OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! I'm hanging with my cyber buddies for a few before I head out to pick Jessi up. She and I are volunteering at the Salvation Army with a group from her workplace this evening. It's been laundry, grocery shopping, watering, weeding, and Tulip cleanup since we got home yesterday about 1:00. We had a great time and will most definitely go back to Lake Ouachita. Absolutely beautiful, crystal clear water - clearer than some swimming pools I've been in. The campground is arranged so that you can beach your boat at most of the sites. Just lovely all around.

    I have a busy week of appointments this week and need to get a little work done in preparation for a meeting next week where I'll be leading a discussion that is long overdue and will not be popular with several of the participants. Tough, they need to get over it and shape up some things or it's not going to be pretty...

    But first - I'm taking Kelly (my sister/cousin) on a day trip tomorrow. We're going to visit a little Amish town east of Tulsa, Chouteau, OK to troll some antique stores and have lunch at a local legend restaurant the Amish Cheese House. This little town is on my way to NW AR and I've stopped several times at a little Amish grocery store and bakery, but have never had the time to go antiquing. There are several antique stores there, so we'll have a good time I'm sure.

    Yesterday was a blue dot day and I'm happy to report that I rolled right back into online tracking and point counting as soon as we got home. It's nice to find a safe way for me to feel like I can take a WW "vacation" without going off the rails.

    Time to run,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Late check in but I have read all your posts. I got my decks, rails and steps sealed. It took the better part of 2 days but they look great. I fixed dinner for all of us on Friday and my DIL took charge of Saturday. Fresh peach cobbler was a big hit, I abstained. Did make time for a nice long boat ride with the neighbors. My son put his boat in also. My granddaughter and her fiancé were down and he has now been fully indoctrinated to the family, lol. He and my granddaughter had a great time tubing. She just moved 2 weekends ago and lives 3 blocks from us. She told me that if I ever need anything she can help out. She said if we have to be gone for a while she will get the mail or watch Frankie for us. The best thing she offered to do was take the trash to the curb if we decide to stay at the cabin until Monday, which is trash day for us. My little girl is starting to grow up. Can't believe she will be 21 soon. I did try to eat mindfully this weekend but chips got the better of me, I did limit the amount. Progress! Once again it will be a busy week. Working my usual Monday and Wednesday nights. Lunch with my gf Wed for my birthday. Going to try and get my mom to come along. Eye appointment for mom on Tuesday. Hair appointment for perm on Thursday. We have company coming to the cabin this weekend, the friend we visited in Sarasota in the spring and her 2 grandkids. They adore Edd, they call him "santa-on-vacation". He looks like bad Santa with his bald head and long gray beard. They met him when their grandfather died (Edd's best friend since high school) and I told them he was Santa but he was on vacation so they were supposed to pretend he wasn't Santa. So looking forward to their visit and taking them out on the boat so pray for sunshine.

    Enough from me for tonight. Will be better with personals tomorrow.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be a hot one today. I'm working on the summer musical program today. It will be a good day to work inside.

    Karla: My back can't take vacuuming and mopping the floor all in one day. I think I need to have the hardwood floors refinished. I'm learny about putting polish on the floor as I know it builds up over time. I do have a product to apply to help make it look better. It's a Bona product. I need to do that, but with all the renovations upstairs, I think it would be a waist of time. Lindsey's mom would do the same thing when Lindsey was little concerning clothes worth wearing. I was constantly buying her clothes and what was sent was not my liking. I think it was a plan, but all is good now!

