OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Janet: We ended up not having the kids. Carrie was feeling better so they decided to keep them home. Have you tried QVC? I've ordered tops and pants from them. I like Susan Graver for tops and Denim and CO for pants. I also have pants (active wear) from Lucy. They are pricey but do hold their shape and color. I love them.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Friday was a blue dot day, but yesterday was definitely not. I was out of sorts and ate my feelings. Today shaping up to be a blue dot if I can eat what I have planned and no more for dinner! I have had two fruits so far, and a very veggie heavy dinner planned.

    Scale has been moving in the right direction, until this morning after yesterday :(. We'll see if behaving for a day or two turns it around again.

    Today was "Blue Jeans Sunday" at our church - basically we combine into a single service, then do spring cleaning chores around the church. I was quite frustrated because of the 80 or so people at church this morning, only about 20 stayed to help with chores. I ended up washing windows inside and out for about 2 hours. John was asked to "help" take down a tree, and ended up doing it entirely by himself. I did count the cleaning as exercise points, but only gave myself 60 minutes of heavy cleaning. But the provided lunch was pizza, and no diet drinks or water (and our church water is terrible!) so i had lemonade - I almost never drink calories, but I needed fluid after working out in the heat.

    Then this afternoon I scrubbed the deck furniture, and took Carrie shopping. We bought yarn for her to knit a baby blanket, and frame for her to make artwork for a friend who is moving, and fabric for me to make a carseat blanket for the baby. I am also going to go back to the gym tomorrow - my knee has been giving me trouble since our long hike last week, but I'm going to see how it like aqua aerobics class.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Bert, I'm sure you will be glad to be done with this group of students. SO frustrating when they just don't put the effort in that they should.

    Suzi, congrats on the WL! You are so focused, girl. You are inspiring me to try to catch some of that focus. I did scope out the WW location near me - not sure I'm ready to go there yet, but if my focus doesn't improve I may try it again.

    Janet, Carrie is trying to walk more, but is usually not putting all her weight on her bad foot. Still taking some weight on the crutches. She would like to get to the point where her PT therapist will teach her how to go upstairs again this week - she is so tired of going up and down on her behind. She had a low day on Friday too. Sorry you have had a bad week, and hope that things are looking up for a while.

    Patti, at least you'll get to take Frankie with you to the rally! Hope you don't have any vehicle trouble this time out.

    Karla I'm surprised the plumeria need so little water. I always think of tropical plants as needing lots of water. I know you love to have them. Have you opened your pool yet? Though we have had a VERY warm spring, nobody I have asked has opened their pool here yet. They say the cool nights make the water just too cold.

    Cindy John had a cardinal rule the last year he worked - no working on Fridays. He worked such long hours the rest of the week that he never needed to go in on Friday unless someone scheduled something, and even then he usually made them reschedule. I think he worked 3 Fridays all year! Those 4-day work weeks are great.

    All for now - I'm at 8.8K steps and want to do something to make it to 10K for the day.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Yesterday was a blue dot for me. I think my OMG this week will be to get 12,000 steps at least 5 days. I will strive to continue getting at least 5 blue dot days as well, but steps need to be my focus this upcoming week after the slug weekend I've had! We have intermittent periods of rain, temps in upper 40's, and howling wind today after rain literally all night Friday and all day yesterday. Yuck! This girl needs herself some sun!! I did get out for groceries today and also went to a particular plant nursery I'd been wanting to check out. The daisies I've planted from seed the past 2 years and even the ones in pots last year are sadly deceased. I spent some bucks on good sized, healthy, pots today. Friday I also bought more hostas to replace those that succumbed to heat and drought last summer. We now have a sprinkler set on a timer for the bed all this stuff goes in, so I'm hoping to have better luck this time. Dave doesn't really like watering flowers, but he's just gonna have to get over that at least for a couple years until this stuff gets well established.

    Today's Jessi's birthday and at the birthday girl's request, we're meeting up with Kelly (sister/cousin) and most of her gang at our favorite BBQ joint for supper followed by BD cake at my house. Her requested cake is an absolutely divine, sooooo NOT WW-friendly coconut cake that takes 3 days to make. It was my Pawpaw's favorite cake and my Mama always made it for his BD. I've earmarked a good portion of my WPA for one piece of cake and even ran it through the recipe builder to be sure I tracked it accurately. I'll have to peek to be sure, but I believe it was 23 points for 1/12 of the cake. I intend to savor every last bite, too!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I'm going to keep my OMG the same this week - get five fruits and veggies a day. That's a key for me to both stay within points and snack mindfully.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early this morning as rain and thunderstorms woke me up as well as aching joints from the weather. Today I'm going to my dermatologist and am having a mole removed. It's supposed to be only in the 50's today, so I'm hoping Cole's ball game will be cancelled this evening. It will be quite chilly for the little ones to be outside playing a game.

