OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang. I was down with a bad sinus headache that made me sick at my stomach yesterday. Moved a little slow today, but feel much better. No blue dots, though. I didn't even track the bread and applesauce which was most of what I ate yesterday. Today I had a weak moment and somehow let a cream-filled, super delicious, 36-point (!!!!) cupcake jump in my cart at Walmart. Really wish I'd checked the points on it BEFORE I ate it. Oh well, if I can mostly repeat last week's menu, it'll all be OK.

    I spent the day today piddling with my porch pots. Did some potting and some repotting and lots of trimming and deadheading. I also put down soaker hose in the big bed in the back yard that I worked in last week. Tomorrow it's sailboat bottom painting day.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm traveling to Chicago this morning. I'm going to give the pool one last sweep this morning in hopes to get most of the dead algae out. Hopefully, the pool water will be good for the rest of the summer. I'm heading to the gym this morning to get new exercises for the month to help my back and knee. I would also like to concentrate on my arms and shoulder. This getting older is not for sissies!

    Janet: Congratulations on a great report!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning everyone-
    Everyone sounds busy and happy- which is good for our OMG group.
    I got Love in the Looking Glass back from the proof reader and have about 50 pages left to proof before it can start the setting process. My eyes gave out after 4 hours of proof reading. The cover image is with the graphic artist. Progress is steady now the coffee mugs and stainless steel cups should be in by the end of the week.
    I woke up slightly hunger today - as I'm trying to eat meals only- yesterday was considered a blue dot day for that. I'll take whatever works at this time.
    Need to start off the day job-
    I'll be back later
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Janet- SO thrilled but the good report. Did a jig for you.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Quick WOOOOO HOOOOOOO for Janet!!!!

    Off to paint boat bottom...
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop and confessional. No blue dot for me yesterday. Did not plan for success and let snacking rule my busy day. Did not meet with the girl about painting as she had the crud. My grandson stopped by and dropped off some drapes I told his wife I would hem. That was supposed to be last night's project but I was too tired so it was bumped to tomorrow night.

    Diane, I could just see the whole dog scenario playing out, sorry it messed up your best laid plans.

    Suzi, glad you are better.

    Hi to everyone, heading out the door to Mom's

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Aiming for a blue dot today. Retraining myself is WAY not fun!

    Patti, how was your mom time?

    Diane, dogs will be dogs. You have to love them anyway. Please do take care of that knee. How is Carrie?

    Suzi, is boat painting as arduous but sorta fun a task as I think?

    Bert, how long will you be in Chicago? If you get any exercises that help you, please share. I'll try anything.

    Cindy, how was Em's birthday, & how is Meg doing adjusting to OH?

    Karla, looks like you're having a great time. Izzy sure is!

    Goofed this morning - forgot to take my pre-dental antibiotics so couldn't get my cleaning - now scheduled for 8 AM Friday. Rats. Forgot to put antibiotic reminder into my phone. So my punishment for stupidity is a fourth early alarm this week. Sigh.

    Feeling blah today so going to fix some good, straighten up for cleaner tomorrow, and watch the game. Catch you all in the morning.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    No blue dot today here either. I succumbed to a WHOLE Ritter Sport candy bar at Trader Joe's - no sense telling myself I'll eat it over several days because I should know better by now. On the plus side I did stock up on fruits and veggies, and I did track everything I ate all day. If I had not eaten the candy I would have been blue dot. Better tomorrow.

    I also got in a walk while waiting for Carrie to get her hair cut and colored. She cut 16 inches off! Looks very cute with a long bob, dyed with a red fade to the ends. (no dye on top, so no roots to grow out!) Janet, she goes back to the foot doctor on Thursday. Her PT told her to ask about side-to-side exercises, which is the only thing keeping her from driving. She is maneuvering around the kitchen without crutches, but hanging onto counters.

    I finished painting the last door this morning - tomorrow I will roll the closets and pre-paint the floor trim.

    Too tired for personals tonight - talk tomorrow.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Ice cream with Izzy while listening to family kareoke in Wyndham skywalk lounge. Making memories. She says she wants to live here. Lol.

    Janet- we are having fun. Back to reality tomorrow. Sorry about the medicine misshap. It happens.

    Diane- Candy bars happen too.

    I've been really good food wise and over 10k steps two of three days.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, that photo is too cute!

    My Caleb turns two tomorrow.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Waaaay pooped out. Blue dot and 13,000 steps.