    Does anyone know of a product I could apply to my kitchen table that would allow me to just wipe it down? I currently have a glass top on it as I have made marks on the wood when I first bought the table. I don't like the glass top as it is constantly dusty both on top and underneath the glass.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I'm back to the normal life of Cindy- Newport was lovely and we had a really good day- felt like old times and it continued all weekend- we've had some more heart to heart talks and he said he's feeling better on this new med. So hopefully the trend will continue.
    I'm closing in on the LR event on the 24th- I hope I sell enough books to pay for the table space- this is all new to me. Keep fingers and toes crossed please....
    Everyone is busy and seems to be on the losing end of our battle- of which I'm not. But today is a new day and I have great choices with me. Also its wicked hot here so I have no desire to eat heavy.
    Em and Jim are buying a house and they've invited me to the house inspection today at 1 to see it- I'm so excited for them- They close on 7/19.
    Patti- how could you abstain from fresh cobbler- I don't know if I could have- I only eat it once a year... lol
    Janet- I'd love to see you in action at PT- must be a hoot....
    Bert- I'm not sure on the table top- do you want to take the glass off. Maybe a good coat of water resistant polyurethane
    Diane- the clothes were so cute- you're a great sewer.
    Suzi- Have fun in Amish town.
    Karla- Thank you for the kind offer of rooming with you... I hate being in limbo with the day job. But we should hear something soon.
    Need to go back to work- but I'll be back.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning! Slow start but feeling motivated and about to head to the bedroom to start some clothing organization. I've been buying some great bargain cute tops so I can get rid of some old shirts (donate or make dust rags). It's a big job but I need to start!

    No blue dot yesterday but today WILL be. I'll be too nervous about the game to eat tonight anyway!

    Back later - Cindy, glad your weekend was good and hope Rick commits himself to treatment for the long haul. Congrats to Em and Jim!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, I have a list of things that need done but have no true desire to do any of them. I think I will hide away in my craft room. I have a cart to put together that I bought at IKEA a couple of weeks ago. I also have lots of new stamping tools and toys that I haven't had a chance to play with.

    Cindy, big old smile on my face reading your post. Will pray he continues on this path with the new meds. You deserve happiness. So excited for the LR event. You will do great, I have faith.

    Karla, Izzy looked so cute in her dance costume. Your weekend looked perfect.

    Janet, so excited for our luncheon next Monday. We will have to have a toast for Cindy's birthday while we are at it.

    Suzi, the campground sounds so perfect. In all the years we have camped there have only been 3 or 4 campgrounds that we have visited more than once. 3 of them were in the Smokey Mountains. Ellis sure seems to be finding his place in your lives, hearts and Tulip!

    Diane, so much to do to get ready for your first big trip. Wish we were going too, lol. We both love to travel but have been staying close to home since Mom moved back here. Also hate missing time at the cabin during the summer.

    Bert, I think Cindy has the right idea with the poly. You will need to sand the table first so it will stick.

    Time to decide how to spend my day until I have to work tonight.


  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    gals. Another fun day with the grands. I work a few hours in the early morn before they get up on the podiatry and then its play time. Today we went and picked up Brittany and Braden, my new great nephew and Mom. She appreciates getting out of the house. LOL.

    Janet - Yes I had all over color last week and she got it a bit dark. Now I need highlights.

    Patti- You NEED and DESERVE and fun, no chores or events, day at home. I hope you took it

    Diane- I hope to work on my new chevron blanket tonight after dinner.

    Bert - I hope we can find a time and location that is good for all. I know I am the farthest and that's okay. But the more northerly they can push it the better. LOL

    Suzi - I know what you mean about employees that don't put the desire and required effort into their job. Glenn does too and came home today frustrated as his employees see no sense of urgency to complete tasks. They do have deadlines with the Navy. He's so ready to retire.

    We are having dinner with two other couples tomorrow evening that already retired from the shipyard. We are eating at the seafood place I tentatively have their banquet room reserved for July 29th. I have a folder with names, and need to move forward with decorations and the cake once I see if this room will work. It holds 45 and that should be enough.

    I'll check in tomorrow,

    until then, carry on
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I meant to say, the more Southerly they move the new OMG retreat, the better.,
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    I think I had an excellent day - food wise.AND made good choices. I did have an adult beverage when I got home last night- but I closed the kitchen after a veggie filled dinner. At 10 PM I found myself looking at a peppermint patty in the fridge- actually had it in my hand. I was slightly hunger- found myself thinking of Janet holding off on morning eating and said. "I can do this" Put it back in the door and brushed my teeth- very small NSV but it's all mine and Janet's....

