OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    I'm hungry- I had my allotted calories yesterday- included an end of day snack of cereal but now the hungry monster has hit. I just ate a banana and will have the balance of breakfast in 30 minutes. So that will hold me until lunch. But I'm weighing myself every day now so i saw some bloat leave. I'll take the movement. LOL
    Karla- how sweet that mother and daughter are together for all time- my heart breaks for your family as I can't imagine what you all must be going through. Hugs
    Bert- glad you have fun with the kids.
    Janet- are you better today?
    Suzi- I'm sending you my tracker from yesterday. Be ready to be amazed- lol
    Diane- great progress for Cari- how are you doing with the tracking- one meal at a time at certain moments is fantastic progress,.
    Until later
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, friends. A bit better today - the weird weather caused the setback, I think. Nothing big, just really annoying. Going to stay fairly quiet today and try to hold out on food until later. Have been craving egg salad so may hard boil some eggs later. And regardless it's fvhie infeel, I am going to make a big salad for my main meal, with smoked salmon or tuna.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Bert- You have that right!'

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning dear friends. Back on track yesterday with tracking and eating and exercise. I must take care of myself before I can help others.

    Suzi and Cindy- Sending you my tracker as soon as I finish here.

    Yesterdays's TT: I concur with Bert, coming here and reading your posts and seeing what you all are doing to gain control gives me strength. Even with all the obstacles we all face. We fordge on.

    I put in a phone call yesterday to the State Trooper, Mr. Woods, that is investigating my niece's accident yesterday. I am hearing some horrible rumors and I want to know first hand what went on. I also want to know why they didn't give my brother an offical notice.

    TT: As we move into the Spring season, what outside activities do you look forward to? How does this enhance your journey?

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, ladies. Mike was called into work today to help with a busy day of concret pours. He's happy to help out. I'm heading to the gym again today.

    TT: I enjoy gardening. I'll have to do it in spurts like I did last year as my back and knee won't handle continuous weed pulling, trimming, etc. I also enjoy walking outside.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. I did indeed track everything both yesterday and today. Stayed within limits yesterday, but Carrie and I went out to lunch today to Paladar (Cuban Rum Bar) and I am over for the day, even with a light breakfast and a smoothie for dinner. Oh well. We wanted and needed a nice treat. She had a doctor's appointment about her knee this morning - it is still very painful even to kneel on her bed (no knee scooter for her, Janet!). Dr. wanted to do an MRI, which of course is not possible. Dr thinks it is just retained fluid, so gave her some exercises to do, and will have her get a CT scan if it doesn't improve. Then we did several more errands involving getting the wheelchair in and out of the car (longer distances, like the mall) or her crutching her way (shorter distances, like the fabric store). Then I came home and took a long nap! Probably won't sleep well tonight, but I was so tired.

    Karla, what is going on with the accident? I was so surprised the bus would have left your niece there alone.

    TT: I like yard work - not the weeding while I am doing it, but definitely the results! I kind of enjoy mowing and trimming. And I love going for long walks and hikes.

    We are leaving Carrie here for three nights next week and going camping. A friend of hers will stay here at night but has to go to work during the day - will feed cats and replenish Carrie's upstairs ice water before she leaves for the day, and help with similar stuff in the evening. We have a chair and stool by the top of the stairs so she can get herself from sitting on the floor to her walker, so she can get up and down stairs, just can't transport anything that won't go in the tote she puts over her shoulder. Ice water is the big thing. Carrie will experiment with cooking for them, and if that is too hard there is always the microwave :).
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Diane, she'll be fine. You and John need a getaway and this should be a good time of year - probably decent weather & uncrowded campsites.

    Karla, I am appalled that your nephew wasn't notified, but that is all eclipsed by the horror of what happened.

    Bert, what will you be planting this spring?

    Cindy, how are things in Loudon?

    Busy day here - did laundry, house got cleaned and cleaner put clean bedding on (with help from both cats, who think it's fun to play with sheets). Head is clearing, albeit very slowly. Thinking I might possible re-achieve human status by end of week.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Mike is leaving this morning to travel to see Lindsey and Justin. Greg got lottery tickets for the Masters Practice on Monday, so they are all going. I'm happy he is getting to go. I'm going to work in the garage while he is gone and will try to organize somewhat. It's a mess, and he doesn't take the time to put things away. He will be pleasantly surprised when he returns.

    I was over 100 calories yesterday, but did get 8K steps in. I worked out at the gym as well.

