OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hi all, I'm okay. Just busy with family and an ailing fur baby. As you know Brutus is over 14 and has kidney failure
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Sorry, got cut off. Visiting my son today. Pray for my Brutus. He is losing weight and the Vet that had been treating him the last 4 years said that would be the sign of his decline. I just can't bare this. This Vet moved away and I do not like the Vet I saw last month. He wants to do dental surgery on Brutus in this weakened status. Although he told me the bloodworm he ran this week shows his kidneys are horrible, his words. He is very crass. I'm going to Jason's Vet next time. I've got him on PediaLyte and Rachel Rae's healthy dog food. He loves it. He is not in pain. He still barks and goes in and out. I won't let him suffer at all. Just breaking my heart though.

    Diane- I know you were getting discouraged about your slow weight loss on your last post. Please come back and let's come up with a good challenge! I need the focus.

    Patti- thanks for inquiring about me. I've had grandkids this week, work and Brutus. Your apron is cute as is. I'm sure your surprise party will thrill your friend to no end.

    Janet/ The picture of your two kitties was gorgeous on Facebook! I know you are enjoying some basketball.

    Cindy- There are many pluses about being alone. One thing my best guy friend used to say was "wishing you were!" I have a feeling you won't be single too long. :)

    Check in later,


    TT: can we all come up with a good challenge to get us all in the weight loss game?
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited March 2017
    Hi gang! I'm checking in from the pedicure chair which is massaging my back while my favorite team of nail technicians work on my ingrown toenails! They were getting bad before the hiking trip, but I didn't get a chance to have them worked on before we left. A week of hiking certainly didn't do them any good.

    Karla - good to hear from you. I'm so sorry about Brutus. It sounds like much the same thing Laci went through. Our wonderful vet who I've known since I was a kid and would trust with my own life said as long as she was happy, eating and not in pain, to just let enjoy what time she had left. He also told me that Laci would let me know when it was time to let her go, and she did. It's a horribly painful process to endure and if your current vet is not compassionate and caring, find another one who is. You and Brutus don't have to go through this with a jerk! Jerk was not the original word I used because it doesn't adequately express the sentiment, but MFP changed my word to kitten which made absolutely no sense.

    Patti - I loved your Taco Belle costume! Can't wait to hear all about the party!

    Cindy - by going to an additional counseling session, you and everyone else involved will be assured you've done everything you possibly can before taking that final step. As Patti told you a few days ago, no apologies are needed and you're welcome to vent here anytime you need.

    Janet - your Michigan boys did in my O State Cowboys, but we gave 'em one heck of a game! Holy cow! That 3-point shooting was something to behold!

    Bert - sorry about the arthritis diagnosis, and very glad it's not something more serious. Did the doctor give you any info on exercises that would help?

    Regarding Karla's question about a new challenge: I've been doing a good job of tracking, but not staying within my WW points. In a purely selfish suggestion, what would help me is to stay within my points budget. How about a challenge to stay within our points and/or calorie allowance?? We could include daily posts reporting our results for each day.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello all, day getting off to a slow start, but much to do. Slept in for the first time in weeks. Probably because I stayed up way past my usual bedtime. It is what happens when Edd is gone. He went to the cabin with the son and his friends to celebrate St Paddys day and do some work on the son's cabin. Off to the store in a minute to finish up my shopping and then put the food together for tomorrow. So much creativity going on for this party. I also need to get my clothes and other items packed later. Luckily the first leg of our trip is just a short 5 hour or less drive and then 2 days of relaxing with some wonderful friends. Had a nice long phone visit with my cousin. She is home and doing well, just very tired. I love her like a sister. Had her laughing and calmed some of her fears before we hung up.

    Karla, poor Brutus and poor you having to go through this. I have lost 4 wonderful Danes since being with Edd and each one hurts more than the last. All we can do is shower them with all the love we have while we can.

    Suzi, good to see you back.

    Bert, that was moderately good news from the doc. Arthritis is never fun even in the small joints. I agree about avoiding prednisone if you can.

    Waving hi to Janet and Cindy

    As far as a challenge, I will just have to wait until I get back to join the fun but definitely need to get to work and stop playing with my plan. Not comfortable in my skin or clothes these days. Glad I have kept up my exercise or I would be a true mess, lol.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, you are a blur of motion. All that and packing for a two-week trip. Yikes!