    I think I found a dress on Macy's for the LR signing event-{"EXPERIMENT":["2412","2422","2554","2366","2243","2209"]}&SEED=852266304471241191

    I'll see how good the camouflage is for the meno-roll.
    The books arrived yesterday so tonight I need to work on the actual tablescape and get it nailed down.
    Patti- sometimes it good to just sit back and relax
    Janet- how did the clothing cleanout go?
    Karla- Does Glenn know about the party?
    Suzi- I know our pups love to travel and thankfully they make it easy- so glad Ellis is going with the flow.
    Diane- On the road again... :)

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Oops- hit post before I was done.
    Bert- are you going to try sanding and poly the table top- how's the pool?
    Need to run
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's hot and it to continue the trend all week! Last week was 70's/50's which is my kind of weather. No wonder sinuses are being problematic this week. We are watching Cole and Jillian this afternoon. Swimming is in store!

    Cindy: I'm not sure what I want to do about the table. I'm so involved with the bathroom reno and musical program design, I don't want another project to do. I don't like the glass which I thought would be a good idea at the time. The pool looks good. Thanks for asking.

    Karla: I'll just have to see about when and where the OMG retreat is in order to make the decision.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello from hit and humid Ohio. Work was work, full of very needy people last night. So glad I am down to two days a week. The place is huge and not well air conditioned. I have learned to carry paper towels in my pockets to mop my sweaty brow, lol. Taking mom in a few minutes to see the eye Dr. Then shopping if she is up to it. If not I will take her home and do her shopping for her if she wants me to. She has been having my sister do more for her lately. My sis has finally gotten on Medicaid and Medicare, I think, so she is able to get PT for her back and a few pain meds. This is helping her be much more mobile and active, finally.

    Personals later, mom awaits.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    just back from Mom's and her trip to the retinal specialist. She had to get another shot as there was some bleeding this time. It has been 7 months since her last injection so that is good. Will return in one month. She is going to go to lunch with us tomorrow, so happy to share my birthday with her since she is the reason I am here, lol.
    I put together my new cart and did some organization in my craftroom before I went to work yesterday. Still more work to go but I don't feel nearly as cramped in here now. Have lots on Netflix to watch so maybe I can actually try my hand at watercolor painting while watching my shows. I have resigned myself to the idea that there are probably some shows I will never get to. I do want to catch up on Reign and Once Upon a Time when they are available, plus latest season of Grace and Frankie.

    Karla, the retirement party plans seem to be going forward in full swing. Hope the room is just what you wanted.

    Cindy, love the cover to the new book. When will it be available to us?

    Janet, have you given any thought to where you would like to meet for lunch on Monday? I can travel anywhere as long as I am home to work at 5pm, lol.

    Bert, have fun in the pool with the kids. I know they will enjoy it even if they are turning blue from the cold.

    Hi to Suzi and Diane.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Patti-
    I'm going to send out signed copies after the 24th- that's if you want a signed copy. If not you can actually order it on Amazon in paperback now- and preorder will delivery on the 19th. Not sure why Amazon didn't coordinate the dates- but that is the scoop.
    Let me know if you would like a signed copy- I have NEW book marks too :)
    I just realized tomorrow is the 14th- it IS Patti's day. Doing a happy dance for you and spending it with mom- priceless.
    Need to zip off- but I'll be back again.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A few hours early, but happy birthday, Patti!!!! And Cindy, you're the 19th, I believe. Two good June babies.

    Bert & Patti, we sure are getting an early summer (after a total lack of winter). Hoping all our AC holds out - and that Joann's gets better ventilation.

    Patti, I wouldn't mind driving up to the Monroe outlets, or I could drive closer to you. Got any ideas? I don't care where - just want hugs and lots of giggling!

    Cindy, why does the stuff that's less good for us call us the loudest?

    Had PT - therapist is sending a report to doc with request for authorization for an additional month of PT. I go twice a week, which is a big commitment but necessary. Ran a few errands. Tomorrow I'm taking a previously unplanned trip to Cincinnati to have dinner with a friend from Atlanta who's there on business. She's found a little place that has cucumber sangria - if it's made with white wine, I'm in. Or we'll go somewhere else = will be fun to catch up. And Monday, Patti time!

    And yes, Suzi, KD was THE guy. Warriors rule!!!!!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    p.s. - Cindy, I would love an autographed copy! Have already preordered the Kindle version too.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good evening all. Sorry it has been so long since I checked in. We are starting to really feel the crunch of getting ready to leave home for five months! I have lists and lists - things to do, thing to pack, things for John to do, phone calls to make... and every time I cross one thing off, I seem to add three more! Tonight we packed the backpacking gear.