    Diane: I'm suprised you had 20 people stay. It's always the same people at our church who stay, clean, volunteer, etc. Our ratio of active people is about the same as your church. We have an older congregation, but the younger ones don't participate either. Very frustrating.

    My OMG goal for this week is to eat more veggies. I don't do well in this department.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I didn't have blue dot anything this weekend. Heck I didn't even write anything down, for tracking.
    But this week- regular meals zero snacks.
    I wrote 2 new chapters in book 7- shaping up nicely and i have about 5-6 chapters to finish the first draft. Decided on a logo for the travel coffee mugs and ceramic mugs. Researched and wrote the blog, had a conference call with Meg for her plan for the week- about LR stuff and sent a photo to the graphic artist for the cover.
    I finally heard from the editor- I emailed her to say I was moving ahead to publish it- she said she understood and asked me to let her know when I did. She also asked for the opportunity to review another manuscript as she enjoyed my novel. High praise I thought since she is also an accomplished author as well as editor.
    I need to get busy in the corporate world but wanted to say Hello to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning ladies, it was a stormy night and now it is just over cast and soggy. There was a terrible accident on the highway yesterday. A car going the wrong way on I-75 through downtown slammed into a fuel tanker. I passed it going the opposite directions about 45 minutes after it happened. There was a huge explosion and the fire burned for hours. I got thru just before they shut the highway down in both directions. You could see the smoke for miles in every direction. The wrong way driver did not make it but the truck driver did. The southbound lanes are closed for several days while they make sure the roadway is safe. I have never seen such a devastating scene like that up close. It was still a huge fire with the tanker fully engulfed. I am thankful that I wasn't there sooner as I had the top down on the car and don't even want to think what might have fallen on me. Still shuttering and feeling sick about it. Not sure if that made me order Taco Bell but I did and had a slice of carrot cake, this blew my blue dot day. The carrot cake is what put me over. But I tracked it and feel good about that. My usual pattern is to not track when I know I am off the rails. My scale inched down this week. So down 4.8 in the three weeks since I started tracking. I am pleased.

    This is going to be a whirlwind week. Have to work today and Wed. Lunch with the girls and hair appointment before work on Wed. Tuesday with Mom during the day then TRX. I also need to get to the grocery to get some healthy snacks for our trip on Thursday, do laundry and pack the camper. I think we will try to be on the road by 5am as it is a 12 hour drive.

    Suzi, yeah on your WL and another blue dot day (I really like this way of tracking the good days). Enjoy that cake!

    Cindy, you got so much done. I need to catch up on your blog. Have not been on my laptop in a while, just can't get it to load on my iPad.

    Bert, so glad you are done with your less than inspired students. Hope next year's group is more engaged in their futures and the futures of our children.

    Diane, you really accomplished a lot. Sorry you didn't have better food choices.

    Janet, soon my friend, we WILL find the time for lunch. I miss your sweet face and know you need to get out of the house and out of town, even if only to Cinci!

    Karla, hope you are recovered from your trip. I know you are reveling in your plumeria so. They are so over-the-top beautiful and smell so sweet.

    Need to call mom for her grocery list. Plan to stop on my way home from work. I am at the register today, hoping it goes well.


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all. I am totally uninspired to do the chores that need to be done today. I am also hungry, so I had better get on those chores and away from the pantry! Blue dot day yesterday - still need to figure out a good tracking mechanism for them. Scale is trending up, so my Saturday binge is still showing up on the scale. I just had "second breakfast" since I was hungry, but kept it to scrambled egg beaters so low cal.

    Bert, we usually have about 40 stay and work. Yesterday was the lowest turnout I ever remember. Yes we are an aging congregation too, but neither the people my age (50s) nor younger with families stayed like they usually do. I blame sports in particular, since many said they had to get to games or tournaments.

    Cindy, your weekends are so busy with author stuff - do you ever get a chance to just relax?

