OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello again. Yes, I will definitely be traveling the farthest!! So, flying will be mynoption if I come alone. I forgot to mention to Glenn so we could look at his family ties. Plus, do not know if he will be working a new job by then and how flexible it will be.

    Diane- Glenn retires July 30th. Hooray on your volunteer work. You were right in my city last year and we didn't get to meet!! Maybe one day it will work, I really treasure your wisdom.

    Patti- I don't see how rolling a paint brush doesn't strain your back, unless you are just painting straight in front of you. Lol. Good news on your feet. When do you go on your two days a week schedule for Joanna? I'm not in a tizzy getting ready for the cruise. I've done a little each day. Had my manicure and pedicure yesterday. Even bought a little fun pack for our room. <<wink>>

    Cindy- looking so forward to meeting you!! You are such a gem.

    Janet- seeing you again and spending more time will be fun.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Had a fun day at work. Not very busy and had time to give extra attention to my customers. Helping choose fabric, finding matching fabric, coming up with ideas and designs. All things I love, along with seeing my customers go away smiling and anxious to jump into their projects. I always ask them to come back with pictures but nobody has yet, lol. Got talked into working Monday 6-11 am to help stock. Have a big order coming in and corporate is visiting Wednesday to make sure it is all put away.

    Karla, my strain/muscle spasms are actually in my left butt cheek. It started when I was balancing on my left leg while bent over with my upper body parallel to the ground. I think I may have twisted my hip the wrong way while in that position, plus I think the new shoes may have caused the muscles to be tight. Painting using none of those muscles and I am always super careful to never bend or lift and twist, which is the biggest cause of most back strains. Wish Edd would enjoy a cruise, but I know he would not. I have been on two and doubt I will have the opportunity to go on another. Enjoy!


  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Very late (or very early) check-in for me.

    Cindy, I LOVE driving! Karla can attest that I did New Ireland to Louisville in a tingle day. Had planned to stop but coffee and lure of my own bed (& saving room cost) got me home.

    PT is helping but was intense today. And I melted down a bit for various reasons. Had a very weepy morning.

    After PT I bought Bluetooth earbuds to use during parts of PT to save my sanity and help me forget what they are making me do and how some of it triggers every bit of baggage from childhood.

    But my day changed with a surprise text from my niece Anne, who lives in MI. She and three friends were on their way to Nashville for a rah-rah meeting for the multilevel marketing thing they're involved in. They had decided to have lunch in Louisville! (The guy with them has friends here so he chose the spot & Anne got their OK to invite me.)

    So I got gas, zoomed home with just enough time to change into reputable clothing, grab a lip gloss and went downtown. So great to see Anne; liked her travel companions too. Just a terrific surprise. And needed.

    Going to try to go to sleep now. Hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick stop before work just to say hi.

    Janet the heavens knew you needed your niece and brought her to you at just the right moment. Bet your Dad was doing a little manipulating on his end. I know it would break his heart to see you suffering. Hope the visit put a little spring in your step and the memory helps you through at least your next PT session.

    My day is starting out great. Made the perfect over easy eggs, something I dearly love but rarely get right. Hope the rest goes as well.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Karla, wishing you calm seas, perfect weather and loads of love and laughter on your cruise. Can't wait to see some pics when you return, especially in your ball gown and Glenn in his tux, I assume he will be wearing one since he is so dashing in it.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning,, Laides. It's very chilly this morning. I need to run errands this morning, so I'll walk at the mall. I got 12K steps in yesterday and am happy about that.

    Janet: Glad you got to see your neice. I love driving too, but am not confident on unfamiliar roads. I drive to and through Chicago, but am used to that route. Indy is no problem either since I'm from there and know my way around.

    The Cubs pulled it out last night! Woo Hoo! GO CUBS!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    I've tried to post twice this morning, and both time at the very end my posts disappeared!! Ugghh!!!!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bon voyage!!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all - I have had a busier day than I expected. Lots of errands, getting in and out of the car and walking through stores. I got my steps in already, and my fitbit said 49 active minutes, when all I've been doing all day is errands!

