OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Sorry for the late check-in but have better late than never!

    Cindy, big hugs. I cried reading about your dad. Prayers will be going up often for all of you. Glad you had your Meg time - & she had her mom time.

    Good news at the doc - am off the scooter and in one of those big, black Frankenstein boots. I'm to wear it except to sleep & shower. Shower? Did I say shower? That's happening as soon as I finish this post. Will get PT (doc wrote a prescription for it, have some exercises to do as well. It'll take a bit of time to acclimate to the boot - am walking like a drunken toddler. And of course there's some expected pain. My stance, hip, knee & whole leg reoriented themselves to accommodate the stupid foot, so substantial retraining is needed, but the x-rays looked good and I see the doc in another month. (Need to make appointment with oncologist and will have to do the low-iodine diet for a couple of weeks before I get followup scan.) I have a a list of appointments to make - starting with hair!

    Thanks for your love and support during this recovery - it means the world.

    Bert, lovely photos. You look fabulous and Mike's family all look so happy. Sweet wedding gown - the flowy, soft skirt and flower crown are just so pretty.

    Treated myself to a Starbucks egg-white breakfast sandwich after the doc (230 calories and tasty). Tracked it and have done OK on food for the day.

    OK - time to start running the water for a REAL shower without fear. Onward to the next phase of recovery!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited April 2017
    Janet, so excited for you! A real shower, walking without the scooter and being able to make plans for a more normal life, you must be one happy girl. Hopefully we will be able to get together for lunch in the not too distant future. So very happy for you!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet - Yay! Enjoy your shower, relearning to walk will take time, don't rush it. Hoping for similarly good news for Carrie tomorrow.

    Bert, I now got home and got a good look at the pics. The one of you and Mike is terrific. I also love the pictures of the bride - she looks glowingly happy, and I love her hair and wreath!

    Patti, congrats on the weight loss! Hope that was most of the vacation damage, and you are now on track for real losses. You are keeping so busy that must help.

    Oh, Cindy, things are just dumping on you deeper and deeper. Sorry to hear about your dad. I would see if you can get him to get a second opinion. My FIL was diagnosed with pneumonia, never really got much better, and passed away from an undiagnosed lung problem about 4 months later. My mom has been living with COPD for years, and I know how difficult that is. Hugs to you.

    Suzi, you are on the road again! Do you ever unpack?!? Good luck with staying on your plan this week.

    Karla, are you recovered from your busy weekend yet?
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    I was able to get mom's taxes mailed in, her email switched over, sign her up for more service/minutes for her tracfone, and do a few other things for her. Then I stopped at my sister's "on my way home" (really 45 minutes out of the way) to deliver to her some end tables that John had refinished for her.

    I ate totally within plan today, tracked everything and am still under my daily allowance if I account for the exercise I got at the gym today! Only bad thing is I did not get my 10k steps in. I will have to double down tomorrow after I get back with Carrie from her doctor appointment. That is a three hour evolution because we need to drive to Baltimore in morning rush hour, so leave 1.5 hours before her appointment.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Our new lawn mower will be delivered today. Mike has tried to fix it numerous times, and it still wasn't working. So we decided to invest in a new one. It was 11 years old, so we can't complain.

    Janet: So glad to hear your report. Good luck with the PT.