    Karla, our hearts are with you. Suzi was right - you will know - I sure did with my beloved Maggie the cat, who was within weeks of 19 when kidney failure got her. It just hurts the heart. Glad Jason gets a brea today to see family.

    Bert, I have both osteoporosis (since childhood) and almost certainly rheumatoid arthritis - need to see a rheumatologist once I am abe to walk. Doing much of anything out of the house right now is a serious challenge!

    Cindy, hang in there. It's after the 17th now and with luck, he will be moving out soon. I know that will be bittersweet, but the rest of your life is at stake and you will not let his illness drag you down. If you find any way (when you're ready!) to meet decent men, please let me know. I've looked online and ... EGAD! Ummm, nope.

    Suzi, do the pups run toward Tulip and beg for a ride? OK State did give our guys a GREAT game - one you hated to see either team lose.

    I think I'm getting a cold - got really tired yesterday and low-energy, stuffy head. I think I'll try CVS curbside pickup if my store offers it. No biggie, just annoying! My cleaner was a week delayed due to illness so she may still have had a few bugs.

    Ah well - hugs to all. Haven't been eating real well this week but am ready to RE-re-re-re-restart seriously. May do a SHORT-TERM something to get me out of the grazing habit.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Karla: our Brutus was 15. He had congestive heart failure and definitely told us it was time. He looked at us and said "help me" with his eyes. He was losing control of his bowels too. It's been 5 years and I think about him every day. It's difficult to go through, I know. You'll know when the time is right. Get another vet to help you through this in a dignified manner.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    You guys are so sweet about Brutus. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    edited March 2017
    Good Morning, Ladies. It is going to be sunny this morning, but chilly. I'm getting the house ready for tomorrow night's church ladies' group and then I'm heading to Chicago for a quick trip to see Penny perform in Aladin, Jr. Greg will be 41 on Thursday! Wow! Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Sunday blessings to you all!
    The only things left to do is make the guacamole, cook the stuffed peppers, load it all into the car, set up the venue and then PARTY! Can't wait to see her face as she takes it all in. My mom made her an "Appi" pen in case she eats a poison apple. My mom is such a gem, wish she would go to the party but large crowds, especially full of loud people she won't know, are just too much for her.

    Have a glorious day
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, I bet the party was a gas. Happy, safe travels to you and Edd.

    Bert, you will love the play - pictures, please.

    Hi to everyone else. Thinking I'm battling a little sinus infection - can do a telemedicine visit from computer this week if need be & pick up Rx at drive-thru.

    Going to move to the bedroom now. Best to you all!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Party was a huge success and a total surprise for my dear friend. Her granddaughter, the pastry chef, made a Jim Shore inspired Snow White Cake. So many wonderful friends shared the day. It made me realize how much our lives ar entwined with each other.

    Bad news, the car we were planning to take to Florida exploded after the party, right there in the church parking lot! So stay tuned for plan B. Probably take my car and pack light.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Tonight is the meeting at my house. I'll be getting the house organized today and will definitely get a workout of some sort in today. Not much else to report. Haven't lost any weight.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hello Ladies-
    Sorry I was MIA - very rough weekend- Rick and I had many long talks over the weekend and our marriage has hit rock bottom- I was extremely open and honest about how he has treated me over the last 3 years- I did ask him to leave on Friday and the second thing he said-"Is there someone else"
    I was shocked- and said so- that first conversation didn't last long as I took off for a while.
    He has asked the I go with him tomorrow to his med appointment and asked for us to keep the appointment with the marriage counselor. Which I have agreed. Needless to say we are still under the same roof but he knows I'm not listening to any nonsense.
    I know he is scared to be alone but not my monkey or circus. I think what the plan is for the week is best as he's already back pedaling on seeing his therapist weekly. I told him I've been seeing my therapist weekly to help me and I'm not suffering from depression.
    Then last night he asked me to go on a cruise with him- good thing I was sitting down.
    I responded we were in no position to discuss vacation plans with our relationship dangling by a thread.
    I did tell him that my sadness and stress has caused me to lose focus on taking care of my health- exercise and diet. When he tried to take the blame, I told him I was responsible for lack of motivation and putting the food in my mouth and chewing but that he was responsible for how he treated me. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my heart- I unburdened myself and I can face the week- despite the fact it will be hard.
    And yesterday I rode my e-bike for 30 minutes and today I'm ready to take real control of what I put in my mouth.
    I feel strong!!!
    I don't have time for personals at this second but I wanted to share wit you where I am at this moment. You have all been a rock of support and for that I will be eternally grateful.
    Karla- So sorry about your fur baby- Give him extra love and when he's ready to cross the rainbow bridge he'll take your love with him. XXOO
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, no words. Just hugs and comforting thoughts. Not your turn to watch him. And the cruise thing is mind-boggling. I feel bad for the guy, BUT ...

