OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I'm not sure whether to call today a blue dot or not. I tracked everything and stayed within my calories, but I definitely made some poor choices and didn't get my five F/V. I did my body weight class this morning for the first time in about three weeks, since I sprained my knee. Luckily today's focus was arms and not legs, because the few leg things we did were still not very comfortable. And I have terrible abdominal muscles, so that part is always tortuously hard for me - which just shows I NEED it!

    I got three more doors and two window frames painted today, then did a bunch of errands. Tomorrow taking mom to the doctor, then I will clean her screen porch furniture.

    No personals tonight, but I do love checking in with all of you daily.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- I did check Hershey and they do have a resort there, guess you didn't all the way through my post to see I checked with them and they had no availability in October. I thought the same about the Victorian Slum series, didn't try it, but looked depressing in the previews. Do you have Netflix? Your mom? An interesting movie that catches you off guard is "Lifted". It's so true to life.

    Suzi- Are you better dear?

    Diane- I'm a Toyota and Chevy person myself. But I did see the best car report just yesterday and Suburu was #1 for safety. I test drove one before we bought our Avalon and they are smooth, but no whistles. Lol.

    Cindy- Not much luck for my Wyndham, I should have looked sooner at Hershey..
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Made it thru TRX and it was intense but good.

    Karla, would you still be able to come if there was no Wyndam resort for you to stay at?

    Diane, it sounds like you had a pretty good day. The core is so tough to get in shape. It is where I struggle most.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Late check-in here - long day - so no personals, but have read all.

    PT was a bear - also working on legs & back and a couple of things were said that really pushed BAD Mom buttons (the therapists have no way to know that so next time I will calmly explain). Between pain and emotional hurt, cried in the car for a bit before I could move onward.

    Looks like I have a road trip! Was going to drive over Friday but he suggested Thursday, so if I can cancel PT and a choir concert and dinner with a friend, I'll be up late tomorrow packing and be in the car Thursday morning. Sure could use some hugs, and might get a chance to meet his kid, who just finished his first year of law school. Need to book cat sitter too.

    Blue dot (15 in a row, a few of them squeakers, but ....). Tomorrow probably won't be - lunch with a friend at O'Charley's. Over the weekend, I probably won't be tracking & there will be multiple adult beverages, but I'm feeling more confident in my ability to rein it in afterward.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I had a 3blue dot day yesterday- so feeling confident. Took every sort of veggie in my frig, cooked or salad type and made a huge salad to go with dinner- leftovers are for lunch today. Very little lettuce- but delish.
    Yes we need to get planning the OMG retreat. Who all wants to attend. I think we have the number we can really plan.
    Please post a very short message- I want to come- OR See you next time.
    If we need to move the location we can look at other options based on availablity- I would prefer to be able to drive- just due to work timing and all.

    Rick is hesitating about opening camp- even if he doesn't want to go now, we need to open it to sell. He said last night he was really enjoying working around our house and feeling accomplished. I think he's in a down spot as he's been very quiet since Monday night. but his issue not mine.
    Meg finished proof reading the ebook files for Nook, Kobo, and Ibooks- I have kindle and print copies that I'm starting at lunch today. I should have the final cover this week. Progress.

    Suzi- were you able to download the book? I talked with Meg and she felt it was an Amazon issue.
    Patti- so glad you got back to the gym. Is Edd back in the pink?
    Diane- look at you becoming a gym rat like Patti- great job and ^5
    Janet- Road trip- you'll have a great time and I think it will restore your spirit.
    Karla- Congrats on your blue dots-
    Maybe when we actually all meet we should wear something with blue polka dots- just for fun...
    Need to get busy-
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    I want to come.... Cindy
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Yesterday was a very productive day. Mike was at work and I got several things done around the house. I didn't go anywhere either! It felt good.

    Susie: I'm hoping Greg and Mike will get her more interested in softball. She already plays soccer, takes tumbling, and also does dance. I think she has natural ability, so hopefully she can play next year.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Wednesday morning.

    Patti- It would help if I could be near a Wyndham as it would not cost me to stay there, especially since I have to buy airline tickets. I haven't even checked them yet. I am coming the very farthest. Lol.

    Janet- I am so very sorry of the insensitive words of the professional working on you. It hurts me to read of your tears and the years of emotional damage your mother inflicted upon you even today. So undeserving!! Thank goodness you had your loving and devoted father and I pray in times like that you turn to his loving memory. Please do explain to the therapist, I'm betting they had no clue the impact their words had and they really need to be aware. I'm so very glad you are getting away this week! The car ride, the music, the horses, the adult drinks, and the adult conversation, live and in person, will be so good for you. To meet the son is a bonus!

    Half of my post didn't show up last night. Geez, I hate when that happens. Glenn and I worked on some government job application applications last night. The two his contact sent sent him on 5-15 had closed on 5/9. Bummer. He found two others he applied for. He wants to work two more years before he fully retires. He just turned 60 in March. He has already had two job offers from one contractor there at the shipyard. But the pay if half what he is making now. There is also a big shipyard in Mobile where a friend he used to work with works he wants to look into. Changing times.