    Have a great day, everyone! I have a visit this morning and need to get ready. Breakfast is tracked. GNC protein shake.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    Tuesday is a much better day I've decided. I have one good day of eating and walked last night for 40 minutes- felt good.
    Rick and I have been having LOTS of long conversations - therapy has been especially hard on him and last night for the FIRST time he took responsibility of his issues. He said he was sorry and will do his best to make change in himself and how he treats me. I'm not sure if the new med is helping but he asked me to go with him next week- to his med therapist. Still many long miles ahead of us but for the first time in a very long time I have a slight glimmer of hope for my marriage. I just pray it won't smack me in the face- again.
    I talked to dad yesterday and he slept great Sunday night- he had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and my Step mom was supposed to call his primary care for an appt- I'll call them later today. I don't think he has pneumonia- as he never had a cold prior to being diagnosed. So I'm suspicious. And of course I voiced my opinion to them both and said the doctor really need to dig deep into what is really going on.
    Thank you to everyone for the support. I'm strong- but even this pushes the foundation of my soul just a little bit.
    Janet- how was the shower? So happy for you!!!
    Diane- hoping Cari gets the same news at her next appointment.
    Bert- you're a very beautiful woman- Mike is a lucky guy to have you on his arm.
    Patti- congrats on the "Tracking" thing- you reminded me it does work.
    Karla- you and Glenn looked like you stepped from a Southern Living magazine- loved the yellow bag.
    Suzi- where is the next adventure with Tulip?
    If I missed anyone I'm sorry-
    Wishing you velvet red wine wishes and chocolate truffle day- LOL
    Sorry don't know why that popped into my head.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Rainy day in the valley, but I will be spending the day with mom so that is my sunshine. It still amazes me that every week we talk the day away and never seem to run out of things to say. She is sharp as a tack and one of the funniest women I know. She has been concerned about not being as active as she should be so she got a little pedal machine. One she can do while sitting in her chair. It inspired my sister, who is 58, to get one too. My sister has been basically inactive for the last several years. Since her accident last fall she seems to finally be invested in better health and more activity. She has lost a lot of weight and is feeling so much better. I am heading back to the gym after a 3 week hiatus for vacation for me and my TRX trainer. Hope she doesn't kill me, lol. Tomorrow I am going to Columbus with my GFs in the morning. There is a really great artsy/crafty place we love and it has the best restaurant. Menu filled with fresh and locally sourced foods, all uniquely prepared. I have only been there at Christmas and have been wanting to see what they offer the rest of the year. Then I have to work 5-10pm. Work asked me if I was interested in a "key holder" position, which is lower management. I told them if I could fire people I would be interested, lol. These young ones are starting to wear my nerves a bit. They have no work ethic and don't have very good customer service skills. What is worse they don't care and it shows. Oh well, I will be going to 2 days a week starting June, Monday and Wednesday 5-10 and they may not even need me both days as summer is our slowest time. I just want to keep my position and will pick up more hours and weekends again in the late fall.

    Cindy, I so hope this is a good sign for you and Rick. Continued prayers for your dad. We all feel your pain there. Good for you getting back to taking care of you so quickly.

    Diane, I think some days you have to know that it is ok to not get your 10K steps, especially with all the other stuff on your plate. Don't beat yourself up. Praying you get good news for Carrie.

    Janet, are you still glowing from your shower?

    Suzi, have a great on plan travel week.

    Karla, are you back to your routine this week? Anything fun planned? My brother just spent a long weekend in Mobile Bay at Dauphin island with his bride of 44 years!

    Bert, I have been trying to get Edd to buy a new mower for years but he keeps cobbing ours together, it is really a sad affair. Out grass is really getting long but it keeps raining. Plus Edd has been working every day delivering phone books, mystery shopping and helping the son on his rental. He works harder now than when he has a job.

    Better get to the bank for mom and head over there so we can laugh and talk the day away. Life is so very sweet, velvet red wine and chocolate truffles indeed!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Wow - what joy that things are so active here already this morning! Shower was sublime. My poor leg & foot are molting like a snake and that will continue for a bit. Have a couple of very small raw spots but that's expected. ("It puts the lotion on its skin ...") Am in considerably more pain than I was, but that's part of the healing & it will improve over time and with work and wear - it's all good. My foot was so messed up that I will now be walking very differently and ouch for now! Walked sans boot to the bathroom during the night to take thyroid meds and survived. Grateful for the boot. Another "first" this morning - poured coffee into an open-top mug. Have been relying on my most excellent Thermos push-button "mugs" that seal securely and keep coffee warm for the last three months. It's weird what little things do for morale! (Yeah, I'm weird, but you already knew that and love me anyway.)

    Diane, thinking of Carrie and keeping everything crossed for her appointment today. I confess I crack up with envy reading about both you and Patti working on homes and doing all manner or handy things - best I can do is cooking and needlepoint. When it comes to anything construction or mechanical, anything beyond assembling something from instructions is out of my wheelhouse.

    Patti, 4.4 is astonishing. You've been so active at both jobs and are rocking it. I smile every time I think about you and your mom hanging out, and about your finding just the perfect gig for you at Joann! After a way-busy Monday I am thankful for a rainy day to stay in and chill.

