OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Need to rant and vent. Just got a call from my cousin, the one who I spend my summers with and all my holidays with and who everyone says I share a brain with.....she has been in the hospital since Saturday. Had a mild heart attack, cardiac cath with a stent today and her husband never called me! She is diabetic and has MS too. I am so angry at him. He is Edd's cousin actually. I feel like driving to Columbus and smacking him. She just called me to tell me what has been going on. Ok, taking a deep breath and calming myself. She is doing great and had very little damage from the heart attack. Thanks for listening, I am better now
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Happy Pi Day! (3.14) You can tell I'm a math teacher! :o) I have a visit this morning and then a church committee meeting tonight. That should "round out" my day!

    Patti: I don't blame you for being angry at your cousin's husband. My family does the same thing. At least she finally called you rather than finding out information on Facebook. That's what I usually get. I must have missed something about the apron. What event is it for?


    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning all-
    Sitting in my kitchen while the snow comes down fast and furious. We are expecting 24 inches. the pups are happy to be with me so its all good.
    Patti- so sorry about your cousin and vent and rant any time.I feel like I've done a lot of that lately. Did you get my email?
    Suzi= pics of the pups in Tulip were so darn cute.
    Karla- glad the party was a success as I knew it would be.
    Diane- Feeling better yet?
    Janet- sometimes MFP is snarky about posts- when I get the suspicion its going to fail I quickly copy it and wait. If I have to start over I just paste and it goes smoothly.
    Bert- you made me laugh with the Pi reference-
    I need to work but
    HAPPY Birthday Janet :smiley:
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    edited March 2017
    It is cold with a few flurries, less than an inch but none of it stuck to the streets, yeah! Sorry Janet, I know you were hoping for at least one real winter day before spring sets in. So here is the apron, do you think it needs more. Don't want it to be too costumy or garish. Going to Mom's in a few and then the gym. No other real plans as I was a whirlwind yesterday, lol. News on the car. Super charger works, brain works but still not running right and they are waiting for a massive airflow sensor to be delivered. This was as of yesterday, so really hoping to have it home before we leave. Edd told them we wanted to drive it to Florida on Monday, so maybe they will put a rush on it. Trying not to even think about the bill!

    Janet, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, hope my card got there in time. Again, sorry no snow for your birthday, that would have been the perfect present for you.

    Cindy, I did get your email. I sent Meg an email inviting her to call, email or text me any time. Will try to establish an actual meeting with her when we get back from vacation the first of April.

    Bert, have fun with your round day of Pi! My BFF is turning 70. Sunday is a surprise Disney themed costume party for her. I made her a Snow White apron as her surprise costume. I am in charge of the nacho bar, her favorite food, so I decided I would be Taco Belle, Disney's newest princess, lol.

    Back later. Tell me what you think of the apron and if I should add some taco pockets (I have taco shell colored felt) or tacos on the hem
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's cold today, but sunny. I have a visit this morning and am finally getting my hair cut today. It's in definite need of a trim.

    Patti: What a cute idea. The party sounds like fun.

    I need to run. I'll check in later.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Girls-
    We got about 18 inches and thankfully Stella is no longer darkening our skies. The sun shines bright today.
    I think my blog post will be about Stella and the blizzard of '17- :)
    Patti- the apron is adorable- are you wearing the taco crown- if yes- nothing more is needed.
    Thanks for touching base with Meg- she was really excited to get your information too- she needs someone close she can count on for a bit of support from time to time- she said you'd be a mom - extension lol
    Janet- we have lots of snow for you.... I'll send you a picture.
    Bert- same haircut? I am goign on Saturday for a new cut and color- can't wait. Starting to take care of me.
    Update on life- I have agreed to attend another session with the marriage counselor- which is not slated for next week due to the storm.
    I'm going to help him understand we're not good together. He has been "good" for 4 days but the cracks are starting to show. I can no longer take care of him and not have my physical and mental self suffer- I love him but together life is most days intolerable. He asked if I could live alone and be happy- I said, absolutely. I'm fine taking care of just me.
    He was shocked- but I was being honest. I've pledged to be honest and try to stay kind through the next steps. He has to take care of his mental health- it is not my responsibility.
    I won't keep talking about it here- unless I really need to unload. but not to worry- I'm feeling better than I have in 18 months.
    Need to get back to the day job- but wanted to check in.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Cindy, you are getting stronger and healthier every day. I love your honesty with him, us and mostly with yourself. If you need or want to talk here, please do, we care and are on your side. Never feel that you can't keep talking about your life with us. As I think back I am amazed at how much of our hearts and souls we have laid bare in this group. I have never felt judged or made to feel less of myself. We are an amazing group and it belies all logic that it works but I feel blessed every day that it does. Wish I could go back and read our first tentative introductions to each other. How far we have come and what a bond we have formed.

