OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi girls-
    Another busy day in the neighborhood-
    Editor update- she had really strong recommendations and since I'm not Nora Roberts I think to write the best book I can I'm moving forward with her suggestions. I can see where it will make the story line tighter- so I'm working on it now. I did Chapter 1 sent it back and she gave me a positive report. So at least I know how to fix it.
    Patti- is the Ya Ya's the weekend of Oct 20?
    Does anyone have a conflict the weekend of Oct 13? Who wants to come?
    Or we're looking at the weekend of Oct 27-
    Once we know for sure a tentative date and who may want to attend we can look at locations.
    Janet-- so glad you're moving in the right direction
    Patti- the spasm sounds awful
    Suzi- you're focused you'll get this moving and Dave is a great support partner.
    Karla- Have a great time on the cruise- relax and enjoy
    Diane- hopefully somehow it will work so you'll be with us... at the first OMG Retreat
    Need to run-
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, yes Yayas weekend it October 20th. You are uniquely Lucinda and I think you will keep getting better, and we will all benefit from your ability to take constructive criticism from a professional. One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite blues artists, Johnny Lang, sums it up perfectly
    "There ain't no shame in being beaten by your master". We all improve by learning from those who are masters at their craft.

    Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite story and Disney did not let me down. Can't wait for it to come out on DVD. I love that they kept the original music and only added one new song. And yes, I cried, as I always do. Knowing the story just makes me cry more, lol. I saw a version of it from 1946. It was black and white and subtitled. The story is a bit different and the special effects are amazing for the time period. It was really a work of art. La Belle Et La Bete.

    Off to work with my Bravo leftovers for dinner. Grilled chicken with goat cheese and sundried tomatoes, mashed potatoes and fresh garlic green beans. Save enough to eat in 15 minutes, lol
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all. Pushed my foot/ankle running errands at places with no riding carts but proud to have survived!

    Karla, got taxes sent off. I now have to start paying quarterly taxes to KY. Grrrrr. Mostly because I rarely have option for state tax to be withheld from distributions. Sigh.

    Diane, babies are the best, regardless of gender. Nice that you can plan ahead better for a girl. You asked me a very intelligent question, but one with no snswer. Where would I move to? I have no desire to live too close to my brother. My closest friends are scattered all over. No idea whether niece in OR will stay there after her husband gets his Ph.D. So any move would be very expensive and still leave me far from nearly everyone I truly prize in life.

    Patti, hope the pain & spasms are soon gone. Got a chuckle out of the trucking company - good of them to call your mom.

    Suzi, brava!!!

    Cindy, are you LR tomorrow? I sure hope so.

    Bert, hope you get a more motivated crop to mentor in the fall.

    Still tired but going to try to stay awake for the 10:30 Warriors game.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good evening , just finished my house Each day I have improved my steps. Monday was 4600, Tuesday 7100 and today 8068 so far. I have kept my calories under 1200 Monday and today and slightly over yesterday. Glenn and I always like hitting the ship gym as it is at the bow of the ship and you can look out over the water.

    Cindy- The October 13 weekend sounds good to me as I don't want to be away for Halloween. Izzy still enjoys it so much. I'm excited about us all meeting.

    Diane- Congrats on the baby girl. Can you come weed and mulch my beds please? Lol.

    Janet- I'm glad you are out and about. I guess we will be finding out about taxes when we start drawing from our retirement money too. I'm used to paying estimated taxes though, as I have done it for years being self-employed. Glenn has a nice pension, so we might not have to touch the 401k for awhile. I am only 59 and he just turned 60 last month, so we have quite a long while before we draw social security or get on Medicare.

    Patti- Ouch on the back spasms. So glad you had the therapists there to help you. Too darn funny on your mom's phone calls. I loved the beauty and the beast too. It was excellent. Your dinner sounded yummy.

