. Her eye was really burning and kept her up most of the night. She finally found some drops that helped early this morning. So bummed that she had such a miserable night. So it will be me and my GF. The other GF is in Anaheim with her kids and grandkids at the "Most Magical Place on Earth". Then work tonight. Already know we are down one person so it will be super busy. Hoping the rain will stop so I can get some shopping done before I go to work.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! It's hot, humid and, of course, windy today in OKC. Or, as Dave and I call it "livin' in a hair dryer". Just got home from yoga and waiting in my turn in the shower before we head to lunch with a group of friends. I haven't been to this place, so hoping for healthy options. There should be as the person organizing the event is very health conscious herself.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    What the heck? It cut my post in half. O time to redo now.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PATTI!!!!! So glad Susie texted you first thing.

    A quick hi before I shower and get ready to head to Cinci to meet one of my Atlanta friends for dinner. Doubting it'll be a blue dot day but at least with the drive, I know I will have no more than one adult beverage, if that. May be driving home in heavy weather. It's getting to mid-90s here, and humid. Oy!

    Cindy, that dress is very cute - I can see you in it.

    Diane, so much to do - but you seem cheerful about it.

    Bert, happy for your time with Jillian & Cole.

    Karla, what's up with you? How is your dad doing, and how are Chris & Brittany doing with the baby?

    Suzi, enjoy your lunch, especially the company!

    OK, off to clean up. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited June 2017
    quick stop as I need to get ready for work. Lunch with my bestie was wonderful. Got a few errands done but the rain was just too much for me to do the grocery shopping. Plus I hadn't really decided what to fix for food this weekend. But now I have a plan and will shop in the morning before I get my hair done.

    Cindy, I want a signed copy! I know that some day I will get to say "I knew her when". I love the dress too. You will look so cute.

    Janet, enjoy your dinner and stay safe on the roads. The rains have stopped here for now.

    Diane, I remember our first long trip, only 3 months, but the planning was a bear. Just keep in mind if you forget something there is always a Walmart near by.

    Suzi, hope your lunch was as fun as mine was.

    Karla, hope you are having fun with the kiddos.

    Bert, hope your GB is ok and that you get thru your fruit and jello day. No advice on that one.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Happy Birthday Patti- I posted on FB so hope you saw it...
    Thanks for the kudos on the dress it arrived by UPS today so I'll try it on tonight or tomorrow- fingers crossed
    Diane- I didn't realize you were on the road for 5 months- holy cow
    Suzi- congrats on the find.... and what a bargain
    Janet- another month of PT is a great idea.
    Bert- watermelon slushie might be yummy
    Karla- hope all is well in the deep south

    If anyone feels like sharing the LR FB teaser about the Loudon Series- I'd appreciate it... keep trying to build the LR business of an author's life.
    But zero pressure.
    Need run- i'm really hungry so I'm going to have some yogurt- I'm really focused this week but the hungry monster is kicking my butt- day 3 an she needs to stop picking on me.
    Talk to you again-
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello ladies and HAPPY BIRTHAY TO PATTI!!

    I have been back at the Podiatry office today. It was fine, a little restful after two very active and swimming girls. LOL.

    Cindy-Just took my cup out of the dishwasher and insprected it. So far, so good. Happy early Birthday to you too!!

    Janet - I am fine, I guest my post You will have so much fun over the five months of travel. I'm sure Carrie will pace herself and do fine on her girl camping trip too. I can't seem to find the time to get back on my sewing. Izzy had her recital on Sunday so we were gone all day with that.

    Patti- Sorry about your mother's vision woes. My father has those injections every three months to prevent the bleeding/seepage at they call it. Because he is blind in his other eye they are taking no chances on the one good eye. He went shopping after his injection and was in and out in less than an hour. His doctor, Dr. Pynes, is reknown in our area for this expertise. I have an appointment with him on the 28th for a second opinion on my shingle eye dryness.

    Bert - Aren't the grandkids grand? I just love spending time with them all.

    I don't think the room we went and looked at last evening, and had dinner there, is going to work. I am going Saturday to look and two other places. Probably go with the Catfish Junction place, but I want to see this Tiki Restaurant too. I've been dealing with converting his policies from the shipyard and what a pain. Yesterday we had a two hour conference call going over the pension options and lump sum he will be receiving.

    I ended up having a stomach bug last evening and this morning. I was fine later but a little weak. Not sure what that was.

    I'm cooking dinner for Glenn and I. He has gone over Jason's to look at his AC unit that is froze up. I love my husband so much and am so very proud of his wonderful work ethic. They are offering him a contract position and he will get 60 days off from retirement before he goes back and his desired hours.