    Chat tomorrow.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    I had a good day yesterday- no snacks except a handful of nuts- it kept me away from junk food so that is a victory in my book.
    Em enjoyed her birthday day- and Meg is doing OK is Ohio- she says there are good and bad things about it. We talk more than ever now. She really misses her family and friends. There aren't many people in that town. But she's exercising and eating better so at least she is focused on her health and I'm proud of her for that.
    I think I'm taking Friday off to open camp. Rick is still pretty angry with me that I said it was just to much to go ALL the time- a lot of stress prepping and such. He told me last night he doesn't want to go at all and wants to sell it- hell if that's what he wants we should get it on the market. He's still bitter that "I've changed" - I told him going to camp every weekend is like eating your favorite food all the time- at some point its no longer enjoyable. He just didn't get that statement and I miss being home on weekends too- I love my house.
    Sorry for the rant this morning- but somedays...
    Anyway- on to a happier note-
    Patti- today is a blue dot day- I can feel it in my bones :)
    Karla- enjoy making memories
    Suzi- blue and 13k- you're rocking it girl.
    Janet- Sorry about the extra day of early rising- at least you were able to get right in- around here you miss a cleaning appt- it takes 3 more months to get back in.
    Diane- Cari cutting her hair for a new doo- is a positive step. She must be feeling better about herself. I hope the new exercises help out so she can get her wheels back.
    Bert- How's Chicago and the kiddo's?
    Need to run- talk to you all later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, all went just fine with Edd's surgery. He is not in any pain just yet, but hard to tell with him since he never complains when something hurts. I can only tell by his body language, usually. The hardest part will be keeping him down when he feels better. The son knows his limitations and will not ask him to do anything on the rentals that is not allowed. So looking forward to my BFF coming on Thursday, it has been far too long.
    Blue dot day yesterday. We had to get up too early for me to eat this morning so I MUST get something healthy and filling to eat so I don't do something to keep me from earning my blue dot today.

    Cindy, I think your request is more than reasonable about the camp, especially considering the state of things right now. I am so glad to hear that you are making your needs, wants and desires known and that you realize how important you are to you. Rant away here all you want. We have all taken our turns and I am sure will again. You are loved and cherished by all of us.

    Janet, what a bummer on the reschedule ffor the dentist. If I didn't remind Edd he would never get his antibiotics.

    Karla, hope your transition home is seamless. I know you had the best time with your girls.

    Gotta run and get Edd's Rx filled. Have lots of laundry to do and need to hem grandson's drapes. All things to keep me busy while I keep an eye on my sweetie.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon, Ladies. I'm spending the night again in Chicago and will drive back tomorrow. I went to the nursery, bought some flowers, and planted them for Annie for Mother's Day. The kids are in school and Dan and Annie are at work. I'm getting ready to take a walk. They are predicting rain for this evening which I hope doesn't materialize. Dylan has a baseball game tonight and I am wanting to watch him play. Penny's Spring Sing was cute. She did a great job singing. Mike and I will return in a couple of weeks to attend Penny's Dance Recital.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello - My day always feels better after I've read your posts.

    Patti, glad all went well; you must both be exhausted. My experience is that most men tend to be babies about pain - but Edd is not most men. Hope he will be honest with you about it because, as Nurse Patti knows, good pain control fuels healing.

    Cindy, sorry Rick continues to be unreasonable. Sounds like he wants to live a boring life of repeated routine, which is sad. Going every weekend has to be a drain because of the work involved - for you. And being out there with just Rick can't help but add stress. We're with YOU all the way.

    Bert, how sweet that you got to attend Spring Sing and will see Dylan's game. What a perfect Mother's Day gift to Annie.

    Hey, there, Suzi Blue Dot! I bet you're pooped but think of all you're getting done. Hope you can relax and enjoy the fruits of your labors this weekend.

    Diane, sounds as if Carrie is doing wonderfully - so good to hear.

    Karla, assuming you're back home by the time you read this - a nice getaway. Bet Glenn was thrilled to have his bride home.

    Surgeon says healing is on track. He also had ankle x-rays done because it's still a little funky when I stand on it, but those were OK (for my weird body, anyway). I can get a professionally fitted pair of exceedingly ugly shoes now and start trying them (with cane) for an hour or two at a time, at home. Whee!!! He recommended the most knowledgeable athlete footwear store in town. Bonus - the owner is British. I'll go to the farther location for a first visit to get his advice. Probably not cheap but to wear a PAIR of shoes will be a delightful novelty. I'll ramp it up slowly - no way I'm going to mess this up now.

    Hoping to make this blue dot #10. And it's Caleb's birthday - woo-hoo!!!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Definitely not a blue dot today - I don't know what happened to me, but I basically gorged myself today on junk food after lunch. I have GOT to get my mind back in this. Skipping dinner because I am still ridiculously full from earlier. The scale showed the lowest number today it has shown in a while, and then I do this? Phooey on me.

    Janet who hoo on the shoes! Carrie is wearing ridiculously ugly shoes too, but she is wearing them all the time! Glad the Xrays were okay - you wouldn't want to have done this for nothing! We go back to the surgeon tomorrow, and are hoping she gets to start working on side-to-side motion with her PT, because that is what she needs to be able to drive.