    Suzi, I'm sure the cake was divine. You can't deprive yourself of all things good - moderation is the key. Did you send the leftovers away? I've been planting flowers too. One of the chores for the day is to trim and shape the azaleas now that they are done blooming.

    Waving hi to the rest - will check in later.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, and welcome to the lovely month of May! Just opened a flock of windows - the suffocatingly warm, muggy air was blown through with last night's storms. Still a bit humid, but the lower temp makes it bearable and getting fresh air in while I can is a good thing.

    Forgot one criterion for a personal blue-dot day for me - tracking everything honestly. Had a NOT blue-dot weekend but today is a new day in a new month and today I start eating nothing before noon and will try not to eat after 9 PM (planning to move that to 8 soon, except when traveling makes that schedule impossible. It will take a bit for my body to get used to sitting with the hunger. But we know what to do and how to do it. And we CAN do it. Scratch that - we WILL do it.

    Bert, you've brought back memories of my student teaching. My teacher-advisor was terrific (and the mother of a guy I went out with a few times). I had a couple of troublemakers in one class - two boys who thought they were too cool for school. Always had a hunch that one was going along to fit in - and when I ran into him at a rock concert, he looked shocked and said, "Miss Patterson, what are YOU doing here? And you're wearing jeans!!!" I laughed and told him I loved music and that it would be silly to wear anything more formal to a concert at a somewhat grubby indoor arena. He gave me no more grief in class after that and even the head creep backed off a bit. You never know how, where and when you will affect students, but you need to evaluate them honestly, for their sake and for the students they will have soon. I know you will be diplomatic, yet emphatic.

    Diane, I feel for Carrie - my last two homes have been deliberately stair-free because of my orthopedic issues. Going up and down while vertical will bring her hope of greater freedom soon.

    Patti, we'll plan lunch ASAP after your trip!

    Bert & Diane, you are both such gifts to your church communities - there are always those who pitch in and those who don't, which is sad because the departers lose a great opportunity for fellowship and fun.

    Cindy, looking forward to the next book!

    Suzi, just reading about the cake makes me hungry! Thinking I will taper down this week on the things I cannot have on low-iodine diet so the transition will be easier next week. But first, a word from our good friends yogurt and seafood ...

    Karla, what's up for you this week? Hope some pampering is in store.

    Hugs to all. See you later!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. So heartwarming to come home, sit down and read all your activities and talk to each other. I love the talk of our Blue Dot days! I am having an excellent one myself today.

    Janet - I have a varied week as I am off next Monday through Wednesday as I will be on the beach in Panama City. Glenn won't be joining me unless he changes his mind at last minute. I've already invited a couple girlfriends and Angelique and Izzy are already going. Izzy calls it out "vacation home". Most Wyndham Resorts have a Starbucks and I already have Izzy hooked on the cake pops! This one on the beach is super nice. I have a two bedroom deluxe in the upper level and it has bunk beds in addition in the hallway. Right on the water too. Monica may be go just by with me and my BFF Sharon will come out for a night or two. So Fun Times again.

    Patti- Sounds like you are on a roll with your blue dot except for the horrible scene last evening. A great loss of 4.8 is good. You always have fun at the Sturgis Rally. Supposed to rain on Thursday but nice for the weekend.

    Diane- You are one busy beaver between home and church! Do you wonder how you did it all and worked?

    Suzi- Can you email me that cake recipe please? I love long recipes like that. Will you be back to us trading trackers today?

    Cindy- You are the author extraordinaire!! It takes work and determination to get anywhere in life and you are doing it.

    I'm making shredded Mexican chicken salads for us tonight with leftover salsa chicken. Yum. I had the naked strips from Popeyes for lunch, so a low carb day. That is key for me.

    I will check back later on.


  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! The dogs and I had a lazy morning and I made a quick trip to Trader Joe's to see what's what. I haven't been since we finally got one in OKC. I've been working on the flower planting this afternoon and it's going frustratingly slow. The big bed in the back where most of these flowers are going is full of multiple groundcovers that have been completely untouched for a very long time. Between digging out vinca, Virginia creeper and mondo grass there were big rocks to dig out. It seems like everywhere you dig in that bed, there are big rocks buried. I have no idea how or why they got there, I just keep digging them out. I may use them to separate the flowers from the strawberries.

    Karla - yes, I'll post the recipe here so everyone can have it who wants it. I meant to send my tracker to you this morning because it was really late last night when I finished it up, then I fooled around and forgot to do it.