    Cindy, perhaps the medication is helping Rick to see things more clearly. I know you will take things as they come, guard your heart and stay prepared either to rebuild the marriage or end it gracefully if that's the right thing to do. Please make time for yourself, and for Lucinda.

    Bert, am also a big fan of protein shakes - pretty much the only beverages with calories that I drink, aside from the occasional adult beverage or a glass of unsweetened almond milk or V-8. Haven't tried the GNC ones yet but am quite fond of the EAS AdvantEdge low-carb, high-protein ones. Need to stock up on those.

    Karla, how many hours of work are you down to now? When's your beach trip? Will you see your dad and Kerry too? Still praying for your family, especially your brother. And wishing I could raid your closet too. A BIG clothing-organization push lies ahead for me, and it will take considerable on-feet time.

    Karla & Bert, you and your husbands are just the cutest couples - beautiful women married to handsome men who clearly love them. So happy for you and still holding out hope that before I'm done I might find love too - or at least a guy to do stuff with.

    Suzi, you are happily busy with many things. Part-time work suits you. You still have time for Dave, garden and the pups. 17K steps - wow.

    Made appointments this morning to get some pampering Thursday afternoon - manicure, then onward to the hair salon. The Drunken Toddler spiffs up! Also made annual oncologist appointment for May - not looking forward to the low-iodine diet for a couple of weeks but need to make sure the cancer is still gone with a scan.

    OK, I've taken up enough of your time - have a lovely rest of the day. Later, dear friends!
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Quick stop with no personals, since I've been on the go all day and still have to do grocery shopping. Carrie can bear weight! Doctor said PT twice a week, learn to put weight on it for about a week with the boot, then graduate to very sturdy shoes! He looked at the cute ankle boot she was wearing on her other foot and said "not like that!" So we went shoe shopping today to try to find something that meets that description that fits her still swollen foot that isn't too ugly and not too expensive. She found a pair of hiking shoes, and will take those to PT tomorrow to see what her therapist says. All the tennis/running/walking shoes were either too flexible, too bright for her, or way too expensive for something she doesn't like and won't wear unless she has to. ($130!) WE then went to pick up the swim suit she had ordered at the store, and looked for shorts for her. Then to Home Depot to get a closet bar for John to make her a ballet barre for her room. She has written out a series of ballet warm-ups she would actually DO if she had a barre in her room, where she won't do the prescribed leg lifts etc. In Home Depot she drove the electric wheelie cart - first time she has tried it.

    Janet - Carrie recommends soaking in Epsom salts for the scaly foot. And gently using a pumice stone - DON'T go get a pedicure! Carrie has been not wearing her boot in the middle of the night either, but not putting weight on it!

    Off to the grocery store. I just ate some mini carrots while I typed this, so hopefully won't be sabotaged by being hungry. I don't usually shop this late in the day.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. What a fabulous day we will have today. It's sunny and is to get in the 70's. I'm looking forward to being outside this afternoon after I get home from a visit. I hope everyone is doing well. I'm making bacon and eggs for breakfast and will track it. Have a great day, eveyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    A quick drive by today as it's hectic- off to do a job fair in a few minutes so in the home office but my how the morning has flown-
    So glad to see everyone doing well.
    Carrie and Janet are both improving- doing a happy dance in my chair.
    Since I won't have a lunch hour I'm going to end the work day early and be LR for an hour.
    If anyone interested I've made a lot of subtle changes to my website- check it out- I'd love feedback, also Meg has set up an instagram account and I have a Youtube channel- I've been busy... in spite of everything going on.
    Need to run but hugs to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello everyone from Panama City! Yes, I came over early yesterday morning. I'm at the eye doctor with my dad now. He still gets the eye injections. At 88 and blind in the other eye, it is routine maintenance at this point per his doctor. Of course my dad's house was atrocious in the cleaning element, so I started dusting and polishing g this morning. I cooked a big a big pan of baked spaghetti, roasted new potatoes and garlic rolls last night. It's their favorite dish. Kerry ate two platefuls! He is doing well, but his Pekingese is not! My other brother and I are taking her to the Vet today. Half her hair is gone from her back, she's screeching in pain. Kerry doesn't want us to take her due to his fear of doctors (his past emotions and reason of his own disability) but Keith and I are doing it anyway.