    Janet: I plant Gerber Daisies in my front flower garden. They are pretty and bloom all summer long. The rest of my gardens are perennials, so all I have to do is weeding. Mike has done a lot of weeding this spring, so it should be manageable,

    Today is cleaning. Bedding will be washed, and I might start on curtains (the ones I can wash) too. We shall see. It's storming this morning, and that makes me nervous as Mike will be traveling in it.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    Update on my niece's accident: I spoke with the State Trooper that is investigating the accident. He said there were no eye witness, except the man that ran over her of course. My niece had gone home, her back pack was found on the front porch. The home she was living in was about 50 yards from the bus stop, so that was why she was left. No one knows why she was on the road, beside the road, or exactly WHERE she was. I advised him that a man that works for my husband has relatives in the town where my niece lived and knows the man in the accident and it is widely known he is an alcohol drinker. I asked about the toxicology test. He assured me they were done. I inquired about why proper notification wasn't conducted to my brother, the child's father. He found out by an phone call advising him to look into the accidents, he looked on Facebook, then he called the State Trooper's office, which was the day AFTER the accidents. He advised they did not have his information and made notification to the grandmother. whom, I told him, is suffering from Dementia. He said it was performed. I haven't told my brother I called. I called because my dad is beside himself wanting to know how it happened to his granddaughter and was having many of his relatives from the area calling and telling him all kinds of rumors. Trooper Woods told me he could meet with my brother and I over in Gadsden when it was completed and go over the findings. I asked him to call me first and I would plan the trip up there. Such a dreadful event.

    I have been spending so much time with my Izzy since it happened as they favored each other and were both so very smart. None of us are promised another day...

    Suzi and Cindy - I sent my tracker this morning. I think, it came to me too. Let me know if you received it.

    TT for yesterday- Swimming! I cannot wait until my pool is warm enough to get in. It is usually the first of June before I am comfortable in it, but the grandkids are in it by the end of April. LOL. It feels so good to float and move all my body parts suspended in the deep end.

    Diane- I also like the feeling of a nice trimmed yard and flowerbeds!! It is so rewarding when you do it yourself also. I concur with Janet in the need of John and yourself for the getaway. I bet Carrie will feel more independent also. I cannot wait until Glenn and I can get to our retirement time. I have trimmed down five more hours off my work week just this week, it feels good. Summer is coming!!

    Bert - My housekeepers came yesterday and my floors always look so great. I had them flip my king size mattress on my bed too. It is a highboy Rice bed and I have not had them do it in a very long time. I told Izzy yesterday that we are going to clean out everything in her closet this weekend. I wish the weather wasn't rainy, I wanted to take her and JJ to the beach.

    Patti- I sure do miss you if you are peaking in. But, I know you are having fun! I hope you haven't had any car woes.

    Janet - Has your head cold or sinus infection totally left your body? I sure hope so.

    Izzy and I rented the movie Inside Out last evening and we fell asleep on the couch watching it. We also went shopping for Easter clothes and beach attire yesterday. Pictures follow. We didn't try them on at the store, so she paraded them for Papa and I after we got home.

    I have a doctor's appointment this afternoon and tomorrow. It has been a week full of them. Today is the Endocrinologist to give findings on my thyroid and the bone density. Tomorrow is my Neurologist. I am having more twitches in my face with all the stress.

    TT: Are you tracking on a daily basis? What tweaks do you think you may need to make on any of your nutrient intakes? What about your water intake? Do you get at least 64 ounces daily? Do you keep an eye on the WW GHG's?

    TT answer: Yes, I have gotten back to my daily tracking. The tweaks I need to make is getting my carbs back down. No, I am not drinking enough water. Obviously I am not watching my GHG's. I am getting my healthy oil as I have started having the egg white omelet every other day and I get the one tsp on olive oil. I hate that it has 40 calories though!

    Have a great day, yall.


  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    I have been faithfully tracking since Saturday here- I'm super hungry and certainly can't delay a meal- but hopefully this too will pass and I'll really get into a groove. I'm also trying to remember to send the screen to Karla and Suzi- some days are better than others.
    The writing scene is hectic- I'm working on the new book, #7, I still haven't heard from the editor but I've been taking advantage of some pod casts and very fired up to build my reader base- I'm doing a promotion on Good Reads for 2 signed copies of Lost and Found. I think I'll do BHnH too- at some point.
    Karla- your niece went home and then back out- so tragic. I think some how it makes it harder to bear. She went looking for her Mom I'm sure. Hug Izzy tight.
    Diane- so glad you're going camping- Carrie will do fine. You need some time with John.
    Bert- Spring cleaning seems to be in full swing at your place. Enjoy.
    Janet- how is the sinuses? Scooting around?
    Patti- missing you but know you're having a ball
    Suzi- When do you head out again in Tulip?
    Need to run
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Afternoon

    Karla: So sorry for what you and your family are going through. It's so difficult when a parent loses a child as well as the adult relatives. What do your housekeepers use on your floor? I'm think I need to have my floors stripped and resealed.

    TT: I just got a reality check. I took my measurements and am NOT happy with the results. I do track everyday and am close on my calories. I exercise every day. I don't drink enough water, so that will be my mini goal. I just can't seem to lose. Very frustrating.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all - I hav ben lax on tracking everything and am going to start again because it works. Have let myself be particularly unaccountable the last couple of weeks. Sinus infection not gone completely yet but it is getting better, day by day. Scooter life is getting old - imagine walking a bicycle into the bathroom at 4 AM - but it means I'm on the downhill slide of this phase. THere's a year of healing and preadaptation ahead, but being able to start bearing weight will be a biggie. Sometimes I almost wish I could use crutches, but not with the replaced knee, which is getting tough stress as it is. Also need to see oncologist and get followup scan to make sure thyroid cancer is gone for good. As soon as I can walk, much to do!