    Patti - that was a horrible accident. I'm sorry you were subjected to that. You'll really be ready for a break by the time you get to the rally. Will you be motorcycling to the rally? Is Edd able to ride pre-surgery?

    Janet - have you ever met with a dietician? I worry about how strict you are with yourself in WL mode. Although my weight is coming off much more slowly this time around than it did originally, I'm trying to only make changes I'm willing to live with the rest of my life. Thanks to a group of lifetimers I post with again, I think I'm even resolved to the fact that I'll need to track my intake in some form or fashion for the rest of my life. Is what you're doing sustainable for the long haul? I know you have several complicating factors and maybe I shouldn't pester you about it. Please know it's because I care for you and I don't mean it as criticism. Just food for thought, if you haven't considered seeing a dietician.

    Diane - that is really disappointing no more people stayed to help with the church chores. When y'all head out for the next big trip will you be anywhere near OK on your travels? I'd love a chance to meet up and swap stories sometime.

    Bert - what do you have planned for your summer now that you're done with this semester's disappointing crop of students?

    Cindy - I'm always amazed at all you do. What a whirlwind!

    The dogs and I just got back from a walk, but I don't have all my steps yet. Trying to decide between another loop rough the neighborhood or some treadmill time....

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti - just saw highway cam video of that accident. OMG - horrific.

    Karla, glad you have your girls' beach getaway in just a few days. Woo-goo!

    Suzi, yes, I have met with two different nutritionists. Unfortunately not particularly helpful. My body is so screwed up between genetics and what Rx amohetamibes did to my system during puberty that it really is trial and error for me. My "full switch" is defective. Not to mention the mental components of constant verbal abuse aboit weight and more. But I truly appreciate your love and concern as it is given. I focus on getting adequate protein, vitamins, minerals, water and lots of fiber.

    Blue dot day for me yesterday and the house doesn't have much that is bad for me or a "More! More! Now!!!" trigger. Haven't been on a scale in 2017 but will once I am out of the boot and allowed to stand evenly.

    Lots of stuff to do today so going to try for at least another hour of sleep. After I get back this afternoon, hoping for a nap so I can stay awake for my Warriors - game doesn't start until 10:30. Darn you, west coast!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. The dermatologist stated that he didn't think my mole was anything to worry about, but I did have it removed as it was bothersome to me. Right now, it looks like it might be a sunny day. It's chilly, but at least the sun might shine! Mike and I are heading to church to help set up for the bi-annual rummage sale.

    Patti: Congratulations on your weight loss. I'm struggling so bad and am very frustrated. I'm not giving in though.

    Janet: It is hilarious when you see students and parents outside of the school building. They do give you a "look" and become quite bewildered when they see you.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Welcome to Tuesday. Its another rainy day here- I thought May was for sunshine. My baby Emily turns 29 on Sunday but with the kids work schedules this weekend we're doing dinner and cake tomorrow night- it will be fun and I baked the cake last night- frosting it tonight and then ready for tomorrow night.
    Tomorrow I'm volunteering at our Special Olympics event- we have a large team from work going. Should be good- hopefully the rain will hold off.
    Diane- I would love to relax - but I'm concerned my company will be sold in the next 6 months and if the company, who is rumored to purchases us does, I'll be out of a job. Just in time to see my 55 birthday. So I'm working really hard on writing and setting up a business called MC Two Press. This will help newbie authors find reasonably priced services to help them self publish.
    I had a tough time when I started so this is my way to help others and maybe become financially independent while writing too. I'm getting Meg involved as well. Its something she can do from Ohio.
    Things are a tad stressful in my life. Some days I feel like I get hit from all sides- but I'm strong and I have a purpose and focused. Thank heavens I found all of you. But maybe now you can see why some days I just don't focus on good portion controlled eating. I will.
    Patti- so thankful you weren't near that accident- the news images are just awful.
    Diane- where is your next adventure- how's the rig?
    Suzi- when does Dave return?
    Karla- did you check to see if there's a Wyndam near Lancaster PA?
    Janet- you're doing what needs to be done for you- I'm proud of you as we all are. I'm also happy to know that each of us speaks out of love and concern when we all offer input. :)
    Bert- I can't remember what did you teach before you retired? You'll find a way to get blue dots into your day. What about a nutritionist for you?
    I need to run- see you all later.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hi-de Ho neighbor's! Yesterday was a Blue Dot day. Working the register doesn't give me as many steps. I am getting better at it and feeling less stressful. Doubt it will ever feel second nature but I decided I will take my register days and not switch to cutting counter. It is definitely not as physically demanding. Also found that I still have time to help customers with their projects, so that makes me happy.