    Suzi, great work on the blue dot days! You are still on fire - I just wish I could catch it.

    Cindy, I think you are doing the right thing sticking up for not going to camp every single weekend. You are so busy with your writing and I'm sure you couldn't be as productive in the confines of your RV.

    Karla, you have posted some darling pics of Izzy especially on your retreat. What a great experience, for all of you.

    Patti, glad Edd came through the surgery well, and that he is such a model patient. I'm sure nurse Patti will be watching him, and he knows it!

    Bert, enjoy your time with the little ones. They grow up so fast! I am looking forward to times like that with my granddaughter to be.

    Need to go pick Carrie back up - she has been doing vocal coaching at the dance studio plus working the office on Wednesday nights. I encourage it because it gets her out, but it means a lot of driving for me to take her there at 4:30 and pick her up at 8:30 - 20-30 minutes each way, so that uses up two hours of my time too. Even when she starts driving, I think that will be too far for a few weeks.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! I'd hoped to be headed downtown to OKC's Full Moon run/walk/ride, but it's been postponed due to storms headed this direction. Ahh....spring in Oklahoma, where the hail and tornados come sweeping down the plain. Actually it's only a low chance of tornados; the bigger threat to hit is large size hail.

    I won't get in 12,000 steps today, so I did 45 minutes of brisk incline intervals on the treadmill. I wore the heart rate monitor and it was enough to keep my heart rate in the vigorous exercise range. Heaven knows it should have been based on the sweat factor. I was soaking wet!

    Janet - congrats on graduating to two real shoes! You're on a roll lady!

    Bert - what a sweet Mother's Day present! Was Annie surprised when she got home and saw the flowers?

    Patti - it's good to hear Edd's surgery went well. You'll take good care of him.

    Cindy - you're right to stick up for yourself and your wishes. You shouldn't be forced to spend every weekend at camp.

    I need to go pick Dave's brain for the recipe he's creating tonight so I can run it through the recipe builder. Need to check my blue dot status...

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! I'm with Janet, it makes my day to come here and read your posts and see how you are all doing.

    Patti- So glad all went well with your sweetie. Keep us posted .

    Cindy- Geez, it gives me chills how much your marriage is mimicking my first one. Mine never wanted people around and became reclusive. You are doing the right thing. Being you!

    Bert- Izzy's recital is June 11th. Is your pool clear?

    Janet- Great news on the shoes!!

    Diane- Dont best yourself up, just head for the blue dots,,lol . You can turn your bus around. We all have challenges. Mine is still drinking water.

    Suzi- You rock my friend.

    I better rush, registering Izzy for school this morning before I run by the office.

    Big dinner tonight for Glenn's 40th year by his company.

    Back later.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm letting the business traffic subside somewhat this morning before heading out for home. I got Dylan on the bus this morning as Dan had a business meeting early. I'm glad I was here to help. I didn't get to see Dylan's ball game last night as it rained, but will definitely return to watch one. Penny's Spring Sing was cute. She sang really well.

    We will be returning in 10 days to see Penny's Dance Recital. Hopefully we can stay a little longer to see Dylan's game.

    Karla: Penny's recital is May 21. The pool is getting clear. It's a long process thought with lots of chemicals going in it. Last night there was a horrible storm at home. We lost a small tree, so Mike will be working on that today when the power comes back on. He said there are lots of limbs and twigs all over the neighborhood. I do know that the turbulent weather affects the clarity of pool water.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning - gee, this week is a whirl of activity for us all.

    Patti, how's Edd doing? Will he really tell you? My guess is no - but he doesn't need to because you know him so well. Tell him your crazy girlfriends all wish him well. And let's find a date for lunch! Will probably still need to wear the boot but let's do it! I need to come to OH for a small Container Store run in the next few weeks.

    Karla, so glad you had such a nice break. What a great thing that Glenn's 40th with his company (how often does THAT happen anymore?). You will glow and probably cry with pride. So - what are you wearing???

    I second your second on relating to Cindy's situation. Went through that for the last several years with Tony. We were never married but were an exclusive couple for 18 years (which is why I will always refer to his folks as my in-laws and send his mom flowers on her birthday and a Mother's Day card every year).

    Cindy, big hugs, Escape to Loudon and talk to your girls and parents as much as you can.

    Bert, glad you are in drivable distance of the kids - I would've given a lot to have been in Oregon yesterday for Caleb's birthday. Sorry you lost a tree, but guess it didn't hit the house or Mike's car.

    Diane, you are such a terrific mom! Your devotion to keeping Carrie's life as normal as possible throughout her recovery has taken a lot of effort and I know every bit of it has been done with nothing but love. Hugs.

    Suzi, life in Oklahoma is certainly a meteorological adventure! Is Gary England still around? Always thought they'd prop him up and animate him for at least another 100 years.

    Gotta get moving here - manicure and PT and errands, oh my!