    Bert- My scale is not budging! Grrrrrr. Lol. Do you want to join in on s step challenge when I return from my cruise? I am slowly working my steps up.

    Tonight I picked which ball gown I'm taking on the cruise. The olive green one. I have the silver strap sandals and silver darling purse to go with it. I've picked out my jewels, my Mardi Gras rhinestones. So fun!

    I'm going to jump in the shower now, take care, my fine lady friends.


  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my last visit! I'm happy for that. Final assignments are due next week, and then I'm done for a while. It will feel great!

    We went to Cole's T-Ball game last night. It brought back so many memories of when Greg and Dan played. It was fun to be there and watch him.

    Karla: I'm still in the group on the Garmin. Some days I do ok and other days, not so good. It's an incentive to see the other two participants' steps and try to keep up with them. After I finish with my students, it think it will be better to get steps in. I definitely want to get the scale moving down and NOT up!

    Patti: So sorry to hear about your back spasm. It was good that there were people to help you so quickly.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Taking mom to get her eye exam for glasses. Then she wants to do a little grocery shopping and if she feels up to it we will go to Walmart to order new glasses for her. We will fits in a lunch and I am hopeful there will be prescriptions to pick up also. Back is still having some pain and possibly a few small spasms. Will wait to see how I feel when it is time for TRX but doubt I should take the class. I may go paint instead when mom and I are done with our errands.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Since there doesn't seem to be anyone else objecting can we tentatively say the weekend of Oct 13th is OMG weekend? If yes I'll start looking at the map and see what will work.
    I'm on plan today - walking is still a struggle, our weather has been just awful.
    I'm still weighing in daily would like to see it move downward but at least its not climbing.
    I finally caved and ordered some spring tops and three pairs of capri's for work. I really didnt' want to and couldn't face going into the store to try on things. So Macy's, Kohls, Dress Barn and Eddie Bauer will come to me. Then I'll see what works and what doesn't
    Tomorrow is indeed an LR day. So glad I have much to do and the graphic artist is calling at 10 so we can review the coffee mug logo.
    Patti- enjoy time with Mom
    Janet- it must feel wonderful to be free of the knee scooter- don't over do it
    Bert- what is the plan for the summer since your visits are done- will you do it again in the fall?
    Karla- you'll be the belle of the ship.
    Suzi- are you traveling for work or pleasure this week?
    Diane- congrats on the baby girl- shopping will be a blast. How is your mother doing?

    Dad update- he says his lungs are as pink as the day he was born- right after smoking for 67 years... I won't change him at this point. He said he'll do the CT scan and keep using his O2 as he does see the benefits- I'll spend what time I can in Vermont and what will be- will be. Love him dearly.
    OK- need to get back at it.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    I've put the October 13 weekend into my calendar. This is ON!

    Cindy, if your dad wants to believe that, no harm done, as long as he continues to use the oxygen and such. He probably doesn't want to worry his baby.

    Karla, just once in my life I'd love to go to something that required a ballgown. The green one is so beautiful on you.

    Bert, glad you are about to start your summer vacation!

    Patti, do be wise about the back. Hope you can et glasses ordered for your mom - such improvement for her eyes since you gently shepherded her to the doc and he sent you to the specialist.

    Diane, where's your next hiking adventure going to be?

    Suzi, do you have lots of work trips coming up?

    Had blood draw this morning, then treated myself to breakfast out. Yummy half omelet with toast and I had three strips of bacon. Deeeeeeelish!

    Overdid a bit yesterday so will keep afternoon errands to a minimum after my meeting. PT first thing tomorrow. It is so nice not to have to use scooter, especially trying to get situated in either of my small bathrooms! Must change sheets today but not until later.

    Hugs to all. Later!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    OK- what about Amish Country-
    This place looks pretty nice- not sure what everyone's budget is...
    This is about 5 1/2 hours for me.

