OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, just keep up the good work, it will come off. Celebrate every loss. Can't imagine what I would cut out of my life. The pain is temporary, nothing I can't deal with. Mom is not driving yet. She wants to but needs to practice in the parking lot first. She is having problems with blurry vision, which is from watery eyes. Some days she sees clearly, other days not so well. We are working our way thru every eye drop on the market. Have tried all the ones suggested by the opthamologist for dry eyes without success. I bought her another one to try on Tuesday and it seems to work the best so far. We are seeing the retinal specialist next Tuesday and will see if he has any suggestions. My sister will be taking her soon for some practice in the car. All she wants to do is be able to go to the mailbox, trash compactor and Krogers. All in the parking lot. Now that the weather is nice she is more motivated. The beauty of having her just a mile away is that I can run and do anything she wants, any time she wants. I know how blessed I am to still have her and never take for granted the opportunities I have to spend time with her and help her in any way that I can. I miss my Dad with all my heart and soul and wish he was still here. My hope is that I am making him proud in the way I care for his beloved bride. They were married nearly 60 years when passed away.

    Good and bad news from the dentist. 4 small cavities, one under my back crown. So need 3 fillings and a new crown after that one gets filled. Seems like no matter how diligent I am I can't seem to catch a break with my teeth. The good news is the periodontal disease is being kept at bay. All my pockets are getting smaller with each visit. Waterpik with listerine added has made a huge difference.

    My TRX trainer texted us that she is doing something different tonight and for us to arrive early. Oh my, what fresh hell does she have planned for us!

    Diane, labor of love for you new little granddaughter. Can't wait to see pics of the mobile.

    Chores and the gym await
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    My post from this morning didn't post either - but I think it is my fault. I think I navigated away before I hit post because I was looking for something :(.

    Shooting for a blue dot day today. I've hit three F/V already, had a great salad for lunch, succumbed to a donut at the store but that is IT for snacks today. I went to the gym for the strength class this morning - I love this instructor. She is so good about explaining the right form and what muscle groups we are working, and how to feel if you are doing it correctly. Today was all triceps, which I can do, and back and abs, which I am very weak on! She also teaches at a pilates studio, and they are having free classes tomorrow. It is quite a drive for me, but I am considering doing that rather than my usual aqua aerobics.

    I'm also trying to knock down my list of things I need to do before we depart in just about 2.5 weeks - yikes! It is getting real.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, who is having the baby boy, and when? I think I have lost track. It's a nephew, right? I used to sew quite a bit more than I do now. When Carrie was young I made lots of clothes for her and matching outfits for her dolls. I'll have to dig up one of my favorite pictures from that time and post it.

    Patti, when I overdo my knees and feet keep me awake too. I usually take Aleve before bed on those days. Glad they have hired a few people for the summer - after all, you will want more hours in the fall when they go back to school, right?

    Bert, I think the gorgeous day you and Patti had yesterday has arrived here on the east coast. I just spent some time planting some more annuals where the ones I planted earlier failed, and cutting off the dying iris foliage and pulling the dead daffodil foliage. The yard looks much neater now! Love this weather.

    Cindy, those day jobs sure do get in the way, don't they? But the weekend is almost here! Hope you have some time for writing, and also some time for outside. I will definitely post pictures of my projects here - can't put them on Facebook or they will see!

    Suzi, I had to laugh at your lessons learned post on FB this morning - it sounds like things I would do!

    Janet, I hate the machines at the gym too. I did them for years before work, and the only thing that got me through was the music, watching Law and Order with subtitles, and the friends I had at the gym. Today I did the treadmill while waiting for class, and just ten minutes was enough!

    Oh, and I couldn't believe about poor Ziggy! Hope she continues to improve. I'm so glad they caught the two teens who dragged a poor kitten to her death, and have charged them.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, I highly recommend Pilates. It is one of the best classes for core strength and balance. I love it. Be forewarned it is harder than it looks.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Found the picture I was thinking of! Carrie was obsessed with dolls when she was little. I made these outfits.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Oh Diane how cute. Thanks for sharing. Never seen anyone make matching outfits for more than one doll.

    Well, 30 minutes of spinning followed by 30 minutes of TRX appears to be the formula to kick my behind, lol. Rode 4 miles at varying speeds, with varying tension. Some standing, but found that hurt my knees so did most of the class seated.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Diane, that pic is the cutest!

