OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I've been doing better about tracking, though not necessarily about staying within my limits! Karla, I agree about going back to the WW GHG. I'm having a salad with some leftover mexican spiced chicken, so making my own little Chipotle salad! Got to increase those veggies. Calorie counts weren't helped by the fact that I went out to lunch the last two days, and I'm going to a friend's for dinner and Mah Jong tonight.

    Karla, your TT put me in the mood to make my black bean salad this weekend. Recipe to follow.

    I started this about two hours ago and need to get doing other things - will be back later.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Cindy: yes, I just went to my endocrinologist. Thyroid is good. I had blood panel a few months ago. Cholesterol is on the high side. Thanks for asking.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Last night my BFF and I went to see Ragtime at our local Community Theater. We enjoyed the performance and had a nice time together. Greg arrived at Lindsey's last night, so they are together for the weekend and Monday's practice round. We are all hoping the weather forecast will be wrong as there is a 90% chance of rain that day. Hmmm.

    Yesterday's eating was ok, but could have been better. I went to lunch with my friend and former principal. I had a salad and 1/2 serving of lunch portion. Then ate dinner out with BFF before the show. I increased my protein and tried to make healthier choices.

    Breakfast is tracked. Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all -

    To clarify, Cindy - I'm not done with the scooter yet, except psychologically - almost 11 weeks now. Hoping to ditch it for real, at least some of the time, after my 4/10 doc visit. It would be so nice just to go to Target!

    Karla, sweet pics of Izzy from the event. She is SO mini-you. I refuse to download an app from Walmart but AM using their website to order groceries and the pickup service is working well I have them put everything into the back seat on driver's side, as close to the door as possible, so I can grab bags and hang them over my handlebars - must be quite a sight but grateful nobody sees it.

    Suzi, welcome back - hope the storms haven't whacked you. My hair hasn't been cut & colored since November - as soon as I can walk, I'll go in. And will also make an appointment with my manicurist.

    Bert, is Mike driving to Augusta or flying? Hope he's not flying into Atlanta and having to brave the I-85-closed insanity to get up there.

    Diane and Patti, hope you are both having a grand time on your adventures.

    Making it a quiet day here. Time to make a grocery list, then maybe a little nap. Hugs to everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. Yesterday was a busy day. No formal exercise, eating not the best, mostly carbs again. Today is better, lots of walking with some successful yard sales this morn and some Easter Egg shops with Izzy either pictures with the Easter Bunnyvand a pony ride. I have over 7500 steps already.

    Glenn is doing the first grass cutting for the year. I'm relaxing with a nice cup of tea while Izzy and JJ are playing.

    Diane- Yum for that black bean salad!! Is that the one from the Better Home & Gardens plan we did?
    I think it has mandarins in it too. I loved it.

    Bert- Eating out frequently seems to set me back. I think the water is where I really need to focus. Let's both try to get that up this coming week and see if it makes a difference. Want to?

    Cindy- I know Meg and you are thoroughly enjoying yourselves with the audio business.

    Izzy is wanting to go outside, so let me run.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hmm - I put in two updates from my phone which failed to post. John was using the computer doing our and my mom's taxes yesterday and today, so just now getting to use the computer. Not going to try to recreate the personals I had, but will move forward from here.

    Mah Jong night last night was tons of fun. It was just Carrie and I and our good friend plus a friend of hers who taught us. My friend already knows how but has been trying to get us to play, so this was a teaching night. Loved the game!

    I've been quite proud that I have managed to get my goal of 10K steps every day this week!
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! I've had a couple of really busy days. LOTS of flower planting, and also repotting and propagating house plants after moving them outdoors a week or so ago. I'm at 8,834 steps and counting for today without any planned exercise.

    Cindy and Karla - I promise to send you both my tracker this evening after supper. I've given myself a "free" meal for breakfast today, hoping an "allowed" treat will satisfy my sweet tooth and help me stay on track more easily without feeling deprived. We'll see how it goes. The last few times I've allowed myself a sweet treat, it hasn't sent me completely off the rails. Maybe I've learned to have them in controlled portions??? That all being said, please CALL ME OUT if I fail to send my tracker any day, because if I'm not sending it, I'm just ashamed to own up to what I've been eating!

    Diane - great job getting your steps in! That's my goal for the coming week - along with sharing trackers with Cindy and Karla. I've played Mah Jong on the computer and iPad, is that the same thing y'all did?

    Janet - I can only imagine just how frustrated and psychologically "so over it" you must be with the knee scooter! My 6 weeks with a broken foot in a walking boot was about all I could stand. It will all be worth the frustration when your ability to walk without pain is restored. Who knows, we may make a hiker out of you yet!

    Bert - I think I've missed something. Practice round??

    I think I'm in and mostly down for the evening. Enjoying a glass of my favorite wine, after a shower and watching good basketball that I have no particular commitment to while it's raining outdoors and Dave's making homemade pizza for supper. Life is good...