    So awful about the gunman and injuries at the baseball practice.

    Anyway, I will chat at you all later.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. I see above that Janet's post and Diane's post somehow combined. Strange.

    I am at the Safelite place having the windshield replaced on our new Avalon. Bummer! We got a bad crack last week going to Destin. It is running across the windshield. Then tomorrow they are coming out to the Podiatry office to fix a rock crack I got on it Tuesday! Geez. Luckily this is all covered on my Allstate policy.

    I'm trying hard to get back to my blue dot days. But this time I am more serious. Looks like if I don't exercise I'm going to have to drop my calories down to 1000. At 1250I was maintaining!!

    I have tracked breakfast and lunch already.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    The weather is spectacular here today- mid 70's blue skies and low humidity.
    Tomorrow will be a very busy LR day- and I have a list started. I cancelled two appointments so I could focus and be ready for next Saturday.
    Karla- sounds like Glenn can slip into retirement- very nice.
    Where is everyone else?
    Need to get back to the day job but wanted to say Good Morning
    Until Later
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Looks like another gloomy day, but no matter I have a full day planned. Grocery shopping, then short visit with mom to drop off some things I bought for her. Bonus will be seeing my sis as she is will be coming over there too. Then getting my kinky on at the hairdresser. So looking forward to a no muss do, praying it looks ok on me. Then TRX, dinner and packing for the weekend. Going to have a simple taco bar and peach tortilla roll ups for dessert. I am still exhausted from work last night. I was at the cutting counter most of the shift by myself. Plus the shift before us was super busy and there was a massive amount of fabric left to be put away.

    Karla, sorry for your windshield woes. I know you will find the perfect place for Glenn's party.

    Going to outrun the rain so better sign off

    Thank you all for the lovely heartfelt birthday wishes here and on FB. You are all such gems in my life
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - have been gone all day again. Good to be home!

    Karla, why isn't the company taking care of all the party arrangements? Sorry you're saddled with that responsibility but at least this way you'll find the perfect place. I bet the podiatrist's office felt like an oasis after wrangling those adorable kids? Let us know what the new doc says about your eye.

    Patti, glad you will see your sister. Happy that she seems to be more organized around her healthcare. Are you getting a perm? No matter what you do, it'll look cute and with your schedule, easy is best. I am a Mother Nature Hair Airdrying devotee, except when I really need to care.

    Cindy, you're nearly ready for the retreat. Just the food your soul needs. Hope the weather is perfect and the dress is as well.

    Diane, I can't imagine being away for that long but you & John have earned it. I really want a true vacation - never been a big thing for me because in a household that's only ever had one income, there's not a lot left over. But I'm trying.

    Suzi, how was your lunch?

    Bert, what's new in Indiana?

    My dinner last night was great fun - we got caught up and ate at an excellent Spanish/tapas restaurant where the food & service were both memorable (we had two handsome servers - one was a manager). Nice. Had my nails done today and went with red for a more powerful feeling - just kinda needed that.

    Later - on three text conversations for the last 20 minutes so time to hit "post"
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Well it is done. Got a perm. The first look, when it was wet made me gulp. My sweet hairdresser was talking double time to make me feel better. Kept telling me it would relax and fall a bit and giving me tips on how to style it once it is dry. Once I got home and let it dry I was able to fluff it up, tuck it behind my ears and generally style it to what my vision was. I think I am going to love it. The curly bangs are the only part I am not convinced about. In a couple of days I can try using a brush and hairdryer to make them less curly. I already sent a message to my hairdresser to let her know I am very happy with my new do.

    Janet, how about Bravos at Streets of West Chester, by the PF Changs where we last met? Or if you want me to come farther south i can do that. Can't wait to see you. It has been far too long.

    Skipped the gym, just too tired and I want to get food prepped for the weekend. Made Abuelos's tomatillo pineapple salsa, super yummy!

    Better get back to work so I can stop feeling guilty for skipping the gym
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bravos sounds perfect, Patti. Pick a time & I will be there! Can't wait to see the new do.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I had my upper GI and sonogram yesterday; now I'm waiting for results. I'm somewhat worried about the results; however, it is what it is. The bathroom is coming along nicely. Floor tiles will be installed Monday! Tonight is Cole's trophy night, so Mike and I will attend.