    Karla, still praying for your whole family.


    Diane, please travel secure in the knowledge that Carrie will be OK, especially with a friend staying there at night. My big advantage is that I have no stairs (just a short drop out front door or into garage) but I have managed entry on my own, with a few exceptions for cat care and trash going out. I use the car to bring in mail - a hassle but safest way.

    Bert, lucky Mike! Dad gave me a love of watching golf
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Quick check in. I have read all. No cell service most of trip so far. Had major car trouble on day 2, in nowhere Georgia, but all fine since then. Been time beaches, parks and all things outdoors. Did some painting, cooking and playing a new game. Have thoroughly enjoyed every minute so far. Almost to Tallahassee for the last 4 days of this trip. Will be lots of cooking, serving, dishes and laughing with some wonderful vintage BMW enthusiasts. Home late Monday night so will not be back until Tuesday here.
    Have thought of you all with special prayers daily for Karla and her family.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti- glad you checked in!!

    Janet- you too!

    Proud to report I did 30 minute burn this morning. At Endorse now so better run.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Not a good report from the Endocrinologist. Lost 5% bone loss in hips since last scan. Evista not working. Now switched to Actonel once a month, very pricey, but more bone building. Geez. Tomorrow I have the neurologist and have to report to him that the twitches are worst, I'm sure due to the recent stress. I also had to call my ophthalmologist, as the cut down on my prednisone was making my left eye hurt. Geez, I'm a mess.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, hope the new med helps with the osteopenia and that eye stuff can be quickly fixed with a med change too. The twitches are no doubt exacerbated by stress.

    Patti, good to see you pop in!

    Can't sleep (obviously). Hoping for a quieter day today. Had an unexpected call from my ex - to thank me for sending his mom flowers for her birthday. Then he got all depressed and negative (Cindy, thought of you) and I was kind but honest and drained after the call. Another friend needed company after a panic attack and a dear friend's dog started chemo. Quite a day.

    TGIF - wishing everyone a good weekend. Let's all promise to do at least one extra-kind thing for ourselves. We deserve it.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's rainy today. My goal is to organize parts of the garage today. It will be a good day to do it.

    Karla: Sorry about your report. Stress can do a lot to the body.

    Janet: You did have quite a day. You're very nice to send flowers to your ex's mom and help others during their trying times.

    Breakfast is tracked. I'm hoping to get some good exercise in today. Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning All-
    Breakfast and lunch and tracked but not eaten yet- oh got to track my coffee. Note to self.
    Meg is coming home next weekend to help me with audio books- so much fun.
    Karla- sorry the physical stuff is so difficult at the moment- you're staying on top of everything which is important.
    Bert- have you had your thryoid checked and a full blood panel recently? There might be something off since you're struggling so hard with the scale.
    Patti- great to see you- looking forward to Tuesday when you're back in the groove with us.
    Janet- It was so good to read you're done with the scooter- well not that you still have to use it but you're right, once you hit the wall you're much better. When can you start bearing weight?
    I've had almost a week counting easy morsel in my mouth. I'm seeing the scale inch down. I'm weighing myself daily and have finally gotten over the shock of the number staring at me. But interesting yesterday I ate within calories- but we had subway for dinner. needless to say I have much water retention so the scale was frozen from yesterday. I guess my body likes lots of veggies and lean protein at night. So tonight baked chicken breast with lots of veggies and I'm pushing water today.
    Have a great day all.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good Friday morning! A week of four consecutive days of tracking and yesterday I finally hit over 10k steps too! I also completed the 30 minute burn DVD by Leslie Sansone, so, I am paying attention to Me! Today I have a facial scheduled at 10am.. I love my Massage Envy membership.

    Janet- My ex has been calling me for various reason too. Mostly about Jason, but I can tell he is lonely too. You are such a special friend. I hope you can get a nap. Have you thought of using the Wal-Mart grocery app? My girlfriend Tammy loves it. You order on it, drive up, flag on the app you are there, they come out and put it in your car, you sign the iPad, and off you go. You probably already use it. I'm going to try it soon. She says if you order a 8 ounce item and they don't have it, they substitute a 16 ounce for the price of the eight. Too cool. I wonder when Target will do this?

    Cindy- I am excited for you on the audio books. Tons of people use them. Maybe you can get in Cracker Barrel as they sell them? What a great business for Meg and you too. Good for you on the tracking and weighing. The sharing really helps!!

    Bert- I want to clean out the two spare room closets this weekend, but we will see. I have my grandkids, and fun times come first!

    Social Security is working on my case. I have had multiple calls and four packets from them yesterday. I best go start filling them out.

    TT: Please share a summer salad or fruit recipe you look forward to making very soon.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! I'm back from cell hell AKA the lake house. Quick check in. I'm sitting in the chair fixin to have my hair colored and cut. More later,