OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quickly for me too. Great day with my GFs. IKEA then Smokey Bonesfor lunch, let's just say one meal here blew my blue dot outta the water.I am always in a great mood when I spend time with these ladies. We laugh a lot but also are free to speak our minds about our lives and get the support or advice we need. Work was ok, except for the idiot I worked with, but am learning to just ignore her and know that I do all the cutting, answer all the questions, help all the customers and she puts away the fabric. We had a severe storm go through here with a tornado touching down just a few miles from me. The sirens went off at work so we had to huddle in the office for 20 minutes until we got the all clear. Have to get up super early, for me, probably regular time for everyone else, lol. Meeting my daughter for breakfast before she goes to work. Then we are heading to the cabin around 5 pm. So ready and looking forward to this weekend,

    Will be back when the can but it may not be until Monday

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My joints are screaming this morning! Will have to accommodate. Today my friend comes to clean the house. She should probably come next week after the kids are gone, but this is my week. That's fine with me. At least I know my house will be clean when they arrive (doesn't happen when I travel up there). They are coming sometime tomorrow. I hope Annie isn't sick of us as we have been together quite a bit during the month of May. I'm going back there next week to watch Penny perform in The Music Man and then see Dylan play ball again.

    I'm running errands today to pick up snacks, etc. Then I'll head to Sams tomorrow for fruit, meat, etc. Still frustrated on the scale!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies- SO not any blue dots for me yesterday
    But BAM- I'm moving forward.
    I have uploaded all items to get a proof copy of the book- so excited. I have next week off for vacation time and I hope to get the spare room/ office painted at least Rick is saying he wants to get it done. So we shall see.
    Janet- welcome home
    Patti- safe travels
    Bert- a clean house is a wonderful thing
    Suzi- technology can be a pain in the butt for sure
    Karla- where are you and Glenn off to now?
    Diane- Are you done painting yet? How is your DIL feeling?
    Need to run- catch up with you again soon.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, smiling at the thought of you heading to your happy place for the first time this year. GF time is essential and sometimes you just gotta have BBQ.

    Cindy, hooray for a week of vacation and a proof copy! Ready for the next book here. Have you picked a paint color?

    Suzi, we all hate when the "poof goes the post" thing happens. Given that you started with "OMG," is everything OK?

    Bert, please post pics of "The Music Man," which I watch every year - about that time again. Maybe this weekend, after I clean off DVR. I hear you on the creaky joints

    Karla, where does Glenn want to go this fall? He will SO enjoy more freedom, even if he's working part-time or freelance - at least he has an expert on running his own business right at home!

    Diane, bet your arms are just aching for that grandbaby - I melt every time I see a picture of Caleb & Cady, or the little ones who belong to close friends and their kids.

    A bit sore from yesterday's PT but not as bad as I thought. She worked on my back some and that seemed to help a bit (fingers crossed). Going to run a few errands later but planning to make it a somewhat easy day - need to do one more load of laundry. Lots of stuff on my DVR to keep me occupied while I'm home.

    Drizzly day so far - no complaints because water for the sprinkler system is expensive and if Mother Nature can save me a few bucks, great!

    Have a great day, everyone.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Amazing how when you start your day at 7am you get so much done before noon. So nice spending time with my daughter, was not crazy about the food and it was too expensive but....oh well. Hit Costco and Walmart and have packed most everything in the truck. Just need to pack my clothes and the coolers. Edd has a shop at 4pm, so will wait until 4:30 to pack the coolers and get them loaded. He can't do any of it because of his lifting restriction. Will take most of tonight and about 1/2 the day tomorrow to get everything put away and get the cabin ready for guests. I asked Edd to do some stuff last weekend all of which he conviently forgot to do..grrrrrrr!

    Need to relax a bit while I can. Cabin time is fun but I am usually on my feet more than I am relaxing.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hey ladies, still no baby here yet. She has been at the hospital since 4:30p yesterday. They hooked her up to the monitor at 4:30a this morning and gave her an epidural. Evidently there is a problem with a high cervix? I am only minutes from the hospital now, so I am waiting to hear. First babies you never know. Chris, the father, my nephew, weighed 10 pounds, and his brother, Jake, over 9 pounds, so this will probably be a large baby and she is 11 days past her due date. I have the two baby blankets I made last weekend with me to take.