    Getting lots done today. Want the house to be nice and clean before we leave. Have been chatting with the party planners this morning as we get our last minute plans together. Hoping for about 25 people to show up. The decorations are looking so cute. My dear friend is going to be so surprised. She thinks the family is meeting for dinner at Brios. I have to work today and Friday but will have Saturday off to finish the shopping for the fresh food items and to pick up serving utensils and dishes from the restaurant supply store.

    Until later
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    I finally got my hair cut! It's the same cut which is a great cut. My hairdresser didn't talk about her divorce, so I don't look like a poodle today! :o) She's talking about getting laser lyposuction done at a local tanning salon. I certainly hope she knows what she's doing. I don't think it sounds safe.

    Mike and I went to lunch today. It was definitely impromptu which was fun. I made an appointment with my doctor today in hopes of getting an x-ray done for my hand. I'm having horrible pain around my thumb/wrist joint. I'm not sure if it's arthritis, coming from my neck, or re-ocurring carpal tunnel. Some days it hurts so bad, I can't hold anything or write. Geez.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi, all! Happy Ides of March.

    Thanks for the birthday wishes. It was a really good day - many texts and calls, even had a 20-minute FaceTime conversation with the exceedingly pregnant Julie (due date of Jelly Bean is tomorrow) and the incredibly adorable Caleb. I showed him each of my cats and then he kept going "meow" (they have two dogs). It made my day. He got less shy as we continued & gave me some megawatt smiles and giggles. He blew me kisses at the end of the conversation.

    Patti, your cards are always so lovely - thanks! So sorry to hear about your cousin - praying she will be OK. No excuse for her husband not letting you know. Gee, that apron is cute! Contrast pockets would be cute - you could do a belt with green for lettuce, red for tomatoes, orange for cheese, etc. out of cut felt or something. The party will be a blast. (Now I want tacos ...)

    Bert, glad you're not a poodle. So sorry you're in so much pain. Please get in ASAP!

    Cindy, you are a rock and Rick probably resents that. His attempt at guilt-tripping you smacks of sexism - why shouldn't a woman be able to live alone contentedly? Most of us have and I still do. Hope the counseling appointment helps him see that it is over and he gets his own place SOON. We are here for you whenever venting will help. Hugs.

    Hello to everyone else. Going to make my birthday dinner tonight (small steak - a rarity for me, but recent craving - and asparagus, maybe mushrooms too). Was busy talking with people I love and by the time it was quiet, it was too late to eat a serious meal. Now THAT'S a nice "problem" to have.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is my appt with my endocrinologist. Then it's shopping and lunch with my BFF. I'm actually looking forward to going to the doctor and not spending time on my college students! It seems like that's all I've been doing. My thumb joint feels better today, but I'm still keeping my appointment for tomorrow. I need to know what is causing it.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi everyone-
    I entered a chili contest today at work, so currently I have black bean and turkey heating in the crock pot. Just something fun and different to do.
    Patti- thank you for the kind words. I am strong and moving forward and I've never had an issue living alone. Actually there are some perks too- I don't have to worry about what I want to make for dinner or share the remote control. LOL
    Anyway- its still cold here, snow is starting to melt down just a bit.
    Need to run- but as always each and everyone one of you is awesome.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, enjoy your time with your BFF and I hope nothing is seriously wrong with your hand.

    Janet, how was your steak? I do love a good, rare steak but rarely have one. Have stopped ordering them out because they never get it den right and then I am disappointed and have wasted my money and calories.

    Cindy, I always enjoyed the cook offs we had at work. Stay safe and warm.

    My foot and ankle were killing me this AM so I skipped the gym, will go tonight for sure. Got so much done around here yesterday that I am taking a break. I may run to the restaurant supply store this afternoon, it is just a few blocks up the road. We shall see. I think Edd will be busy tonight so I may not have to fix dinner. Getting so excited for the party and vacation. My taco headband is cute and I think that is all I am going to do for my costume. I may do it up more garishly for Halloween.

    Suzi, are you home?
    Karla, what's up, you must be busy.
    Diane, when do you start your volunteer training? How is your knee?

    Mary Lynn and Myra, you are sorely missed. Hope you can stop by soon to say hi.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning.

    Bert, bet you'll have great people-watching in Indy with all the folks there for the basketball tournament. Wish I were there for my Wolverines. Patti, we'll have to see the headband - with your head in it. (The steak was lovely - saved the asparagus for today.) Cindy, turkey/black bean is my chili of choice too. Hope everyone else is well - miss you guys!

    Sunny and a bit warmer here.

    The tree in my front yard died (this is the third replacement since I got here just under six years agot didn't make it) - getting a maple put in this afternoon. Can't get the flaming orange kind here (apparently they've become the Bradford Pear of the maple world), so it will turn red, maybe some orange. I so want some fall color.