    I am at the Chevy dealership getting my oil changed and then on to the Podiatry office..

    Heading for a blue Dot..

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I am coming! No matter where it is. October in Amish country is very busy. Let's pick a spot where Karla has a Wyndham resort and keeps the drive short for Cindy. I am open.

    Janet, I shed some tears too, just reading your post. My first thought was "well I aughta!" In my best Moe voice. It seems those in the physical therapy end of the medical profession are so focused on form and function that they forget about feelings and tact. You are much nicer than me, I would have let her have it right then and there, and I would not have sugar coated my words. But I know that is not your way. Maybe you can channel me a bit when you talked to the therapist. Fly like an eagle to be with your friend this weekend! I know how much he calms your heart and soul. Do not spend one minute thinking about anything but being in the moment and being at peace with you!

    Have a Dr appointment today, need to hit Aldis and Fresh Thyme and then work 5-10 tonight. Edd is going to the cabin this weekend. Needs to take a bunch of stuff down that I have piled up so we don't have to take 2 cars next weekend. He is doing great, even able to put his own binder on his morning. It was quite the show but he finally figured out how to get it on with enough compression.

    Yesterday was a blue dot day for me
    Time to get it in gear
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Short Public service announcement. I'm still trying to claw my way out from under the rock. Tracking but can't really find my give a damn button consistently. We're headed to the lake for a few days, so I'll be in cell hell for a while. Not sure how long we'll stay as it depends on weather. Severe storms predicted beginning again tomorrow, so a mobile home is NOT the place to be, especially if it's so deep in cell hell you can't get weather alerts and have time to get to the cellar.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Suzi take care while in cell hell.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Dang it - lost my post. No blue dot for me today - but enjoyed splurging. Had 15 blue dots in a row and feel I can get back on track more readily this time. With your help!

    Karla & Patti, I'm OK about the PT stuff - better for me to address it when I can do so calmly. No blame at all - they had no idea - but it's my fault if I don't make sure it doesn't happen again, in a respectful way. Patti, good for Edd!

    Bert, I love that you get to see all the grandkids fairly often. Those little hugs are the best things in life. When will you hop into the pool?

    Diane, you are so active that not being a blue-dot eating day won't derail you. Did Carrie and John find her a good, safe car?

    Cindy, it's so hard to live with a man who's in his own misery spiral but your head is screwed on straight. Would a solo LR weekend at camp be good for you?

    Looks like I'll get into the car tomorrow morning - not super early though, and drive home Monday or Tuesday (before the Memorial Day traffic ramps up). It's just so nice to hang out with someone who really gets me. No horses there anymore (his horrid ex arrive without warning on a Sunday morning in January and took all five out of spite. She's really turned into a piece of work. But he'll be safely out in the next few months and we'll have a great time no matter what - music, sports, laughter. Golf Friday & dinner with the kid, I think. And NBA playoffs where we don't have to get or talk on the phone. LOTS to do first - figure out what to take ad pack it. Cat sitter is set.

    So I don't know when/if I'll check in, but this won't be a junk-food fest so I will use common sense and forget about adult beverage calories for a few days. It'll all even out.

    Big hugs to everyone and best wishes for an excellent weekend.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm back to trying to clear up the pool. I had to stop the pump for a while after sweeping as the water level went down. Now it's algae on the bottom again! Grrr! I had it looking good.

    Janet: It will be a while to get in the pool. The water is still pretty chilly. Hopefully next weekend when Dan, Annie, and the kids are here. I'll be able to enjoy it one of these days after working so hard on it.

    Patti: I've forgotten. What type of surgery did Edd have?

    Mike and I are heading to Chicago this weekend to see Dylan's soccer match, Penny's dance recital, and Dylan's baseball game. I'm so wanting to take the train into town and see the new area around Wrigley. Monday would be the best day as the kids will be in school and it will just be Mike and me. There is a game on Sunday afternoon which I'd love to try to get tickets. However, I think getting 6 would be impossible.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls- another 3 blue dot day for me. Feeling more in control than I have in a while and I'm waking with the slight empty feeling.
    Bert- can you shock the pool to get it straightened out with liquid chlorine? I used that once to get a particularly tough algae gone once for for good.
    Janet- safe travels and enjoy yourself. You're long over due.
    Suzi- hope your safe I see the storms are predicted to be very bad.
    Diane- do you count in your activity? You are so busy now maybe you should keep some of the earnings for your blue dots?
    Tomorrow is an LR day so I'll get some things done- the cover for the book is finished and its awesome. I'll get an update from Meg on the e-files and I'm finishing the print copy - which I hope to get back to the fairies today. We are on schedule for June 19-
    I'm getting very excited to launch this one.
    Need to get to the day job but I'll check in soon.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sunshine has followed the storms here and it should be a beautiful but humid day. Knee is really hurting today so will only do TRX tonight. Have chores that need done around the house but will be pacing myself to give my knee some rest. Working tomorrow night and then have the weekend off. Card class Saturday morning followed by grad party for a good friend's daughter. Then Sunday my gf is having a 31 party. Don't really need another bag but we are supporting a friend who is just starting her business. I did see a cute backpack I can use for the gym.
    Blue dot day for me