    Patti, better the car blows up there than on the road, I suppose - you've already had that joy.

    Bert, enjoy the meeting.

    Karla, how is Brutus today?

    Excellent news - my great niece was born last night at 9:50 PDT. No name or weight yet but Jelly Bean is here!
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Hello all. Happy first day of spring! We will in the 80's today!! Sunny all week. My Petunias are looking great.

    Patti- I must have missed the post where you got your car back!! Yea!! I hope the bill was too painful and it runs nicely there and back for you. The weather is gorgeous down here. So definite top down!

    Cindy- Great that you are focusing on you! This week I'd like us, that want to participate, post our daily points or calories. This ensures we track too!

    Bert- Are you in? Points or calories each day posted?

    Janet- I don't know if you are tracking right now with your convalescening, so you may pass on this new challenge. But if you are, jump in! Brutus is doing well, I'm watching him closely. Welcome to your sweet great-niece!!

    Suzi- This was your idea and I hope you will encourage us all by being here .. leading us with your points..

    Challenge: Starting tomorrow, list the day before total calories or points. Today or tomorrow, list what your daily target is.

    I am at work so I better go.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Ladies, please say hello to Cady! (Cadence Rose). She was 7#, 15 oz and 20.5". Everyone is healthy. She is already reportedly very good at eating & pooping but not do frat at the sleeping part. Can't wait to see Caleb holding her. r4axbyi0v69s.jpg
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited March 2017
    Karla- I will proudly carry the torch and will even start a day early. For reference, my current daily points target is 30 sp's (smart points for those not following WW) with 35 wpa (weekly points allowance). I'm not eating/using my fp's (fit points) earned for exercise, but have a personal goal to earn 100 fp's weekly. I've not been hitting that goal very consistently lately, so in addition to not exceeding my WPA, 100 FPs is a focus this week.

    Yesterday - 32 points, which leaves me with a remaining WPA of 33. 11 FPs earned for my 9,245 steps, giving me a total since Saturday, my WI day, of 20 FPs. I also did 2 1/2 hours of gardening, but only counted the steps, didn't add that specific activity for additional FPs.

    Janet - congratulations, Auntie! Cady is absolutely beautiful.

    More later,
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Today's results: 30 Sp's; 33 WPA remaining; 8 FP's for 60 minutes yoga and 16FP's for 13,560 steps giving me a total of 44 FP's towards my weekly goal of 100.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Ladies-
    Count me in for the challenge- but that means I have to start logging- :) good push.
    I'll be back. Counting points again.
    Cady is adorable Janet- when can you travel to see her???
    Diane- hope you're doing well
    Suzi- I need to refocus on WW- you're my inspiration - so thank you
    Karla- Nice warm spring day for you-
    Patti- safe travels
    Need to go log food- be back.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Mornin' y'all! 95 yesterday afternoon and mid-80's predicted today. We woke up to 65 on my back porch this morning. Things will normalize some tomorrow with highs dropping back to 60's and 70's the rest of the week.

    Cindy - I'm happy to be your inspiration and I'm willing to also be your tracking buddy if you'd like. Trading trackers with my meeting buddy, Beverly! at the end of each day was a great booster for me. No judgment, just accountability to do it. It morphed into into some self-analysis which has resulted in my personal challenges today. If you'd like to do it, just let me know and I'll send you my cell phone number. Beverly and I would just screenshot our trackers and send pix via text.
