OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be a gorgeous day. I'm traveling to Chicago today to see Penny perform in The Music Man. I'll stay until Thursday so I can watch Dylan play baseball one more time. I don't know when I will see them after this visit, so I want to make the best of my time with them. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good afternoon, all. Bert, perfect day for a drive! Enjoy The Music Man for me - almost time for my annual viewing. Suzi, congrats on the blue dots. Not for me yesterday or today (caved to a donut after PT) but back on track tomorrow - will place a grocery order for plenty of good, healthy stuff.

    Karla, I know Glenn will be feeling the travel itch once he retires. Maybe we ought to find another time for an OMG retreat. Cindy, Patti, what do you think?

    Had PT first thing and am now the proud owner of a foam roller. We are working on totally retraining how I stand and walk - it's hard work but necessary.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I just lost my post. Grrrrrr

    Janet: great suggestion having the retreat another time. I know Mike wouldn't let me drive by myself that long of a distance, and to be honest, I don't feel comfortable either. We are planning a visit in October with Lindsey and Justin as they live in Augusta. I also need to visit my brother this fall too.

    I made it to Chicago. I have about an hour until I need to get ready for the show.

    Have a good evening

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, got home this morning and went to mom's and spent some quality chat time with her. It was a near perfect weekend. Only a few 5 minute rain showers that didn't interfere with our plans. Lots of laughing, talking and even some kareoki, lol. We had a total of 20 at our cabin. Great food and drink too. Amazing how exhausting having fun is. I am going to hit the gym and then start the laundry. Tomorrow is lunch with the girls, hair appointment and work. Thursday the peach truck will be here so that means 1-2 hours waiting in line, then delivering the peaches to my gf before I go to the gym. Friday is back to the cabin to clean and pressure wash the decks.

    I am flexible about the OMG retreat. If we still want to meet in October I am in, if we want to move to another time I can do that too. I will go with the consensus.

    I have read all but no time for personals

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Another short, late post. Blue dot + 13,000 steps

    Very busy day on schedule tomorrow, so probably only another short post.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning all. I started having some chest tightness on Monday morning, it diminishes during the day and returns at night. I had a mixup in my pills I thought might cause it. I had an appointment already for yesterday morning, sure enough had the chest pains again. She also thinks it's a flare up of my reflux. I have not had one of these in a very, very long time. I also caught a Izzy's cold and have burning throat and nasal drip. Geez. Got meds for it all. I'm at home quietly working and doing laundry.

    OMG retreat- Please don't reschedule on my account. Fall may be a tricky time. We could alternate times and locations. Bert, what area are you on, close to Chicago I know. What distance are you safe driving?

    I better get back at it. The doctor also wants my largest meal at lunch and my stomach empty three hours before bedtime. Ouch!! Lol

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, hope they'll get to the bottom of it. Take care of the cold too - little kids do spread germs along with the love! Please don't overdo at work or at home.

    Suzi, brava! Trying to get fully back on track again here - doing better but not quite there yet. Making more water/no more than one Diet Coke

    Bert, how was the show?

    Patti, mom time after a great weekend - your post gave me a big smile.

    Re retreat - let's try to find a time when more of us can make it - maybe try for a less touristy time of year - early spring, perhaps. It'll be cheaper Maybe someplace like WV, upstate NY, CT, the Smokies or western PA? Someplace you can easily get to, Cindy, of course, I'll give it some thought this fall.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies. Two blue dot days in a row. For me this week a blue dot day equals adhering to the doctor's order of my biggest meal being at noon and my stomach being empty three hours before bedtime. "Boy have I been hungry by bedtime, but, it is helping me focus and I am down two pounds in two days!!

    Janet - Proud to report the chest pains are gone and the throat is not burning this morning. I am off to two clients today. Starting to get Glenn's retirement party in the planning mode. People at his work are wanting to be involved too. I have to find a place midway for the Alabama and family friends and the Mississippit family and work friends to meet. It is June and he retires next month!!

    Suzi- Thanks for sharing trackers with me. I share with my friend Stephanie whom is a pharmacist form weightwatchers I have been friends with for years. She lives outside of Boston. Sweet lady, as you are. She has lost over 50 pounds.

    Patti- You are always on the go. I went to Joanne's the other day and they had a great sale on the fleece, I couldn't resist!!

    Cindy - where are you dear?

    I better run,

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! Ellis and I are enjoying a quiet morning on the porch while Dave and Dinky sleep in. Yesterday was another blue dot day for me although I didn't get as many steps as I'd like because we worked on the sailboat all morning and I spent all afternoon in the office.