    Cindy - I am so excited about the coffee mug. It is beautiful!! I am not sure about our entire trip. I am thinking now he, Glenn, may try to impend on my OMG trip and combine it with a trip to his Philly relatives and then us go up into Canada or over to visit our friends in Detroit. He also wants to go to Nebraska and Colorado. So maybe a separate time. I'm hoping!! lol.

    Janet - I hope you are recuperating from your drive and PT, but still basking in your wonderful visit with a treasured friend.

    Patti - I'm not sure if you will read this or not, but HAVE fun as always at your cabin!! I was hoping maybe we could have an OMG retreat there sometime. Between your cabin and your son's, there would be room, just like when you have your YaYa's there!! I know you were glad to see your daughter again this morning. Joy, joy.

    So whom is actually going to the OMG retreat? Cindy, Patti, Janet and myself? I know Diane and Suzi are out. Anyone else? Maybe Meg, Cindy's daughter is coming with Patti? I wonder if Paula would be interested? Bert? Any interest or possibility? We need to look into any festival's or other activities in the area that we might all enjoy going to.

    I will be back later on.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, so excited for your new arrival.hope it happens soon for her sake and that the baby is healthy.
    My cabin is always open for a retreat. If Cindy and you flew in to Cinci the rest of the trip would be relatively low cost after that. As long as I give Mike and Pam enough notice, we can use his place. Spring or fall is gorgeous on the river. Paula is less than an hour from there and I am sure we could convince her to come for the day. I Don't think she leaves home for long because of her mom, kids and grandkids.

    Cindy, loved your newsletter and the new cover. Exciting times for you. Enjoy your week off. If no painting gets done Don't fret, just enjoy your office as is and your new outdoor retreat if weather permits. Remember it is a vacation!

    Janet, you sound so much more like you. Relaxed and with wonderful memories to carry you for a while, I hope.

    Hi to all the rest of my lovely friends. Going off the grid for the weekend, no internet, just cell and I have limited GBs. Also plan to connect and reconnect with family and friends. Winter keeps us apart.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today will be a busy day! Many errands to run today for final preparations to be completed. Mike is joining Greg, Cole, Dan, and Dylan for Carb Day at the Indy 500. This is the first time for Dylan and Cole. Dan and Greg wanted to try Carb Day to see how they handle race events. Memories are being made today.

    Concerning the OMG trip, I doubt I will be able to come. We are planning a family get togther in October sometime. I'm also not confident enough to drive that long of a distance by myself. I also need to visit my brother at some point and will need to fly, so expense is also a concern. I would love to meet everyone in person. I know we would all have a good time. I hope I can attend another retreat in the future.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning!! We have a baby!! 8 pounds 14 ounces!! Braden Jae Patterson is here!! I am going up this morning after I go to JJ's graduation ceremony from middle school. Can't wait.

    Bert - I understand the circumstances. I am still trying to get the arrangements on my end with Glenn. Discussing it with him tonight.

    I am dropping Millie off at Petsmart for her summer grooming and then heading to Citronelle where JJ's lives. He is coming back with me to go to the hospital and spend the day. Izzy and Mom will meet us at the hospital and we are all going to PF Chang's for JJ's graduation.

    Happy Memorial Day weekend.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Its another rainy day here but I'll get a lot done at work since I start vacation at 4 PM-
    Can you tell I'm itching to have break. The proof copy has been shipped-
    Janet, Patti and Karla- you're drinkware will be on it's way this week- I need to get to the post office and I can tell you what shipping is once I do. There not the if it fits it ships boxes- lol
    Didn't have a blue dot yesterday- I had a vending machine brownie- sigh- just tired I think with all the rain.
    Patti- have a fantastic weekend.
    Bert- I'm sorry you won't be with us- maybe we'll make this an annual event?
    Janet- I'm glad the PT is concentrating on more than just your foot since all is connected. How is the DVR shows?
    Karla- congrats on the new little family member- I hope everyone is doing well.
    Diane- How's Cari- has she found a new car yet?

    So where exactly are we headed in October 13-15 ish? PA or OH? I'm confused but since I'm in book la la land it doesn't take much.
    I'll touch base later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning - on the run all day yesterday and scrambling for a busy today, starting with PT.

    Karla, what a day JJ's graduation and meeting your great nephew! Enjoy every second.