    Later! Started writing this post about 10:30 so you can see how chaotic my day has been.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Back from TRX. Was very close to just skipping it and am so glad I pushed past that thought. What a wonderfully supportive group. Kind of like all of you but with exercise thrown in, lol. I took it easy all day, as in I did nothing. It paid off and the class was great for me. Talked to the trainer about my foot pain and got the best advice ever. I have been wearing running shoes and it turns out I should be wearing walking shoes, which have more support and are sturdier. She is certainly one smart cookie. I will have new shoes before I go back to work after vacation. I will admit my knee and foot hurt righ now but not as bad s this morning. I will be able to make it through one more shift in the old shoes, which can now be use for TRX, Zumba and Pilates.

    Janet, sorry about the tree. Maples are beautiful in the fall and grow so very fast.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I have a visit this morning and then my dr appt for my hand. My endocrinologist checked me out yesterday and gave me some information about my thyroid. She said it has been on the "high side" of normal the last year. If the test results show the same this time, she will reduce my dosage. She said if the thyroid produces too much hormone, it will affect other parts of the body particularly the heart. She said it happens as we "age". :)

    My BFF and I had a great lunch at the Cheesecake Factory, and then we shopped. I go another pair of pants from a store called Lucy. It's primarily a workout apparel store, but I just love their pants. They are pricey, but the fit is great and the material is fantastic. I was also looking for a sweater to take with me to LA for Mike's neice's wedding in April. I'm not sure what the weather will be as my dress is sleeveless. I don't do much sleeveless either. I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, so I think I'll google to see if I can find what I'm looking for.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    edited March 2017
    Bert, I woke up with really achy hands - and yes, the left thumb base was the worst, so hoping to learn from you. Glad you had a good day. What kind of sweater are you looking for? Ann Taylor Factory Stores have good deals and basic cards at Lands' End are nice. You might find something at Target too.

    Not much to report here - rainy day on what would've been my mom's 95th birthday. Happy birthday, Eleanor! Waiting for April the giraffe and niece Julie to have their babies - still hoping for today for both.

    Just realized it has now officially been two months since my left foot touched the floor. That's good news because it means (assuming that the healing continues a it ha

    Have a lovely St. Paddy's Day

    Speaking of which, here's my favorite stupid Irish joke (don't worry, it's NOT an "ethnic joke").

    What's Irish and stays out all night? (scroll for answer)
    Paddy O'Furniture.


    Much love to you all.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, a bit of snow here but hopefully will be gone by the time I leave for work. Edd has gone to the cabin with the son and will come back for the party. Did not get any shopping done yesterday, so it is on for tomorrow. Also want to run my Mom's for a bit since I will be gone for 2 weeks. Hope work isn't too crazy, but there is a huge sale going on. They hired 3 new part timers, all will be starting while I am gone. We recently lost 3 part timers and one girl dropped her hours to one shift per week. I asked the boss if they were replacing me, lol. She assured me that my position was safe.

    Waving hi to everyone.
    Karla, where have you gone. Haven't seen you here all week. Hope everything is ok.
  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    Hi gang! Quick check in to let you know I've been reading, but just haven't had time to post since we got home.

    More later...
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi All-
    Came in second in the cook off- lost in tie and a coin toss. But all the money went to the United Way campaign- so its all good stuff.
    Still waiting to hear from the editor and have zero time to write this week but this weekend I'm jumping back into Loudon and save Dani, the new cook from What's Perkin? is in peril....
    Maple trees are lovely Janet- I have a huge one in my back yard.
    Patti- so glad you are getting new shoes for work. I'm sure vacation will be a blast.
    Bert- what about a short sleeve sweater over the sleeveless dress?
    Suzi- welcome home
    To everyone - have a great afternoon.
    I need to run out for a while.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. My BFF and I went to Children's Theater last night and saw Beauty and the Beast. They did a great job.

    I had my hand X-rayed and the doctor confirmed that it is arthritis. So, I'm just to take Ibuprofen, use heat and/or ice. He thinks I aggravated it doing something and it's just inflamed. He prescribed prednisone, but the jury is out whether or not I will use it. I'm not a steroids fan. I'm glad it's not my neck or shoulder causing the issue, and that's why I went to the doctor. We had a good conversation about new aches and pains at our age. Every day is a new adventure!

    Cindy: Thanks for suggesting a short sleeved sweater. That's a great idea. I'm on the hunt for something, but have a back up just in case I dont' find what I want.

    Janet: I never thought about Land's End. I'm also going to check out Amazon and QVC.

    I get to stay home today and not venture out if I don't want to. What a goood feeling. Have a great day, everyone!