    SO FRUSTRATED WITH THE keeps going up. I'm tracking, excersizing, and watch carefully what I eat; however, I do realize that some of my choices aren't healthy. I guess I'm eating the wrong things or combination of things. One would think as many salads as I eat, I would lose something! I try to eat the way WW suggested when I lost before. It just isn't working. Sorry for the ranting, but this is what's on my mind. I feel guilty at times as there are many of my friends and family who are suffering from worse things.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning lovelies! Looking in the mirror was a bit shocking but I still think I will love it. Certainly no styling required. My sister found a new chair for mom. Which means Edd and I have to go pick up and deliver. Move furniture for mom and remove the old chair and take it to my sister's. All before we leave for the cabin. Then will load the truck and get out of town. It is going to be a scorcher so am praying my boat runs. If not I will be swimming off the dock.

    Janet, how about 11:30 on Monday at Bravos?

    May or may not check the in before we get home on Sunday.

    Have a glorious weekend
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    11:30 it is - we'll open the joint!

    Have a great weekend, all!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is house cleaning day. I didn't have my girl this week as too much was going on. So, it's a day to clean up from the contractor's dust. I actually like to clean but just have trouble with my back if I bend over too much. Then I'll head to the pool for some definte "floating time".

    My tests showed that I have some reflux and gastritis. I'm to take stomach pills for 4-6 weeks and if the symptoms don't subside, a different test will be performed to see how the gall bladder is functioning. I've taken the pills for a week, and haven't noticed any relief. Time will tell.

    Eating was ok yesterday. I made it to the gym, too. I'm hoping to get in a walk today as well. Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited June 2017
    Bert, it takes time for the meds to get the acid level down in your stomach. Did they advise you to elevate your bed? Decrease or eliminate gastric stimulants like coffee, chocolate, pepper, tomatoes, citric fruits and juices, beer and wine? You should also avoid lying down within an hour of eating. The reflux is the worst and can cause esophageal spasms that can cause pain and it can feel like a heart attack. Not sure what your symptoms were but hope this helps.
    Back to getting ready for company.
    Edd was in a motorcycle accident Tuesday, minor injuries but he did not take care of them like he should and didn't tell me about the accident either. He re-injured himself yesterday and was basically incapacitated. It involves his right arm, shoulder and chest muscle. Son will have to put the boat in for us and Edd should be able to drive it. MEN!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Taking a break while the deep freeze continues to defrost. Then it is back to finishing my crafty things today (I hope) so I can just focus on packing. I went to the library yesterday and re-activated my card (haven't used it in a while) and had them show me how to check out eBooks. I spent Thursday over with mom and did a bunch of small chores for her. I think she is really going to miss me since my brother and sister (both of whom live closer, but both are also still working full time) don't take the time to spend with her.

    Eating has been okay but not stellar. I've been getting my activity in, and I suppose that keeps the scale trending EVER SO SLOWLY downward. The high days haven't been as high, even if the low days still don't go down as much. My weight definitely fluctuates +/- 2 pounds daily. This trip will be a total break from the scale, so I will have to see what happens when I don't have that daily reminder! Hoping my activity level continues to increase, and I can keep the eating under control.

    Carrie is at the Firefly music festival with friends for the weekend. The only thing we have heard is a safe arrival text, and an exchange the next day saying she was having fun but her knee hurt - I'm sure from walking to much without crutches and funny gait trying to protect the foot. She gets back on Monday. We are getting rain - hope it doesn't rain too much there (Dover Del.)

    Brad and John are trying to finish the fabrication of the rest of the pieces for the kitchen cabinet this weekend. John has been working 8 hours plus a day every day on them.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, hope Edd is okay! So soon after his surgery too. MEN is right - John has been complaining about his knee (different pain than just arthritis) for two months, but hasn't bothered to see anyone about it. I was urging him to go see if a cortisone shot would calm it down if it is tendonitis, but he won't do anything. I also found out that our doctor of more than 30 years is retiring at the end of the summer! So any problems and we will find ourselves searching out a new doctor. Ugh.

    When do we get to see a picture of the new hairdo?

    Bert, the contractor is not done making dust! I wouldn't get too into deep cleaning just yet lol. But I know what you mean - I don't mind cleaning because I really love the outcome, and I've never found a cleaning person who meets my standards. Hope the medicine helps you!

    Janet, I'm sure the red nails only add to your lovely and commanding presence.

    Cindy, is today the big event, or is it still a week away? Either way, I'm sure you are busy getting ready or smiling and selling books!

    Karla, bummer about the car glass. I got a chip in my windshield when my Cherokee was only about 3 months old. Luckily it hasn't spread. Our insurance doesn't cover glass any different than any other damage, so is never worth going to for glass repairs.

    Suzi, is this a camping weekend?

    Back later.