    Bert, Edd had an umbilical hernia repair with mesh. He has done so well. Has not taken a single pain pill. I asked him why and his reply was "it only hurts when I move, if I take a pain pill I may overdo. The pain keeps me from attempting thing I am not supposed to do". Got to love his logic and he has adhered to his restrictions. Have a wonderful time in Chicago. I do love that town. My mom was born and raised there and I lived in a suburb until I was 8. I love to hear mom's stories of growing up in the city during the depression.

    Janet, I will be hearing your voice singing along with your music as you breeze your way to your friend. How hateful of the ex. Sounds like you have the makings of a perfect mini vacation!

    Cindy, getting so excited for you and all your loyal readers! Never stop being Lucinda, she seems to be your inner strength. You are rocking the blue dots.

    Karla, what are your plans for the weekend? I am sure there will be grandkids involved.

    Suzi, praying you are safe from the storms!

    Going to try out my grill matte again with some cod and perch I bought yesterday at Fresh Thyme. I a am also pressure cooking some ribs to send with Edd for the weekend and 2 Cornish hens that will go into the freezer. The hens will then just need to be thawed and thrown on the grill at a later date.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I knew I forgot someone, Diane, I hope you have some pleasure time coming up for you sometime soon. You have been working so hard for the kids. I hope you gets lots of baby hugging, snuggling and kissing when the baby gets here. Forgot when she is due and what they are having.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Will read and get caught up later.

    Storms are beginning to ramp up out west and will be here in central OK in the next few hours. Everyone is on high alert as about the northwestern 2/3 of the state is in a high risk area today. They are calling for super cell thunderstorms with 4" diameter hail and large, long track tornados.

    We're on our way home from the lake to be in a place where we have over the air TV, radio and cell phone service, not to mention our underground shelter. Our lake house is in cell hell, literally no radio stations available and no over air TV when satellite service gets rained out. We have an outdoor, underground storm shelter, but it doesn't do you much good if you don't know when to get in it... So, home it is where we just walk right into the garage and into the shelter.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Suzi- I am glad you came home!! Made no sense to go to a trailer in bad weather like you were saying. Are you considering going to the OMG retreat in October? Maybe I could drive to your area and we could fly together?

    Patti- Thank you for thinking of me for another location! Where are the choices?

    Janet- I will be smiling for you all weekend.

    Bert- That pool should not be that much trouble! Change to salt!

    Cindy- What are some other possibilities?

    Diane- What do you have on your agenda for the weekend? Is John back?

    Just dropped Izzy off at dance and going to the library to pick Glenn some book up on CAD. One position he is interested has that requirement and he needs to brush up on it.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - hmm, i posted last night (short) but don't see that it actually came up! I spent yesterday with mom - took her to the doctor then scrubbed all her porch furniture. It was 95 degrees, so working on the screened porch was HOT! Then it took me two hours to drive home - traffic all over DC was gridlocked due to a fatal accident, a fatal (to the suspect) police incident on a major highway, an overturned truck, and several other bad accidents. It WOULD have been a blue dot day except for the glass of wine I had after that hellish trip.

    Another busy day here today. They all are lately, it seems. Today I went to the Wetlands Sanctuary and helped with a field trip - 1-3 graders from a Montessori school. I did the talk on the Wetlands habitat by myself. On these field trips, I am on my feet and walking all day, but don't get that many steps in because we are going slow and looking at things. Came home and painted some shelving material for the bedroom closets at son's house.

    I am on track for a blue dot day today. Cindy, yes I count some of my activity - if I do an exercise class or go for a walk I count it, or if I mow the lawn. But just the 10K steps I try to get every day is hard to count. Today for example, I spent from 10-2 with the kids, slowly walking around the sanctuary. I gave myself credit for 90 minutes of moderate to slow walking, which MFP counted as 450 calories but I reduced to 300.

    I am NOT planning on going to the OMG retreat in October - sorry all. We will be traveling then, and any off-road trips will be devoted to seeing the grandbaby!

    Suzi, hope the storms pass you by!!

    Patti, the baby (a girl) is due in September. Edd has marvelous logic, and it seems to be working well for him! Baby that knee - mine took almost 3 weeks to feel much better.

    Karla, you have been having some great Izzy days.

    Bert, darn pool! I've asked our friends here, and they never open it until the end of May because the water is too cold .

    Cindy, LR will thrive tomorrow - I can feel it!

    Janet, enjoy your road trip!

    Back tomorrow - have a good evening everyone!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Wow - just checked back and nothing I entered on my phone today posted either! That was where my short note last night went in. I don't know what is going on but this is frustrating!