    We are going away for a few days and leaving Carrie here on here own. She wants this, so hope she can manage. We have a ride to PT for her on Wednesday, but that is the only help she should need. Lots of people are on call if she needs it. We will be out of touch mostly from Sunday am through Wednesday afternoon, so I won't be checking in much!

    Yesterday's 2nd grade field trip at the Wetlands Sanctuary went well too. I told them to do the background check they need to do to put me in the rotation as a volunteer naturalist. Now I need to study up some - I can do the birds, mammals including tracks, and forest trees, but the wetlands plants and aquatic amphibians will take some study! There are four major habitats there - wetlands, forest, pond/stream and meadow. Depending on the group, we go through 2 or 3 of the different habitats.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hi gang! Sorry I've not checked in. Did well with my week's plan until yesterday. It was raining Thursday evening and I was unable to catch the treadmill at the hotel unoccupied, so I finally just went shopping instead. Not as many steps as I'd been getting, but I was up on my feet and moving. After teaching yesterday morning, the drive home was not pleasant. It normally a 4-hour, could do it with my eyes closed trip. Yesterday it was a 6+ hour tsunami! Had to have the wipers on high nearly the entire way. Yuck! The eating plan got pitched in spite of having healthy stuff in the car. Right back on the wagon today. I look forward to improved weather tomorrow and want to try out the new dual dog walking leash I got for the boys.

    The get together sounds like fun, but we'll be on a cruise ourselves then. Have fun! I'll be with you in spirit.

    More chat later. Need to pay attention to all 3 of my boys. They just got home from their fishing trip this afternoon.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Leaving for work shortly but wanted to pop in and say hi. Had to be cashier yesterday and hoping to switch with someone today so I don't have to do it 2 days in a row. I am getting more comfortable with it but still much prefer the cutting counter. Tomorrow I have to be there at 6am to help stock. Have I told you before I am not a morning person, lol.

    Suzi, that drive sounds awful. Glad you are home safe and sound with your boys!

    Diane, how wonderful that you guys are getting away for a bit. Having support in place for Carrie hopefully makes it less worrisome for you. I am sure she appreciates some independence too.

    Ahoy to Karla on the high seas.

    Janet are you getting any rest? I know he pain probably keeps you from sleeping as much as you need to. I would think they would give you stronger pain meds at the beginning of therapy. But what do I know?

    Waving hi to Cindy and Bert. Hope you are both enjoying your weekends.

    Out the door in 10.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited April 2017
    Every time I've tried to post today, there's been problems with the app. Let's see how this goes this time. It's quite a lovely day in the neighborhood today! 60's, sunny and no wind! That almost never happens this time of year in Oooooooklahoma, where the wind comes sweeping down the plains! After laying around much too much the past few rainy, drizzly, cold, blustery days, I finally got my butt in gear today. Between chores and 3 mile-long laps through the neighborhood, I'm at 13,400+ steps and counting.

    I have a proposal to make to all of you. There have been a few,comments over the last week or so about the fact that we all seem to be struggling and I believe there was a call to get ourselves re-centered. We're all good friends and enjoy chatting with each other and there's NOTHING wrong with that, but, I think we've strayed too far from the original purpose of the group. THe original purpose was to set One Mini Goal for ourselves each week and to report daily how we'd done toward our goal the previous day. I think we need to get back to that and be more accountable to one another on our efforts toward weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. Gonna end this post before the app goes haywire and check about our other threads.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be a beautiful day today. I plan to work in my flower beds and take a walk. I also may go to the gym as I haven't been there in quite a while.

    Suzi: I hate driving in the rain. I would have probably pulled over with having to have the wipers on high.

    Getting breakfast prepared for Mike. Bacon and eggs. I'll have some too. I usually make it once a week.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Whew what a busy 3 days- 18 hours of editing- yard work and spring cleaning of the upstairs of the house-
    Patti- thank you for asking is Meg will come- I'll ask her if no one objects.
    Lets wait for Karla to return before we start making our reservations.
    Hectic day at work I need to write a paper for one of the guys so quick stop-
    See you again soon.
    Waving to all.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning - looks like my yesterday post got eaten as well. Not much to report here - going to stay home and o stuff

    Suzi, I'm with you. I have been cutting myself too much slack and am having mixed success from day to day. Need to get vastly more consistent at this.