    Type at y'all later,
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    So here is my Black Bean Salad recipe. It is very filling - all you really need with this for a meal is a small amount (3-4 oz) of grilled chicken with taco dry rub or same of beef - we like it with a small amount of Flank steak, marinaded in a Mexican marinade. The cilantro is TOTALLY optional - I've blended this from two different recipes, one of which had cilantro and the other did not. I entered it into the recipe tool, and it comes out to 165 calories per serving (recipe serves 4 heartily.) Here's the link, but I don't know if you can access my recipes, so I've typed it in too.

    Black Bean Salad
    1 cup frozen whole kernel corn, thawed
    1/4 cup minced red onion
    1/2 cup diced red bell pepper
    1 can low-sodium black beans, rinsed and drained
    1/2 cup grape tomatoes (optional - don't use if you aren't going to eat it all in one sitting)
    1/2 cup chopped cilantro (optional)

    2 Tbsp lime juice
    1 Tbsp olive oil
    1 tsp ground cumin
    1/8 tsp salt
    1/4 tsp pepper

    Mix all salad ingredients together. Mix dressing and pour over salad. Best made a few hours ahead and left to marinade.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Suzi, no, real Mah Jong is sort of like a Rummy type game, where you have to get sets and runs to make a Mah Jong of 14 tiles at once. The computer/ iPad one is just a matching game. I enjoy that too, as mindless diversion! I play Mah Jong Trails on the computer - do you play that one? If so, I could use more friends!

    Bert, hope the weather clears up for your men. We had almost 2 inches of rain here yesterday, and today was colder than forecast and overcast much of the day. Hoping for better tomorrow. How was the garage cleaning?

    Janet, once again you and Carrie are lock-step. She too is just so tired of not being able to walk! Her April Fool's joke today was she posted on Facebook that it turned out she was allergic to the metal they had put in her foot, had gotten a severe reaction and they were preparing to amputate! Got my fingers crossed for your doctor's visit - Carrie's is 4/11.

    Karla, walking is walking, and if you were enjoying the Easter stuff and the yard sales, so much the better!

    Cindy, how is Meg settling in? I'm sure you are having a lovely weekend. Hoping it is low stress for you!

    I cleaned and loaded the RV today for our little trip next week. We take most of the stuff out for the winter because in the past we have had mice move in. So I got lots of steps and stairs today!

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm up early today. Molly was calling! I also have church today, so I have to be there by 8. I got the garage somewhat organized. At least Mike's tools and other things are put away. The garage would take all summer to really organize. We have old paint that needs to be disposed of. It is taking up several cabinets. They usually have one day a year to dispose of old paint, but haven't had one in a while. I think I'll investigate as this would really help unload it.

    Suzi: The Masters awards practice round tickets through a lottery system. Greg won 4 tickets, and their day to go is Monday. They went in 2009 with Lindsey's first husband as he won them too. Mike loves the Masters; golf period! I'm so hoping it won't rain.

    Karla: I agree with you on the water. I simply don't drink enough. I'm going to try to do better. Ironically, I drink more water when I eat out! So sorry to hear about Brutus. My heart is with you through this difficult time.

    Janet: Yes, Mike drove to Augusta and was caught up in the Atlanta traffic as well as traffic in the Chattanooga area. There is always a semi in the mountains that has trouble at some point along there. Mike said the traffic was awful in Atlanta and didn't know why until he got through it and saw it on the news. He's investigating another route to get home.

    I'm having my GNC shake again this morning. My goal is more water today. I ate pretty well yesterday as I stayed home all day. It felt good not to have to go anywhere. Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning, I can't seem to catch a break. Although knew Brutus has had kidney disease, I just wasn't prepared for his quick passed early this morning. He lost use of his legs as his disease took him over. At 3:30a he soon me up and he was completely paralyzed in his legs. We took him to our 24 hour Get and had him peacefully put to rest. My get had too me in February after some tests, his kidneys were really horrible. Oh, this hurts so bad.

    My brother is doing better, he called this morning too, and may be coming down soon.

    Diane - I'm going to make that salad this week. I always keep low sodium black beans on hand. I will add some mandarins oranges as they are so good together. I will post a recipe this evening.

    Suzi- I have my trackers to send to you too. I didn't quite make a thousand calories yesterday, and over 11k steps.

    Bert- Glenn took his son's and five grandson to watch the Pro's play golf today over in Mississippi.

    I'm so drained after last night. Prayers again for me.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi. Karla, my heart is with you especially today. Brutus was your baby and you gave him a wonderful home and life.

    Bert, we need organizing elves! I hope to resume once I am more mobile. But first I need to get away for a few days.

    Hope everyone else is having a lovely day.

    Karla - big hugs.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Karla - I'm so very sorry. It's just not fair that you had to lose Brutus now with everything else your family has been through. I still think we should all be given a pet at birth that would share our lifetime. It's just so very painful to lose them. I still tear up anytime I try to talk about Laci.

    Janet and Bert - when your organizing elves get done, send them my way. I've got a barn I need help with!