    John and Brad worked on cabinets all weekend, and got all the boxes assembled. John had already constructed all the doors and drawer fronts, and has now put the lacquer finish on all but five doors. Tomorrow he will do those, then start finishing the boxes. The only things left to actually make are the drawer boxes, and they will do that this weekend. Then install the following weekend, and we will leave that Monday June 26!

    I made a curtain for the baby's room, and need to order a shower gift before we leave, as well as finish the mobile I am making. I might buy them the car seat they want. I have enough curtain fabric left to cover a small throw pillow, so I'd like to get that done too.

    Carrie leaves tomorrow for the Firefly music festival with her friends. They will be camping for four nights. I hope she can keep up and do the walking she will need to do. Then she starts work on Tuesday after she gets back.

    I'm getting lots of exercise (sticking with my classes four days a week, and LOTS of steps with all the errands!) but eating hasn't been great. We had a happy hour for the neighborhood here last night - one of the newer neighbors and I had been talking about it for weeks. Of the ten houses on the cul de sac, three are new in the last 6-8 months, one is vacant and for sale, and two others have been 3 years or less, and we haven't done anything social like that in a long time. SO it was overdue. But it was so hot and humid I was afraid we would have to be inside rather than on the deck, so I cleaned my entire house yesterday! It did cool off enough to stay outside - my deck is shaded nicely late in the day.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Happy Birthday Patti! Sounds like you have a plan to really enjoy the day. Glad your mom is joining you. I'm going to see my mom on Thursday. She is starting to get nervous that I will be gone for five months. My sister and brother who live nearby don't spend as much time with her. I had trouble getting motivated on my list of chores today too - I ran errands instead!

    Janet, definitely fight for more PT! Yes it is hard work and hurts, but that is how you will get your motion and strength back!

    Cindy, did you get to try the dress on? It looks amazing. I don't wear anything without sleeves!

    Bert, I would wait on tackling the table too. You have enough going on right now with the bathroom reno. How are the decisions coming? All done and ready to order?

    Karla, seems like you are in your element planning this party!

    Suzi, congrats on getting right back in the groove of tracking and eating healthy. I am sure my tracking will suffer while on the road. I need to get in the mindset of F/V for snacks, something like WW Simply Filling for most of my meals, and don't let the adult beverages be every day!

    All for now - will try to check in again tomorrow.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Late check in after some busy, but productive days. Yesterday Kelly and I did our day trip to Chouteau and guess what I found?!?!?!? An antique oak file cabinet to go with my rolltop desk!!! I've been looking and looking for about 4 years and the very few I'd found that were even worth having were $600 - $1,000. I snagged this one for $125. There are some minor scratches on the top and one side and a tiny piece of chipped veneer on the very back of the top, but that's it. All the drawers work even. I'm so dang excited! Dave and I are driving over to pick it up on Thursday, I think.

    On both Sunday and Monday, I allowed myself a treat, tracked it, and am still in good shape for the week. In fact, yesterday was still a blue dot day. Had another blue dot today. Now, to get into the daily walking swing - at least on non-Y days.... As they say, progress, not perfection.

    Janet - glad you're getting more PT. Like Diane said, more is better.

    Diane - wow! 5 months on the road. That really must take a lot of planning. When is the baby due? Will you be home by then?

    Patti - you and Janet have a big time and think about the rest of us who can't be there.

    Cindy - saw your FB posts over the weekend about your anniversary. I'm so happy things are going better.

    Hello to Karla and Bert.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today should be an interesting day eating wise for me. All I can have is fruit and jello as tomorrow is my ultrasound for my gall bladder. Any creative suggestions? Maybe I'll lose some weight!

    We had so much fun yesterday afternoon with the grandkids in the pool. Cole wasn't scared at all. He freaked out on Sunday when Greg had him in the pool. They are vacationing with their dad in a couple of weeks, so hopefully Cole's fear will be subsided by then. Jillian is like a fish. She can now touch the bottom, so she feels more independent.

    Patti: Happy Birthday!

    Diane: Where are you traveling? Decisions are being made. Will order cabinets and countertop today. Floor tile will be installed next week. I bought wall lights and fixtures yesteday.

    Have a great day, everyone! Waving hi to Janet, Karla, Cindy, and Suzi!