    Cindy, please invite Meg - if she's willing to hang out with us, great. Fingers crossed that Rick can sustain and improve. I know you will be wise about options as things unfold.

    Patti, how's your back today?

    Bert, hoping your last visit of this year will be a good one.

    Diane, Carrie will be fine. Glad you & John are getting some time together in nature - you've had a winter of unexpected not-great stuff and deserve it.

    Karla, hope you & Glenn are having the best of times on the high seas.

    Today s the anniversary of my mother's death so I've been having a lot of things going through my head all weekend.

    Hoping my coffee kicks me into a more productive gear today! I have a lot to do here, plus PT twice this week, errands and endocrinologist.

    Hugs to all - here's to making better choices all day!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, boy that 5 hours flew this morning and I am bushed. Unfortunately, I still have to go to the grocery for me and Mom. I am awaiting my second wind, lol. I totally agree with Suzi, we need to get back to our purpose here and start holding ourselves and each other accountable.

    My mini goals: TRACK and DRINK 8 OZ of H2O first thing every day.

    I will report the beginning of the next day if I met my goal or not. Hope everyone else jumps in.

    Janet, I know those anniversaries are always hard times. My back is still giving me problems, mostly if I am sitting. Standing and walking don't seem to make it worse. I am extremely mindful when lifting and bending but so far neither activity has aggravated it. Whatever is wrong though, I wish it would just heal already!

    Better get moving while I still have some energy. I do believe it will be an early night for me. My body was not happy with the 5am ala m.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! I'm down for the count today with a terrible sinus headache and a very upset stomach. So, I'll be brief and do personals another time.

    My mini goal this week is to have at least 5 "blue dot" days. Blue dot days in the WW world are those days you keep your points between 3 below or 7 above your daily total. When you do, there's a graphic on the app that puts a blue dot on the calendar. My hope is working toward the blue dot will keep me within my weekly points allowance (WPA). Both Saturday and Sunday were blue dot days.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be another gorgeous day! I plan to be outside as much as possible. I'm trying to debate wheter or not I want to plant my Gerber Daisies this year. Mike is planning to have our driveway, porch and walkway redone in June, so I think I would be wasting money to plant. I may purchase a pot of them this year instead. That way I can move it when the work gets started.

    Janet: My mother has been gone for 22 years. I still think about her everyday, and I also feel her presence with me as well as my dad's.

    Patti: I'm with you on the H2O. I don't drink enough of it. That's my mini goal, too.

    So far, I'm frustrated with my progress. It seems no matter what I do, the scale only goes up! I changed my calorie limit on MFP this morning and also changed the percentages of fats and proteins. Maybe that will help when I log my food. I keep working at it, but sure do wish I could lose.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    I agree we need to be accountable for what we consume- not just food but water too.
    I tracked everything I ate yesterday- WAY to heavy on carbs... I was so tired they kept me in the quick energy zone. Not an excuse- just facts.
    I finished the edit of the book- and now doing Text to Speech on computer- so Mac is reading me a story- great to catch any lingering typos. I'm on chapter six and fix 5 little things.
    Suzi- hope you're feeling better today.
    Janet- you're doing great and have had many challenges this year with the surgery- but you're on track and you're doing it.
    Patti- Have you thought about seeing a doctor for your back? Take care of yourself like you do us.
    I'll extend the invite to Meg for the OMG retreat- :) thanks! I think she could use the extra support.
    Need to run-
    Hi to all
    Bert, Diane and Karla- have a sparkling day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, thought I would get to bed early last night but somehow it never happened. So I am off to a late start. New commitment to me, the plan and the group starts today. Had my water before coffee or omelette. Now to keep it going and to remember to track it all. My plan is one meal at a time for now. It's Mom Tuesday, we are going to start watching Feud, the Joan and Bette story.

    Will stop by later. Back was really sore and stiff this morning, pretty positive it is a muscle strain/sprain and time will heal. Just need to find the right stretches to do. Not sure if I should go back to the gym. May go just to talk to my trainer. Will text her for advice. I did try some voltaren gel, the it is not approved for backs or knees but has worked wonders for hands and feet, so I am taking my chances.