    Glad to read of all the positive healing and progression of Carrie and Janet! I know it's been a long haul for you both.

    Patti- Congrats on the scale victory!!! Enjoy your time with your mom and with your girlfriends. I'm glad your sister has increased her activity and lost weight too.

    Diane- You are a whirlwind of activity!
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, am thrilled for Carrie! Wow - only a week in the boot. Even ugly shoes will be an improvement. So happy for this news. I need to make PT eval appointment too. Reorienting the entire leg will take time but I'm up for it.

    Karla, that poor pup. Sorry Kerry has allowed her to go without a vet visit when she is clerkly in pain - his issues shouldn't extend to vets, but I understand. Your dad and brother will be well fed and their home immaculate before you leave.

    Cindy, you're a ball of fire! Will check out your site.

    Bert, this weather really makes a difference. Hope your visit goes well too.

    Still hungry all the time but have nine days on target. Want a bigger meal (more lean protein, maybe even some turkey bacon) soon but pleased that I have been on plan for longer now than in several months. WE CAN DO THIS.

    Hugs to all.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Janet, Carrie has been in the boot (out of a cast) for the last six weeks - but non weight bearing. So she could start flexing her ankle, but couldn't put weight on it.
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Ah - got it. Thanks for the clarification. I was in a succession of three casts (after the splint they put on at surgery).
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Late night check in. Had a great day with my GFs. Bought nothing but lunch was looking very. House made chicken salad, light on the mayo and lightly sprinkled with almonds accompanied by luscious fruit and abundant fruit- slices of watermelon, cantaloupe, muskmelon and pineapple; grapes and a big, juicy strawberry. No breakfast so I splurged on a cup of homemade Reuben soup, yum! Got home just in time to change clothes and make a turkey sandwich for dinner. Work wasn't bad. Nice to have time to give extra attention to those that needed it. However, my first customer of the day was high as a kite, was farting while I was helping her pick out fabric and was gone from the counter, looking for something, so long I was afraid I was going to find her in an aisle in need of narcan! Was happy to see her leave.....and she bought nothing, just wanted samples of 8 fabrics!

    Karla, feel so bad for Kerry's poor dog but understand how things got that way. Hope you and Keith's intervention gives the poor little thing some relief. I bet they were both happy to see you. I know they must love your cooking and pampering them.

    Hi to one and all. Have to get to bed. Mom has eye appointment in am. Hoping he gives her the OK to get new glasses and that she won't need another shot. She had her last one in Jan and her sight seems to be back to baseline. He said as long as there is no new hemorrhage or swelling she does not need any further shots. Fingers crossed.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Sorry had to post and run earlier and just getting back! On the run all day. Proud to report Princess is much better. The days will be getting better and better for her. The house is clean and did over 9k steps today. Dad and I enjoyed some good setdown talks and we have an early bird breakfast planned before I head out .

    Patti- My dad had another injection today and it was a breeaze and his eye feels great. He has no blood but the doctor feels at his age and being sighted in only one eye, it is maintenance at this point. Geez about the stoned patient, I laughed about her passing gas!!!

    Cindy- Why do men push us to our limit before they will admit any wrong doing or fault of their own? I'm over her this week partly because Glenn and I had a falling out,

    Diane- You are very observant in your evaluations of us all my friend. I'm sorry your loved ones have been having such health issues. You have really been the Rock of Gilbtalor for them all. Don't forget about Diane and her classes and her dream volunteer job! Family first I know, but when the time is right, gooooo.

    Suzi- Have you heard of the series Hart of Dixie on Nrtflix? I think you would love it. Turned my brother onto it and now he's hooked. It's based on our area of the world. Refers to Mobile and Fairhope slit.

    I better get to be, I have to get my honey home tomorrow. I didn't even get to see my BFF while I was here!


  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good morning all! Today will be a busy day. I've already been to my exercise class and the grocery store to get some fish to cook tonight. I don't like buying fish until the day I plan to cook it. Now I'm resting up for a few minutes before I go out in the yard and get to work. Yesterday John rented an edging machine and edged all the beds. Then he left for a two day business trip. I spent over two hours weeding, trimming a few shrubs, and spreading the dirt left by the edging machine. We had 30 yards of mulch delivered that I need to spread over the next few days. It's a big pile of mulch!