    It's just astounding how much more sedentary I am while working. That's quickly coming to a close though. I learned yesterday that I have only one, possibly two additional projects and my tenure will. E over no later than September. I have very mixed feelings about that, even though I've known it was coming. Ever since Dave retired in 2010, I'd dreamed of also retiring so we could travel all we wanted to and spend as much time at the lake as we wanted to. What has happened since my semi-retirement in 2015 is that I've had the best of both worlds. I've continued doing the parts of my job that I loved best without any real day to day work responsibilities. At times that I'm working a lot I find myself longing for the down time of retirement. But when there is a long time between work assignments, I catch myself missing work, too. I think I will need a little more structure to my days when the time for full retirement gets here. There are lots of projects I've ignored that aren't pressing or necessarily even important. Maybe I should list and prioritize them so when the time comes, I can schedule them in around my exercise schedule.

    That wound up being a really long, rambling paragraph. Thanks for letting me get that out of my head.

    Karla - I'm happy to swap trackers with you any time you want. It really helps me stay more focused. Like you, I also share with my very good, WW meeting buddy Beverly. So sorry you're dealing with reflux but that's a GREAT loss! Unexpected bonus to following doctor's orders??
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Crap! I hit post instead of return.

    If we're considering changing the time of the retreat, maybe I'll be able to come after all. Although, I bet Janet, Patti and Cindy would still have a really good time this fall, too.

    Patti - have you begun your 2-day weeks yet?

    Janet - all of the places you mention are places I'd like to see, but have never been to. You are correct in that we need to make things as easy on Cindy as we can.

    Cindy, do I remember correctly that you were on vacation this week? I hope you're able to relax and do whatever you want to do. I used to define a good vacation as one where I didn't think about the bank at all...

    Later my friends,
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'll be traveling home in about 30 min. I'm not sure when I'll see the kids again as the summer will be busy for them. We'll have to rely on Skype. I've enjoyed being with them frequently this month.

    Have a great day, everyone! Today is Mike and my anniversary. We've been married for 33 years! I remember that day all too well. I was in the dr office with Greg at 5:00 pm for ear infection/flu meds. Then Mike and I were married at 7:00 pm!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi all, guess I forgot to post yesterday. Left the house at 11am and returned at 11pm. Met the girls for a long lunch, got root touch up but no cut in prep for my perm in 2 weeks, then short shopping trip followed by work. Today I am heading out to stand in line for peaches. Need to also pick up some bird feed, potting soil, pepper and tomato plants and then a few grocery items for the weekend. Gym and then dinner will round out my day. Hoping the weather holds so I can clean the decks.

    Karla, glad you are benefiting from following the Drs orders. Keep up the good work. I know your party for Glenn will be fab and glad you have people to help out. Hope you let them all pitch in.

    Suzi, this is my first week of my new schedule and I had Monday off, lol. Gonna love it though. I have already requested July 4th week off. When I first retired Edd and I took off for 6 weeks and then we spent nearly the entire summer at the cabin and followed that with another 6 week trip. No easing into it for us, lol. We started doing the rehab work for our son a few years later. I hope you find your balance. I had a lot of things I thought I would do but haven't gotten to but I will eventually.

    Cindy, enjoy your vacation

    Janet, shall we try lunch soon? Right now Thursday's look the best for me.

    Peaches await. Later
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Happy anniversary Bert. You seem like you have a strong and loving marriage and family.

    RE OMG retreat, I am ok with waiting until more of us can attend. Spring sounds good. Anywhere would be fine. My cabin is always an option but may be too far for everyone. So let's start planning for spring so it can happen

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening. Working on another Blue Dot day.. Are we still working this program? How about another challenge for next week? Or just continue with a new Blue Dot? Whatever helps us. I am on a roll now!! No eating in the evenings is huge for me.

    I received my beautiful cup from Lucinda Race today. If you love a pretty coffee mug I highly reccomend you get one. It's gorgeous!! Like you, I have many, but none as pretty as this one. Which, will now be my favorite. :smiley:

    Patti- Is your place further than Pennsylvania? lol

    I like the idea of the Smokies. It's a beautiful area with a gorgeous landscape. But, it may not be close enough for all either. I think this would be a retreat for us to begin. I used to meet my girlfriend, Sandy, the one in the wheelchair, every year in some unknown city to us. We called it the :"Nobody Knows Us" weekend. LOL. We were so brave, and had such great fun. She lived in Oshkosh, "Wisconsin and would usually drive there, and I would fly in from Mobile.

    I'm planning Glenn's retirement "parties", yes, two or three of them!! One is at his office for a luncheon with his coworkers, one is in MS with his family and other retired friends and one will be in Mobile for our Alabama

    I am feeling so good now, just no sore throat, chest pains and no sugar in my system feels great...