    Patti, obey the knee pain, please. As you know, sometimes activities can make it worse. Sorry your mom is having vision issues but at least she's not insisting on driving.

    Busy, longish day here. Worked with a new -to-me physical therapist and talks him out of making me do the stepper, which I truly hate. We did some good work on foot & ankle and I have moved up another notch in the resistance band I use to work on up/down ankle motion. but blue dot yesterday and not quite, but close today. Having lunch with a friend tomorrow an know what I will have. She an I each have a Thing We Order at O'Charley's. It'll be good to catch up. Hoping to stay in most of the weekend and get a few things done.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Well shoot! My morning post poofed too. Long, ungrueling day on the beach, but it's back to normal life at home tomorrow. It's late, I'm tired, chat later

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Forgot to tell you - neighborhood raised $1430. A thousand goes to Humane Society to offer a reward - which some anonymous soul matched! The $430 was donated fir Ziggy's care. She is doing really well & the neighbors who took the checks over got to hold her. All the local TV stations covered it and police were there too. Sure hope the horrible person who shot her will be caught.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Happy Friday my friends. Actively planning Glenn's retirement retirement party and have a banquet room reserved at a local seafood restaurant. Working on the quest list, the cake and decor.

    Patti- please order the Oasis Plus from Amazon for your mom. It is the best dry eye preservative free on the market. It has a special oil in it. You cannot get it anywhere else. I even took the package to CVS to see if they could order, and they couldn't. My UAB physician swears by it and only one she wants me to use. The other in this range is Retaine, which CVS does carry. I get these in a pinch. The preservative free is a must if you have chronic dry eyes.

    Diane- Those outfits and Carrie, are too cute. Yes, it is my nephew and his girlfriend that had the baby boy, Braden. He weighed 8 pounds 12 ounces and was two weeks old yesterday.

    Janet- With school letting out, I did wonder if it would be some young boys. Great news on the fund and kitty.

    Suzi-Your things you've learned was so very cute.

    I had the giggling girls last night. So fun. Tonight we get Audrey for the weekend. Tonight we may go out on Dauohin Iisland for an outside movie. Fun.

    Have a great weekend all. Izzy's recital is to follow.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is demolition day! So glad to finally get the bathroom renovated as I've been wanting to have it done for many years!

    Karla: Congrats on your loss! What did you do differently this week to get good results?
    I would take anything at this point! Thanks for the offer to stay in your condo. It all depends on when the retreat is as to my possibilities of attending.

    Patti: You are so lucky to still have your mom with you and living so close. My parents moved to FL when I graduated from college. My dad passed away the day before Mike and my first anniversay. Mom continued to live in FL and remarried (don't want to be reminded of that too often). Even though we stayed close through phone calls and frequent visits, I feel she missed out on the kids' activities. She was so much a part of my activities while I was growing up. I would have loved having her so close to me, especially the last few years of her life. I'm thinking of getting an electric toothbrush. My dentist says they are better for you.

    Diane: I'm not a treadmill fan. It's so boring. I do the stationary bike to warm up which is also boring, but at least I can play games on my phone while pedaling!

    Have a great day, everyone! Waving hi to Janet, Suzi, and Cindy, too!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy Friday! Will be leaving for the cabin after the gym. Not looking forward to staining the decks in this heat but it must be done. I am making a grilled fish dinner tonight for us and my son and DIL. They are cooking Saturday. So at least I don't have to cook after working all day. I have a feeling there will be a boat ride thrown in somewhere since it is supposed to hit 90.

    Karla, thanks for the info. I really don't think mom has dry eye. MD Anderson is who told her that and they also misdiagnosed her having cancer in her eye when it was macular degeneration. So have no confidence in the dry eye diagnosis. We also thought her watery eyes were due to allergies but antihistamines and antihistamine eye drops did nothing to help (we tried everything out there). If the retinal specialist has nothing to offer we are going to make appointment with her opthamologist. She was so concerned with getting her to the retinal specialist (appropriately so) that her watery ease issues were not truly addressed. Her eyes never itch and are never red. Just seem to water a lot and the water clouds her vision.
    Enjoy your weekend with the girls. I so miss my grandkids being young and wanting to hang out with us. Alex will be 21 in August and she is my baby!

    Bert, happy demolition.

    Janet, so excited for your progress. So you must have flashed that fabulous smile and batted your gorgeous eyes to get out of the stepper! And I say that with all sincerity. I don't think you have any clue how utterly charming and beautiful you are.