    Just thinking.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Cindy- I've never. Even to PA, but that is whet Glenn's father's side of family is from. He is long passed away, but he has been wanting to visit other relatives upbthere. Hmm, maybe we could split up for the weekend or such. Dunno, but I'm in, either way.. I can look for Wyndham in area too for anyone that wants to stay with me. I know they have them in PA, but may just be in Urban areas.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    I am marking my calendar for that weekend. I have never been to Amish country in PA and would totally be ok with that.

    Good news from the eye Dr. Her last prescription glasses are still the right prescription, bifocals and all. She was just thrilled. She has spent so much on glasses over the past 5 years, nice to get a break. She had just assumed they would not be strong enough and had not even tried them. They wanted to dilate her eyes, but after her read the retinal specialists notes from Thursday he agreed it was not necessary since all she wanted was refraction. Got her groceries and a turkey club for lunch. I decided to not go to the gym so worked on the rental for 3 hours. Unless they want me to come paint ceilings I think I am done there. Will see after they get back from vacation. Chicken enchiladas for dinner when Edd gets done delivering phone books. Not going to do the gym in the morning, have to work at 2pm.,hoping giving my back this break will have me ready to return next Tuesday.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all,
    I will mark my calendar, but as I said I do not expect to be able to make it. We will probably be in California then, unless John has to fly back to DC for his consulting job. Too bad, because the places Cindy suggested are only about 2 hours from me. There is a great mix of activities in that area, from antiquing to browsing shops to wineries to historical places. Middle of October should be in Harvest season so there may be festivals around too.

    Today I went and volunteered at the Wetlands Sanctuary. I shadowed a field trip for a sixth grade group from a STEM middle school. It was fun, I learned some new things, and I think I will be a good fit for their programs. I am going back tomorrow for a 2nd grade field trip, and again next Friday. Eating was okay, in part because I was out of the house for much of the day! Got my steps in today too. We had a Mexican casserole for dinner that was really good - sort of like your enchiladas Patti.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, wow about your back! Aren't you lucky that knowledgable people were right there? You are smart to give your back a couple of days off, though painting doesn't sound like a rest! Good news on your mom's glasses too - it seems like everything costs so much these days, so it is good to get a break once in a while.

    Janet, such freedom! Are you using any mobility aids now? Or are you able to put all your weight on your foot already? Carrie is still only putting about 25% of her weight on her foot, and it gets purple and swollen.

    Cindy, I need some clothes too. I've been putting it off, hoping the scale would move, but I think I'll have to cave also. I am planning a stop at Kohl's tomorrow after the Sanctuary trip. I can't just order and send back.

    Bert, I'm sure you will be relieved to have time off from your students. Will you do this again next semester?

    Karla, sounds like you are about ready for this cruise. When is Glenn's retirement date? It seems like it should be coming up very soon if I am remembering right.

    Suzi, keep it up! You are probably on your way home tonight.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, I live the idea of Amish country and will do some online poking around over the weekend. I'm suddenly thirsty for freshly-pressed cider. It's about a 10-11-hour drive from here and just the right time of year. It's also the weekend AFTER Columbus Day weekend so shoukdn't be as crowded anywhere. Mom's mother's family was from Somerset (a bit west of Lancaster).

    Also found out for sure that my cousin's daughter is being married In Ohio September 30 sonthe weekend of 10/13 is definitely clear for me! I might even dip down to WV and visit other cousins on the way there or back.

    Patti, great news for your mom, and a big savings too. Your back needs rest - happy the painting didn't aggravate it.

    Diane, the field trips volunteering sounds like a blast. There l's nothing like seeing things through the eyes of children. I'm using a cane even though it makes me feel ancient, and at Target or Walmarr I'm using the motorized carts. Yep, swelling and pain here too but that will pass in time. I have PT this morning and will run a few errands after, then maybe a nap (typing this at 2 AM).

    Karla, it'd be fun for Glenn to see his PA relatives. You'll love the terrain up there.