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, happy anniversary!

    Karla, very happy to hear you are feeling better.

    Patti, let's pick a date - I have PT on Thursdays but will look - could try to move to an early slot and then drive up.

    Suzi, you'll stay plenty busy once your gig is over. It's been a nice time of transition for you.

    Cindy & Diane, hope your vacations are going wonderfully. And the mugs are terrific. Love the purple, of course!

    No blue dot but better today and I am fully stocked now. A few errands tomorrow, depending on how I feel - PT was quite rough today, but it has to happen.

    And my Warriors won. Whee!!!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Late quick check in because I probably won't get here tomorrow. Will be super busy. Blue dot day today, which gives me 5 straight days. That's more like it! Not quite enough steps, but I hardly even sat down all day. I'll take it

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be another gorgeous day today! I'm staying home today! However, tonight is Jillian's dance recital. Mike and I will go out for a late lunch to celebrate our anniversary and then head to the recital. Last night's gourmet anniversary meal was at a local outside restaurant on our way to Cole's game! I would have not traded it for the world! We had so much fun!

    Patti and Janet: Where do you live in Ohio and KY? That might be an option for me to meet you for lunch/dinner sometime?

    As far as Blue Dots, I'm not sure how I did, to tell you the truth. I've been so busy. I did track, exercise, and kept with my calorie limits, so I'll take that as Blue Dots!

    Have a great day, everyone! We will get pictures of Jillian tonight after the recital.



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Friday morning!! Another blue dot day! That is three in a row, no eating at night and I increased my steps by 1000. My calories are down and my bigger meal is at lunch. I'm trying to focus on veggies today. I'm having a vegetable egg white omelet this morning.

    Cindy- I love my mug too and posted a picture on Facebook. I'm drinking my chai tea from it this morning!

    Janet- I am so glad you are getting the PT for both your foot and back plus learning a better way of walking. That is so wonderful for you! Of course I pray the end result is much less pain for you on a everyday basis.

    Suzi- I'm going to get the ingredient for that crustless strawberry pie recipe you sent me. I have most of them, just need more strawberries! Yum.

    Bert- You are sure having fun and your grandkids are so adorable. I hope you can meet up with Patti and Janet. They are both just wonderful ladies, as you are.

    Izzy came last night, late,and we got 3/4of a throw sewn that I already had pinned. We will finish that one today and then make her Sugar Skull one, plus a doll dress. Fun times.

    Patti- Have fun at the cabin this weekend, even if it is cleaning. I imagine you sitting on your deck listening to the river roll by and the birds.

    Take care,

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good beautiful morning, yesterday flew by. Line wasn't bad for peaches, only took about 45 minutes. Was planning to buy 25 pounds and then another 25 when the truck returns in 3 weeks. Ended up buying 50 pounds because they were not sure they would have enough peaches for the second round. The warm winter and last frost took out 90% of their peaches. So in about a week I will be up to my elbows in peach pits and skins! I hit 3 stores after the peach truck and still forgot to get oxyclean for the deck. Then got my 4 plants: 2 purple jalapenos, 1 sweet wax pepper and 1 tomato, plus the garden soil. Had just enough time to get them potted and watered before hitting the gym. Will admit I did very little the rest of the evening. Leaving for the cabin after my class and will start cleaning the decks tonight. One of our neighbor's (not the bad cooks) invited us for dinner tomorrow. Also need to go visit our friends who live up the road a few miles. Doubt the boat will be in the water this weekend.

    Janet, how about a Monday or Wednesday. I am flexible, just can't do Friday or Tuesday. I know you are working hard and pray it all works for a better gait and less pain. How are the new shoes working out?

    Bert, your grandkids are so cute. What a wonderful way to celebrate your 33 years but spending time with them. I lived in Dayton and Janet lives in Louisville.

    Karla, go you! Feeling better as a result is another bonus.

    Suzi, you are rocking it too.
    Cindy, taking my thermal to the river, look for a post.

    Diane, miss you but know you are having fun.

    Not sure when I will be back. Will be coming home on Sunday

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Bert, love the pictures - the kids are just the sweetest! Would love to meet you - I can drive to IN sometime too.

    Patti, a Monday would probably be best for me - or a Wednesday when my cleaner won't be here. Let's do it soon!

    Karla, your pic was lovely. My mug is in the dishwasher now - will start it before I head out for errands. Have a small package to send to a friend.

    Suzi, you're so active and outdoorsy. Enjoy for me!

    A pretty good start to my day, and tomorrow am going to Sephora for a sale and try to find a good exfoliating product for my flaky face (go ahead & laugh).

    Heading out - wishing everyone a lovely weekend!