    Suzi, we will be taking the car to the rally. Bike is broken that I can ride on comfortably. The one bike we have running doesn't have a hitch for the trailer and I cannot ride more than short distances because the pegs are too high in the back. This keeps my hips and knees in a very uncomfortable angle. Plus with taking the car we can take Frankie. Your flower bed woes, or should I say wars, confirm why I don't garden, lol.

    Cindy, what a wonderful idea for a company! I hope it takes off and I love that Meg is part of it. How is she adjusting to Ohio. I will get in touch with her after vacation so we can meet.

    Janet, you are a true wonder. To get this far with your weight loss with all that working against you. I hope you know how much I admire you and your spirit. Wishing you a blessed nap Time!

    Hi to the all the rest of my fine friends. Time to head out the door to Mom's. Got groceries yesterday and will get my packing done before and after the gym. Tomorrow is full!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! It's sunny but stilll a little chilly this morning. Should warm up later though with predicted highs in the 70's. Having breakfast now and will do a loop through neighborhood with the dogs when I'm done before starting on the flower beds.

    Yesterday was a blue dot day and I even had to have an extra glass of milk at bedtime to get there. This is so strange to me - having to eat more to meet minimum points requirements! I did not meet my OMG of 12,000 steps, did exceed 10,000 after channeling my inner-Karla by house walking to get the last 100 steps to get me there when I realized I was just shy of 10,000.

    Patti - duh! Now I remember that Frankie was going with you. That would be quite a comical mental image of you, Edd & Frankie all 3 on a motorcycle! ^5 on the blue dot!

    Janet - Yay for the blue dot! Enjoy your well-deserved nap. Tomorrow you may be suffering from Warrior Hangover. The whole state of OK has to deal with what we call Thunder Hangover after those late, west coast games.

    Cindy - holy crap on the job stress! The hits just keep on coming. Dave gets home tomorrow. It's not been a good fishing week. Bad weather the first 2 days and now boat motor trouble bad enough he's going to be dropping it off for repair on the way home.

    Bert - you're a true treasure to your church. I wish I lived close enough to come to the rummage sale!

    Karla - thanks so much for swapping trackers with me. It's a tremendous help!

    Gotta get with it,
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Patti-Meg is having a really hard time adjusting- she's a home town girl at heart and on top of that things with her husband and step-son bring her to the edge of patience. I'm sure she'll be thrilled to meet when you're home. Have a great trip.
    Suzi- yea- holy crap. God sure does have a sense of humor when it comes to seeing how much I can endure- but I will survive this too.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Geez - another nearly completed post went poof ...

    Cindy, yikes - as if you needed another major source of stress, but your plan sounds so YOU. Will you FaceTime or Skype with Meg at Emily's birthday dinner?

    Bert - smart to get that mole off. If it's irritating you, get it gone!

    Patti, I can see you driving up to the rally with Frankie's big, sweet head hanging out the window. She'll be the belle of the ball, along with you. Congrats on the loss. You have made me mildly curious about TRX, which is huge, given my soul-deep fear, loathing and outright hatred of exercise!

    Suzi, your dots are as blue as the sky! What are you planting this week?

    Diane, has Carrie made any progress on stairs? Hope so - she's endured this sorrow show so gracefully - you must be deeply proud of her.

    Karla, glad your phone reset itself - saved time and $ before your beach trip.

    Bad news/good news here. Dragged the scale out this morning after my shower and the bad news is that I have gained, but the good news is that the gain was only two pounds. Still don't like it but now know I did better than I thought, which makes me even more strongly recommitted to re-losing what I gained over the past year and a half.

    PT was a bear today - but I am making good progress, so all worth it. We worked on foot & ankle and also on my right hip, to try to help my back. I know I'm in excellent hands at PT.

    Leaving you with the quote from St. Bernard on my Mutts calendar for today: "We find rest in those we love, and we provide a resting place for those who love us." You all bring me rest every day.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Janet - if you had not weighed at all in 2017 and have only gained 2 with the physical limitations you've been under post surgery, that sounds like a win to me! I'd even call it a scale victory.