    It's a rainy, foggy, drizzly, sleepy day here and I didn't even get a nap! We had Thunder tickets to this afternoon's game that started at 2, so no nap for me. BOO! And on a day when it's such good nap weather...

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Karla, I am so sorry for your loss of your beloved Brutus. But he hasn't died - he has just fallen asleep in your heart and his tail wagging in there hits you so hard it makes you cry. Please read this:
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Today was a good day. I haven't tracked, but I'm pretty sure I am good for the day. I went hiking with some friends today, and got about 20K steps! My feet hurt!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello my dear friends, got home about 30 minutes ago and unpacked the essentials: wine bought on the trip and our toiletries, lol. It was a 14 day in the car and I am so happy to be able to sleep in my bed tonight. I will tell you a bit about the trip tomorrow. Just wanted to let you know I am safely home and to send my heartfelt sympathies to Karla for her sweet Brutus. Diane I love your analogy.

    QOTD: why do we need to rest after a long day in the car, lol?
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is the big day for Mike. They were to be at the golf course by 8. No phones are allowed on the course, so I'll be looking forward to hearing from him this evening. Today, I'm heading to Indy to have lunch with my cousin and her daughter. My cousin has dementia which is progressing pretty fast.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! Just finished yoga class and now I'm going to do some weight machines while Dave does his spin class. As I walked past the front desk, I picked up a new pool schedule and they've added a HIIT class in the pool! It's right after yoga on Monday and Friday. Yay! I keep reading about HIIT (high intensity interval training) and how good it's supposed to be for WL. Now I'll have a chance to try it!

    Patti - glad you're safely home. Hmmmm....long car rides. If I'm driving by myself, I think I'm tired afterwards due to being hyper-vigilant while driving. I'm not sure what the answer is if you're not the one doing the driving - maybe you're a hyper-vigilant backseat driver??? I'm not usually as tired if Dave's driving, but he waaayyyyy backseat drives, especially in Tulip, although he will never admit it. Hence he does nearly all the Tulip driving because he says I make him too nervous. So he's gonna be worn out either way. If he could learn to relax more, I can do more if the driving.

    Diane - where did you go hiking? I so love hiking....

    Bert- enjoy your day with your cousins. I have one who sounds a lot like yours. When something is going on with her or her family, I usually find out via FB and have to be the one to initiate contact. That reminds me, I need to check in on her.

    Janet - will you be watching the big B-ball game tonight?

    Karla - great job tracking - especially when you've got so much grief in your life. Thank you so much for sharing trackers and helping me stay accountable.

    Cindy - awesome loss this week! Thank you, too, for sharing trackers and keeping me accountable.

    QOTD: back to our roots. What One Mini Goal are you setting for yourself this week?

    AOTD: for me, it's going to be earning 100 FPs for the week.

    Later gang,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning one and all. So good to be home and motivated to get back to eating healthy and tracking. Luckily I have never lost my commitment to activity so will not have to struggle on that front. Edd needs to lose weight too so he is totally on board with cleaning up our eating. We definitely indulged on vacation and I feel it, the scale shows it and I have forgiven myself.

    As I alluded to in my last post the car broke down on day 3 of our trip. Won't get technical but it was a miracle Edd caught it in time and we didn't overheat the engine and do permanent damage to it. Our dear friend in Tallahassee drove 2 hours each way to pick us up and take us to his house for the night. Then to the parts store in the morning and back to our car. He stayed with us until we were sure the car was fixed and then drove 2 hours back to his home. The only thing he would accept was our thanks and promise to pay it forward. The mechanic was also fantastic. He had a little two bay shop on the exit where we stopped, pure serendipity as there was nothing else for over 15 miles in any direction and the car was not drivable. He spent 4 hours of his time helping Edd and charged us a whopping $30! The only place for us to stay was a pay by the hour motel, hence the call to our friend in Tallahassee. Even when we have bad luck we have some good luck. The time we spent in Sarasota with our friend, her daughter, SIL and 2 grandchildren was a whirlwind of activity and lots of fun. The weather for this whole trip has been stellar and we were so happy to have the convertible. The bike rally was a gathering of about 75 Vintage BMW motorcycle enthusiasts. Met some new, very interesting people. One lady even brought her accordion and played for us after dinner each night. You don't see that everywhere you go! It was a lot of work prepping, cooking, serving and cleaning up for all the meals but a wonderful opportunity to be part of a unique community of women. Can't wait to do it again. Yesterday was long but uneventful. My sweet Frankie was so happy to see us and I gave her extra love thinking of Karla and her loss.

    Today will be busy getting back to my real life. Need to hit the grocery and do a huge stock up. Still need to unload the car. Get tax papers together. Call Edd's dr to get a referral to a surgeon to fix an inguinal hernia that is need of fixing. And of course, laundry!

    Glad to be home and back with you all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Suzi, Edd does all the driving for the same reason that Dave does with Tulip. I quit offering years ago. But I am hypervigilent as the passenger. Sometimes to the point of near panic attacks in heavy traffic.

    AOTD: back to tracking, the one thing that is my biggest downfall but my best tool.