    I'm also busy due to Holy week - church both tonight and tomorrow night, then two services on Sunday with a brunch in between. And I invited people over for Easter dinner on Sunday - son and DIL, DIL's dad, and two of my cousins, plus the three of us. It will be casual, but I still like to decorate a little and will cook a nice meal. It will definitely be an indulgence day - I have a chocolate strawberry tart that I will make that is delicious! But with 8 of us, there shouldn't be any of that leftover at the end of the day. The rest of the meal is veggies and yogurt-based dip for appetizers, ham, au gratin potatoes and asparagus for dinner, and that tart for dessert.

    Karla, you are certainly the caretaker of your family. I know your brother and your dad love having you visit, in addition to all the cooking, cleaning and errands you do for them.

    Patti, I thought of you when I saw a meme on Facebook, something like, I deserve an award for not punching rude customers. The Joann's near me employs a deaf woman. I have watched people shout at her, thinking she will understand them if they are just loud enough. She actually does reasonably well at lip reading, and using gestures. She is also very quick to get another employee if you have a complicated question. I hate it when people are rude to her.

    Janet, it is amazing how little things like a regular coffee cup can add up. I know Carrie was thrilled when she got out of her cast to be able to wear something other than yoga pants or pajama bottoms. I continue to be in awe of your ability to deal with your recovery all on your own.

    Cindy, keep up the attitude! You have worked so hard, and if Rick is willing to put in the same work, your marriage is worth salvaging. But don't let him take advantage of your hard work without putting in some of his own. It has to be a two way street.

    Bert hope your visits the last few days have gone smoothly. I would be beyond frustrated with the ones who are not putting in the work.

    Suzi, I think you are traveling this week, correct? Stay strong on the road! Road trips have always been trouble for me. I so want a candy bar and a soda, or chips, as I drive. Very hard not to indulge.

    Okay, I've put off the mulching long enough. Got to get out there.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Quick drive by post today- work is hectic after being out of the office again and quite honestly I'm done. Need a break.
    Dad is doing Ok- and has a doctor appt scheduled for next week. My Mom is going to Meg's for Easter- just an 8 hour drive for them - so happy. I'm cooking for Rick's family.
    Last night dinner was off the charts- we took his son and DIL and family out of dinner - the place I had planned my meal around was closed so they wanted to go for fried Polynesian- can you say food disaster? But it's all behind me now and I'm on track for another good day.
    Rick's not have a good day- we have therapy tonight and I think he's having a mini freak out. Oh and he didn't do the task she assigned us- we talked about it and I said I would be prepared. So, well you know. As Diane said he has to put in the work too.
    Big hugs for everyone - need to run
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    A quick hello before I leave for manicure and then onward to hair salon. Lordy, I need it!

    Diane, please don't be impressed by my alleged courage. Just doing what I must because there aren't other options. You just learn to do what you must and get on with it. Yes, tears were (& are) shed about having to go through quite a bit these last few years without in-home support, but those are the cards I've been dealt and must play so I muddle through as best I can.

    Karla, good to hear that Princess is doing better - you are a godsend to your dad, Kerry and his adorable dog. Sorry you weren't able to make time to see your BFF. When is your beach trip with Izzy - end of month?

    Patti, glad that woman left, but what a pain (and an aromatic one at that).

    Cindy, good luck tonight. Rick's lack of preparation for the session (sadly) speaks volumes. His condition is paralyzing him and you can't do more than you already are - including being a gracious Easter hostess.

    Yesterday was dicey but I stayed within limits despite having Peeps (my cleaner brought them to me). Am feeling a splurge meal coming this weekend but ...

    Eye doc visit was good but (Karla, you can relate) I have blepharitis, which I had suspected - dry eyes, lid inflammation & some clogged oil glands. I have a protocol to follow and the special cleanser to use after hot compresses twice a day. He's not concerned & unless something goes weird, I'll see him next year.

    Am in much more pain than I've been the last several weeks, which is to be expected when bearing weight early in the 12-18-month healing process. And of course the doc gave me LIGHTER pain pills this time - glad I still have some Percocet left. Will take on if needed after I get home, then plan to take it as easy as possible for a couple of days, with elevation. Hey, i can work on taxes!

    Big hugs to everyone - off to attempt to become human!