    OK - time to try to get back to sleep.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early, but I don't have to be anywhere today! I'm so happy to have a day "off" to get things done around the house and do what I want today! Yesterday's eating was good, and I got in 9,700 steps.

    Cindy: I'm with you trying on clothes at stores. It can be very frustrating. I will enjoy my summer with no responsibilities at St. Mary's. Yes, I will take students in the fall. I'm hoping they all will be focused and take the responsibility for their own education and not rely on me to "coach" them the entire semester.

    Diane: Yes, I'll take students in the fall.

    Concerning the Oct. 13 date, It's a 10 1/2 hour drive for me. I'm not sure I would drive that myself as I'm pretty chicken about traveling by myself.

    Have a great day, eveyone!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I looked at both places, Cindy. They look fabulous! I'll see what I can do.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Sounds like we have a tentative plan- I looked at Ohio Amish but the Lancaster website had more going on- Diane we may lean on your for advice... seems you're in the loop. Anyone up for a winery ;) Always looking for more research for the next book series.
    I was over by 60 calories yesterday- best day all week and the splurge was on nuts. Heart Healthy.
    Patti- Glad Mom is seeing with her glasses again- sorry the back is still an issue. Is painting taxing it?
    Bert- I thought you lived in Ohio- I guess I have you living closer to Patti than I thought.
    Janet- Will that trip be too long for your back?
    Diane- happy shopping. It was tough but I know I'll feel better if I have something that doesn't highlight the mid section weight gain which is where most of it went. Dame menopause.
    Need to edit only on Chapter 4 and I have a self imposed deadline.
    Last night at marriage therapy was very positive- At this time Rick seems to have heard what I've been saying and he said last night he wants to work hard for our marriage. I also think the new meds he started a month ago are helping. He's not happy he has to take more meds but in the end I'm hoping he sees the long term benefits.
    Until next time
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Been easing into my day, no alarm clock for the first time in over a week. Still up earlier than I planned because the little dogs wanted it that way. Ohio Amish country is gorgeous with lots to do also, but further for Cindy to travel, about 9 hours. There are 5 or 6 towns within about 10 miles of each other. Lots of B&Bs, cabling, cottages and the like. Just throwing it out there for thought. I have never been but it is a fall destination around here for lots of folks. I believe it is very similar to Lamcaster. I am up for what works best for the groups. I know Karla will have to travel the furthest and I think there are Wyndam hotels in both locations. October is a very popular time in Amish country so we probably need to make a decision and book our lodging.

    Cindy, will Meg be joining us? That would be so nice. I hope Rick continues on his current path with meds and attitude. He obviously cherishes you and seems to be willing to work for you. Hope you are enjoying your LR day.

    Karla, I bet you are in a tizzy getting ready for your cruise. I know it will be a very special time for you and Glenn.

    Janet, I hope PT isn't too rough on you. I know it will all be worth it but hate thinking of the amount of pain you are enduring.

    Bert, a day of celebration for you, schools done! time to enjoy more you time.

    Suzi, what are your plans for the weekend? How did the rest of your trip go, successfully I hope.

    The painting does not hurt my back. Mostly just had to use the roller, very little brush work as I did that earlier. My gym classes require core strength and include lots of squats, lunges and one legged exercises. These are the things that seem to have set the spasms off in the first place. I think I am just dealing with some swelling in that area now. Walking/standing don't bother it thank goodness since I have to work the next 3 days. Glad to report that my new shoes are working pretty well. My feet don't start hurting until nearly the end of my shift and I don't wake up with foot or knee pain. I am thinking the back spasms may also be due to adjusting to these new shoes. They have a 12mm offset to correct my over pronation. Still struggling get back on track. Need to retrain and exercise my NO muscle!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, sorry, didn't mean to leave you out. Your volunteer job sounds so perfect for you. So excited for you becoming a grandma to a baby girl. When is she due?