    Suzi, welcome back but sounds like you had a great time.

    Cindy, enjoy your weekend. I got my cup and just love it. It is going to the cabin and will be used every day by only me. Watch for a pic. I will get the money to you on Monday.

    Hi Diane.
    Time to lace up my shoes and hit the gym.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - Had a fun lunch with my friend, then made a few returns and hit CVS for exciting stuff like TP and mouthwash. Party on!

    Not a blue-dot day for me. Won't eat much this evening as I'm still full (& to nervous about the game). Had fun reaction to my Warriors shirt today.

    Karla, I'm going to try those drops - thanks. Enjoy your Audrey time and Izzy's recital.

    Patti, hope the docs can figure out what's making your mom's eyes water (allergies?).

    Bert, congrats on starting the renovation - it'll be aggravating while it's being done but what fun when you have a fresh new bathroom. What games do you play on your phone? Only ones I have are Bejeweled and Words Wth Friends (though I've only ever played in Solo mode).

    Cindy, happy anniversary - hope the weekend in RI is pleasant for you.

    Diane & Suzi, hope you're both having a wonderful day.

    Hugs and wishes for a great weekend.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. House cleaning this morning, my girl only comes every two weeks. She's on vacation which will put it at 3 weeks. I can't deal with that, so I'll do floors, dust, and vacuum to at least get the "surface dirt" addressed. I'm getting in the pool this afternoon and will get some "me" time.

    Janet: I play Candy Crush, Pet Rescue, Scrabble, and Bubble Witch. Extra lives save on my phone but I can't find them on the computer. Go figure. I don't play them regularly on my phone as it uses up the battery quickly.

    Have a great day, everyone! Eating choices were not good yesterday. :(

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick good day as I have my breakfast yogurt. Will run a few errands, then get to doing something here. I have onions & shallots to caramelize later. It's a party!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to a gorgeous Saturday in my neck of the woods!! Extremely fun times out by the pool for over 5 hours. Planning another outside day today!!

    My eating was awful yesterday. I thought I was a grandkid!! We had pigs in blanket, sun chips and then made ice cream sundaes!

    Bert - My housekeepers come every two weeks also and when it turns out I miss a visit and it's a month , I have to chip in too. I could not live without them. They were here this past Tuesday and did all the window sils, doors and light switches. My home has not carpet, it's ceramic tile and wood floors. My back can't take the two part step of vacuuming and then steaming. The wood floors also have a third step of polish. I use Bona products on them, or they do!!

    Pool day is progress. Chris and Brittany stopped by with the baby too!!


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Quick hello to all. Today is an errand day. My DIL and I went fabric shopping for curtain fabric for the baby's room. I wasn't thinking and want to go back to get enough to make a throw cushion slip cover as well. I also scrubbed the deck furniture because we are having a neighborhood happy hour here on Monday.

    No blue dot yesterday, and probably not today either. I haven't put everything in yet for today but I have had two granola bars as snacks, and that usually doesn't end well!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning - just out of blue dot range yesterday but not upset about it. Hoping to stay on the straight & narrow today. Watching the French Open, just paid bunch of bills (thank you, inventor of online banking!). Hoping to have a productive day until I sit down to bask in my personal nerd prom, the Tony Awards.

    Have really been thinking and need to let myself off the hook for a few things. Have been beating myself up a lot lately for various things, some of which aren't even my fault. But working on it. Black coffee & ice water being consumed and I'll have a yogurt shortly. Don't thin, I can hold out until noon today but can make it to 11.

    Sending happy thoughts to you all on this fine Sunday.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Today is Izzy's big day, her two dance routines in her recital. I'm getting ready for it now.

    I had to run to the store for Audrey a dress this morning as her mother did not send anything worth wearing today. Uggghh.

    Janet-I have had the snack monster all weekend. I don't know what's wrong with me. I know I want to look better than I do!!

    I'll be back later on,

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, you look great! Love the pre-recital pic of you & Izzy. That purple is great on her, and how nice to see such a cute and not revealing or tight once outfit on a girl that young. I see you've taken your hair dark again = you look good with any color, lucky duck.

    Broadchurch Season 3 starts on the 28th - saw the promo while watching "Dr. Who" and "Orphan Black" from last night. I'm ready for David Tennant any time.

    I think there will be a nap coming up here - must stay up through the Tonys, even though DVR is set.