    Bert, how cool that the kids are going for the first time. I've never been to the Brickyard.

    Cindy, just shoot me a text or e-mail when you get it all totted up and I'll send a check ASAP.

    Diane, hope you get great weather for the holiday weekend.

    Patti, just sit and smile at the river ...

    OK - onward. TGIF!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Great fun today. Proud of JJ and gorgeous great nephew. Name changed again to Braden Caleb Patterson! Neat, huh Janet!!??

    Picture of him below. Weight was 8 pounds 14 ounces, 19.6 inches. Sweet and content baby and breast feeding well.

    We are at PF Chang's for the celebratory lunch!!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Does anyone know why my my pictures are posting like this now instead of displaying?
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, you KNOW I broke into a huge grin when I read his full name! What a perfect day for you. JJ looks so grown up and sweet and Braden is just gorgeous. That's a big baby! So glad he is safely here. Can't wait to hear what happens when Izzy meets him.

    Another very busy day here. Not quite a blue dot but close. PT was kind of a bear but we are doing important work on my back. Picked up a small salad from Wendy's for dinner but it's still in the fridge for tomorrow. Planning to get up & out early for a few things, then home to stay for the weekend. Missing basketball for the next week but have SO much on my DVR even before I get to my Netflix and Amazon queues!

    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Greg, Dan, Dylan, Mike, and Cole had a great time at Carb Day at the Indy 500. Greg had to buy ear plugs for Cole and then Dylan wanted them, too. After the ear plugs were purchased, they were able to enjoy watching the race cars. Then everyone came for pizza last night. They kids played really well and the adults enjoyed playing Yahtzee. They always get a kick out of our Yahtzee game as it's the original game. So much fun.

    Have a great day, everyone! The kids are waking up.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Good news at WI this morning - down 1.8 and got my 25# award! WOOO HOOO ME!!!! I'm back to feeling in control although I had nearly a week full of no blue dot days. Not horrible, just not blue dot worthy. My OMG for the upcoming week will be to refocus on getting my steps in. As our weather continues to get hotter, I need to shift to primarily morning walking. I've been enjoying the luxury of getting up and lazing around, drinking coffee on my non-Y days, so it's going to require some adjustment on my part.

    Bert and Patti - enjoy your family time this weekend.

    Karla - will you have a herd at your house and pool this weekend?

    Cindy - I keep forgetting to tell you that I was able to get your first book (starting with one) from Amazon for my kindle. My sincere apologies for raisin the alarm. It must have been user-error on my end because it worked like a charm when I tried it again. I'm reading it now.

    Janet - we're nearly to the non-basketball part of the year. Dang it!! This is when I miss having kids playing. We had basketball of some kind - school, Y, summer league, AAU, all year Lin when the girls were younger. Now they're either working or, in Becky's case, in law school.

    Diane - hope y'all are having a good trip. I've seen a few FB pix and look forward to hearing all about it.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's a gorgeous morning today, we can probably turn off the air conditioning! We've had a great weekend. Dylan got in the pool yesterday, but only lasted 15 min. The water is too cold.

    Suzi: Congratulations on your loss.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Suzi, woo-hoo!!! Knew the last couple of weeks were a fluke.

    Bert, glad ou can open windows - too hot down here for that.

    Today, as every year, I remember my Uncle Archie, who was killed in WWII.

    Going to stay in today - was out a chunk of each day lately, so am in need of a recharging day. Laundry, etc.

    Have a great day!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Happy Memorial Day everyone. God Bless those that have served And gave all. Bless those that are serving g now. My father served 29 years in the Air Force. Fought in Korea and Vietnam. My first husband was in the Coast Guard protecting our shores for 20 years. My dad told me a story last week of one of his travels across the United States with a buddy that went AWOL with two women in Salt Lake City back in the 50's. Lol.

    It is with regret that I am going to have to pass on this year's OMG retreat. With our August trip being closer to September we will be gone over two weeks and Glenn wants to go out West some, I am afraid it will be too much on us and my clients. You can go back to your original location and not have to adapt around my Wyndham . So sorry!! I tried to talk Glenn into going East instead of West and visit his Philly relatives, but he wanted to go the other way. It would have been fine had we kept our Nebraska trip in June!! That is what has caused this. We are going there in August/September too.

    Have a great day.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Late, short post. Blue dot days here yesterday and today. Need to get back in my walking groove.